
Highlighting during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a beautiful, but at the same time exciting time in the life of the future mom.

During this period, there are many doubts about how to maintain the usual way of life, without harming the baby.

One of the questions that has two radically opposite opinions is the topic of hair coloring while waiting for a baby.

Is hair coloring harmful during pregnancy - early and later?

Is it possible to highlight hair during gestation?

Highlighting during pregnancy for several decades remains an "open question". Ardent opponents of any impact on the body of a pregnant woman during gestation indicate the categorical inadmissibility of such procedures, justifying his opinion the negative effect of dyes on the baby in the womb.

At the same time, psychologists, given the unstable emotional state of the expectant mother due to the influence of hormonal changes, the frequent occurrence of apathy, anxiety, and dissatisfaction with her appearance, which often causes strained relations with her spouse, allow going to the hairdresser as a means - antidepressant.

For those who doubt and look for a "middle ground", there is highlighting - a gentle type of hair coloring, which is most preferable for women in an interesting position.

The only limitation, perhaps, are the timing of pregnancy, at which the holding of such a procedure is undesirable:

  • the period up to the twelfth week, when the formation of all important systems and organs of the baby,
  • the third trimester, when the pregnancy comes to a "logical conclusion" and it is very important to prevent the influence of any factors that can prevent the baby from getting to the deadline.

What is more harmful during childbearing - full staining or highlighting?

The main danger of hair dye during pregnancy lies in the contact of the dye with the scalp, through which aggressive substances enter the blood, and then can "get" to the baby. There are no exact studies of “harm” for the child in this matter, but there are a number of other unpleasant consequences:

    allergic reaction in a pregnant woman.

Before applying any coloring composition on the hair and scalp, be sure to conduct a susceptibility testby applying a small amount of paint to the fold of the elbow or behind the ear and watch the reaction. In the presence of redness, itching or rash, paint can not be used.

  • Strengthening the manifestations of toxicosis (dizziness, nausea, vomitinga) due to inhalation of vapors of paint chemicals.
  • Getting the ultimate completely different color or stained "stained" due to changes in hormonal levels.
  • Taking into account all the nuances, in the period of waiting for crumbs, highlighting is the safest means of dyeing hair, because it allows you to update your hair without contacting the paint with the scalp, and therefore minimize even the hypothetical the danger of the influence of "chemistry" on the unborn child.

    What kind of hair treatment can I do?

    For future mummies, it is preferable to choose a gentle highlighting, when a paint is selected with a composition that does not contain ammonia, but has moisturizing and protective properties, carefully coloring the curls and changing the color by no more than one to three tones.

    As for the "place" of painting - it is possible to paint both individual strands in a certain zone, and make “stripes” of different widths for all hair.

    Strands can be dyed in a color that is lighter than the main hair, or darker (reverse highlighting).

    How to conduct this to minimize the risks?

    In order for the highlighting procedure to bring only positive emotions and not to "hypnotize" hypothetical harmful consequences for the future baby, you should take Consider important recommendations:

    1. Do not conduct the procedure in the first and third trimesters.
    2. Do not do highlighting yourself, and use the services of a professional, enrolling in a "proven" beauty salon, or inviting the master to the house.
    3. During the procedure, try to stay at the open window, and immediately after - take a walk for a couple of hours in the fresh air in order to “air out” the lungs from harmful fumes.

    To reduce the inhalation of harmful chemical fumes during highlighting should wear a medical mask.

  • To the effect of dyeing lasted as long as possible, the procedure should be carried out on "stale" hair. In addition, a greasy film on the hair will reduce the aggressive effect of the paint on the curls.
  • Thanks to useful recommendations, the procedure of highlighting will be a pleasant reincarnation of the future mom without the risks for the baby. It is only important to choose the right time for coloring, an experienced master and recharge yourself with a positive attitude!

    What is dangerous staining during pregnancy

    Thorough tests in this direction were not carried out. Eight years ago, experts hypothesized that hair coloring can cause neurological disorders in the baby - neuroblastoma.

    More thorough research in this direction has not been conducted, and the hypothesis put forward has not been confirmed. It is unambiguous to assert that the procedure of hair highlighting in a pregnant woman poses a threat to the health of the unborn baby has no scientific evidence. On the other hand, another pattern was observed, which is possibly related to hormonal jumps: the result of dyeing sometimes turns out to be unexpected, the color does not fall evenly, but is stained, does not hold well on the hair, or the paint is not taken at all. True, such a "surprise" is not so vital.

