Dandruff treatment

The best shampoos for dandruff, itching and dryness of the scalp: Heden Sholders, Clear, Estel, Weireal, Cinovit, Sebasol


From the influence of various factors (poor nutrition, stress, improper hygiene, avitaminosis) on the scalp is activated fungus - the main cause of the disease. For its treatment it is necessary to use products that contain ingredients that destroy the fungus and prevent its spread.

To choose the right product, you need to determine the type of hair (oily, dry, combined or normal) and the nature of dandruff (oily or dry), then you will understand what kind of shampoo to choose.

Main active ingredients:

  • from the fungus - ketoconazole, ciclopirox, selenium disulfate, zinc pyrithione, climbazole, clotrimazole,
  • for peeling skin scales - salicylic acid, tar, sulfur,
  • for the normalization of the cellular metabolism of the scalp - ichthyol, tar.

Please note: all means of dandruff is recommended to use strictly according to the instructions for therapeutic effect. Visible result does not appear immediately, you must adhere to the course of treatment. It is very important to wash your hair properly to cleanse the scalp of shampoo residues.

Watch the video tutorial on proper shampooing:

Professional shampoos

Professional products have a narrow specialization and actively influence the problem. It cleans the scalp well, but the hair at the same time requires the use of conditioner. The price of effective dandruff shampoos from professional brands (Schwarzkopf, Kerastaz) is from 500 rubles. They contain more expensive components than popular products in the mass market (Dove, Shamtu, Head n Scholders - up to 300 rubles). However, they contain more flavors and colorants than medical shampoos. Go

Some low-quality products do not fight the problem, but mask its presence by covering the scalp with a film and not allowing the scales to peel off. Choosing an effective shampoo, you need to carefully study the composition. If it includes aggressive sulfates (Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate, Ammonium Laureth Sulfate), synthetic flavors (DEA, TEA, MEA), mineral oils, it is better to refrain from buying.

Dry hair shampoo

Dry shampoos are available in an aerosol vial or in a powder package and are not intended for frequent use. Their function is to absorb fat from hair and scalp using talcum powder, cornstarch and other absorbents. The use of such funds is not recommended in the fight against the disease. Drying your hair and scalp can cause additional itching and irritation.

Natural shampoos

Natural shampoo is a product made without chemical components. “Naturalness” of the means offered to customers in stores or on the Internet is a commercial move. They may contain natural ingredients in large quantities, but will not be entirely organic, at least because of preservatives that prolong the shelf life.

Completely natural anti-dandruff remedy is easy to do with your own hands. Well helps to fight it with organic nettle shampoo.

  • 100 grams of dry or fresh nettle
  • half a liter of vinegar

  • Nettle pour a liter of water, add vinegar.
  • Put on the fire, after boiling to keep another half hour.
  • Two or three glasses of the resulting broth add to a container of water, rinse hair with a means.
  • Additionally, it is useful to do rinsing with chamomile and tansy tinctures several times a week.

Tip for restoring dry hair ends: an hour before washing, apply cosmetic olive oil on them, wrap the hair with a towel. The structure of the cosmetic oil is lighter than usual, it is better washed off, it moisturizes and gives shine well.


Medicinal dandruff shampoos can be found in pharmacies - in fact, they are a drug. Along with the professional, these tools have high intensity. Their composition is dominated by the active substance, which fights the disease. They almost do not contain aggressive components, flavors, dyes.

Popular therapeutic shampoos with different active substances:

150 p.). It contains selenium disulfide. It normalizes the secretion of sebaceous glands, promotes the exfoliation of dead skin particles, inhibits the growth of yeast fungi. Nizoral (

300 p.) And "Horsepower" (

500 p.). The main active ingredient is ketoconazole. It has high efficiency in the fight against fungus. Keto plus (

400 p.). The product includes ketoconazole and zinc pyrithione. Fights fungus, treats excessive flaking of the skin, itching and irritation.

  • Degary. They contain birch tar, which strengthens the hair roots, removes excess fat and skin flakes.
  • For greasy hair

    To combat the disease with oily hair, shampoos that work as a whole are best suited - they should include good cleansing agents to effectively remove fat from the scalp and hair, antifungal (ketoconazole, ciclopirox, selenium disulfate, zinc pyrithione, climbazole, clotrimazole) and exfoliating (tar, sulfur, salicylic acid) agent. Shampoos containing tar, ichthyol are good for oily hair.

    Advice to improve oily hair: alcohol calendula tincture (one tablespoon pour 200 ml of vodka and insist 10 days) twice a week to rub into the scalp. Procedure to perform within a month.

    Baby dandruff shampoos

    Dandruff in children is much less common than in adults, so it is necessary to accurately identify its cause in a dermatologist (poor diet, fungus, lack of vitamins, violation of hygiene rules, etc.), determine the type of scalp. The body of the child is prone to allergic reactions, so children's dandruff shampoos consist of more benign components (small amounts of glycerin, herbal extracts, pyrithione zinc, coal tar).

    How to identify a good shampoo

    To determine a good tool, you need to pay attention to whether such characteristics are characteristic of it:

    • The consistency is thick and viscous.
    • The composition does not include synthetic flavors (DEA, TEA, MEA), aggressive sulfates (Ammonium Laureth Sulfate, Ammonium Lauryl Sulfate), mineral oils.
    • It has a comprehensive care (contain antifungal, exfoliating substances that normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands).
    • Contains essential oils.
    • Contains plant extracts.
    • Bad foams.
    • Odorless or has a slight unpleasant odor.

    The more items fit your dandruff remedy, the better.


    To prevent dandruff, your lifestyle should be:

    • Balanced diet.
    • Careful hygiene.
    • Periodic change or treatment of headgear and tools for hair (combs, pins).
    • Identification and treatment of internal problems of dandruff.
    • Lack of stress.
    • Fresh air.
    • Massage the scalp. Go

    Photo instruction on self-massage of the head is shown in the photo below.

