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The use of nicotinic acid for hair growth


Girls spend a lot of money and effort to grow luxurious hair. However, expensive cosmetic products and fashionable salon procedures often do not meet expectations. Many women would live easier if they knew that there is nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules. This drug costs a penny, but the effect is excellent. Apply this substance is very useful and easy, as they say customer reviews.

The composition and properties of nicotinic acid

In medicine, nicotinic acid is used to treat many diseases. These are hepatitis, colitis, pellagra, vitamin deficiencies, problems with blood pressure and so on. In cosmetology, this drug helps to cope with dandruff, strengthen curls and enhance their growth. This is explained by the fact that they very well stimulate blood circulation on the head of a nicotinic acid ampoule.

What vitamins for hair is in this preparation? By itself, “nicotine” is niacin, nicotinamide. Simply put, it is vitamin PP or B3. When the body lacks this substance, lipid metabolism is disturbed and the structure of tissues, including hair, deteriorates. This vitamin is partially synthesized by the cells of the body, but most of it comes from nutrition and drugs. Therefore, it is necessary to ingest nicotinic acid in pill form. The dosage can only tell the attending physician. Also, vitamin E3 can be rubbed into the scalp for greater efficiency.

Nicotinic acid use for hair

As already mentioned, niacin in liquid form when rubbed into the skin of the head increases blood circulation. Due to this, the capillaries are saturated with oxygen, which, in turn, makes their walls more elastic. Such an action has a positive effect on the hair. Nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth is good because it nourishes all the follicles. Therefore, premature baldness is prevented, and the strands increase in density. Curls cease to split, become strong and shiny. In addition, the appearance of gray hair is prevented, as the coloring pigment begins to be produced naturally.


Vitamin VZ is a drug. Before you begin its application, you should make sure that there are no contraindications to it. For the drug in ampoules, they are as follows:

  • Intolerance of vitamins of group B. It is the main cause of side effects. Manifested in the form of redness, rash or itching.
  • Skin diseases. If there are sores, inflammations or rashes on the scalp, increased circulation can only complicate the problem.
  • Low or high blood pressure. The substance perfectly expands blood vessels, and this can be a source of headaches and other ailments.
  • Liver disease. Nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair is very useful. However, its excessive amount in the blood increases the load on the liver.
  • Peptic ulcer disease. Niacin affects mucous membranes extremely irritatingly, which can aggravate the condition.
  • Pregnancy. Doctors prescribe "nicotine" to many expectant mothers, because it has a positive effect on the development of the fetus. However, uncontrolled use of the drug may adversely affect the course of pregnancy.
  • Breast-feeding. If it also should refrain from procedures with nicotinic acid. The substance can penetrate the blood into the milk and cause harm to the infant.

In any case, before applying the vitamin for hair growth, you should consult a specialist.

Expected results

As reviews show, nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair growth becomes a real find! With its help, you can not only increase the length of the curls, but also treat them. What are the results help to achieve vitamin B3?

Due to increased blood circulation stops hair loss. Damaged bulbs are strengthened, and new ones are activated. The cells of the head are updated, so the functional state of the skin is greatly improved. Pigment is produced, strands begin to shine and get a deeper shade. This allows you to delay the appearance of gray hair. With regular use reduces the fat content of the hair. Curls remain fresh longer, so there is no need for everyday washing of the head.

It is worth noting that you do not need to expect a breathtaking and instant effect immediately after the first application. Explicit visible results will be noticeable after the first course. But a healthy shine and basal volume will appear in just a few sessions.

Course duration

The duration of use of nicotinic acid in hair ampoules is directly dependent on their condition. Vitamin rubbed into the scalp can be ten, twenty or thirty days. It is recommended to use no more than three ampoules per day. Moreover, it is important to do this every day and not to miss the procedure. After a full monthly course, you should take a break of approximately fifty days. Only then can nicotinic acid be used again.

Allergy Test

Even if you do not have any diseases and you are physically healthy, you need to try a means of tolerance. This will help eliminate the occurrence of an allergic reaction when using nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules.

It is usually recommended to put a little substance on the skin of the wrist or on the area behind the ear and wait about fifteen minutes. If, after this time, rashes or itching do not appear on these tender areas, then the “nicotine” can be safely applied. However, for the beginning it should be limited to only half of the ampoule. If the procedure is successful, then the next time it can be used entirely.

The use of niacin as an independent means

Nicotinic acid needs to be applied only on a clean head. Even insignificant sebaceous excretions can prevent the penetration of nutrients. Therefore, first it is better to wash your hair and dry them with a towel. The shampoo needs to be chosen as natural as possible, since the silicones form a film on the skin that makes it difficult for the agent to penetrate. When the curls are dried, you can proceed to the process itself. How to use nicotinic acid ampoules for hair? Everything is very simple.

Open one vial and remove all contents. Shaking the liquid into a separate container is inconvenient. In addition, it is likely to cut yourself with sharp edges. Therefore, the girls recommend pulling the tool out of the ampoule with a syringe. After that, the needle must be removed. Now you can squeeze the required amount of vitamin directly on the skin of the head or first on the fingers. So the procedure will be more secure and comfortable.

If the scalp is dry, pre-dilute with water solution for injection in the ratio of one to one. This will allow you to easily and evenly distribute the substance over the entire area. Apply nicotinic acid to the skin, gently rubbing it with fingertips. Try to put quite a bit of money to be enough for the whole head. The second vial should not be opened, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction.

Dry hair in a natural way, without using a hair dryer. Otherwise, high temperatures neutralize the effects of the vitamin. If without a hair dryer at all, then use only the mode of cold air.

Nicotinic acid in the shampoo

Some women are more comfortable with nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules, mixing it with shampoo. To do this, immediately before washing the head, the detergent must be combined with one ampoule in a separate container. It is better to take a plastic cup. Shampoo again should be as natural as possible. Otherwise, the chemical components will negate the entire effect of the vitamin.

Spread nicotinic acid shampoo over your head and foam it well. Hold the composition on the hair for three to five minutes and rinse thoroughly with water. After four weeks of such procedures can significantly improve the condition of the locks.

Hair growth masks

For complex restoration and treatment of damaged strands, it is recommended to combine nicotinic acid in ampoules with other nutrient products. For hair it will be very useful.

Just do not need daily to apply to the curls different masks. On the contrary, from an oversupply of nutrients this can lead to the opposite result. It is better to make masks periodically. Two or three times a week will be quite enough. At home, it is not difficult to prepare healthy formulations. Use the following recipes.

Vitamin mask

Take a vial of nicotinic acid, half a teaspoon of liquid vitamins A and E, a tablespoon of flaxseed oil and egg yolk. Mix all ingredients thoroughly in a glass to form a rather thick mass. Rub the mixture into the hair roots. If something remains, then distribute along the entire length of the curls. This can be done by hand, but most conveniently - comb with teeth. After half an hour, rinse the mask with warm water. As a result of the use of nicotinic acid for hair in ampoules with other vitamins, you get a smooth and silky hair, shining with a healthy sheen.

Mask with aloe and propolis

For the preparation of this composition will require a vial of nicotinic acid, twenty milliliters of propolis tincture and fifteen milliliters of aloe juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly in a separate container. Apply the mask evenly on a clean and moisturized scalp, and then spread over all the hair with a comb with teeth. After an hour, you can wash off the composition with herbal decoction, but you can do it with ordinary warm water.

Multicomponent mask

This recipe with nicotinic acid in ampoules for hair loss is very good. But it is also effective in other problems due to the many components in the composition. You will need a nicotine ampoule, egg yolk, honey the size of a pea, ten milliliters of liquid vitamin E, the same amount of olive oil and fifteen milliliters of jojoba oil. Put honey in a small bowl. If it is candied, then melt it on the steam bath. After that, alternately add to it the remaining components, stirring constantly.

Before applying the mask is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo, but do not dry it. Rub the compound into the roots and grease it with all curls. Leave the nutritional mask for about forty to fifty minutes. In the meantime, prepare warm water with a little lemon juice. If the first time you can not wash off the composition, then re-rinse the hair with the addition of shampoo.

Vitamin PP in the scrub

Be sure to try the scrub with the addition of nicotinic acid in ampoules. For hair, this will be a real salvation if they suffer from dandruff or excessive fat. It is prepared from one ampoule of "nicotine", a couple of drops of any citrus essential oil and a tablespoon of fine salt. Mix all ingredients and apply on wet scalp. Massage gently for three to five minutes. After rinse the hair thoroughly with cool water.