    How to reduce the effect of paint on the fruit to a minimum

    Highlighting during pregnancy does not pose a significant risk to either the pregnant woman or the fetus, this is not alcohol or tobacco products. The procedure is carried out without direct contact of the paint with the scalp of a pregnant woman, which is consistent with the complete dyeing of the hair.

    To reduce the risk, you can take precautions:

    1. Do not highlight hair until the 12th week of pregnancy, while the formation of the most important vital organs of the baby.
    2. Try to get a natural paint or more with a mild effect of ammonia-free paint: henna or tint balsam. True, the effect of staining will turn out not very stable, but it is absolutely harmless.
    3. The greatest threat is ammonia fumes that enter the respiratory tract of a pregnant woman at the time of staining. To reduce their harmful effects, use an ordinary medical bandage.
    4. Agree with the master about carrying out procedure at home, and when coloring be located near the open window or near an extract.

    So, is it possible for pregnant women to make highlights?

    The answer will be positive if the procedure is carried out by a qualified hairdresser who knows his business and who can tell which paint will work best and the time of dyeing itself.

    Doctors do not give strict prohibitions to expectant mothers about painting or hair coloring. A woman herself must decide whether or not such procedures should be carried out, first of all, starting from the state of health of her body. No one in the world, except the most pregnant, can say for sure what is best for the child - an ideally beautiful mother or wait a bit. Whatever option a woman chooses, her mental attitude is much more important than all prejudices and prohibitions.

    What is the essence of the process

    Highlighting, regardless of whether only brightener is used or additional shades is a chemical reaction. In order to lighten the hair, you must first loosen its structure, and then neutralize the natural pigment or replace it with a new shade. This is done with the help of an oxidizing agent, which is hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

    Peroxide in low concentrations is relatively harmless even to a pregnant woman. But ammonia is toxic, it often provokes allergic reactions and has a very unpleasant pungent odor. It is because of this that future moms are not strongly recommended to use resistant paints.

    Possible harm

    Many women believe that there can be no harm to the unborn child even from resistant paint, since it practically does not contact with the skin and is used only once a month in very small quantities. But at the same time they refer to their own experience, but the statistics show the opposite.

    The percentage of children with birth defects among lovers of staining is higher than among those who have not used resistant paints during gestation. Allergies are more common in such pregnant women, sometimes they even have breathing problems - the irritating effect of ammonia vapors becomes so strong.

    For any woman, constant contact with toxins is unsafe - it increases the risk of developing cancer and cirrhosis of the liver.

    But how do the chemicals in the paint affect the future mom and her unborn child:

    • Perhydrol (hydrogen peroxide). It strongly dries hair, makes it lifeless and brittle. It can cause headaches and sudden blood pressure spikes. With a sudden rush of blood to the uterus in the early stages, miscarriage may occur, and in the later stages - premature labor.
    • Ammonia. Destroys the protective keratin layer, actually kills the hair. It strongly irritates the skin, provokes inflammation of the mucous membranes and allergies. In a pregnant woman complicates the course of toxemia, increases nausea, and may lead to loss of consciousness. Poor influence on the development of the fetus, can cause birth defects.
    • Parafinene diamine. Very toxic substance that can accumulate in the body. Its concentration is much higher in colors of dark shades. With regular use provokes cancer and genetic defects.
    • Resorcin. Preservative with a strong antimicrobial effect, inhibits the activity of the sebaceous glands, dries the hair, provokes allergic reactions.

    And this is only a small part of the chemicals that are part of resistant paints and clarifiers. Harmful substances in them are actually much more. In order to get them out of the body, the liver and kidneys, which are already under double stress, are working hard.

    And no matter what arguments those who answer the question whether a pregnant woman can color her hair, will surely give a positive answer, if you seriously fear for the health of the unborn child, it is better to listen to the opinion of experts.

    First trimester

    Great care should be taken during this period, especially before 5-6 weeks. First, the fetus has not yet consolidated properly in the uterus and the placenta has not formed, which separates its blood circulation from the mother. This means that it is subject to any negative influence, and even weak toxins are very dangerous for it.