    Shampoo rating

    1. Nizoral One of the most powerful means to combat dandruff - eliminates the fungus, the root cause of its occurrence. Helps to get rid of itching, peeling. Noticeable result after several applications.
    2. Sulsena. The drug is a complex action for the treatment of dandruff. Normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, cleans the scalp well, removes dandruff.
    3. Keto Plus. Contains two active ingredients for effective fungus control. Treats itching, peeling.
    4. Home Institut against dandruff with nettle. In the composition of the tool - 15% is the proportion of nettle extract. Gently removes scales, relieves itching, regulates the sebaceous glands. Suitable for treatment and prevention.
    5. Instant Clear from L’OrealProfessionnel. Contains zinc pyrithione, vitamins, proteins. Treats hair roots, fights fungus, eliminates skin manifestations.

    When choosing a dandruff shampoo, pay attention to its composition. Remember that it should maximally fit your hair type, contain not only active substances, but also useful additives - herbs and essential oils. If you are not sure about your hair type - get a consultation with a trichologist or a dermatologist. If you are faced with the problem of dandruff, and have experience in the use of special tools, write about it in the comments.

    What causes dandruff

    Trichologists attribute dandruff to a syndrome that occurs when a large number of skin flakes detach over a short time. A small amount of dandruff is present on each person’s head, but if it becomes very noticeable and the skin is itchy and inflamed, a skin disease called seborrheic dermatitis develops.

    Possible causes of dandruff in men and women:

    • Improper care of the scalp.
    • Allergic reaction to the elements of shampoo or hair care cosmetics.
    • Disorders of the sebaceous glands due to endocrine diseases.
    • Avitaminosis.
    • Disorders of hormones.
    • Chronic skin diseases.
    • The use of a large number of sweet and fatty foods.
    • Fungal diseases.
    • Use of certain medications.
    • Stress.
    • Smoking and alcohol abuse.
    • Daily hair wash.
    • Genetic predisposition.

    Medicinal dandruff shampoos

    It is better to choose anti-dandruff pharmacy shampoo. This is a tool that allows you to get rid of the cause and quickly alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

    Indications for the use of pharmaceutical shampoos:

    • Dandruff, seborrheic dermatitis,
    • pityriasis versicolor.
    • Severe painful itching.
    • Burning,
    • Redness of the skin.
    • Alopecia lesions with dandruff.
    • Allergic reactions to other shampoos.
    • The appearance of plaques and ulcers.

    Contraindications to the use of pharmaceutical shampoos:

    • Allergy.
    • Increase the amount of dandruff.
    • Severe dry hair.
    • Irritation after several uses.
    • Itching and burning of the skin during shampooing.

    The composition of pharmaceutical shampoos usually include such substances:

    • ketoconazole
    • zinc and selenium derivatives,
    • ciclopirox
    • salicylic acid,
    • antibiotics
    • tar,
    • sulfur,
    • piroctone olamine.

    Buy funds to get rid of dandruff is recommended in pharmacies. Some of them are sold by prescription and are prescribed only by a doctor.

    Therapeutic shampoos dry hair strongly, so the use of masks and balms in their use is necessary.

    Vichy dercos

    In the line of Vichy Dercos there are several varieties of shampoos. You can choose a remedy for sensitive scalp and for dry hair. This is very important, as anti-dandruff products dry out hair.

    The composition of the shampoo includes the following elements:

    • salicylic acid, exfoliates dead cells, is an excellent peeling, normalizes the sebaceous glands,
    • ceramide, protects hair from intense loss and strengthens them,
    • selenium, destroys fungi and other microorganisms that cause itching and provoke inflammation,
    • Vitamin E, restores and protects the scalp.

    The product has a pleasant smell and consistency of medium thickness. It is necessary to use it in the first 2 weeks up to 3 times in 7 days, then once a week. After the first wash it is possible to increase the amount of dandruff.

    Grindex Mykanisal

    The main active ingredient of the agent is ketoconazole. This antifungal medicine is used to treat seborrhea, depriving epidermophilia, and other skin diseases.

    The shampoo has a thick, gel-like structure that foams well. A sign of quality means is pink or pink-red color and not strong, but a peculiar smell.

    It is necessary to use means 2 times a week. It is applied not to all hair, but only on problem areas of the head and rubbed with fingers for up to 5 minutes. It is recommended to use shampoo for a month. The tool is suitable for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

    Nizoral is used to treat many fungal diseases of the scalp and body. The active substance of the drug - ketoconazole, is part of most therapeutic dandruff shampoos. In Nizoral, its concentration is higher than in other drugs. This increases the risk of an allergic reaction. Therefore, people with irritable skin should be used with caution.

    Nizoral - one of the five best dandruff shampoos

    Methods of using Nizoral:

    1. For severe dandruff, the shampoo is applied to the scalp daily for 5 days (for 5 minutes).
    2. For mild dandruff and for the prevention, it is necessary to wash your head with the use of the drug 2 times a week.

    Those who dye their hair often use a perm to use Nizoral with caution. Shampoo can affect hair color after chemical dyeing.

    Complex drug that will help to cope with dandruff and its symptoms: skin irritation and itching.

    The composition of the tool includes the following elements:

    • zinc pyrithione, fights against fungi that provoke peeling of the skin and inflammation, destroys bacterial microflora,
    • klimbazol, strong antimicrobial agent,
    • urea, moisturizes the scalp, stimulates the exfoliation of dead skin tissue,
    • panthenol removes inflammation and accelerates the healing of the affected scalp,

    Shampoo is applied to the entire area of ​​the head for 2-3 minutes. The course of treatment is a month.

    Shampoo refers to drugs that are used to treat and prevent fungal and bacterial skin diseases not only of the head, but also of the body. The main substance of the shampoo is ketoconazole, the main antifungal agent.