Nicotine spray

It is very convenient to use nicotinic acid in the form of a spray. To do this, prepare a bottle with a spray of about one hundred milliliters. Pour into it a third of a glass of non-carbonated mineral or purified water.Add the contents of the ampoule and, if desired, a drop of essential oils of pine, rosemary, thyme and sage. Use the spray after each shampooing, spraying it on the roots with an ox. You can store this tool for three days on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

Customer opinion

Reviews of nicotinic acid are found both positive and negative. The latter are caused by the manifestation of an allergic reaction (severe redness and burning). Therefore, before using it is necessary to check the vitamin for tolerability.

Basically, vitamin PP definitely helped many women. They note that the drug helps to achieve a really good result. Hair begins to shine, grow faster, stop falling out and split. After several courses, the girls begin to brag about healthy, beautiful and long curls. They recommend the drug, the more it is not so expensive.

Where to buy nicotinic acid for hair?

Nicotinic acid is found in most foods, so the body rarely suffers its deficiency. However, it is often used to prevent various diseases, as well as to restore and strengthen hair.

You can purchase ampoules or tablets. In order to quickly restore the curls and accelerate their growth, it is recommended to take vitamin PP not only inside, but also use it for making homemade masks.

Instructions for the use of nicotinic acid for hair include taking one tablet twice a day, as well as using a vial per day for the preparation of masks. After taking the pill should drink it with plenty of water or milk.

The price of the drug ranges from 100 to 150 rubles.. However, in the pharmacy, you can purchase more expensive counterparts, which are produced in a more convenient form or contain additional components. But in fact it will be the same vitamin PP, so it makes no sense to overpay.

The use of nicotinic acid for hair

When using vials should be rubbed into the scalp. It is necessary to do this after washing your head. This method of use stimulates blood flow to the scalp, so the follicles get more oxygen, which is so necessary for their active growth. Increased blood circulation of the scalp can strengthen curls and prevent their loss.

Regular application to the scalp of nicotinic acid will reduce the greasiness of the curls. Apply the drug is extremely simple. In addition, you can use it yourself or as a component of natural masks.

It is recommended to use vitamin nicotinic acid with ingredients such as ginger, honey, herbal teas and tinctures, olive and essential oils. You can also add a little vitamin A and E, which improves the health of the hair.

Hair care with this tool should be regular. To restore curls, it is recommended to take a 30-day course. You should not use more than one ampoule per procedure, and the drug must be applied with your fingertips. And if you make a mask out of it, then with the help of a special brush.

Apply the drug should begin with the temporal regions of the head, gradually moving to the crown. For this it is more convenient to use a pipette. Use the drug should be daily. Before applying the curls are washed and dried in a natural way. It is not recommended to put on dirty ringlets. This is due to the fact that dirt and dust can get into the follicles along with nicotinic acid.

Use the drug should be immediately after opening the ampoule. Nicotinic acid disappears very quickly, so within an hour after the opening of the ampoule its useful properties practically disappear.

It is very important to monitor the condition of the scalp after the first use. If an allergic reaction occurs, it is necessary to dilute it with water in the subsequent application. Also in this case, it should not be used in its pure form, but as one of the components of natural masks.

Nicotinic acid for hair growth

In the autumn-winter period, as well as with weakened immunity, hair grows slowly, becoming brittle and dull. Nicotinic acid will help to solve this problem. It helps to improve blood circulation in the scalp, providing better nutrition to the hair follicles.

The use of acid for hair growth is recommended to start at the first sign of this problem.. If you do not start to solve the problem quickly, then in the future the treatment process may take longer. In this case, it is better to use the drug in the form of ampoules. It can be rubbed into the scalp or used as a component of healing masks.

Nicotinic acid against hair loss

If you are faced with the problem of hair loss, then nicotinic acid will help solve the problem of even partial baldness. In this case, it should be applied not only on the skin with partial hair loss, but also on the rest of the scalp.

However, when using this tool, you must carefully monitor the reaction of the body. If a rash or other skin abnormality appears, its use should be discontinued. With a normal reaction, continue to rub the drug into the hair roots daily until their condition improves. After that, use vitamin PP courses for prevention.

Hair after nicotinic acid:

  • The results of the application can be seen already after two weeks.
  • After several uses of the drug, hair loss is reduced to a minimum. This can be understood by the number of hairs that remain on the comb.
  • After a month of regular use, a rather noticeable undercoat appears on the head, which indicates that the sleeping hair follicles are awake. With the constant intake of nicotinic acid inside and as a component of masks, the density of the hair increases significantly.
  • If the average hair growth rate is about 1 cm per month, then with the use of vitamin PP it increases to 2-4 cm.

Nicotinic acid for hair - photo before and after


  • Nicotinic acid - 1 ampoule.
  • Aloe juice - 20 ml.
  • Propolis tincture - 20 ml.

All components should be mixed and applied to the scalp. Rinse the mask after 60–90 minutes. To restore the structure of the hair, as well as accelerate their growth should be carried out at least ten procedures.

Nicotinic acid for hair: application reviews

Natalia, 24 years old

After reading the reviews of experts on the use of nicotinic acid, I wanted to try it myself. Hair began to grow faster and stopped falling out.

I use various ways of using nicotinic acid. I drink one pill inside and make a mask with acids for hair. Thus, she was able to prevent age loss of curls.

Nicotinic acid is the savior of my hair. I made bad chemistry and had to cut my hair very short. And this drug has grown long curls again.

What is "nicotinic acid"

Nicotinic acid is one of two forms of a single medicinal vitamin B3 (niacin, PP). Water-soluble formula allows you to quickly be absorbed into the body. Niacin is not destroyed by high temperatures and ultraviolet radiation, the internal acidic and alkaline environment of the body.

What is useful niacin

In the body, the substance niacin performs the following functions:

  • takes part in the metabolism of proteins, fats and amino acids,
  • regulates redox processes,
  • involved in the splitting of food and the "production" of energy
  • lowers blood cholesterol
  • positive effect on blood microcirculation,
  • reduces pain,
  • acts as a mild sedative.

As a cosmetic for the skin, nicotinic acid is used to provide an anti-inflammatory effect, as an antioxidant. It supports a healthy complexion, promotes cell regeneration and speeds up metabolic processes.

Nicotine for hair is used to accelerate their growth and restore structure.

  1. Due to the acceleration of blood circulation in the scalp, at the base of the hair follicles, hair loss is reduced and the growth of new ones is accelerated.
  2. After a course of nicotinic acid, hair stays clean longer and needs to be washed significantly less frequently.
  3. The renewal of the cells of the scalp and hair follicles improves the functioning of healthy bulbs and heals damaged ones.
  4. During the course you can see that the hair becomes shiny and gets a deeper color due to the production of pigments.

How to use nicotinic acid for hair growth

The use of nicotinic acid in ampoules for your hair will be useful, but, we warn you right away, there will be no easy result after 1 time, do not even wait. Nicotine can be used in various ways, which will be discussed further.

Local application

It has already been mentioned that hair treatment is carried out every day for a month - a course after which you will need to take a 30-day break. This applies to local use - when the composition is rubbed into the scalp.

  1. Before the procedure, make a skin test to eliminate the appearance of allergic reactions or manifestations of individual intolerance to the vitamin.
  2. Nicotinic acid as an independent means is applied to clean, slightly dried hair NOT ALL OVER THE LENGTH, but only at the roots.
  3. You can use 1-2 ampoules at a time, no more (but it is better to confine 1).
  4. Open them immediately before use and, if the skin on the head is dry, dilute with water (1 to 1) in a separate container.
  5. Apply the product to the hair roots, rubbing it with your fingertips (do not try to embrace the immense, you will have a month to apply the solution to all parts of the head). Next time try to cover those places that were not paid attention to last time.
  6. After applying a slight burning sensation and redness will appear - this is normal, you are expanding the vessels.
  7. Rinse off nothing - just dry the hair in a natural way.

In the composition of the shampoo

The most basic way to use any vitamins is to add to your favorite shampoo. BUT! It is important that its composition is as natural as possible, otherwise even add vitamins, at least do not add - no sense.

  1. Right before you go to wash your hair, mix shampoo and an ampoule of acid in a separate container.
  2. Lather the resulting mixture of hair and hold for 3-5 minutes.
  3. Rinse with warm water and dry without using a hair dryer.

