
3 types of extreme female haircuts


Nowadays there are many informal movements that deny any restrictions. Female extreme haircuts in this case - a great way to express yourself. For girls who hate classic styles and want to stand out in a crowd, hairdressers offer to pay attention to extreme women's haircuts. Such hairstyles will not allow you to get lost in the crowd and will certainly attract attention to your person. Consider the most popular options for extreme haircuts.

To suit such hairstyles

Extraordinary hairstyles like brave women who want to attract the attention of others. Their message to society sounds like this: “Look at everything on me! Admire or be indignant, but just do not remain indifferent to my person. " A girl with such a haircut will surely be called extravagant, and many men like it.

Extreme styling is best suited for young girls, for example, students. But if older women want to try on their appearance, then why not? Among the unusual haircuts there are those that are suitable also for mature, but young in spirit, modern and advanced ladies, for example, female undercut haircut. Also, non-standard styling is appropriate for creating an image of women in creative professions: actresses, advertising business employees, stylists, designers, etc.

When choosing a hairstyle, it is worth considering that extremely short female haircuts open their faces very much and pay attention to the person as a whole. It is recommended to make such haircuts to slender owners of attractive neck and head shapes, who are very confident in themselves.

Extreme hairstyles are unlikely to suit a person with irregular shapes, so it is better for him not to risk, but simply to wear well-styled long hair.

Choosing an extravagant type of haircut, think over to the smallest detail your wardrobe, makeup and accessories. This hairstyle should match the lifestyle and style of clothing, so first be sure to consult a good stylist. If you doubt that a mohawk or long bangs will suit you, then you can try on your face an extreme masterpiece that you like occasionally with the help of a mascara for hair and styling products.

Cropped haircuts

Some girls decide on a super-short haircut in order to look strong and purposeful. Psychologists recommend doing women's informal haircuts in difficult life period: it will give strength, confidence and bring victory over themselves.

Short female “hedgehog” with unprecedented speed will change the look. To do this, you just need to alternately tint and discolor the strands.

Haircut for a boy, you can choose one of two styling options: a smooth hairstyle, or a hedgehog, but - at least shampoo and care.

Hairstyle “mohawk”, painted in unusual colors, has long been popular with representatives of areas such as punks and goths. A comb formed from raised hair from the back of the head to the forehead can take on a variety of shapes.

The remaining zones are shortly clipped or shaved off.

If you choose a mohawk for constant wear, please note that it will need careful styling every morning.

A short hairstyle "hedgehog" will help you feel bolder, stronger, add energy. According to psychologists, this haircut changes the view of yourself and adds confidence. The hedgehog of hair does not require special styling and is easy to clean. However, we must remember: the open hairstyle “hedgehog” requires the perfect shape of the head and neck, as it opens them to the maximum. Bleached and tinted strands decorate the haircut.

It is not recommended to make a "hedgehog":

  • full women
  • too thin and tall girls
  • ladies with a massive square chin
  • girls with a non-standard face shape and short neck.

Hairstyles with shaved temples

Women's haircuts with shaved temples and nape are very fashionable now. The advantage of these haircuts is that they can be combined even with their usual style. For example, you can continue to wear a hairstyle under the "pot" or "square", be nice, vulnerable and charming, but at the same time make the original pattern on the back of your head or temples.

In the right situation, you can change the styling: in the morning, close the pattern with a strand of hair, and in the evening, collect it in the tail, brush it to the side, and be the owner of an extreme haircut.

Creative haircut for long hair with shaved temples is among the most popular. Attractively this option will look on brunettes, brown-haired women, women with soft features and a rounded shape of the face. Shaved areas are present only in the temporal lobes, and hair in other parts of the head can be of any length.

To diversify the hairstyle in several ways:

  • use different types of staining (highlighting, coloring),
  • make afro braids
  • lengthen bangs.

Large ornaments are perfect for such an image. And even if you want shaved whiskey can be hidden by making a symmetrical parting.