    Sebazol is prescribed by trichologists to fight dandruff, chopped-shaped lichen and seborrheic dermatitis. Shampoo effectively removes dandruff and destroys the main cause of its occurrence - a fungus.

    It is possible to use means daily at a large amount of dandruff. When its amount decreases, it is enough to use Sebasol 2 times a week. For prevention, you can wash your hair no more than once a week.

    Causes of Dandruff

    The causes of this unpleasant disease can be many. The main one is a yeast-like fungus that multiplies during hormonal outbursts, deterioration of the diet, strong feelings, and considerable body fatigue.

    In addition, dandruff may occur due to:

    • lack of some components in the body. Especially it concerns selenium, zinc, iron, vitamins of group B.
    • diseases of the skin, liver, gastrointestinal tract, lung diseases.
    • problems with the protective functions of the body, that is, with the immune system.
    • poor sterilization of tools by the master who performed the haircut.
    • excessive sweating (see treatment of hyperhidrosis).
    • poorly selected cosmetics for washing the head.
    • smoking, abuse of sweet and fatty foods.
    • winter time.
    You can find out the main cause of seborrheic dermatitis or dandruff, after consulting with a trichologist or a dermatologist.

    How to choose a healing dandruff shampoo?

    One of the easiest ways to combat seborrheic dermatitis can be called using a special shampoo. Such funds are usually sold in a pharmacy.

    What properties should it have?

    1. 1) Do not allow excessive multiplication of cells, as well as increasing their volume.
    2. 2) Reduce the prevalence of fungus on the scalp.
    3. 3) Reduce fat.
    4. 4) Clean up the scales and reduce the likelihood of their occurrence.
    Note that anti-seboric drugs should not be part of any aggressive surfactants. These include perfums, SLS, SLES, parabens, and other known components. They can not only irritate the surface of the scalp, but also lead to unpleasant diseases.

    What should be included in the dandruff shampoo?

    The main active ingredients in dandruff shampoos can be ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfine, ciclopirox, climbazole, medical tar.

    1. Ketoconazolecontained in such means as Sebason, Perhohot, Nizoral with the purpose of treatment is applied twice a week. They can be bought at the pharmacy. However, ketoconazole drugs are prohibited for children under 12 years of age, and are also contraindicated for prolonged use. In men, sexual desire may decrease.
    2. Selenium sulfide, presented by such drugs as Sulsen, Sulsen forte. This component affects fungi and also slows down cell division.
    3. Cyclopirox is the main component of Sebiproks shampoo. The composition of the shampoo perfectly penetrates the layer of skin in which fungi multiply.
    4. Medical tar - component in preparations T / Gel Neutrogena, Friderm Tar. It perfectly reduces inflammation and flaking in the skin.
    5. Pyrithione Zincwell removes inflammation, removes irritated and flaky areas. Perfectly cleans the fungus. Contained in shampoos Zincon, Head and Shoulders, Friderm Zinc.
    Any shampoo that helps get rid of dandruff is used 3-4 weeks regularly 2 times a week. Then, as a prevention, it is used once a week. In order to increase the effectiveness of drugs, they should be alternated. The duration of the shampoo on the head should be at least 8-10 minutes! Otherwise, there will be no effect from using the product.

    Dandruff Shampoo Sulsen

    Relatively inexpensive and quite effective. Sold in the form of pasta. Sulsen needs to be applied to the hair roots after using its medicated shampoo. After that, the tool must be left on the head for 30 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the treatment once a week for 3 months. Price: from 250 to 373.00 rubles.

    Dandruff Shampoo Nizoral

    The composition includes ketoconazole. Besides the fact that this component actively kills the fungus, it also reduces the synthesis of androgens. Since a decrease in libido is possible, it is better to prefer sparing means. A cheaper domestic drug is Sebasol, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Price: from 400,00 rub. up to 545.00 rub

    Dandruff Shampoo Squafan S

    Strong enough to fight fungus. Removes itching, peeling, flushing. It contains a large amount of salicylic acid, resorcinol, as well as special components - climbazole and miconazole. Red juniper oil, which is part of the product, perfectly moisturizes and eliminates itching. It eases the condition of the patient. For the purpose of treating medium seborrhea, Squafan P shampoo is used. Price: from 770.00 rub. up to 990.00 rub

    Keto Dandruff Shampoo

    The shampoo contains zinc pyrithione and ketoconazole. It helps to remove itching and flaking on the scalp. Keto Plus is active against many yeasts, including Epidermophyton floccosum, Microsporum, Candida, Trichophyton. Many people who used shampoo, noted its high efficiency. Price: from 550,00 rub. up to 770.00 rub

    Dandruff Shampoo Algopix

    Algolix helps from oily and dry seborrhea. Effective shampoo. It contains salicylic acid, an extract of green microalgae, juniper tar. Despite the unpleasant smell, most reviews of this drug are positive. Apply the tool must be twice a week for 1-2 months to achieve the effect. Price: from 150,00 rub. up to 250.00 rub

    Head & Shoulders Dandruff Shampoo

    One of the most affordable dandruff shampoos. It has active, even aggressive components. This shampoo is well applied, easy to wash off, it smells good. The composition includes zinc pyrithione. The tool has proven itself quite well, but Head & Shoulders is not suitable for everyone. Most of all, customers like menthol shampoo. Price: from 450,00 rub. up to 550.00 rub

    Dandruff Shampoo Nivea for men

    An inexpensive mass market tool. Contains climbazol and olamine. It is recommended to use it for the purpose of prevention, as well as for the treatment of minor dandruff. This antiseborritis copes well with dry skin. Price: from 180.00 rub. up to 220.00 rub

    Dandruff Shampoo Elf

    The composition includes such active ingredients as thyme extract, ketoconazole and zinc. Ketoconazole, as already mentioned, inhibits the growth of the fungus. Zinc has a depressant effect on bacteria and cocci flora, perfectly reduces itching and inflammation of the skin. In turn, thyme has a synergistic effect, combining the effects of two components - zinc and ketoconazole. In addition, thyme strengthens hair well and increases microcirculation.