With herbal decoction

The maximum benefit vitamin B3 brings in combination with infusions of chamomile, nettle, ginger, calendula and burdock. By the way, you can brew utility either by one component or all together.

It is enough to add 1 ampoule of acid per liter of liquid to the herbal decoction.

The use of scrub with acid once a week reduces oily hair and reduces the appearance of dandruff.

On a pre-washed scalp, apply to a mixture of a tablespoon of coarse salt, an ampoule of acid and a few drops of any essential oil. Massage and rinse with water.

As part of the masks

Recipe masks based on nicotinic acid apparently invisible. It is better to use such masks in courses of five pieces with an interval of 3 days. To the main component (1 ampoule of the acid itself) is added a few extra.

  1. ¼ cup flax oil, art. spoon of eleutherococcal tincture and Art. spoon of vitamin E. Mix and leave for an hour, warming your head. After the desired period, wash off the hair with a sulfate-free shampoo.
  2. Mix separately 3 tbsp. spoons of henna and ½ cup of boiling water, 1 tsp of yeast and 1 tbsp. spoon of water, and then combine and add 5 drops of verben oil product. Keep on hair for 40 minutes, then rinse.
  3. Mix the yolk, Art. a spoonful of honey and olive oil, a capsule or a teaspoon of vitamin E. Apply to hair the entire length and leave for 60 minutes.
  4. Art. spoon aloe juice and the same tincture of propolis mix and leave on the hair for 20 minutes.
  5. Add 2 tbsp.spoons of jojoba oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 2 tsp of vitamin E, yolk. Apply over the entire length of 40 minutes. Wash off with water containing apple cider vinegar - a few tablespoons will be enough.
  6. Steamed a slice of rye bread in 1/3 cup of chamomile infusion. Add 2 capsules of AEvita and apply on hair for an hour, warming your head.
  7. To a teaspoon of grated ginger add AEvita capsule and 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. Apply to the scalp for 15 minutes, then rinse.
  8. ¼ cup of flax oil, a tablespoon of Eleutherococcal tincture and vitamin E mix and leave on the hair for an hour. Warm up and rinse with sulphate-free shampoo.
  9. Mix an ampoule of acid and 2 tablespoons of burdock oil, heat using a water bath, and apply along the hair for 2 hours. Insulate to better absorb and then rinse. It is recommended to perform the procedure twice a week.
  10. Mix nicotinic acid with 2 tablespoons, heat in a water bath, add a vial of Dimexide and apply to washed hair.

Apply such masks in two ways.

  1. All components are mixed and applied together.
  2. First, nicotinic acid is applied, and after half an hour everything else.


You can grow hair not only with the help of external use of nicotinic acid, but you must first consult with a specialist.

As already noted, there are two forms of niacin release: we have described above how to use the ampoules, now we’ll tell you how pills can help grow long curls.

According to reviews of those who have tried this method, the tablets are no worse than ampoules, and less hassle, and the result is the same.

What professionals say

Professional cosmetologists are quite skeptical about the use of traditional medicine in cosmetology in its pure form, but to deny that professional tools include the same natural ingredients, including nicotinic acid, are not at risk.

There is no harsh criticism of niacin as a means of activating hair growth from them, but nevertheless preference is given to brand names and natural oils. Perhaps this happens, because few people even know about this method.

Doctors often prescribe niacin for various diseases as an additional means, but the daily dose of oral administration should be strictly limited and regulated. We did not find positive reviews of the internal use of nicotinic acid to accelerate hair growth, as well as negative ones.

Nicotinic acid belongs to the group of water-soluble vitamins B-B3, to be exact. Performing a variety of medicinal functions in the human body, niacin is also used as a cosmetic tool: for hair, face and scalp.

To accelerate the growth and improve the condition of the hair, you can use tablets and a liquid form of nicotinic acid - solutions in ampoules.

You can use the tool yourself without additives, adding to the shampoo, herbal extract or building a scrub.

You can supplement the effect of niacin with the help of other components - mixing in the mask, they have a beneficial effect on the hair.

Depending on the type of nicot use you have, conduct a test to identify possible allergic reactions and individual intolerance. Take care not only of your beauty, but also of health!

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for over 7 years now - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

What do experts say?

Reviews of nicotinic acid in hair ampoules, which are left by doctors, are also positive. Experts confirm that the drug really has a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair due to vasodilator and anti-inflammatory properties.

Some trichologists are skeptical of "nicotine."They argue that positive changes occur only due to the massage movements that occur during rubbing the substance into the skin. Also refuted reviews in which girls talk about hair growth of ten centimeters per month. In fact, such a result can only be obtained by building. And nicotinic acid will only help to return the normal hair speed, which is one to two centimeters per month.

Who to believe and how to treat the hair with nicotinic acid in ampoules is up to you. Only on the experience it is possible to be convinced of drug action. But in pursuit of a beautiful head of hair, do not forget about contraindications.

Benefits of Vitamin PP

What is useful nicotine and what is it for? This substance has many advantages:

  • Positive effect on the state of the vessels - expands them and makes them more elastic. This effect allows all the beneficial components to quickly leak into the blood,
  • Quickly absorbed into the skin,
  • Moisturizes, nourishes and nourishes the follicles with oxygen,
  • Promotes blood flow, activates the growth of strands,
  • Reduces oily hair
  • Gives quick results. A few weeks later you will notice that the hair has become thicker,
  • Does not overdry strands, does not make them dull and sticky.

Hair nicotine is the perfect way to grow a long braid or quickly heal an excessive loss of strands. These two problems are among the indications for the use of acid.

Nicotine release form

Vitamin PP is available in ampoules and tablets. Using the full range, you will be able to achieve amazing effects. The course of treatment - 15 days pill twice a day. Drink pills after meals with mineral water or warm milk. For use outside use nicotine in vials for injection. In the package - 10 ampoules of 1 ml.

How to apply vitamin PP for hair?

The classic way to use nicotinic acid is very simple and affordable.

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and let it dry. If this is not done, then all the dirt and dust will get into the follicle with the vitamin.
  2. Open the vial with the substance.
  3. Use the syringe to remove its contents.
  4. Pour the acid into a saucer or bowl.
  5. Divide the hair into several thin parts.
  6. Apply acid to the skin on these partings. Do it with your hands. You need to start with the temples, then move to the crown and descend to the back of the head. You can use a pipette and drip it on the partings.
  7. Rub the liquid in light massage movements. Head do not have to wash!
  8. Perform the procedure 1-3 times a week. The course of treatment is 1 month. Repeated course can be completed in two or three months.

But that is not all! Having decided on the procedure, find out a few points on which the success of this whole undertaking depends:

  • During the first session, rub only half of the vial with acid. If there is no allergy, you can use the entire dose,
  • Vitamin A is very helpful, but be extremely careful. With daily application of nicotine causes a strong decrease in pressure, dizziness and migraine,
  • Among the "side effects" - a slight burning sensation and a feeling of warmth. They should not be afraid - it manifests itself as vasodilation and a strong flow of blood to the skin,
  • Use the tool immediately - after a few minutes it loses its qualities,
  • If after several applications you have dandruff, give up the nicotine - it did not fit you,
  • Many people recommend adding vitamin PP to herbal teas. The benefit here, of course, will be, but only from the decoctions. The fact is that nicotine does not dissolve in water!

Who should not use vitamin PP for strands?

Nicotinic acid has several contraindications:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • Blood pressure problems
  • Pregnancy,
  • Lactation period
  • Age up to 12 years.
How else can nicotine be used for hair?

How to apply nicotinic acid on the hair? For this there are several options.

Option 1 - in combination with shampoo

Add vitamin PP to the shampoo during the wash (directly on the hand).The main thing - it should be as natural as possible. The chemical components that make up most shampoos create a film on the strands that interferes with the work of the vitamin. Enriched shampoo should be applied for about 4 weeks. Then you need a break for several months.

Option 2 - as part of homemade masks

A nicotinic acid hair mask works very well, especially if it contains components such as eggs, burdock oil, propolis or aloe juice. For healthy people allowed to add to the contents of the entire ampoule. For any problems, you can safely get by with 2-3 drops.

Here are some of the best recipes.

Egg mask with nicotine

  • Vitamin PP - 1 ampoule,
  • Flax oil - 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Yolk - 1 pc.,
  • Vitamin E - 1 capsule,
  • Tincture of Eleutherococcus - 1 tbsp. l

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Apply to dry, washed hair.
  3. Wrap them in a warm towel.
  4. After an hour, wash the strands with shampoo.