    Secondly, early toxicosis is present in about half of pregnant women - their body still cannot cope with a double load. Harmful substances from paint enhance its manifestations. And with frequent vomiting, sudden tremors of the uterus occur, and miscarriage can occur. Therefore, in the early term, it is really better to reject highlighting.

    Second trimester

    Usually this is the most peaceful period of pregnancy. The placenta and fetal bladder are already fully formed, which protect the unborn child from negative external influences. The female body has adapted to change and feels good. And the pregnant woman herself is no longer so nervous.

    In these months, you can and even need to take care of yourself. The figure began to blur, the hair had grown back, so it's time to go to the salon. Highlighting and even coloring in the middle of the term is permissible. But it is better if it is performed on the foil - it does not let the smell in and the inhalation of ammonia vapors will be minimal.

    To minimize the risk of allergies, the procedure should be performed in a well-ventilated area. Also, the master will carefully ensure that the tool does not fall on the skin. This is difficult to do if necessary root staining. But then it is better to take non-ammonia paint. She will wash off faster, but will cause less damage to her hair and future mother.

    Third trimester

    Tinting or highlighting the hair is relatively safe until about the end of the seventh month. Then hormonal adjustment takes place again - the body begins to prepare for childbirth and the upcoming feeding. And the woman herself is more and more nervous, waiting for the birth of the baby.

    Toxicosis is also common in the third trimester, especially for those who suffer from chronic kidney and liver diseases. Harmful chemical components can strengthen it, but it is not necessary before giving birth. Therefore, from the eighth month it is better to refrain from highlighting and coloring. Moreover, it remains to suffer quite a bit and soon it will be possible to put yourself in order again.

    Feeding period

    In the first month of the baby’s life, the mother is usually not up to the stylists - she only learns to cope with new responsibilities, and she hardly sleeps. But gradually everything is getting better, Mommy is increasingly going out with the baby on the street and she wants to look beautiful again.

    It's time to go to the hairdresser again. But caution is also needed here. If a baby is breastfed, hair lightening and highlighting with permanent paints are excluded. The chemicals immediately enter the milk and can cause poisoning in the baby. Dyeing hair during HB is permissible only tint balms!

    If you switched to artificial mixtures, then your body and hair again belong only to you and you can do any cosmetic procedures.

    But at the same time note that the hormones are still not returned to normal, if less than a month has passed since the birth or the completion of feeding. And this can affect the condition of the hair and the color obtained after dyeing.

    Alternative ways

    But nevertheless pregnancy is an important, responsible and wonderful period of life for every woman. And certainly he should not be overshadowed by the thoughts that due to the poor condition of the hair, the hairstyle looks unattractive.

    There are completely harmless ways to adjust the color:

    1. Toning with tint balms - there is a minimum of harmful compounds and there is no unpleasant pungent smell. During pregnancy, the hair usually has a looser structure, on which the tonic keeps poorly, so it will have to be used about once a week.
    2. Vegetable paints. Harmless highlighting can be made "grandmother's method" with lemon juice. It should be applied to the selected strands and sit for a couple of hours under the sunlight. So that the strands do not dry out too much, after that it is advisable to make a mask or an oil compress. Toned hair can be using coffee, onion decoction, chamomile infusion or strong tea.
    3. A haircut. If the hair is badly damaged, and highlighting has grown and looks sloppy, think about cutting. For a young mother, caring for damaged hair can become an unnecessary burden. He just will not have time and energy. In the meantime, the baby will grow up, the hair will be long again and you can create a completely different image or return to the previous one.

    When deciding whether or not to make highlights during pregnancy, do not focus on opinions and reviews on the forums. Pregnancy - a process so individual that relying on other people's experience may be unsafe. Better consult with the supervising doctor and listen to your body.

    Coloring, highlighting and pregnancy

    Immediately, we note that no serious research has been conducted in this area. Scientists hypothesized that the contact of the future mother with chemical hair dyes can adversely affect the nervous system of the future baby. He is allegedly threatened with neuroblastoma. But further this assumption, the matter did not go. The hypothesis has not been confirmed. Therefore, it is unambiguous to say that highlighting hair when carrying a baby is harmful, it is impossible.