    With the very manifestations of the disease, the Elf company shampoo perfectly recovers. But just like other remedies is not recommended for prolonged use. Price: from 150,00 rub. up to 180.00 rub

    Dandruff Shampoo Node DS + Anti-relapse

    An expensive treatment for seborrheic dermatitis. The composition has both antifungal and antiseborrheic components. After using the tool, most people note the softness, obedience of hair, cleanliness. Thanks to the use of the shampoo, itching, flaking, hyperemia and even crusts disappear. To achieve maximum effect, Node DS + Anti-relapse recommends alternating with other shampoos. Price: from 1250,00 rub. up to 1450.00 rub

    Shampoo Yves Rocher for oily hair

    Shampoo is economical, it contains a lot of natural ingredients, it really helps many people. It has a light texture, well removes the manifestations of dandruff, improves the condition of the scalp. Hair becomes more clean and beautiful. Nasturtium shampoo eliminates dandruff after prolonged use. Among the disadvantages of this tool, we note its rather high cost. Price: from 330,00 rub. up to 450.00 rub

    In addition to shampoos, internal treatment is often required: the therapy of the underlying disease, vitamin complexes, immunomodulators, tincture of valerian and other drugs.

    What is dandruff and why does it appear?

    On the scalp lives of many microorganisms, including fungus. They make up a special microflora and are most often harmless. But as soon as the external conditions change (for example, we put on a hat, the temperature and humidity increase), these microorganisms begin to multiply vigorously, the fungus becomes more active and begins to loosen the scales of the scalp, release the products of its vital activity. All this "Falls white snow" on our shoulders in the form of dandruff.

    Of course, you can use anti-dandruff and special massages (for example, liquid nitrogen), and folk remedies (rinsing with decoction of nettle, chamomile, burdock, tansy, calendula), and medical supplies (sulfuric salicylate ointment, boric acid solution). But we somehow got used to dandruff shampoos for hair.

    Dandruff shampoos are different. Some simply wash it off well, while others struggle with the cause that causes dandruff. Let's find in the huge assortment the best dandruff shampoo.

    Which firm dandruff shampoo to choose?

    A lot of cosmetic and pharmaceutical companies are working on solving the problem of dandruff. Pharmaceutical companies specialize in anti-dandruff remedies - Tallin HFZ (manufactured by Grindex), Janssen Pharmaceutica (Nizoral shampoo) and Schuster Pharmaceutical LLC (produced by Perhotinet).

    Cosmetic companies produce good dandruff shampoos, which are more helpful in restoring the scalp and preventing dandruff treatment. These are firms “Vichy”, “Mirolla”, “Wellreal”, “Jason Natural”, “Secret Key”, “Himalaya Herbals”, “Witcher” (Shante Beauty LLC).

    In case of dandruff due to a scalp disease, consult a dermatologist. He will make an accurate diagnosis and, most likely, will prescribe you a comprehensive treatment. The common diseases of the scalp are seborrhea, mycosis and eczema. Only medications (they are usually sold in pharmacies) will help to deal with the cause of the disease. Be sure to follow the instructions and do not stop treatment if dandruff quickly disappears. A relapse may occur and she will return.

    There are three types of shampoos for dandruff. It is antifungal, exfoliating and tarry.

    As part of antifungal dandruff shampoos, the active substances destroy the fungus and prevent its spread. Itching and dandruff are caused by the fungus. Substances that fight it are clotrimazole, pyrithione, and ketoconazole.

    Exfoliating dandruff shampoos "work" like a scrub, only cleansing the head from dandruff. The active substances of such shampoos are salicylic acid, sulfur and tar. Such shampoos are good if the sebaceous glands are active.

    In the tar shampoos for dandruff in the composition of the active substance - is tar. Pine, coal, birch, juniper tar acts on dandruff, slowing its formation. Then it completely disappears from the scalp.

    Dandruff is an unpleasant cosmetic problem.

    Dandruff is one of the most common cosmetic defects, which is manifested by increased dryness of the skin. As a result, an unattractive whitish plaque appears on the curls, which is showered on the shoulders. Many in this case are trying to find the best dandruff shampoo, but this is not exactly the way out!

    Every third inhabitant of our vast planet has encountered this problem at least once in their life. It usually occurs in the weaker sex during the autumn-winter season, when the scalp is most susceptible to the adverse effects of external factors, including sudden changes in temperature.

    Dandruff is a specific reaction of the skin to irritation, which manifests itself in the form of severe itching, redness and dryness. As a result, the skin particles disappear, forming ugly white scales.

    Consultation with the trichologist will help determine the cause of the trouble

    Note! If this problem occurs, you should not immediately look for the best anti-dandruff shampoo, since the reason may lie in a serious illness. Therefore, first it is better to seek qualified help from a trichologist.


    On the head of any healthy person, the epidermis normally functions for no more than a month, after which it dies off. However, in some cases (for example, with the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms) this process occurs prematurely.

    As a result, the roots become fat, and the surface layers of the epidermis are deficient in oxygen and turn into whitish flakes. However, it is worth noting that this fungus lives on the skin of the scalp of any person. But at the same time a healthy body is opposed to its action.

    That is why it is important not to self-medicate. Find out how good dandruff shampoo will help to cope with the problem, should only be after consultation with a qualified technician.

    In order to choose the method of eliminating this unpleasant cosmetic defect, you should know the main reasons for its occurrence and warn them in advance.

    Before using medical cosmetics it is necessary to identify the cause of the disease.