For the exclusive decoration of short hairstyles often offer artistic haircut, imitating a tattoo (Hair Tattoo). In other words, it is a tattoo on the scalp. Intricately shaved areas are a great alternative for people with baldness. Ladies who decide on such a bold step will be able to show their own creativity, because this option can be called art.

Extravagant haircuts on the base of four

There are a large number of hairstyle chores:

  • different hair length
  • the presence and absence of bangs,
  • shaved nape,
  • elongated front strands,
  • torn or curved tips.

An unformatted bob can be obtained by giving your hair a ragged effect or by dyeing your bangs and strands in one color, the rest in another. Masters also shave the temples, the back of the head and get an extravagant result.

In the trend today also asymmetrical car, which is obtained, leaving the tips of the hair of different lengths. You can add to this image short stylish bangs.

Many girls just with the help of bangs correct or create their image, seeking to express themselves. It is shortly cut or painted in the brightest colors, worn obliquely, to the side, forward, or tied up with the bangs up or back.

How to transform hairstyle with dyeing

Coloring is able to decorate a hairstyle, turn it from a classic version into an extravagant one. For example, using stencil coloring creates original and unusual haircuts. You can create simple lines on the hair, flowers, various leaves, or come up with a complex pattern.

The technique of such coloring involves the use of special stencils that are attached to the hair, fixing the strand. After fixation, staining is made and a unique, unique image is created.

Today, you can see a variety of screening options, but the most popular one is the formation of circles and lines. If the girl also has an unusual hairstyle, characterized by unevenness, the image will be as extravagant as possible.

Bright and spectacular look haircuts, complemented by coloring in non-standard shades:

These shades of hair can achieve the following results:

  • highlight the individuality of the image, make it diverse,
  • emphasize the advantageous contrast of hair,
  • stand out from the mass
  • select facial features or, conversely, divert attention from them.

It is recommended to complement the hairstyle with bright makeup in the appropriate style. Usually, representatives of informal trends and girls who want to change their usual image do this.

To extreme can be attributed, and the style of "emo". It is created on the basis of asymmetric hair with interspersed bright colors on the ends of the hair or over the entire head. The main element of the haircut in the style of "emo" - uneven, bright strands and the presence of oblique, long bangs. Sometimes the hair even covers part of the face and lips.

On asymmetrical haircuts used new hair dye technique balayazh. It turns out a unique, catchy, memorable, but at the same time elegant and soft image. Girls who consider themselves to be informal flows paint their hair strands with bright shades in this technique, adding defiant make-up to the image.

Choosing extreme female haircuts, do not rush, carefully look at each option and consult a good stylist. The selected version of the haircut should match your lifestyle and style of clothing. Think over all the details: make-up, accessories, wardrobe. Everything must be perfect, and then you will not dissolve in the crowd. Be sure: not a single look will not leave you without attention.

Homemade dandruff masks: effective recipes and rules of use

Read more about the palettes and subtleties of using Estel hair dyes here.

Pros and cons of extreme haircuts

I have already said about the pros: you will never go unnoticed and will be perceived by others as a bold, extravagant woman. And if we talk about the disadvantages, you will have to visit the salon more often than usual. After all, the hair on the temples quickly grow, and the haircut loses its shape. In order not to look overgrown and untidy, you will have to refresh it often.

In addition, the creation of such a hairstyle requires time and appropriate styling tools. Simple washing of the head is not enough.

Look at video for more examples of fashionable women's haircuts with shaved temple


In general, extreme haircuts include: hedgehogs, asymmetrical bangs, torn, short, shaved hair, tattooing, Iroquois, trash haircuts and other elements. The main thing in choosing any haircut is to choose it individually, taking into account all the nuances of its appearance, facial contours, the shape of the skull, the overall style of clothing. Only in this way can you stand out from the crowd and catch not ridicule, but glances with admiration.