    Doctors do not prohibit their patients to dye their hair or to dim. In such matters, you must rely on your own intuition and well-being. After all, the psychological state of a pregnant woman is more important than prohibitions and prejudices. And yet, why not make up and do melirovka during pregnancy? Here are the arguments:

      Smell. All paints of an average and low price category contain ammonia in the structure. His couples are bad for the future mother and her baby. Indeed, in any case, she inhales them. It is logical to assume that this can cause nausea in a woman, given the increased sensitivity to odors in the early stages of gestation. It is also possible the occurrence of dizziness, vomiting.

    We reduce the effect of paint on the fruit to a minimum

    Masters say that highlighting is a gentle way to support hair in an attractive condition, it will not do much harm to a woman. Indeed, with such a manipulation, the paint does not touch the scalp of a pregnant woman. However, any risks of this procedure can be minimized. Here are some guidelines for this:

    1. Do not highlight the first trimester. After 12 weeks, when the organs and systems of the future child are already formed, the procedure will be safer.
    2. Pick up for her holding paint on a plant-based, without ammonia. You can use henna or just a tint balm. The effect of the latter does not last long. But so you can be sure of the harmlessness of the funds.
    3. If you do decide to apply ammonia paint, then an ordinary medical mask will help protect yourself from its fumes. Also to minimize its harmful effects may open window. By the way, the master can be invited to the house. So a woman will feel more comfortable, and you can sit right next to an open window, a loggia.
    4. During pregnancy, use the services of a good master. He will give professional advice taking into account your position and will select the most sparing paint.
    5. If a woman is already accustomed to highlighting before a pregnancy, then in a new position she can experiment with hair without resorting to this procedure. You can simply change the hair, give your hair a new shade with a decoction of onion peel, camomile flowers, walnut shells.

    Where is the danger hiding?

    The question is, indeed, not an easy one, considering that the girlfriends vigorously repeat: pregnancy is not a disease, therefore, it is possible to care for hair just as before its occurrence.

    But, girlfriends are friends, and when you are responsible for the life and safety of not only your own, but also of another man - defenseless, completely dependent on you - it is wiser to listen to the opinion of experts.

    True, there is no single answer from the doctors on this score. Some claim that the harmful substances contained in hair dyes can not enter the child's body in harmful concentrations. Others, on the contrary, insist that it is better to refrain from this procedure, citing several reasons:

    • Thorough and reliable research on this topic has not yet been conducted, so the risks are always present. And the presence of even the slightest risk is now better for you to interpret in favor of rejecting a potential threat
    • During carrying a child, most women sharpen the perception of all kinds of smells, which include the evaporation of dyes in the first place. Possible attacks of suffocation, nausea, pressure surges and other troubles also oppose highlighting,

    A woman in a position and, without exposure to foreign odors, can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations, one of which is nausea during pregnancy >>>.

    • Hormonal restructuring of your body during pregnancy affects the condition of the hair is not the best way: they become dry, weak and brittle. Highlighting, albeit to a lesser extent than full staining, is still able to aggravate the situation,
    • You are now changing the body's reaction to many familiar things. For example, you may experience allergies to substances that were tolerated quite calmly before.
    • In addition, when highlighting hair during pregnancy, the result may be the most unpredictable, for which you need to say "thank you" all the same hormones. That is, the paint can give a completely different shade that before, or in general “will not take,”
    • In addition, doctors do not exclude the possibility of the penetration of harmful chemicals into the body of the fetus, which may be fraught with the risk of allergic reactions, reduced immunity, even the threat of oncology.

    What exactly reagents when highlighting is to be feared?

    So, the chemicals contained in the compositions for highlighting, can cause unpleasant reactions. What are these reagents and how do they threaten you? Let's figure it out.

    1. Ammonia is, above all, a pungent smell. An attack of coughing, choking, even a burn of the respiratory tract - no one will insure you from all this. Cheap paints for highlighting hair contain ammonia, and in considerable concentrations, although acceptable,
    2. Hydrogen peroxide. Dangerous by the presence of acid. That is, highlighting with the use of peroxide during pregnancy can lead to burning of the hair or scalp burns,
    3. Persulfates are also often used in inexpensive inks for highlighting. During pregnancy, they can cause dermatitis, rashes, even asthma attacks,
    4. Resorcin. His doctors do not like, perhaps, more than the other clarifying reagents used in highlighting. It not only reduces immunity and irritates the skin, but also can disrupt the normal functioning of hormones. And they now work for you in emergency mode.