    Among the main three factors are:

    1. The effect of microorganisms. Dandruff may appear as a result of the negative effect of the MalasseziaGlobosa bacterium that is present on any person’s skin,
    2. The effect of sebum is another cause of fungus. It destroys the lipid lubrication of the skin, which leads to irritation and itching,
    3. Individual intolerance. In almost all people, exposure to oleic acid is manifested by a strong reaction that causes the appearance of dry scales in the hair.

    In addition, external factors may exacerbate the condition:

    • Stress and emotional distress,
    • Unbalanced diet, in which there is a large proportion of fat,
    • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract,
    • The use of aggressive cosmetic products (especially with the content of sulfates in the composition),
    • Excessive smoking and alcohol abuse
    • Temperature drops
    • Disorders in the endocrine and hormonal systems.

    Dandruff may be caused by stress.

    Thus, only after a thorough examination and determination of the causes of the disease, the trichologist can recommend a good anti-dandruff shampoo.

    However, any cosmetic product can hide the symptoms, but it does not eliminate the cause. Subsequently, when you stop using the product, white flakes will reappear on the hair and clothing.

    Shampoo - easy to use and held remedy

    To eliminate this unpleasant cosmetic defect and prevent its subsequent appearance, you should adhere to the recommendations of your doctor regarding care, and also use special cosmetic products in combination with drug therapy.

    Familiar brands of shampoos for hair: can they beat dandruff?

    Composition, varieties and effectiveness

    So which anti-dandruff shampoo is better? To do this, first of all it is necessary to pay attention to its composition.

    It must contain the following active ingredients:

    • Ihtiol and tar. These substances contribute to the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands,
    • Salicylic acid. It helps to peel dry scales on the skin,
    • Selenium disulfate, ketoconazole, clotrimazole, zinc pyrithione. These components can reduce the number of pathogens,
    • Soft wash base. Perfectly removes impurities, but it does not lead to additional irritation and inflammation of the skin,
    • Herbal Supplements. Chamomile, clover, burdock, ginseng, nasturtium, licorice, nettle, dandelion and birch,
    • Essential oils. Grapefruit, eucalyptus, lavender, cedar, tea tree, patchouli,
    • Natural ingredients, vitamins and minerals.

    The choice of quality product involves the study of the composition

    Tip! The most effective result gives an integrated approach with the simultaneous intake of vitamins, since in most cases the appearance of dandruff is associated with a general weakening of the body.

    It is impossible to say which dandruff shampoo is the best.

    There are three types of detergents:

    • Antimicrobial. The active ingredients that make up these cosmetic products prevent the multiplication of pathogenic bacteria,
    • Exfoliating. These preparations contain abrasive granules, as well as salicylic acid and tar, which allows you to remove whitish flakes from the hair,
    • Antibacterial. The base contains zinc pyriton and octoprirox.

    Treatment with these funds is carried out for several months. Each shampoo is accompanied by instructions, which specify the time and the optimal dosage.

    How to use and choose?

    Before buying medical cosmetics, you should consult a doctor, he will tell you what dandruff shampoo is best for you and will give valuable recommendations on its use.

    Using this tool is no different from ordinary shampoo. However, since there are no aggressive surfactant components in the composition, it foams worse, therefore it is more consumed.

    The use of a therapeutic agent does not differ from the usual

    However, its use should follow the recommendations:

    • The therapeutic product does not need to be applied to the entire surface of the curls, but only on the roots,
    • In order for the active ingredients to act, the composition should be held on the hair for about 5 minutes,
    • After rinse thoroughly with warm water and apply balsam conditioner to facilitate brushing.

    Also, when using products, it must be remembered that the shampoo washes out color strongly.The time of use and the regularity of washing must be selected in accordance with the information on the packaging.

    Want to know which dandruff shampoo helps to cope with the task most effectively?

    When choosing this cosmetic, there are several factors to consider:

    • Type of skin (products for oily and dry hair contain various components in their composition),
    • The degree of irritation of the upper layers of the epidermis.

    Medicinal formulations can be used for prophylaxis.

    Thus, the most effective dandruff shampoo meets the following criteria:

    • Safety for hair and skin, i.e. it should not accumulate in the cells of the surface layer of the epidermis,
    • Have a bactericidal effect (suppress the functioning of pathogenic microflora),
    • Have anti-inflammatory effects,
    • Eliminate excessive peeling of the skin.


    In fact, Dandruff is dead, exfoliated skin particles that are caused by improper care, skin fungus, or a hereditary predisposition. It is not so difficult to get rid of this problem, the main thing is to competently approach its solution and, first of all, to acquire an appropriate therapeutic agent.

    Dandruff shampoo has the following distinctive features from conventional cleansers:

    • Normalizes the regeneration of scalp cells. In this case, dandruff could appear due to improper care of the curls and due to the use of too hard accessories for the care of the strands.
    • Heals the fungus. Ordinary shampoos are designed only to cleanse the skin of the head and the hair, this time, this product performs not only hygienic functions, but also medicinal and sometimes preventive.
    • Due to the well-balanced combined composition, the shampoo is not easy to treat the scalp, but also eliminates seborrhea, and also enhances hair growth and hair density, which is especially important for women with problematic hair or for those who want to grow beautiful and healthy curls.

    Each cleaning agent for strands has its own individual characteristics, thanks to which it is possible to distinguish a high-quality product from a low-quality one. No exception and anti-dandruff shampoo.


    Each individual product of this type, depending on its price, efficiency and manufacturer has different characteristics. In accordance with them and depending on the cause of dandruff and it is necessary to choose the right remedy for its treatment.

