
Japanese samurai hairstyles


Decree on hairstyles and swords (Jap. 散 髪 脱 刀 令 Sampatsu Datto: -ray) - The law of Japan, abolishing the estate differences, allowing residents of the country to freely choose hairstyles and not to wear swords. One of the government measures of the Meiji Restoration on the path to modernizing Japan and creating a national civil society. Proclaimed on September 23, 1871.

In the traditional Japanese society of the Edo period, the hairstyle was the identity of the Japanese by which his social status was determined. Samurais, aristocrats, merchants, peasants, Shinto priests, artisans, actors and Burakumen shaved their foreheads and tied long hair on their crown in the tail, which was folded according to the rules of their social group. The samurai also had the special privilege of wearing swords - a symbol of power over other classes.

The new government of the Meiji Restoration era sought to eliminate the old class frontiers in order to turn the people of Japan into a single political nation. To this end, on September 23, 1871, it issued a decree on hairstyles and swords, which proclaimed freedom to choose hairstyles and abolished the obligation of samurai to bear arms. In 1873, Emperor Meiji personally cut off his tail, setting an example to his subjects. Most did the same and began to cut their hair in a Western style.

The common people accepted the law with approval and even composed popular songs, in which they praised the new power. On the other hand, representatives of the non-titled privileged class, the former samurai, were hostile to the innovation. Some of them pointedly continued to wear swords and old-fashioned hairstyles to emphasize their independence. Sometimes their performances were dramatic. For example, in 1876, in the prefecture of Kumamoto, an elementary school director, descended from a samurai family, resigned from his post and closed an educational institution, protesting against the appeal of ancient privileges. Due to the reluctance of most of the samurai to part with the past, the government finally banned the wearing of swords by decree of March 28, 1876.

Fashion for men's European hairstyles influenced Japanese women. Coquettes and married ladies began to cut their hair as men, which led to the appearance of a government decree of 1872 that prohibited women from cutting their hair.

A bit of history.

Only in 1871 in Japan, a decree proclaiming equality of classes. Samurais were freed from the need to always carry a gun and, like the rest of the country, could choose any hairstyle. This decree was one of the steps towards a national civil society.

Prior to the issuance of this decree, only samurai could carry a weapon that was a symbol of their superiority over the other classes. Of course, the samurai had special hairstyles that distinguish them from others. Let's look at the basic samurai hairstyles for all the time.

It looked like Japanese samurai hairstyles on relatively short hair.

  1. The hairstyle of ancient Japanese warriors "Mizura".

Hair at the time was emphasized. The Japanese believed that their health and strength were concentrated in a person’s hair, therefore no one had cut them. The warriors wore this hairstyle: they parted it in half and divided the hair in half. Then, they twisted each part in a loop around the ears and tied it up, fastening it with two knots. Hair tied in this way resembled beans, hence the name of the hairstyle.

The business card of this hairstyle is a shaven forehead and crown. The hair from the temples and the back of the head gathered into the tail, which was twisted and threaded into a special case. It could be from different materials: cardboard, bamboo, etc. Then the hair, abundantly greased with beeswax based agent, was folded forward and tied up in several places. All samurai tail tightly to the top. This hairstyle was comfortable to wear under the helmet, and the tail also helped soften the blows being taken.

Over time, the previous samurai hairstyle has changed. Now, even though the forehead and top of the head were shaved, as before, they began to leave a curl in the middle. It was connected to the hair at the temples and the back of the head and twisted into a knot on the crown. It is worth noting that samurai have always been clean-shaven: only old men wore a mustache and a beard.

  1. "The big fruit of the ginkgo tree."

This hairstyle is very similar to the previous one. The difference is that the hair on the forehead and the top is not shaved. All hair gathered in a knot on the crown. This hairstyle is especially popular now. In this photo you can see hairstyles "fruit of the ginkgo tree" (left) and "big fruit of the ginkgo tree" (right).