Mask with propolis and aloe juice

  • Vitamin PP - 1 ampoule,
  • Aloe juice - 1 tbsp. l.,
  • Propolis tincture - 1 tbsp. l

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Apply to dry, washed hair.
  3. Wrap them in a warm towel.
  4. Wash off after 40 minutes.

Mask with jojoba oil and honey

  • Vitamin PP - 1 ampoule,
  • Jojoba oil - 20 g,
  • Liquid honey - 20 ml,
  • Vitamin E - 10 ml,
  • Yolk - 1 pc.

  1. Mix all the ingredients.
  2. Apply to dry, washed hair.
  3. Wrap them in a warm towel.
  4. Wash after 40 minutes with water and apple cider vinegar.

How to use these masks? Perform them within a month, then take a break for 3-4 months.

Reviews of vitamin PP for hair

Reviews on the use of nicotinic acid for hair growth allow you to fully assess the effectiveness of the tool. Carefully read them!

Varvara: “I started using nicotine a month ago on the advice of my mother. Hair fell out strongly, it was necessary to do something! At the end of the first week there was a slight itching, even dandruff. The root zone began to get very fat. But I still continued the experiment. As a result, everything passed, and the hair began to grow and in three weeks they added a centimeter! ”

Alyona: “After the birth of my son, my hair began to fall down. I was just shocked, and since I was breastfeeding, I didn’t drink anything. Nicotine helped me. Rubbed her after washing her hair. Soon the strands ceased to fall out so actively, they became more beautiful and thicker. I am very pleased, I will take a short break and repeat again. ”

Svetlana: “I really wanted to grow long hair, but they grow slowly with me. Subtracted on the Internet about vitamin PP and decided to try. The first procedure coincided with the day of painting. You will not believe, but after 2 weeks I began to notice the growing roots. And a month later I was given a compliment - they say, the hair of the industry has become very beautiful. Now my dream will come true! ”

Anna: “I am a cautious person, so I first consulted a dermatologist. After the good, bought a vitamin at the pharmacy. First rubbed half an ampoule. The next time I used the whole ampoule. Repeated after 2 days for about a month. Strands do not fall out not so much, the tips almost do not split, the hair became thicker. Now I will take a break, so that they are not used to the drug, and I will repeat the whole course again. ”

Helena: “Having read about the properties of nicotinic acid, I decided to use this magic tool. Rubbed the vitamin after each wash, did not dilute it. At first there was no change. But about a month later I began to notice that the hair on the comb was much smaller, and they grow faster. Very pleased, I will continue. "

Instructions for use of nicotinic acid

For home hair care, it is best to buy nicotinic acid in ampoules at a pharmacy.

Here are some basic tips on the use of nicotinic acid for hair growth:

  • 1-2 ampoules of nicotine solution are enough for a single use,
  • pour the contents of the ampoules (using a conventional syringe) into a small container (a glass, a cup),
  • the procedure is best done on a clean head, when the fatty layer of sebum on the scalp is minimal or absent,
  • separate the hair into partings alternately, smearing the scalp with the solution. To do this, dip two fingers in a glass with nicotine and hold your fingers over the parting done,
  • after 4-5 cm, make a parting on the head again and again grease the scalp with fingers dipped in nicotinic acid. You do not need to tie your hair with a towel or a special hat, you do not need to wash it off either. The next shampooing is before the next application of the solution (perhaps the next day),
  • apply the solution daily for 10-14 days, then take a break for 1 month, after the course can be repeated,
  • unlike masks, shampoos and balms, direct rubbing of a solution of nicotinic acid into the scalp is the most effective!

The instructions for use should be respected and not to exceed the amount of the solution at one time, and also not to stretch the treatment and prevention course for more than 2 weeks!

Nicotinic acid and its effect on hair growth

Nicotinic Acid Injections

Nicotinic acid is usually available in 1 ml ampoules with a 1% solution. One ampoule is enough for a single injection to an adult. Nicotinic acid injections make up for a possible deficiency of such a vital vitamin in the body as PP, B3. Injections of this drug can be done in different ways: intramuscularly in 1 ml 1-2 times a day or subcutaneously to instantly saturate tissues with this vitamin, as well as intravenously, while 1 ml of nicotinic acid is diluted in 5 ml of saline.

Injections can cause a burning sensation, however, the sensations are quite tolerant.

The release form of nicotinic acid for hair

Nicotinic acid is available in the form of powder, tablets or dragees (0.005, 0.01, 0.025 and 0.05 g each), as well as ampoules (1 and 2 ml of 1, 2.5 and 5% solution) for injection or rubbing . Ampoules with a nicotine solution are most suitable for use as a cosmetic and therapeutic agent for the growth and strengthening of hair.

The benefits and harm of nicotinic acid

As with any vitamin and therapeutic agent, nicotinic acid should be used with caution and competently.

The undoubted effect, benefit and high result of niacin is manifested in those who previously noted in his:

  • increased hair loss,
  • dull, weak hair
  • dandruff,
  • slow hair growth

However, it also has contraindications and can lead to severe redness of the scalp, itching, headache and dizziness if:

  • you are prone to allergies, urticaria, and non-tolerability of certain drugs,
  • you suffer at least sometimes from high blood pressure.

The harm of nicotinic acid can be manifested by the appearance of side effects: severe irritation of the scalp, as well as dizziness and headache. In this case, immediately wash the drug from the head!

It is possible to restore hair, improve their structure and appearance!

Nicotinic acid price

The price of nicotinic acid is very acceptable for the majority of the population: 30-40 rubles per pack of 10 ampoules. The availability and ease of use of this drug makes it attractive and popular among women who appreciate the beauty and density of hair - the main adornment of women!

Reviews of nicotinic acid for hair

Elena, 35 years old: completed a course of nicotinic acid for hair, as after a trip to the resort, the hair became dry, lifeless, and fell out. Advantages of use: affordable price, tangible effect after 2 weeks, ease of use at home. The flaws did not even notice.

Leia, 28 years old: rubbed ampoules of nicotinic acid for a month with a short break, treated for increased hair loss. She noted that gradually the number of hair falling out when combing and shampooing decreased. Hair became thicker to the touch, for a month increased by 3 cm! When applying the solution, there is a pleasant warmth and tingling of the scalp. The smell is almost not noticed.

Irina, 23 years old: decided to use nicotinic acid for enhanced hair growth. Loved the ease of use, without much difficulty and additional tools or components. Hair after application does not get fat, there is no specific or unpleasant smell. The result of a 2 month course with a short break - hair grew by 7 cm. Used in combination with vitamin complexes.

Marina, 39 years old: complained about dull hair that grew very slowly. After 2 weeks of using nicotine, she noticed that her hair had become more silky, as if it had become thicker and stronger. At the beginning of the application, I felt a slight burning and stinging, which gradually disappears. I am going to continue to use, because I see only the advantages in the application!

Nicotinic acid is one of those products in cosmetic and therapeutic hair care that is available, effective and easy to use! Add vitamin strength to your hair, and a positive result will not take long!

Using nicotinic acid for hair loss

The use of nicotinic acid from hair loss, especially in the form of a mask, is one of the effective means of strengthening the hair structure and growing a chic braid at home.

Nicotinic acid is present in many cosmetic products.

For example, if you pay attention to the label of the shampoo, you can see a mark about the use in its composition of vitamin PP, niacin or vitamin B3, that is, nicotinic acid.

This cosmetic can be safely bought, but taking into account other factors.

The fact is that nicotinic acid with other substances of a cosmetic preparation can be poorly compatible.

For example, if silicone was used as an additional component, which protects the hair with a resistant film, nicotine cannot penetrate through it and have a beneficial effect on the hair structure.

Therefore, if the strands are thinning, it is better to buy nicotinic acid in a pharmacy and use it to make a medical shampoo or mask on its basis.

What is the benefit of using nicotinic acid?

Hair loss is a problem for many women, in many cases you can get rid of it yourself, for example, with the use of nicotinic acid.

To understand how useful it will be to use as a component of a mask or shampoo, consider its ability to have a beneficial effect on human health.

Treatment with nicotinic acid for hair loss, which is a component of the mask, allows you to dilate blood vessels.

All the beneficial substances that make up the nicotine remain on the skin, then penetrating into the bulbs, activate their functions. As a result, the roots of the strands become stronger and begin to grow faster.