    Thus, all currently existing means to combat this disease are divided into:

    1. Exfoliating. Their action is aimed at prompt cleansing of the scalp from its dead particles. Moreover, such a tool does not eliminate the very reason for their formation.
    2. Antifungal, able to destroy the fungus, which caused the appearance of the disease. In addition, these shampoos have a firming effect on curls and are often able to enhance their growth.
    3. Made on broths or extracts of medicinal herbs. The vast majority of these drugs can eliminate dandruff in the initial stage of its appearance. In addition, they are best suited for children.
    4. Antibacterial dandruff shampoos, destroy various harmful microorganisms that contribute to its appearance, and protect it from re-formation.

    In general, all products of this type sold today are divided into two broad categories.: therapeutic and prophylactic. In the first case, they are used for the most effective and safe treatment of hair, their restoration and scalp. And in the second case, the means should be applied periodically to prevent the appearance of seborrhea and protect themselves from fungal infections.

    Speaking in general terms, a really good dandruff shampoo should not only suit your hair type, but also hinder the growth of fungus and harmful microorganisms, and it should clean the strands well and protect them from the reappearance of dandruff.

    Depending on the manufacturer, as well as additional functions that the tool performs, it may contain the following substances:

    • Tar is the main component of many anti-dandruff shampoos, usually used product extracted from birch wood. Tar shampoo effectively fights against pathogens, and also contributes to the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.
    • A good substance that can not only eliminate dandruff, but also strengthen curls, as well as cure some diseases of the scalp is aminexyl.
    • To eliminate excessive dryness of the skin, which is one of the causes of dandruff, add this tool panthenol.
    • Receive wide popularity and shampoos with zinc. Its presence provides a deep, thorough, and, most importantly, gentle cleansing. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
    • As antifungal ingredients used clotrimazole or ketoconazole. Use shampoos containing these supplements is possible only if the cause of dandruff is a fungus. Cyclopirox is also an excellent antifungal agent, but at the same time it can only be found in products produced in professional hair care and treatment lines.
    • Shampoos incorporating salicylic acid and sulfurfall into the category of exfoliating products. They effectively cleanse the scalp of dead skin particles and at the same time have a slight disinfecting effect.
    • To further soften the hair and give it shine, the manufacturer can add to your medicinal product olamin piroctone.

    "Jason Natural Dandruff Relief"

    The active ingredients in the composition - zinc pyriton (antibacterial), salicylic acid (exfoliating action), sulfur and glycerin (heals and softens). Natural ingredients - camphor, wheat protein, natural oils - help hair grow faster, strengthen the scalp, increase blood circulation in the scalp. Mild affect the scalp because it does not destroy the microflora.

    Positive sides: well soothes, reduces redness and itching, moisturizes the scalp, rinses well, shampoo is also used for dandruff prevention, hair becomes obedient after use, very effective, not too expensive, convenient bottle - 350 ml.

    Negative sides: slightly dries the end of the hair, has a sharp aroma, not in stores (ordered only via the Internet).

    Have you found the best dandruff shampoo?

    Of course, there are many more types of good dandruff shampoos on the shelves. Some more expensive, some cheaper. When choosing, push off the condition of the hair, scalp, season and of course the volume of your wallet.

    If dandruff is just beginning to bother you, or you don’t know the reason for which it appeared, take Vichy Dercos shampoo. It is better to use Nizoral or Micanisal shampoos after consulting a dermatologist, because it is they that act on the cause of dandruff - a fungus.

    As a prophylactic against dandruff, try the Witcher and Mirrolla Forte shampoos. These funds also help to restore hair and make it beautiful and obedient. "Himalaya Herbals" will help with oily hair, and "MaYu Healin" - with oily roots and dry tips. The shampoo “Wellreal” is not too aggressive components, it acts gently and relieves dandruff. Shampoo "Perhotinet" acts fairly quickly, and "Jason Natural Dandruff" will not only save you from dandruff, but also make your strands silky, strong and docile.

    Add some more shampoos to the action.

    Try not to eat a lot of fatty, fried, smoked and spicy foods. Because it provokes the production of more subcutaneous fat.

    A change in the temperature of the scalp also affects its condition. Too hot hair dryer, radiators, very tight and too hot hats, wigs greatly spoil not only the appearance, but also worsen the condition of the scalp, where the fungus begins to grow.

    Try to keep a middle ground - keep your head clean, hair shiny. And if suddenly dandruff still "settles" on the scalp, you will now find the best dandruff shampoo.

    Dandruff Shampoo

    Prevention shampoos are products that help maintain the effect of therapeutic drugs. They are best used for dandruff in the event of risk factors for seborrhea and dermatitis.

    Indications for the use of prophylactic shampoo:

    1. Breaks in the use of therapeutic shampoos.
    2. Seasonal occurrences of dandruff.
    3. Chronic skin diseases.
    4. Irritation after using ordinary shampoo.

    Contraindications for the use of prophylactic shampoos:

    1. Allergy to active elements means.
    2. The appearance of large amounts of dandruff and severe itching.
    3. Excessive sebum secretion.

    The composition of shampoos include:

    • antifungal agents
    • antibiotics (in some lines),
    • plant extracts,

    Preventive shampoos are not recommended for daily care. Most of them confuse hair and cause it to dry.

    Mirrolla Sulsen Forte: instructions for use

    The active ingredient in shampoo is selenium disulfide. This is a compound of sulfur and selenium, which effectively fights fungal microorganisms.

    Shampoo action:

    • removes microscopic colonies of fungi that cause dandruff,
    • controls sebum secretion
    • effectively washes even small dandruff flakes,
    • relieves from burning and itching
    • strengthens hair and heals the scalp,
    • included in the comprehensive treatment of hair loss,
    • heals hair follicles.

    Mirrolla Sulsen Forte is recommended at the very beginning of the disease, when the fungi have small colonies. The product is suitable for sensitive skin and thin dry hair.

    It is necessary to use it 2-3 times a week. The product is applied to wet hair and rubbed into the scalp for several minutes. To increase the effectiveness, you can use the same anti-dandruff paste.