Short hair length - defiant hairstyle

In the opinion of girls, who cut their hair very short or almost bald, this gives them the appearance of a strong, independent and goal-oriented person. Psychologists confirm this fact, adding that this hair will give strength in a difficult period of life and will allow to understand yourself. At the same time, as the hair gradually grows, the haircut gradually changes, giving the woman a chance to change her appearance several times.

It is worth considering that extremely short women's haircuts leave faces open and pay attention to the man as a whole. Therefore, it is recommended to make them to owners of attractive neck and head shape, moreover, slim and self-confident. Advantages of the option - saving time on packing and shampoo.

For a short “hedgehog” it is recommended to bleach and tint hair in turn. This version of the haircut for a woman looks better than a fully shaved head, but also requires confidence and a slim figure and perfect shape. It is not recommended to do it:

Asymmetric shape with an open nape

Asymmetric-looking extreme hairstyles are called "trash" ("garbage"). Although, in fact, have little to do with this word and can look very stylish. They are based on non-standard shapes and drops, the absence of identical parts on each side of the head. An important nuance - you can choose your own version for any type of appearance.

The problem of asymmetric hairstyle is the solution of the problem with thin hair and lack of volume. The future owners of this style make a choice for obtaining new color options for the strands. Since the asymmetric form allows you to apply to the hair different from the standard methods of dyeing - such as balayazha. The image of a woman becomes more memorable and soft.

Extreme hairstyle features

First of all, extreme hairstyles are made by bold women seeking to attract the attention of others to their appearance, to make it memorable, extravagant, eye-catching, stand out from the crowd. In their opinion, extremely short haircuts help them look stronger, more confident and independent.

Psychologists believe that with the help of a new hairstyle, you can solve internal problems, deal with depression, and if it is also extreme, then it will double help to change your inner world.

It should be remembered that one should carefully experiment with appearance so that later it does not look ridiculous and ridiculous in the eyes of other people. It is necessary to understand that it is better to choose extreme haircuts in accordance with their type of appearance.

Since such haircuts completely open the face, it is recommended to make them for women with the right proportions of the head and neck, otherwise it is better not to experiment, but to wear long and beautifully laid hair.

Styling should be in harmony with clothing, accessories and makeup, so you should completely think out your appearance.

Among other things, extremely short women's haircuts significantly save time on styling and shampooing, as well as save finances, which were spent on shampoos, balms, varnishes and other hair care products.

Short-cropped hair grows gradually and for a long time, which makes it possible to constantly experiment with appearance.

Who would suit such an image

Styling and haircuts of this type are best suited to students, young girls, but older women are also actively using them to change their image. As a rule, these are modern and advanced mature ladies who are young in spirit.

Very often, such hairstyles are found in actresses, designers, stylists, advertising workers and other representatives of creative professions.

Iroquois: punk fashion

This hairstyle is distinguished by a certain hair comb, which in the classical form passes through the entire head from the forehead to the back of the head, less often located on the side. Hair on the remaining zones is shaved or short cut. Often the comb is painted in a bright color.

The first Mohawks began to wear some Indian tribes to intimidate their enemies.

The most popular such hairstyle among representatives of such subcultures as punks or goths.

It should be remembered that such a hairstyle daily requires careful styling, and therefore it will be difficult to wear it all the time.

Mohawk can be of several types:

  • classical,
  • Quiff,
  • Gothic,
  • with a single shaved temple.

This haircut is not recommended for girls with a narrow chin, high cheekbones or a large lower jaw, as well as with weak or thin hair.

Haircut and hedgehog

These short hairstyles look less defiant than the Mohawk, and therefore will suit more women. Thanks to them, women feel more confident, stronger, feel a surge of energy, change their opinions about themselves in a positive way.

“Hedgehog”, as well as a haircut, opens the head and neck as much as possible, and therefore it is recommended for owners of the correct forms and is contraindicated for women who are either tall or too thin and have a tall, non-standard face or a large square chin.