Buy nicotine for the treatment of hair loss is recommended in ampoules. Injection solution can be used not only for the manufacture of any mask, but in its pure form.

And also for the preparation of therapeutic infusions based on herbs, propolis or aloe leaves.

While nicotinic acid is ideal for the treatment of any type of curls, as it does not have drying properties.

Nicotine-based masks are quickly and easily prepared at home, applied to strands easily and without problems.

But in order to avoid sudden allergic manifestations of the body, before applying a mask for hair loss with nicotinic acid, it is recommended to conduct a mini-test, just as tests are carried out with coloring agents.

Here it is worth noting that people suffering from hypertension, it is better not to use nicotinic acid, as it can cause a sharp headache.

Features of the use of nicotine for hair loss

For the proper use of nicotinic acid, you should follow the recommendations of the procedure for its use:

  1. The head is washed as usual, but the strands should not be dried, they should remain moist,
  2. Using a medical syringe, you need to select a nicotine liquid from the ampoule and pour it into a glass bowl,
  3. Strands should be brushed back, after which the fingers should be dipped into nicotine and massage movements, starting from the forehead area and ending at the top of the head, should be rubbed into the roots,
  4. Using a combing comb, the treated strands are separated, after which the hair roots of the temporal and lateral zones are carefully rubbed with liquid. In the end process the back of the head,
  5. After two hours you need to wash the strands, you can not do this, but then there will be a specific smell.

Treatment of hair loss using this procedure is carried out daily for two weeks. The treatment course is repeated only after two or three months.

A more benign treatment option for hair loss is the use of nicotinic acid in combination with other means.

Depending on the components of these masks, you can cope with various problems of hair.

Dim and weak strands will turn into shiny and healthy curls, weakened roots will harden, poorly growing hair will begin to grow faster.

Recipes masks with nicotinic acid for strengthening and against hair loss

The recipe for the first mask can be prepared with the addition of liquid vitamins A and E, bought in a pharmacy.

  • egg yolk,
  • Niacin - 1 amp.,
  • flax oil - 2 tbsp,
  • vitamins in ampoules A and E (0.5 tsp each).

Nicotine and vitamins connect. Add to them vegetable oil and beaten chicken yolk (not from the refrigerator), while the yolk is better to take from homemade eggs.

The composition prepared by thorough mixing is applied to wet hair, kept for one hour. After that, the mask against hair loss is washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Recipe with niacin and medicinal herbal decoction

  • decoction of herbs (nettle, chamomile, sage), you can replace the aloe juice,
  • nicotinic acid - 2 amp.

These components mix, the resulting composition is applied to wet curls, rub into the roots.

Wash off the mask with warm running water.

Honey, eggs and nicotine for hair loss

  1. chicken egg yolk,
  2. liquid honey - 1 tsp
  3. nicotine - 1 amp.,
  4. olive oil - 2 tbsp.,
  5. oily vitamin E - 0.5 tsp or 0, 25 ml.

All ingredients should be at room temperature, whipped yolk is put into liquid honey and mixed thoroughly. Then add in turn all the other components from the above list.

The use of the finished composition against hair loss is as follows: applied to the hair roots, rubbed with light massage movements.

Then evenly distributed along the length of the strands, using a wooden comb. To enhance the effect of exposure, a polyethylene cap is put on the head, wrapped with a towel over it.

After 30 minutes, the hair is washed with warm running water and shampoo.

Yeast Hair Loss Recipe

  • fresh wet yeast - 1/3 of a pack,
  • nicotine - 1 amp.,
  • verbena or ylang-ylang oil - 5 drops,
  • colorless henna - 1 pack.

A package of colorless henna is brewed with boiled water, allowed to cool to 400. Then, yeast is diluted in warm water and added to the henna.

After the composition is homogeneous, it is supplemented with niacin and vegetable oil.

The composition is applied to wet hair, washed with warm water in 30-40 minutes.

What are the problems with hair nicotinic acid?

The use of homemade masks with the use of nicotinic acid against hair loss caused a large number of reviews on the Internet.

They were written by women, both satisfied with the result and those who were not benefited by the nicotine treatment.

At the same time reviews say that nicotine effectively copes with various hair problems.

Its use allows you to restore curls after unsuccessful dyeing or perming, prevent thinning of the strands and speed up the process of their growth.

Making sure that hair loss is not associated with any diseases, you can safely try out the healing properties of nicotine on your hair.

To judge how effective the use of this drug can be on the reviews.

A third of women who used nicotine against hair loss, were able to see a positive result after the first course of treatment, which lasts 14 days.

At the same time, the strands of many of them grew by about 1 cm after the first week of procedures. And this is a good result, not every imported expensive tool can prove such efficiency.

With the acquisition of niacin problems should not arise, it can be bought without a doctor’s prescription at any pharmacy. The nicotine release form is either an ampoule for injection or a tablet.

By the way, pills for ingestion are just as good as a liquid formulation. True, you can not take them to everyone, as there are contraindications.

In addition, the nutrition of a person who wants to restore the health of his hair with the help of tablets must be correct. Otherwise, nicotine pills can harm the body.

Strengthen the effect of the internal use of niacin tablets allows an external effect on skin cells and hair of the head.

For this purpose, use shampoo with the addition of nicotinic acid.

Such a complex action in combination with regular use can give quick results.

Internal and external make-up can be called the perfect "cosmetic repair". It is possible to evaluate the results of its implementation after the first procedure.

If earlier the problem of hair damage was exacerbated by dandruff, then after the first course, it disappears. Curls become thick, become voluminous and obedient.

grow long hair (photo before and after)

Advantages: sold in any pharmacy, I do courses for 30d, I take breaks for 15-30 d.

Nicotinic acid or vitamin PP, aka B3.

Nicotine is a vasodilator. This is the effect.


And so, we buy 3 packs of ampoules. Each pack of 10 ampoules. Price 20-30 p. Vial is worth 27p in our pharmacy. 30 ampoules make up the full course. How much I tried different companies - the effect is the same, different formula of ampoules - the difference in convenience.

(there is a wonderful group in contact and here is one girl told there that doctor trichologist advised her to drop 1 ampoule of nicotine every day for 30 days from falling out)

Actually, what I immediately decided to use, but not from loss, but to strengthen and grow hair. If you read about nicotine in more detail, you will find out that she is being treated (by local rubbing) baldness.


And so my hair is long. At first glance it may seem that one ampoule is very small. take 1 ampoule, pour the contents into a small container. - I have a glass candlestick from the candle "sleeves" - very convenient.

Apply liquid to a clean, freshly washed head. Doing it with your fingers (just dunk in the liquid and rubbing it on the partings) is very convenient if you have a comb for dyeing, with a sharp tip, it is convenient to make partings.

Partings I do not often, at a distance of 4-6 cm from each other ..

Then we wet the whiskey. Then we turn our head down and run our fingers along the hairline on the back of the head at the neck. - this way you cover the whole head evenly.

Do not worry that you did not soak all skin -Vitamin is absorbed and spread through the blood vessels throughout the surface of the scalp.


The first time I felt lightly warm and slightly ... - like the running of ants. But, in subsequent times, there was no sensation.

The smell of nicotine hit my nose very sharply at first, but then I stopped feeling it.

Flush nicotine is not necessary! She does not fatten hair at all, and you will not notice her presence. must be applied every day!

It is good if you wash your hair every day, as lard and dust will not prevent the absorption of vitamin into the scalp.

At the same time, I drank perfect vitamins!

A couple of days after rubbing, dandruff disappeared, hair fell less — about a week after rubbing.The first feeling that the hair has grown more than usual, there were weeks through 2. The course is 30 days.

Is it possible to renew it, I do not know. I did all 30 and while I rest.

and here was my break, did not use anything (only Aleran shampoo)! - so grow hair without nicotine and vitamins!

2 COURSE. after a break of 26 days. I do not drink vitamins. The course was 14 days.

result: I completed the 2nd course only 14 days. I thought I would be more. but there were such zapars that it wasn’t like rubbing nicotine; there was no time to eat !! As a result, I did not notice any special hair growth.

How long does a break take?

In general, I consider this business purely individual, and it is difficult to say. I, for myself, decided to take a break for about a month so as not to provoke allergies, dandruff, and so on.

You should also know:

"If you take nicotinic acid without a doctor's supervision, do not exceed the RDN (one-time daily amount). Excess nicotinic acid, exceeding the daily requirement, simply passes through your body and is excreted in the urine. Avoid using prolonged forms of nicotinic acid, as this may result in liver damage . " rnd-15mg. in the ampoule -1 mg! which is not only 1! so it is also just on the skin. so that harm in this regard will not be a rubbing.