    Shampoo Tonic Witch Doctor

    Shampoo does not help with the treatment of dandruff, it is recommended to use between applications of basic therapeutic agents, with the tendency of the hair to the appearance of seborrhea. In addition to synthetic detergents, the composition includes burdock and hop extract. The advantage of shampoo is its price. This budget tool can afford everyone.

    Shampoo-tonic Witcher has useful properties:

    • cleans even greasy hair for several days,
    • scalp moisturized
    • hair does not become stiff after frequent washing,
    • can be used as a primary care product.

    Apply the tool Witch Doctor recommended 2-3 times a week or as the hair is contaminated. Shampoo can confuse hair, so the use of balm or hair mask when using it is necessary.

    The best shampoos for daily hair washing

    Which shampoo is better from dandruff for daily use can be found in the reviews.

    Shampoos for daily use are recommended to use:

    1. With increased oily hair.
    2. With dry hair.
    3. For quick relief of itching.
    4. To normalize the sebaceous glands and adjust sebum production.

    It is not recommended to use these tools:

    1. With serious diseases of the scalp.
    2. If after applying the shampoo itching increases, and the amount of dandruff increases.

    The structure includes the following components:

    • antifungal agents
    • Birch tar,
    • burdock extract
    • nettle extract
    • panthenol,
    • vitamins and trace elements.

    Daily shampoos do not have to be used every day. Most of them allow you to refresh your hair for several days.

    Wellrea refers to affordable professional cosmetics that can be used every day. The main substance is piroctone olamine. Exactly he fights dandruff and fungus. To prevent the hair from drying out and breaking, manufacturers added aloe extract to the composition. D-panthenol helps to heal irritated skin faster and reduce itching.

    Wellreal shampoo:

    • is like shampooing every day,
    • does not confuse hair
    • does not dry and does not make hair hard, unlike similar products.

    Trichologists recommend using this tool for people with very oily hair. Shampoo can wash your hair every day, it perfectly regulates sebum secretion.

    Heden sholders

    Heden Sholders is one of the most popular anti-dandruff mass market products. It is quite effective in the initial stages and can be used in the intervals between the stages of treatment when dandruff reappears.

    The main components of shampoo pyrithione and zinc carbonate. They reduce the irritating effect of microorganisms, protect the hair from dandruff, and the skin from the tormenting itch.

    Chamun Heden Sholders has the following effects on hair:

    • gently relieves dandruff
    • reduces itching
    • nourishes and moisturizes the scalp tissue,
    • improves hair structure
    • has the effect of using the air conditioner,
    • refreshing.

    Can be used daily, but after Heden Sholders the hair is able to stay fresh for up to 3 days.

    Estelle Peeling Shampoo refers to products that can be compared with the use of expensive care cosmetics. In the composition there is zinc pyriotin, which normalizes the activity of fungal microorganisms. Other substances stimulate exfoliation of damaged skin. It helps to quickly eliminate dandruff.

    Advantages of peeling shampoo:

    • eliminates dandruff and its symptoms through several uses,
    • the effect lasts for 1-3 months after application of the product,
    • does not overdry hair
    • stimulates cell renewal of the scalp.

    The active action of the shampoo can lead to the speedy washing of paint. Therefore, women with dyed hair are recommended to use the tool no more than 3 times a week.


    Shampoo Perkhotinet can be attributed to a comprehensive means for daily hair care. The tool can be attributed to natural shampoos. Natural birch tar helps to get rid of dandruff, and chamomile extract heals and moisturizes the hair. Castor oil and vitamins struggle with other problems of the scalp, and do not allow hair to become too rigid.

    Perhotinet shampoo helps:

    • get rid of the first signs of dandruff,
    • to carry out prophylaxis with seasonal manifestations of seborrhea,
    • improve hair growth and stop their loss,
    • facilitate combing and styling.

    Shampoo cannot be called completely natural due to its sodium lauryl sulfate. Therefore, the daily use of this shampoo is better to refuse the owners of weak and very thin hair, prone to breakage.

    Shampoos Klear for dandruff for men and women are different. But the main substance in them remains zinc pyrithione. It contains cleansing agents that gently affect the hair and are not suitable for very oily hair.

    Advantages of Clear Shampoos:

    • contain a “cooling” component, which accompanies the reduction of itching and refreshes the scalp,
    • remove irritation
    • saturate hair follicles with microelements and vitamins.

    Himalaya Herbals for greasy hair

    The tool is suitable for hair, the cause of dandruff which is associated with a strong greasy scalp. Its action is aimed at cleansing from sebum - the secret of the sebaceous glands of the head.

    The following substances are part of Himalaya Herbals:

    • rosemary oil,
    • tea tree oil,
    • extract of flowers of Michelia,

    The tool is perfect for lovers of natural cosmetics.Despite the fact that the shampoo does not belong to the line of therapeutic agents, it can be used at the first signs of dandruff. The tool is suitable for getting rid of scratches and skin healing.

    Shampoos with a complex action against dandruff, dryness, itching, hair loss

    Which shampoo is better for dandruff to choose to deal with several problems, will help review the line of tools with complex effects.

    Indications for use of shampoo:

    1. Symptoms of skin diseases.
    2. Hair loss.
    3. Increased dryness or oiliness of the scalp.
    4. Hair fragility.
    5. Unruly hair.

    Contraindications for complex shampoos:

    1. Allergy to antifungal agents.
    2. Some remedies have increased hair dryness.

    The composition of shampoos with a complex action includes:

    • soothing substances
    • essential oils,
    • means that normalize the production of sebum,
    • plant extracts
    • salicylic acid,
    • antiseptics,
    • camphor.

    You can use these shampoos for the prevention of dandruff, itching and irritation.

    MaYu Healing Shampoo

    Refers to the Korean line of hair care cosmetics. Ideal for oily hair by maintaining a balance of hydration-nutrition.