As you already understood, an important component of the Japanese samurai hairstyle was exactly the hair, knitted on the crown of the crown or tied up and pushed forward at the crown. The hair at the temples and the back of the head could both leave and shortly shave.

Of course, throughout history, Japanese samurai had different variations of these hairstyles. Perhaps, at some time they wore completely different hairstyles. But the main hairstyles were just these.

Interesting fact. Often samurai used metal hair accessories. In a difficult situation, such accessories could save the life of a warrior, because they were often used as a weapon (take note).

Why hairstyles Japanese samurai and their variations have become so popular now? There are several reasons for this. The first reason: such hairstyles look stylish and original, that any man cannot but appreciate. The second - hairstyle carries a certain meaning.

In each of us there are enough qualities, both good and bad. When you think of samurai, just such traits come to mind. They are not difficult to apply in our time to become a real samurai!

  • Justice. Always act as you think is right. Listen to your heart.
  • Courage. Overcome difficulties, do not avoid them: they make you stronger.
  • Generosity. Treat others with kindness and condescension. Do not judge anyone harshly.
  • Respect. Do not forget about the rules of etiquette, treat people with due respect.
  • Honesty. Eliminate a lie from your life, because it is out of cowardice that a person goes to deception. Respect yourself and others: do not be fooled.
  • Devotion. Be faithful to the people who are important to you. Help and support them.

Next, we consider the samurai hairstyles that are relevant in our time. Now, any hairstyle of Japanese samurai is called "temnage", which means a tick in the form of a tick.

After the decree on swords and hairstyles in 1871, hairstyles called “dzangiri atama” became popular, which translates to a short-cropped head. They were worn and the samurai, and other classes. Such hairstyles easy to do yourself.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding such shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.


This hairstyle looks good on both straight and wavy hair. It is important the presence of regrown fringe.

  1. Hair before creating a hairstyle should be clean and slightly damp.
  2. Hair from neck to crown, you need to shave so that the length was increasing.
  3. Part the hair straight, cut the bangs at the tip of the nose. Optionally, you can make a small asymmetry.
  4. Move in the direction of the neck, slightly reducing the length of the bangs. Trim the ends of the hair.
  5. Dry your hair completely using a hair dryer and a round brush.
  6. Sprinkle hair with lacquer.

Creating a similar haircut you will see in this video.


Hair length should not be more than 5 cm.

  1. Wash your hair and dry it a little.
  2. Lay them up with a brush and styling agent.
  3. Using a hair clipper, remove some length on the temples. Move to the back of the head.
  4. Now put the hair in one length behind. Move upward until you reach the line that will be the top of the hairstyle.
  5. Make sure the hair stays up. Gently shape the desired shape and top.
  6. Fix hair.

See in this video how to make this hairstyle.

Sinsaigari and Sekuningari.

  1. Give clean hair to dry.
  2. Using the machine, short cut the temporal and occipital zones. Leave the hair only on the forehead and crown, make a smooth transition to them.
  3. The line of the forehead should be flat.
  4. Lay the hair as you like.
  5. Sprinkle hair with lacquer.

  1. Wash your hair, work with wet hair.
  2. Using a machine, shortly cut the hair around the perimeter of the head, make the line of the forehead straight.
  3. At the temples and the back of the head hair should be slightly shorter than in other areas.

As you can see, such short hairstyles are popular even among stars.

If you are interested in how to repeat the hairstyle of Japanese samurai "Tonmage", read on! For all these hairstyles, the length of your hair should be medium.

Hairstyles "Tonmage"

  1. Wash your hair and use a balm: your hair should be soft and docile.
  2. As the hair dries, partly part and divide the hair into two equal parts.
  3. Further, the type of hair will depend on the length of your hair. You need to collect half the hair in the tail around the ear. If the tail turns out to be small, tie it up and leave it like this; if large, make a loop and tie the hair in two places.
  4. Repeat for the second part of the hair. Fix the hairstyle with foam or mousse for styling.