    We minimize the consequences

    If you are still firmly convinced that you need to highlight it now, let's find out what to do to minimize the possible risks from using hair dye:

    • Avoid highlighting in early pregnancy, when all the baby’s organs and systems are being formed, and the placenta cannot yet provide complete protection against the penetration of harmful substances, which the paint contains, into the baby’s body (how the baby grows during pregnancy learn from the article Child Development in the Womb >>>).
    • Do not make highlights more often than once every three months: it is better to be safe once again. Choose the color of the paint as close as possible to your natural color, then the period between staining will be psychologically calmer,
    • Be sure to check before the procedure, the reaction to the paint of your skin and hair in the test mode, even if you have previously used this,
    • Use coloring compositions of proven manufacturers, in which the content of "thermonuclear" substances is less, and for highlighting use the services of a highly professional barber who will give useful tips, and will be able to make highlights as correctly as possible for skin and hair,
    • It is better to do the procedure at home, where you can go to the balcony or open a window for airing during the dyeing process. This will allow you to not breathe fumes.

    Looking beautiful, harboring a new life under the heart is the natural heightened need of a woman. But still do not forget: highlighting, though more gentle, but still hair dyeing with chemical reagents of different degrees of aggressiveness.

    If there is even the slightest doubt about the safety of the procedure, it is better to refrain from it, giving preference to shampoos, tonic, natural coloring decoctions (chamomile, walnut, onion peel) for the period of carrying the child.

    This, moreover, will provide additional nutrition to hair. So, you will still look beautiful, even without the help of hair dye. Health to you and your baby!

    Is it possible to highlight during pregnancy

    Some doctors are inclined to believe that the paint penetrates through the scalp into the blood of the future mother, oppressing the central nervous system of the child. Others argue that the substances contained in it, do not harm the fetus, so this theory is erroneous. At the same time, no studies were conducted on this score.

    Some experts say that pregnant women who are susceptible to odors may react negatively to paint evaporation. There are frequent cases of nausea, high blood pressure, choking. May be allergic to substances that the body perceived calmly before.

    There is no unequivocal answer to the question whether it is possible to do highlighting during pregnancy. If you are seriously thinking about this cosmetic procedure, you will have to act at your own risk.

    Hazardous components in paints

    The paint contains many reagents that can affect the body in unexpected ways. An organism in which hormones are rearranged may rebel against certain chemicals. The most dangerous among them are:

    • Ammonia. It has a pungent smell, is present in all cheap paints. Although its concentration in them is permissible, the substance can cause an attack of cough, nausea, burn, dizziness.
    • Hydrogen peroxide. It contains acid that burns hair and can cause skin burns.
    • Resorcin. It affects the skin, irritating it and reducing its protective properties, worsens the work of hormones. Among all the substances present in the paint for highlighting, experts call it the most harmful.
    • Persulphates. These substances provoke a rash, dermatitis, asthma attack.

    If you suddenly fail, find out in advance how to fix the unfortunate highlighting.

    We shared the secrets of hair care for melirovanny hair. They are given by experts in this field, and therefore really work. You will learn how to wash your hair and what means will help restore curls.

    Very interesting is the American technique of highlighting. Here are described its features, as well as step-by-step execution of the procedure.

    For the procedure you will need a special comb. It says how it should look, what it is made of and how to use it.

    In more detail about the techniques of highlighting, we wrote in another publication. This article lists their advantages and disadvantages, especially the procedure.

    How to minimize harm from highlighting

    Although some are inclined to believe that highlighting is harmful to a pregnant woman, yet this type of staining does not imply contact with the scalp, and therefore is not as dangerous as many people think. If you want to fully protect yourself, listen to the following tips:

    • Refrain from the procedure in the first three months of pregnancy. During this period, important organs of the fetus are formed, and the placenta is not yet able to protect the children's body from the penetration of aggressive substances. If you have decided to make highlighting while carrying a child, wait until the end of the 12th week.
    • Discard ammonia based paints. Ammonia-free formulations, though cost more, but give confidence in maintaining health.
    • In order not to damage the respiratory organs by chemical fumes, wear a special respiratory mask during staining.
    • When highlighting, open all the windows in the room so that the smell of harmful substances in it does not linger.
    • In order not to worry about the possible dangers of paint for the baby, use natural formulations - henna or tonic.
    • Do not stain more than once every three months.
    • Buy paint from reputable manufacturers who emphasize the low content of "fusion substances" in products.
    • Contact a professional master who will make the procedure as comfortable and safe as possible.