    Renders the following action:

    • protects hair from negative external environment,
    • soothes damaged and irritated skin
    • maintains an optimal level of sebium (ideal for dry and split hair at the tips and oily at the roots),
    • strengthens the skin and hair follicles due to the large number of herbal ingredients.

    One of the elements of the shampoo is horse fat. In addition, it contains extracts of ginseng, white Far East root and nine more plants. MaYu Healing Shampoo can be used as a basic hair care product. But you can not supplement it with masks and balms - it makes it heavier and leads to rapid pollution.

    Jason Natural Dandruff Relief

    Jason Natural Dandruff Relief helps maintain healthy scalp microflora. Its elements destroy dangerous fungi, but at the same time retain the bacteria necessary for the functioning of the hair follicles.

    The shampoo contains zinc pyritonite and sulfur. They are powerful antiseptics. Salicylic acid dries and exfoliates dead tissue. For hair care and hair restoration, shampoo contains natural oils, as well as camphor and proteins.

    Jason Natural Dandruff Relief contributes to:

    • deep cleansing of hair and scalp
    • getting rid of flaking areas on the skin,
    • easy combing and styling curls,
    • healthy shine and lack of dullness,

    Wash your hair with shampoo at least 3 times a week, carefully rubbing the product into the scalp.

    How to choose the dandruff shampoo

    Which shampoo is better for dandruff to choose, prompts cosmetologist, trichologist or dermatologist. To abandon the usual shampoo in favor of anti-dandruff should be immediately after the appearance of itching and irritation. If there is too much “snow” on the head and there are crusts, you need to contact a dermatologist.

    With a small amount of dandruff and for the prevention of suitable shampoos with herbal extracts and birch tar. It is better to select remedies with the help of a doctor, it contains substances that not only remove the scales, but also make the hair stiff.

    Therefore, additionally prescribed therapeutic balm or mask. In the medical shampoo should not be a large number of sulfates, parabens and fragrances. They dry up hair even more, lead to their loss and breakage.

    To get rid of dandruff is not enough to choose only one tool that helps get rid of an unpleasant disease. In many cases it is better to try several shampoos.

    Anti-dandruff shampoo videos

    How to choose a dandruff shampoo:

    TOP 5 dandruff shampoos:

    How dandruff shampoo works

    Seborrhea is a common disease of the scalp that must be properly dealt with. How to treat dandruff? First of all, you need to choose the right medical shampoo. How does he act? The active substances and antifungal components contained in its composition remove dry flakes, normalize ph-balance, and have a moisturizing effect.

    Complex effect of shampoos in the fight against seborrhea:

    • Antimicrobial. Antifungal components stabilize the excess content of P. Ovale fungi, normalizing the natural balance of the skin.
    • Keratolytic. Effective substances help remove dead skin cells from the scalp, which helps fight dry flakes.
    • Cytostatic. The components temporarily slow down the process of cell renewal, thereby allowing the scalp to fully recover.

    The best oily dandruff shampoo

    Before you buy an effective therapeutic agent in the fight against seborrhea, you must first consider the type of hair. For the fatty type, a pharmaceutical preparation containing such components is best suited:

    • zinc (has a pronounced, long-lasting antimycotic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect),
    • ketoconazole (contributes to the reduction and normalization of sebum),
    • tar (slows down the accelerated vital activity of cells, reduces sebum secretion, normalizes blood circulation, relieves irritation),
    • sulfur (destroys dry flakes, prevents cell bonding),
    • hexamidine diisothionate (antibacterial effect),
    • lameron (normalizes the activity of sebaceous glands, prevents sticking of strands),
    • salicylic acid (exfoliates, destroys flakes).

    A good dandruff shampoo for oily hair is Head & Shoulders, Nizoral, Freederm Zinc. The presented medicinal preparations are affordable, help to quickly get rid of the main problem, improve the hair structure, contribute to their restoration, normalize the sebum secretion. It is advisable to choose drugs with herbal supplements - burdock, nettle, dandelion, sage, plantain, birch.

    The best dandruff remedy for dry seborrhea

    How to choose dandruff shampoos for exhausted, healthy shine, brittle hair? First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the cosmetic therapeutic agent. For dry seborrhea, it is recommended to use preparations containing such components:

    • silicone,
    • active substances
    • natural oils
    • herbal supplements.

    They have antifungal, antiseptic, moisturizing effect, contribute to the destruction of dry flakes, normalize the work of cells, sebaceous glands, eliminate itching, normalize the level of acid in the skin. Among the effective remedies for dry dandruff include the means of production of Vichy, Nizoral, Sulsen, Skin Cap, Psoril.

    How to choose an effective remedy for dandruff

    Do not rush to buy the first available dandruff shampoo at the pharmacy, in which case its effect will not justify the desired goals, and the money will be wasted. To get rid of seborrhea once and for all, to prevent the appearance of dry flakes, it is necessary to choose the right hair shampoo. Main selection criteria:

    • the cause of the disease
    • the type of hair and their structure,
    • the active composition of the funds
    • consistency,
    • the presence of herbal or other auxiliary additives,
    • age of the patient (adult or child, for children up to 14 years old it is desirable to pick up baby shampoo).

    Means to effectively treat seborrhea can be antifungal, exfoliating, antibacterial, herbal, anti-inflammatory, with antiviral action. The main component in their composition is tar, selenium sulfide, ichthyol, ketoconazole or climbazole. Be sure to choose products containing extracts of burdock, sea buckthorn, other plants. In this case, the effect is guaranteed.

    Where to buy and how much it costs

    Regardless of what products you decide to purchase, they are offered by cosmetology rooms, pharmacies, online stores, beauty salons. The price of remedies varies in the range - from 100 to 3,000 rubles (depending on the manufacturer, the guaranteed effect, the composition of the auxiliary components, the consistency).


    Watch the video: Dandruff. How To Get Rid Of Dandruff 2018 (July 2024).