This hairstyle involves shaved forehead and crown. But, even if you are not ready to go on such measures, it does not mean that you can not make such a hair.

  1. Wash your hair, use the balm. Dry them.
  2. Over the entire length of hair, apply a light oil to smooth and shine the hair.
  3. Make the tail on the crown. Use a beeswax hair product and apply it on the tail.
  4. You will need a ring or cylinder through which you want to skip the twisted tail.
  5. When the accessory is tightly pressed to the base of the tail, bend the hair forward at the top of the head and secure with a cord or rope in several places. If the tail is too small, do not bend it forward, leave it as it is.

"The fruit of the ginkgo tree"

For this hairstyle, the forehead and the top of the head should be shaved smoothly, and a lock of hair should be left in the middle. If you are not ready for such a dramatic change, skip this step. Then you will have a hairstyle “big fruit of the ginkgo tree”, also popular among samurai. You will have a hairstyle similar to the modern “man bun”.

  1. Wash your hair and apply a soothing balm. Wait until dry.
  2. Comb your hair and collect them all on the crown.
  3. Build something like a bundle or knot, tie it down with a cord or string.
  4. Use foam or mousse to fix.

If you briefly shave the temples and the back of your head and make a haircut according to the previous instructions, you will get the popular hairstyle “top knot”.

In this video you will see how to make a male samurai hairstyle with a beam on the crown.

And in this video shows a male hairstyle with a beam on the crown and shaved temples and nape.

More and more people choose what carries a certain meaning. Perhaps that is why Japanese samurai hairstyles are now particularly relevant among men. The samurai were worthy members of society, and there is nothing shameful to strive to become better, equal to them.

Japanese hairstyle features

On modern Japanese hairstyles affects the mass of various factors. These are traditional geisha hairstyles with a centuries-old history, which today are created on exceptional occasions. And the new-fangled images of the characters of the Japanese anime with their fantasy colors and shapes. But in these contrasting traditions there is much in common.

  1. Japanese geishas were characterized by a contrast that consisted of dark black hair and bleached skin. Modern girls, seeking to Europeanize their appearance, dye their hair in red and chestnut colors. But the tendency to contrasts is also inherent in them. After all, many of them have strands or zones painted in contrasting colors.
  2. Let's now look at geisha hairstyles in terms of volume, layering and complexity of designs. Yes, their hairstyles are strict and the excess hair does not stick anywhere. But how many balls, layers and bouquets they have that create the visual volume and complexity of the hairstyle! Modern young girls, naturally, in everyday life cannot and do not want to wear such difficulties on their heads. But if you pay attention to their hairstyles for long hair or haircuts for short, then they have the volume that appears due to multi-layer haircuts, and multi-level, when girls part of the hair lift up and make out in the form of a beam, and some leave dissolved.
  3. The following feature is observed exclusively in modern haircuts and hairstyles. Japanese hairstyles for girls have voluminous long bangs that hide part of the face. Here you can also observe many layers and levels, which simultaneously create volume and facilitate this part of the hair, making it more airy and weightless. But at the same time creating a more mysterious, mysterious, alluring image.
  4. Modern and traditional jewelry plays an important role in creating distinctive hairstyle styles.

Japanese style hairstyles for long hair

Japanese hairstyles with their own hands is not difficult to create on medium-length hair and on long curls. It is enough to add one, at first glance, insignificant, but very traditional detail - and strict Japanese style will work with modern jeans, and with a business suit, and with an evening dress. This detail - sticks-kanzashi.

Initially, and even now, this accessory is also made from a variety of materials, and depending on the situation or the occasion, you can choose a more affordable or more elegant version of the accessory.

The most affordable and easily replicable hairstyle might look something like this. The hair is collected in the tail on the back of the head or on the crown. The tail is rolled and fixed with kanzashi sticks. The tail can not completely hide, and release it through the middle of the beam in the gum area. You can add a Japanese raisin in the form of sticks to a classic shell.