    In this issue, experts understand if hair can be dyed during pregnancy:

    The future mother should take her health and the baby seriously. Before highlighting, it is worth thinking what is more important for you - an attractive look or the belief that nothing threatens the child.

    Possible consequences of the procedure during pregnancy

    Pregnancy is a special period in the life of the mother. Everything matters here: eating habits, hobbies, favorite sports and self-care. Cosmetics most often represent a mixture of various chemicals. But this formulation becomes the rule when it comes to painting. Every girl who resorted to or wanted to try this procedure knows that everyone’s hair is different not only in color, but also in structure, that each type of hair requires an individual approach and often dye is “stronger”.

    Often chemicals damage hair: make it dry, prone to loss, less often the paint damages the scalp: irritation and sores.

    In the 60s of the last century, studies were conducted that proved that some of the chemical components of the ink can penetrate the scalp and accumulate in the body. Paint toxicity can be harmful to the health of the mother and to the health of the baby. Vapor may also be dangerous when preparing and applying the product.

    Precautionary measures

    • It is not recommended to resort to highlighting during the first trimester (up to 12 weeks),
    • During the procedure, try to use a protective mask or gauze bandage to prevent fumes from entering the body.
    • The room must be regularly ventilated.
    • It is advisable to use products that do not contain ammonia.
    • Choose a proven professional wizard.
    • After the procedure you need to thoroughly wash off the paint, perhaps more than once.
    • It is necessary to clarify the composition of the funds for the presence of allergens. You can check the composition on the skin for the presence of reactions.
    • It is not recommended to use curling iron, forceps, as thermal exposure can weaken the hair structure.
    • For treatment and restoration, it is necessary to use specialized care for colored hair, preferably, on the basis of natural components.
    • Highlighting is best done in your natural tone.
    • During the procedure, it is recommended to drink natural or freshly squeezed juice, neutralizing the effects of ammonia and its derivatives.

    Hydrogen nitride

    In the media, the concentration of ammonia is low - about 1.4-3.2%. In the same ammonia, the percentage of ammonia varies about 10%. Moreover, it is used in various situations: in medicine: treatment of fainting, headaches, in everyday life: washing glasses and mirror surfaces, bleaching.

    It has a sharp, literally annoying smell. This is its main danger. With a normal concentration of ammonia, its smell should not be felt, otherwise its content is at least twice as high. It can cause serious harm by increasing the concentration 14 times. But even with inhalation of ammonia vapor at a permissible value, breathing may increase and pressure may increase.


    In hair dye products, ammonia can be replaced with a synthetic analogue - ethanolamine. Both of these chemicals prepare hair equally well for coloring. But ethanolamine is much less volatile, so its smell is less noticeable. Due to this property, ethanolamine is more difficult to enter the body, therefore, this substance is much less likely to cause irritation. But he has some minuses: ethanolamine is poorly washed out of hair and slowly acts.

    Some manufacturers of paints use both “ingredients” in preparation, which simultaneously reduces the concentration of ammonia and reduces the amount of time required for painting, while maintaining the quality of the result.

    Many people believe that ethanolamine adversely affects the intrauterine development of the baby and contributes to the development of various diseases. Even the lethal dose of the substance is indicated when ingested. But, firstly, it is unlikely that someone will need to use it in this way, and secondly, there is no evidence of any influence on the fetus.

    Persulphates and amines

    Persulfates are considered the most “cruel” substances for hair. The possible consequences are: changes in hair structure, allergic reactions, skin irritation, and even asthma.

    The standard content of chemical oxidants in clarifying formulations varies from 0.001 to 5% - depends on the shade of your hair. When highlighting on the original natural color dyes are safe. They can be harmful only in case of an allergic reaction.


    Watch the video: Can pregnant women color their hair? (July 2024).