3.10 - then 3.10 I trimmed the tips. sfotkala before and after shearing)

Then I started to rub nicotine as usual. Began to drink beer yeast nagipol 1. and eat more protein. - for breakfast 1-2 pancakes (everything else), for dinner omelet

4 COURSE -. + vitamins duavit




There were several courses, there was a very significant break when I did not use it. Now I do not use it for about 4 months.

The density of hair ... I think increased. I will not litter the review photos. but in later ones there is where I already have dark hair. during the session, hair fell out - about 50 pieces per day. for me it is very noticeable. but a month later it passed.

so from nicotine I did not notice anything bad and no cancellation effect.

P / S review of training 1., review of training 2

Due to the fact that I often stumble upon a discussion of nicotine, there was a desire to write something like that: question-answer. I read these questions and reasonings quite often. So I want to comment on them somehow.

This is not dangerous?

as with any drug and in PP there is an insert with instructions and clear contraindications, as well as individual intolerance. If redness at the site of application is not an allergy in the case of PP, then here is a rash! itch! this is it. if you have headaches, it also says that the effect of vitamin does not bring you anything good. drink after this green tea - it has a slightly opposite effect and alas! but you better continue to avoid this method of growing hair. health is much more important!

I do not wash my head every day, but read that nicotine should be applied every day. What to do?

“Well, firstly, there is no axiom of what and how to do exactly!” - A step to the left, a step to the right is not punishable by execution. I just wrote in my review that in a day, sebum and dust accumulate on the skin. And this interferes with the absorption of something. And God forbid, nicotine, expanding blood vessels, also helps all this filth sucked into the blood! But the choice is yours, you want to wash your hair more often. Want to smear nicotine only when you wash your hair.

-Can you pour nicotine into the spray and just spray it every day on the roots?

No you can not. Like any vitamin, it disintegrates from the air a couple of minutes after opening the ampoule and is no longer effective.

- I put it on my wrist to check for allergies, and my wrist was red. Is it an allergy?

Not! Nicotine vasodilator! Together, its use of capillaries expands, the blood rushes to the hearth stronger, it is quite logical that it (the place) will turn red. Especially the wrist! - It is full of veins and capillaries and vessels!

- I miss one ampoule, can I use more?

Yes, for God's sake! - just do not overdo it - 10 vials at a time is too much.

2 is not yet completely critical. But the more money there is, the greater the likelihood of an allergic reaction. So, if you smear 4 ampoules and become covered with dandruff, do not rush to blame the nicotine. - Reduce the dose.

- I got dandruff, should I stop?

Yes, wait for the dandruff to pass. Most likely you have sensitive, dry skin. A nicotine dries. And if there is a great desire to try again, then dilute it with water. 1 to 1. so in a particular area of ​​the skin on which nicotine will fall, its percentage will be less ....

-Begin to smear, sprinkled hair ...

If your hair did not grow up before ... and then it fell, then most likely it means that the growth process has finally started, new hairs push out dead hairs. But the decision is yours ...

How does nicotine work?

Nicotinic acid is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Her combined with other drugs used topically !! In trauma. –For the ability of nicotinic acid esters to expand capillaries and blood vessels. Ie hair does not grow from the vitamin PP itself, do not think that his hair was not enough, you added it, and flooded it! Not. Just due to a rush of blood to the bulbs. If the blood does not have a sufficient number of vitamins, minerals, amino acids for faster hair growth - then the growth will not increase.

Can pregnant and lactating?

-This injection is exactly contraindicated, and rubbing. One of my friends who is now feeding her hair is flying, I suggested that she try it. smears 1 ampoule every day. No child had any side effects. Hair fall out ceased. Notice! - I'm not saying what you can, I'm just telling my experience!

-Do I need gloves for applying nicotine?

Not. Absolutely not needed. It is like water, it does not sting, does not burn. no sensations.


I personally have never had any complaints. but consisting in one of the contact groups where this method of improving hair growth is constantly discussed and reading the correspondence can be noted such side effects:

-pinnacle in the form of red spots not in the place of application, but for example on the arms, shoulders, neck.

All 3 first events unfortunately suggest that the drug will have to be canceled. headaches can not be tolerated, continuing to use the tool.

dandruff is a consequence of the fact that you have very sensitive scalp, possibly dry. dilute with water and most likely dandruff will not. the truth after its occurrence it is necessary to wait until it passes, and then renew it in a new way.

I wrote so much about what to choose and how should I believe after that ?!))

Girls, I really have a lot of reviews and about the care and about hair growth. But first of all I take care of myself, and only then I make a review out of it. I just share with you what suits me. I try not to waste my time on the description of what I did not like. I love an integrated approach, but I never combine the same type of care, I do not do several masks in a row, and do not drink several vitamins at once. I understand how great the desire to get a result can be and how high are the hopes for “magic” reviews and if you don’t get out the same way you are at least upset and think that it’s you, as much as you decide there’s no way out) Therefore, if with nicotine for example, I saw vitamins, then I am writing to you about this, so that you see and know the full picture. To be able to repeat it. Ie if something else was for the result, I try to keep in reviews not to forget to indicate it. Of course, you can continue to think: this is not realistic. My job is to show you a lot of options that helped me, to show the result of a regular and very comprehensive care where everything is thought out - food, drink, sleep, shampoo, vitamins, masks. - I'm writing about it all. I think I was able to achieve very good results very quickly, so even if one particular method does not help you, read me, understand, understand and apply regularly. = *

How to GROW hair with nicotinic acid, strengthen and prevent hair loss.

Advantages: cheap, if there are no contraindications - everything is great!, does not stain the roots, new hair grows, strengthens hair, accelerates hair growth

Disadvantages: there are contraindications that need to be applied systematically

Today I want to tell you about the unconventional use of nicotinic acid for hair, which many have probably heard about.

I do not naturally have thick and thin hair, genetics in this plan played a role and cheated me with good hair. They grow quite slowly.

Always wanted to have long and healthy hair, but the desire did not come true into reality.

If she had not yet mocked her hair in her youth (black coloring, highlighting), then perhaps they would have been in the best condition. I didn’t care much about their care, and received reciprocity.

For a long time I wasted my hair, and keeping it in good condition is very difficult. While something grows, it's time to split the split ends. Hair became more fragile and damaged. Also often attended increased hair loss.

A few years ago they looked like this.

Then somehow I read the information about nicotinic acid, which supposedly helps speed up hair growth, while strengthening them and giving life to new hairs.

I was very interested in this topic, so I soon started using it for hair.

You can find nicotine in any pharmacy. It is inexpensive.

In one package is 10 vials of 1 ml.

Each ampulka comes out in the region of 2-3 hryvnia, respectively, the whole package is about 20-30 UAH (depending on the manufacturer and pharmacies)

For one course you will need 3 packs (30 ampoules). Just one ampoule for 1 day.

But I advise you first to try a few pieces on trial, all of a sudden it will not work for you and will cause any consequences (dandruff, itching, etc.)

HOW IT INFLUENCES NICOTINIC ACID SOLUTION (when applied topically to the scalp)

Getting on the scalp, nicotinic acid provokes an increased influx of blood to the tissues, thereby expanding the blood vessels. Penetrating it, it nourishes the cells with nutrients and awakens dormant follicles.


Apply nicotinic acid preferably on clean hair. If they do not get dirty quickly, you can use the next day after washing. When the head is greasy, it will be more difficult for the vitamin bowl to get through the formed obstacle.

One ampoule is required for one procedure.. It is enough just for the entire scalp.

At the autopsy, a peculiar smell is immediately felt, for many it seems unpleasant, but I do not consider it disgusting, probably just used to it.

The liquid is absolutely transparent, like some water.

Usually I pour a few drops into my palm (you can put it in a special dish), and then with your fingers I put it on your scalp and rub it.

Massaging movements carefully handle the individual strands.

After rubbing, there is a slight warming effect, and it should be.

Flush it is not necessary. Just wash your hair as usual.

Nicotinic acid did not cause me any unpleasant consequences (itching, dandruff), the scalp reacted normally. Her hair did not get dirty faster.

After I started the first course, I decided to let my hair rest and stop dyeing it for a while. I wanted to see a more visual result, and in a few months the roots of a significant industry.