Modern Japanese hairstyles are not complete without rims, bows and other hairpins, which are often fixed in the base of the bangs. Sometimes they are quite massive and bright. Against their background, both the beams popular nowadays and the glamorous volumetric curls look good.

Anime style haircuts

A very noticeable imprint on the fashion of modern youth is imposed by the heroes of anime animes popular not only in Japan, but throughout the world. Anime hairstyles for our average man in the street look wildly, but the Japanese to such stunning views are already quite familiar.

For those who are wondering about how to make a Japanese hairstyle in the style of anime, we answer. Often for such creativity wigs or false curls of fancy colors are used. If you do not want to cling to something foreign, then you should resort to staining. And the brighter the color, the more interesting it all plays.

Anime hairstyles are associated not only with a bright color scheme. But also with fabulous volume, which is created either by combing, if the state of hair allows, or with the help of overlays.

And the last detail, but probably the most important is the bang. Japanese hairstyles in this style require her presence. The bangs may be thick or thinned, even or oblique, but it never rises above the eyebrow line.

Japanese style hairstyles for short hair

Despite the lack of length with which to play, these hairstyles leave plenty of space for imagination. And the girls are experimenting not only with the colors of the hair, but also with the forms. Here you can see everything - from the classic strictly geometric shape to a ragged multi-level elongated and asymmetric length. Moreover, all experiments are often carried out on the basis of a bob haircut, which Japanese girls have long chosen.

Japanese men's hairstyles

Japanese men are not distinguished by the severity of manners and allow themselves to be creative not less than young girls. Long, thick bangs with profiled ends, an asymmetrical shape and torn, thinned ends of the main hairstyle, have become characteristic of men's hairstyles. Coloring is optional, but quite welcome. We must somehow stand out in a multimillion-dollar crowd.

Japanese hairstyles are so diverse and open to upgrades and innovations that, in general, every girl, even the most strict European mores, can find something for herself if she wants. Experiment, stand out!

Characteristic features of the classic Japanese hairstyle are the rules for creating the basis-mage and options for subsequent hair styling. Average. Long Universal. Features Japanese hairstyles. Traditional female styling.

Japanese hairstyles and haircuts: features, traditional styling

Asian culture is familiar to us much less than European, whose fashion trends occupy leading positions everywhere. Perhaps that is why an ambiguous halo hovers around her. Someone perceives such a little-known topic with a grin, and someone sees in her romanticism and the spirit of the past, because even in modern Japanese images a lot of folklore and historical. Japanese hairstyles - the most striking proof of this.


Japanese hairstyle features

In fact, it is important to understand the boundary between the layouts that have developed historically and what is displayed in the media industry - manga, anime, where much corresponds to European trends. In everyday life, some girls also adhere to simple tails and braids, wear short haircuts, so it’s impossible to talk about these images as Asian ones. Traditional Japanese hairstyles are mainly part of the solemn image. What features do they have?

  • Not only Russian beauty boasts a long braid - since ancient times, short haircuts in the Land of the Rising Sun were not honored even among men, and women, respectively, also grew their hair. However, the faces of both sexes wore them collected: most often it was a variety bundles (for example, a traditional samurai bunch) or knots.
  • Regardless of the haircut, the Japanese have either bangor shortened and released side strands. It smoothes facial features, making it softer, and also slightly covers it.
  • Accessories - An important detail, without which traditional Japanese hairstyles, including everyday ones, are not enough. For solemn outings, hairpins with hanging elements are used, and the volume of such decoration can be compared to the volume of the installation itself. Here, attention is paid not only to the combs, colors and ribbons, but also even origami. In the everyday hairstyle in the course of wooden sticks - kanzashi: they are used to create a beam.

Jewelry for Japanese hairstyles deserve a separate long conversation: the material and appearance directly pointed to the social status of a woman and even differed in different seasons.

Traditional female styling

Even a person who is almost not familiar with the culture of the Country of the Rising Sun easily recognizes geisha and details of their image: in particular, high hairstyles with bunches - mage. Today, such styling has become the prerogative of brides, and it is done quite simply, but is absolutely not focused on short haircuts - the curls should reach the breast or lower.