Streaked, toned or discolored strands will make the hedgehog haircut even more interesting, and its owner unusual and sexy.

The main advantage of such haircuts is saving money and time. Washing hair is much easier and requires less care products, and the head is freed from dead skin cells.

These hairstyles give freedom and a feeling of lightness to the head, especially in the summer heat.

In addition, the hair will grow back slowly and gradually, which will constantly experiment with the appearance.

The main disadvantage - especially with regard to baldness - is the constant sidelong glances of strangers who are not worth paying attention to.

Shaved whiskey

It is wonderfully combined with long dark hair and is recommended to owners of delicate and soft facial features. The image of the girl will get more sharpness due to extravagance and aggressive hairstyle.

This hairstyle can be combined with your everyday style, since only temples are shaved, and the remaining zones and length of hair do not undergo changes.

You can diversify your hairstyle by dyeing your hair in different colors, highlighting, braiding black beads, lengthening bangs.

This haircut goes well with large, easily noticeable decorations.

In case the shaved temples need to be hidden, this is easily solved by symmetrical parting.

Hair tattoo

This haircut is similar to the previous one., but with the difference that the hair is not completely shaved at the temples or the back of the head, but in the form of drawings, symbols, letters, etc. In other words, the hair is cut out artistically, creating an imitation of a tattoo. Thanks to such an interesting decision, a woman gets a bright and memorable image.

Such a decision will be a good salvation for people suffering from baldness of the head.

This hairstyle is characterized uneven strands, long oblique bangs and created on the basis of a stylized square. Most often, the hair is dyed black, and if desired, add bright colors all over the head or on the tips of the hair. In the upper part of the hairstyle, the volume is increased with the help of a strong fixing mousse.

Haircut Underderkat

This haircut was originally male, it is well suited for confident and strong women.

Its feature is short or shaved whiskey and neck. The hairs on the crown, crown and in front of the head remain long. There is also an asymmetric undercard. In this case, only one temple is shaved, on the second the hair remains the same length.

This styling is well combined with shaved patterns on the temples.

The hair in this hairstyle stacked in different ways depending on the features and shape of the face:

  • Tall ladies with a slim triangular face should be laid on their sides.
  • Full-length women need to style their hair back.

The bangs can also be of various shapes - oblique, straight, with thinning, asymmetrical, but it should be possible to brush it back.

Undercut haircut is universal for all its uniqueness and extravagance. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to stand out against the background of others, while not leaving the norms of behavior accepted by society.

In this way, There are many extreme female hairstylessuch as mohawk, hedgehog, emo, underrc, etc. The main thing is to choose the right hairstyle according to your type of appearance, so as not to look ridiculous and ridiculous due to an erroneous decision.

How to transform haircut square

There are a huge number of options for this hairstyle: different lengths of hair, the presence and absence of bangs, shaved nape, elongated front strands, torn or curved tips. In order to turn the car into unformat, experts give the hair a torn effect, dye bangs and strands in one color, the rest in another. Without stopping on their laurels, the masters shave their temples, the back of their heads and get an impressive result.

Kare with shaved temples

In the fashion trends today asymmetrical square, it is obtained by cutting the tips to different lengths, you can add to this image a short stylish bangs.

Speaking about bangs separately, it is worth noting that many women adjust or create their own image with its help. This trend is especially common among young people; it strives in every way to express itself. Young people shortly cut and repaint bangs in the brightest colors, wear them diagonally, sideways, forward or combing the bangs up and back.

Classic haircuts and extravagant hairstyles

Is it possible in our time to stay away when everything around us shines with its diversity? Along with natural hair color, the game of color remains fashionable. Who continues to conduct experiments on their appearance and is not afraid to be extraordinary, as a result receives the desired result - and extravagant haircuts help in this. The more varied the colors of the colored hair, the brighter the extreme haircuts. Different colors can be painted only strands, bangs or tips, depending on the desire of the person.