Already after one course, I noticed the effect. Hair began to grow a little faster, new hairs began to appear.

Important!Very long use of nicotinic acid is undesirable, you need to take a break, at least for a month.

After a while I repeated another course, then another, a third. etc., the hair has become noticeably stronger, loss also decreased.

Then I began to re-emit, but periodically resorted to using nicotine. Now I spend courses much less often.

After 2 years (after repeated courses), the hair became much longer and their condition improved significantly.

I began to give them a lot more attention and time than before, using good balms, masks, serums and fluids. I also practice home care (with homemade masks and other means).

Compared to what it was, this is a breakthrough for me. Now the hair is much thicker.

Even now they are not perfect, as they still pursue section and breakage, but I try to fight it.

The main thing is patience and perseverance, not to stop on the half way and not to give up.

If suddenly, after applying to the skin, you are worried about a strong burning sensation and, as a result, unwanted side effects emerge, then of course better to stop.


Skin care at home (masks, peels, agents against black spots and postakne, ubtan)

Lamination of hair at home

Vitamins AEVIT for external use: hair, skin, nails

Hair polishing attachment HG POLISHEN. Getting rid of split ends.

Nicotinic acid for hair: what you need to know

Niacin is the strongest substance that helps to reanimate the hair at home. The drug was most widely used in the post-war period, when women thoroughly set about restoring their beauty, which had become dull from the turmoil of a hectic time. Today, "nicotine" is not so popular. But, in desperation to restore hair with the help of cosmetics, more and more beauties resort to pharmaceutical means.

Expected effect

The benefit lies in the vasodilating properties of the substance. Skillfully taking advantage of this effect, you can not only grow hair, but also give it an unprecedented thickness. Vitamin B3 will help achieve the following results.

  • Acceleration of blood circulation. Means dilates blood vessels and accelerates blood circulation. This allows you to stop hair loss and significantly accelerate their growth.
  • Fat reduction. With coursework, it is possible to wash your hair less often, because the hair remains fresh longer.
  • Cell update. The functional state of the skin improves, new hairs begin to grow.
  • Strengthen hair roots. The damaged bulbs are treated and healthy ones are stimulated.
  • Pigment production. Strands become shiny and get a deeper shade. The tool allows you to significantly delay the appearance of the first gray hair.

Chuykova Natalia

Psychologist. Specialist from the website

- April 16, 2012 13:53

It helped me, see for 3 grew exactly

- April 16, 2012, 14:57

Try rosemary essential oil (of course, if you are not allergic to it). Sold in almost all pharmacies. When washing your head, pour the shampoo on your palm and add this oil, about 1/2. Well, wash and wash as usual. But if you think that a meter-long streamer will immediately grow, then no, of course. Our hair can not grow more than 5-6 cm per month, alas :)

- April 16, 2012, 15:02

Use it carefully, I decided too, while I put a small droplet on my face on the scalp, maybe I was sensitive enough, but there was a real burn, a huge reddening patch of tearing burning sensation.

- April 17, 2012 11:52

- April 18, 2012, 05:59

Try rosemary essential oil (of course, if you are not allergic to it). Sold in almost all pharmacies. When washing your head, pour the shampoo on your palm and add this oil, about 1/2. Well, wash and wash as usual. But if you think that a meter-long streamer will immediately grow, then no, of course. Our hair can not grow more than 5-6 cm per month, alas :)

Not more than 2cm. 5-6 AGA SCHAZZZZ

- April 19, 2012, 15:30

It does not help me, I have been using it for more than 2 weeks, I have just started to dye my hair and nicot.acids. use and hair grew by only 4-5 mm well, as usual, they have somewhere I see. Month grow ((((

- April 27, 2012 16:52

Today I tried to identity on the face hit the left red spot .. ((

- May 4, 2012, 12:57

And pills help for growth, they told me at the pharmacy adno and the same.

- May 17, 2012, 17:47

I have been using nicotine for 4 days already. Well, I don’t see the result yet.

- May 18, 2012, 06:08

Even as they grow.In a couple of months I have grown with nicotine as much as I could not in six months. I went to the hairdresser with joy, to remove the centimetrics, to shape the tips. And what do you think? I have this fool with scissors kaaaak cut off 6 centimeters! I didn’t have time to gasp (((But she had said a hundred times before: CENTIMETER. I don’t have an eye on my back, sorry, I thought that she was still combing, now I’ll have to do horizontal strands and dub. Aha .. she just took it and I would have cut it all off with one slice! I would have killed it! That week has passed, I am using nicotinka every day. I hope that this month will fix it for the better, otherwise I have already shuddered because I look at the mirror in my hair, but I don’t have the length. were up to the middle of the shoulder blades, steel up to the shoulder blades. Shock. as she had a stupid washcloth scorched on her head, she waved it away so that it sucked me too.Well, nothing, I'm in a good mood, because I went to another salon, where the girl very carefully and carefully cleaned what they had done. - I completely trimmed it, I didn’t even see anything on the floor, so millimeters)) Damn, I had to go to it right away. And about burning and redness, this is normal !! Googling and read. This blood rushes to the surface of the skin hence the effect, and no burn. The work of nicotinic acid is built on this principle. Even nicotine tablets will take one minute and there will be a cool reaction in 15-20 minutes, for example, my legs or hands began to itch !! Then everything went just as abruptly. This is normal.

- May 20, 2012 13:45

Use with caution! If you have low blood pressure, nicotine can reduce it even more (due to the fact that it dilates the blood vessels of the head), and you may have a wild headache, like I, lasting for several days, even painkillers did not help

- June 27, 2012, 12:37

And how many days do you need to take nicotinic acid tablets? All the pharmacies ran off, I did not find the ampoules.

- June 30, 2012, 14:48

Girls tell me, is it possible to breed it? one ampoule pushes only a couple of strands (rubbing into the roots). it's somewhere on the head, see cm-10, only nicotine on the skin. how many ampoules can be at a time and when it is better (every day or after washing the hair.

- July 2, 2012, 23:08

Burning and redness is quite normal. as mentioned above, this blood rushes, blood vessels dilate. I, too, on the first day my head was burning and my knees were straight red, but after 10 minutes everything was over. I have been using it for 3 days and there have been no such reactions anymore.
I take vitamins and ampulki rubbing, so to speak, to enhance the effect.
do not need to dilute the ampoules, otherwise there will be no effect.
I read a lot of reviews about nicotine, mostly good, even amazing, so I decided to try it, I hope for a good effect.
if someone has used for a long time, please tell us about the results.

- July 2, 2012, 23:10

and whether there are large ampoules. how many did not ask, in pharmacies only small, but I only have them at once.

- July 16, 2012, 23:08

Is it possible to use users at the age of 14?

- July 22, 2012, 12:40

What is the cost of nicotinic acid? ** Does it burn?

Related topics

- July 22, 2012, 14:46

if the skin of the face burns so much, then the scalp burns too much, is there any harm from it?

- 1 August 2012, 22:05

and the hair will not fall out?

- August 9, 2012, 00:01

It costs kapeks) .. I apply it with a cotton swab, like the first piece is enough)
I only get my hair dirty. My pressure is always low, but I feel like norms. burns pah pah nebilo I where it just did not get, the smell is not very good.

- August 24, 2012 16:02

Tell me how many years to use it and how I bought and confused))

- September 10, 2012, 15:14

And in nicotinic pills you can take? The same effect will be?

- September 12, 2012, 16:35

Oh, girls. I do not know. Used a month, had to wash my head more often, dirty. At the time it took 5-6 ampoules. And the result ---- well, where it is no more than 2cm. Those. as well as without nicotine. And there is hair on the comb, the roots as promised have not strengthened properly.By the way, I did not feel it at all. If someone helped, then you are lucky! I wish all of you girls thick hair.

- September 17, 2012, 23:37

I rub a little more than a week, 1 ampoule every day on a clean head, I have dyed hair, so the hair growth is noticeable on the grown roots, I can’t say exactly how much cm, because the roots were already grown (it was dyed for the first time and more I did not like it, I didn’t like it, I decided to grow my native color), but obviously the roots grew faster than usual. Nicotinic acid does not smell anything at me, nothing blushes, except that itching and dandruff have appeared, but only at the beginning, less and less, apparently the skin becomes accustomed. I also shampooed my head with mumie (10 tablets per 250 ml of shampoo), shaken it thoroughly, the night the shampoo stood until the tablets were completely dissolved and that was all. Maybe the mummy also affected growth. I do not know, I do everything in the complex, and you won’t know what exactly helped

- September 24, 2012, 02:30

as for me, the result was quite tangible. I rubbed 3 ampoules of nicotine every day, and over a week my hair grew 1.2 cm. The skin did not burn, did not irritate, there was no smell at all.