It is noteworthy that for traditional styling they take not rubber bands, but special tapes with a wire base.

  • Stir the entire mass of hair back, divide into 5 zones - occipital, front, top and side. It is necessary to collect them in a special order, which originates from the era of the samurai: it was their bundle that became the basis for all the classic Japanese hairstyles. Pull the upper zone (crown) to the tail, try not to crawl too low.
  • Now pick up the occipital area and attach to the tail, fixing them together with an elastic band. Next will be the side zones, and they need to pay special attention: before raising them and assembling, it is necessary to make a pile from the root to the middle, keeping the outer smoothness. Lateral zones are necessarily detained in the parties.
  • Last fit the front part, which also needs to be combed and ironed. The tail remains on top of the head consistently, the base should be wrapped with a narrow strand to hide the gum.
  • Now you need to arrange the free mass: lower it down, approximately to the middle between the back of the head and the top of the head, and then, bending, lead back to the top. Secure the ribbon so that the loop is at the bottom, and the ribbon itself lies just below the crown. The tip of the tail should be the same loop, but the front, tuck inward. For better fixation, you can use studs.

Please note that all Japanese hairstyles of this type do not imply a tight tightening of zones, except the top. Thus, around the head appears significant volumeThe degree of which depends on the reason for which the installation is created, the social status of the girl and other factors. If you try a similar hairstyle for a theme party, be guided by the proportions of your faces and figures.

As for the simpler options, there are absolutely any bundles. For example, paired tall cones-odango or a knot with simple (without decor) wooden kanzashi. The principle of the creation of the first is no different from what is used for a classic beam with a bagel or without.

To put the hair with kanzashi, you need to have a haircut with an even cut: the ends of the strands are wrapped around the stick, after which it is rotated clockwise by 360 degrees and ticked with a rolling movement through the center of the knot.

You can not be afraid of fixation - in the absence of physical exertion, the styling lasts until evening.

With the other subtleties of creating a traditional hairstyle can be found with the help of video from the national master.

In conclusion, it should be said that the topic of Japanese hairstyles is too extensive to be covered with just one article. For those who have not previously shown interest in the images of the country of the Rising Sun, it is enough to begin the study with the traditional bundle-mage and types of layouts based on it.

Japanese hairstyles on the modern way: the version with a tail on the back of his head, tail and others. In order to repeat them, you need to have an average hair length. Remember: all styling is done on clean hair.


Long male hairstyles are becoming increasingly popular. Although not all men dare to wear them. And opinions about men's tails, bunches and long flowing hair were divided: someone considers it tasteless, and someone is sure that long hair gives the appearance of a man of romance and stylish look. It stands out against the background of all male long-haired haircuts samurai hairstyle. She looks original and stylish, emphasizes masculinity. But before deciding whether to make such a haircut, you need to know a little history, what are the types of Japanese samurai hairstyles and the rules for caring for them.


In Japan, great attention was paid to hairstyle. She talked about which class the person belongs to. There was no need to fashion: the discrepancy entailed harsh punishment. The samurai wore a simple haircut that equated them to the rest of the population. If you combine all types of samurai hairstyles, then they can be described as follows: the base is the hair twisted in a knot on the crown or tied into a tail, which is then released at the top of the head. The head and neck were left intact, or they were shaved off and left short hair.

Fact! Japanese samurai used hair accessories. The advantage of these accessories was in the material of manufacture: metal accessories in special cases were used as weapons and saved the life of a warrior.

Over time, the hairstyles were somewhat modified, here are some noteworthy haircuts:

  1. Hairstyle of an ancient Japanese warrior. It was believed that the hair - the concentration of health and vitality, so they did not cut it. At that time, male warriors wore this styling: they divided the strands into two parts and made a parting over the entire head. Then each of the parts was twisted into a loop and tied at ear level.
  2. Sakayaki. This hairstyle had not so much decorative as practical value: the hair under the helmet did not interfere, and the tail softened the blows. And it was done this way: the top of the head and the forehead were shaved, the hair on the back of the head and on the temples were collected, a tail was made of them. Then the tail twisted and was threaded into a bamboo or cardboard case designed specifically for samurai hairstyles. After that, the hair was treated with a “styling agent”, which included beeswax, and leaned forward and tied up.
  3. "The fruit of the ginkgo tree." This is the name of the hairstyle. It differs from the previous one in that a strand of hair was left intact on the shaved top of the middle. This strand was connected with the hair from the back of the head and temples and twisted into a bun on the crown.

There were other options for haircuts and styling that have changed over time. At a certain period, the hairstyle of a young samurai looked like this: on the crown of the head, her hair was shaved, and at the forehead they were left. Tied a small knot and another one on the back of his head. Then both nodes were combined into one.

JAPANESE hairstyles for modern LAD: VARIANT with a TAIL ON the BUTTON, TAIL AND OTHERS

What makes the samurai hairstyle so attractive to men today? Here’s what:

  • Looks stylish. It is impossible not to draw attention to a man with a samurai haircut. It attracts the eye with its originality.
  • It has a special meaning. Some men choose this haircut, thinking of courage, courage, justice and loyalty of samurai warriors. About the qualities inherent in this man.

Tonmage - so called any male samurai hairstyle at the moment. This name is explained as follows: the majority of men over time, we will speak directly, go bald. Therefore, when styling hair in a samurai style, a “tick” appears in profile, which in Japanese reads “ten”. The rest of the name, “mage”, is translated as “forelock”. In accordance with this, the full name of the haircut is “tick-shaped forelock”.

In addition to haircuts, implying long strands of hair, at some point in Japan, short haircuts in the European fashion, called “dzangiri atama,” became popular. And today, these "European" haircuts are associated exclusively with samurai hairstyles.

The following describes how to make a haircut of Japanese warriors. In order to repeat them, you need to have an average hair length. Remember: all styling is done on clean hair.

To create this hairstyle, you need a shaved forehead and crown, as well as a small ring. Can cardboard. Apply oil to your hair to give smoothness to the curls, and then collect the hair in the tail on the top. Twist it into a bundle and skip through the ring. Lock the ring at the base of your tail. Then tilt the tail-beam forward and lock in several places. If the tail is small, then let it remain as it is, do not tilt it forward.

Important! If your shaved forehead and crown are too bold for you, don't do it. However, you can make this hairstyle.


This hairstyle implies a shaved head and forehead, and in the middle is left a long strand of hair. Gather long hair at the top and tie it in a bun, fastening it with a suitable rope or an inconspicuous elastic band. Use lacquer to fix.

This hairstyle formed the basis of the now popular haircuts "Bun" and "Top Knot". The first does not imply the presence of shaved parts of the head, and the second is distinguished by shaved temples and the back of the head.


To create a haircut, the optimal hair length does not exceed 5 centimeters. Using styling products, comb your hair up. Then use a clipper to remove the length at the temples, moving to the back of the head. Leave the hair back the same length, and the hair above longer. Give hair the desired shape and fix.


Take care of your hair and hair will always be on top

Having decided to make a samurai hairstyle, you need to consider that it will require a certain care:

  • Regular visits to the hairdresser in order to trim the regrown strands and give a neat look to the haircut.
  • The use of caring means. Kohl already decided on long hair, then you need to take care of them. Healthy hair is beautiful hair.
  • Do not use often hair dryer. This is a short haircut no problems - wiped his head with a towel, and already dried. With long strands it will not work. But the temptation to constantly use a hairdryer is better avoided, as it hurts the hair.
  • Wash your hair regularly. Dirty long hair looks awful. Instead of a courageous, brutal image, there is a risk to earn a not flattering reputation.
  • Minimum accessories. More precisely, one gum is enough for tying a tail or a bundle. It must be in harmony with the hair color, so as not to stand out.