- September 24, 2012, 17:31

What is the cost of nicotinic acid? ** Does it burn?

Today bought for 29 rubles

- September 26, 2012, 12:28

Nicotine used a month, the result as it was 1, 4 cm a month before, remained)))) There was only trouble, it did not help me.

- 1 October 2012, 13:09

rub need 1 month, then a month to take a break. I have been using for 2 weeks, I have grown about 1.5 cm. I have medium-length hair, that's why it is immediately noticeable. no side effects, at one time it takes 2 ampoules, despite the fact that my hair is thick. but in general - everything is very individual)

- October 8, 2012, 09:25

I rub 3 day))
My skin burns a little bit, but I think that's fine.

- October 8, 2012, 09:26

she was growing her hair, she was barely bald, so she decided to try it.
There will be changes, I will definitely write.

- October 10, 2012, 00:57

and the hair does not fall out after rubbed?

- October 29, 2012, 23:35

How do nicotine pills affect hair growth?

- November 23, 2012, 19:00

I’ve been reading reviews about nicotine, I also bought one today, I mixed one ampoule with rosemary and mint essential oil, and rubbed it into the roots. I really want to quickly grow hair, I cut my hair 2 months ago, unsuccessfully, nkkarnali, kapets !!

- November 23, 2012, 19:02

Well, I started taking vitamins even parallel and making masks, I did it 6 times already.

- November 25, 2012, 00:08

and my whole face is stained with red from nicotine and itches, today was the 2nd day. I don’t know what to do next, I think to start using it.

- November 29, 2012, 14:01

By terrible hair climbed, did not grow at all, did not already know what to do. I tried everything. It helped. I make a pulp of mustard powder on the basis of strong brewed tea by eye, there 1 h. B12 (red in color), 1 more yolk, so that the kashitsap was, like on pancakes, I spread it on dry hair 1 time in 1-2 weeks, first 1 time a week. I put on a polyether cap, wrap it in a handkerchief, I tolerate it , 30 minutes, when you feel, - but the whole end is on me! - I wash my head with almost cool water, - in order not to burn my head, only Alloton shampoo, nettle shampoo-mask. The result is a huge number of new young hairs, do not climb at all -1,2 pieces, my head every 2 days, quickly grow, do not fall out even after dyeing hair. Hair after shampoo badly combed, you need a rare comb , but the effect is super. After using any of your favorite styling products. Believe it, tried everything. And the pepper tincture overdries strongly, and all sorts of expensive products and shampoos — 0 result was. You can use nicotine, but with mustard the best effect turned out. To When the result is established, you can make a mask once a month, for support and prevention, and even comb it with a stiff iron brush for the night, with your head in the bathroom so that there is blood flow to your head in different directions, like a head massage 120-150 times. Good luck to you.

- January 9, 2013, 19:56

Please tell me, is it possible to use mumiyo while using nicotine?

- January 27, 2013, 13:12

I understand that in some cases it does not help. You may need to take with vitamins in the complex. and still very interesting reviews about nicotine tablets

As an independent means

Hair treatment with nicotinic acid is conducted in courses of one month with the same intervals for the duration. Every day, conduct a session in three stages.

  1. Wash and dry your hair with a towel. The shampoo must be free of silicones, otherwise a film forms in the skin that makes it difficult to penetrate the product.
  2. Apply. Open the ampoule immediately before use. If the scalp is dry, it is better to dilute the solution for injection with water in a 1: 1 ratio.
    Spread the contents of the ampoule over the scalp, gently rubbing the tool with fingertips. If one ampoule was not enough, the second one should not be used in order not to lead to glut or allergy. The next day, start the session from the place that was left unprocessed the day before.
  3. Dry the hair naturally. Do not use a hair dryer. The heat neutralizes the effect of the vitamin, and all your efforts will be in vain.


If you are worried about dandruff or if your hair is too greasy, try to treat your hair with Vitamin B3 scrub once a week. Pre-head must be washed. Follow three simple steps.

  1. Mix the composition. In a ceramic container, combine a tablespoon of fine salt, the contents of one ampoule of "nicotine" and a couple of drops of essential oil of any citrus.
  2. Apply. While the hair is still wet, gently apply and massage the scalp with makeup.
  3. Rinse out. After three to five minutes, rinse the hair with cool or warm water.

In spray form

Another successful application is a spray form. Its preparation and use can be described in three points.

  1. Prepare the water. In a container with a spray, pour a third of a glass of purified or mineral water without gas.
  2. Add remedy. Add the contents of the ampoule of vitamin B3 and a drop of esters of thyme, sage, pine and rosemary.
  3. Use. After washing the curls, spray the spray on the roots.

Taking the vitamin inside

The substance in the form of compresses or masks affects hair growth, but the body does not saturate with vitamins. Therefore, the effect can not be long-term. To strengthen the bulbs from the inside, recommended nicotinic acid tablets for hair growth.

Enough to drink one tablet with a dosage of 0.05 g daily. Better after meals to eliminate the possibility of stomach problems. The recommended course is a month. Repeated administration of the drug is possible after 30 days.

Subcutaneous injection

If nicotinic acid does not help in either liquid or tablet form for hair growth, a decision can be made about the subcutaneous administration of the drug. When alopecia trichologists often prescribe injections of vitamin B3. Also, the solution can be used for mesotherapy. Neither the first nor the second procedure can be assigned to yourself and do it yourself. Only the attending physician can decide on the appropriateness of such treatment.

Reviews: “Even the hairdresser is shocked. "

Two months ago, due to allergy to hair foam, hair fell out badly! I use Nikatinka for the 3rd week every day, namely: after washing my hair, without razbovlâ, I apply 1-2 ampoules over partings after 5 cm with a cotton swab! I can confirm that there is a result. what fell out grows with enviable speed (even a hairdresser is shocked.), but if I’m going to be thicker than 2 years ago, I’ll sign off in 6 months))

GROW. Optional nicotine directly into the skin to rub, it is clear that one ampoule is not enough! I do this! My head, then apply: the cheapest hair balm +1 NICOTINE + 1 B1 + 1 B6 + 1 B12 + 1 ALOE (all in ampoules), put on a bag and walk 1.5-2 hours, as time allows, and then just wash off and everything! Enough to do in a day. I have been doing for 2 months and I am very pleased! The hair is noticeably visible in the industry, it has become softer and less broken, of course it hasn’t increased density yet, but at the expense of reducing brittleness, even the tail has become thicker. -fah-pah.) I'm happy.

Christina Stobbe,

I rub a little more than a week, 1 ampoule every day on a clean head, I have dyed hair, so the hair growth is noticeable on the grown roots, I can’t say exactly how much cm, because the roots were already grown (it was dyed for the first time and more I did not like it, I didn’t like it, I decided to grow my native color), but obviously the roots grew faster than usual. Nicotinic acid does not smell anything at me, nothing blushes, except that itching and dandruff have appeared, but only at the beginning, less and less, apparently the skin becomes accustomed. I also shampooed my head with mumie (10 tablets per 250 ml of shampoo), shaken it thoroughly, the night the shampoo stood until the tablets were completely dissolved and that was all. Maybe the mummy also affected the growth ... I don't know, I do everything in the complex, and you won’t know what exactly helped

Girls, from nikatinovoy acid absolutely not all should be burning scalp, I know from experience, it all depends on your sensitivity to this drug! I also had neither a burning sensation nor a headache, although I could even smear my head for the night, it’s all individual, but I’ll ask you to notice that the effect does not diminish in any way, I can describe one more remark: after watching a lot of videos on YouTube they promised almost 30 cm straight every month of hair growth, but do not take it literally, no one so quickly will grow hair from any of the products! it's just that they will start to strengthen you and you will notice 100% of the new fluff on his head also called “baby hair”

Nicotine thing is canceled, I use it myself))) I only take exclusively in ampoules of the manufacturer “OZON”. The best effect is from her. But I got an unpleasant reaction to the nicotine in the bufus, I no longer buy it. The carton box is also a good drug, but I'm still a fan of ozone))) I have a course of 30 days)))


Watch the video: Niacin Benefits for Hair Growth - Is It Worth It? (July 2024).