Whatever impulses move you, but if you are attracted by a samurai haircut, make it. Wear a bun or cut your hair shortly in the spirit of the Japanese warriors, and you can be sure that you look stylish and original.

A brief history excursion

In antiquity, Japanese men paid special attention to their own hairstyle. The length, condition of the hair and the nature of the styling suggest what status the representative of the stronger sex possessed. At that time, people did not have to modish, since the discrepancy between the hairstyle and the class to which the man belonged entailed a whole host of unpleasant consequences.

In general, there are several versions of the ancient Japanese male hairstyles:

  1. The hairstyle of a warrior was somewhat simple, as people who were in the army associated themselves with the general population.The basis of the form consisted of hair, collected in the tail or twisted in a knot at the back of the head. In this case, the length was removed from the temples.
  2. Sakayaki - samurai hairstyle in the form of a tail on the back of his head, whose name translates as "shaved forehead." The creation of a kind of bald patch in the frontal part of the head was part of the initiation rite, which took place every young man. This samurai hairstyle was not so much decorative as practical value. The hair collected on the back of my head did not fall over my eyes and softened blows to the head under the helmet.
  3. "The fruit of the ginkgo tree." From the above options, a hairstyle with such an original name was distinguished by the presence of a small shred of hair on shaved forehead. He twisted into a tube in the middle of the head and was connected to the tail, which was left on the back of his head.

Samurai hairstyle: what should be the length of the hair?

The main condition for creating a hairstyle with a tail on the back of the head is the presence of curls of suitable length. It is not necessary to wait a long time while they grow back. In order to form a samurai hairstyle in the form of a tail on the nape of a man, there is enough hair about 15 cm in the back of the head.

Samurai hairstyle with shaved temples

The presented idea is known among young guys under the definition of "top knot". In fact, the hairstyle is an elongated version of the underrun style popular by today's standards. The temples have a minimum length. If desired, the side areas can even be shaved bald. The main focus here is on the top of the head, where the curls are woven into a tight tail.

Care features

Samurai hairstyle needs the right care. To maintain a neat look, your hair should be washed, combed and carefully laid. For combing it is recommended to use combs that have an average thickness of teeth.

If we talk about care products, here it is worth resorting to the use of shampoos that correspond to the level of oily hair. For laying allowed the use of gels and mousses. At the same time, special attention is paid to conditioners, since it is they that allow to avoid rattling of individual hairs.

Where to tie a tail?

Samurai hairstyle allows the creation of a tail or a beam on the back of the head and in the area of ​​the crown. Whatever it was, the latest fashion trends require the formation of such styling higher. Otherwise, the hairstyle will turn into a normal low tail. To understand the features of the correct implementation of the idea, it is enough to use as an example the photo of the actual solutions presented in this material.

Who is the hairstyle?

Men's hairstyle with a tail on the back of the head is able to deliver some discomfort in everyday life. For example, it is not recommended to resort to the implementation of the idea of ​​guys who need to follow a business dress code at work. In this situation, this option can not play in favor of men.

Samurai hairstyle is not suitable for every member of the stronger sex. You should not give preference to this option to the owners of an elongated, thin face, because here the tail on the back of your head will once again emphasize the wrong oval.

It is recommended to refuse a samurai hairstyle to those men who have a large, prominent forehead, bulging ears, a large nose. The release of a person from freely flowing curls will only draw attention to the indicated defects in appearance.

It is very necessary by the way such a hairstyle to the owners of a square and round face. Competent implementation of the idea will visually lengthen the oval, and in some cases, soften its angularity.


Samurai hairstyle in the form of a tail on the nape of the female and male - an extremely simple, practical option that contributes to the formation of the original, cutting-edge everyday style. Make it without help is quite simple. The main thing is to have a sufficient length of curls in the neck.


Watch the video: Samurai Man Bun. 4 Easy Quick Men's Hairstyle (July 2024).