But the most extreme women's haircuts are very short haircuts.

Short haircuts may not suit every girl, since such haircuts open their faces and do not leave a place to disguise minor flaws. For this reason, not everyone can afford to risk a short haircut. Nowadays, among the extreme hairstyles, haircut with shaved nape firmly holds the first place in popularity.

Pot Cut

Regardless of what we do in everyday life, whether we work in a bank or are state employees, you should not forget about your individuality, you should not be ashamed of the fact that you prefer extravagant hairstyles. If you are obliged to look like a day after duty, having a haircut under the “pot” or bob-caret, you can look like you are required in the daytime, and in the evening, having gathered your hair in a stylish bun or tail, open your shaved head .

Nowadays, there are many hairdressing products that will help improve your appearance and help to give your hair look necessary luxury, make extravagant hairstyles, you should add to this only a drop of your imagination. For example, girls with sparse, fluid hair can choose an unusual haircut with clipped layers of hair tips. Visually, this effect will give the desired amount. Coloring is perfect for this haircut.


In general, extreme haircuts include: hedgehogs, asymmetrical bangs, torn, short, shaved hair, tattooing, Iroquois, trash haircuts and other elements.

The main thing in choosing any haircut is to choose it individually, taking into account all the nuances of its appearance, facial contours, the shape of the skull, the overall style of clothing. Only in this way can you stand out from the crowd and catch not ridicule, but glances with admiration.

Important advice from the publisher.

Stop damaging your hair with harmful shampoos!

A recent study of hair care products revealed a terrifying figure - 97% of well-known brands of shampoos spoil our hair. Check the composition of your shampoo for the presence of: sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate, PEG. These aggressive components destroy the hair structure, deprive the curls of color and elasticity, making them lifeless. But this is not the worst! These chemicals penetrate the blood through the pores, and are spread through the internal organs, which can cause infections or even cancer. We strongly recommends discarding these shampoos. Use only natural cosmetics. Our experts conducted a series of analyzes of sulfate-free shampoos, among which they identified the leader - the company Mulsan Cosmetic. Products meet all standards and standards of safe cosmetics. This is the only manufacturer of all-natural shampoos and balms. We recommend to visit the official website We remind you that natural cosmetics do not have a shelf life of more than one year of storage.

This year at the peak of popularity the following types of short hairstyles:

The main feature of such a haircut is that the hair reaches the chin line and is cut along the same line. Diversity is brought by such elements as long bangs (straight or oblique) or different lengths of strands, or their rounded shape.

This hairstyle is very similar to a car, and many confuse these two types. The bob differs in that it is rather a voluminous hairstyle (a caret means flat flowing hair) plus the absence of a bang (for a caret, the presence of a bang is necessary). Now this division is conditional, and the bob-square style unites them altogether.

Multi-layered hairstyle, consisting of individual graded strands - "feathers". They can be laid creatively: up, sideways, down. Pixie allows bangs, which bristles as fun as the main strands.

Sports options

Each style of clothing (business, romantic, casual) requires a harmonious consonance of all the elements of the image: from hair to shoes. So, in a sporty style combines convenience, comfort and beauty. Short haircuts are optimal in this area.

Ultra short hairstyles are luxurious options for sports. The back of the head is shorn or shaved, the strands on the sides are short enough not to interfere and close the eyes. Mousse or wax fix hair and protect it from the wind.

To add volume, you can ruffle your hair, select individual strands. Special coloring is added to the image by highlighting, staining the strands in a contrasting color.

If the hair is of medium length, an elegant dressing or hairpin will help fix it.

Extreme types

Haircut is one of the possibilities to express oneself, to express one’s personality. Someone likes to shock, to shock others, so they choose extreme, provocative hairstyles. The shorter the hair, the less it is on the head, the more unusual and outrageous the woman looks.

The provocative Iroquois never go out of fashion. Hair on the sides and on the back of the head is cut very shortly or even shaved, and the remaining hair is laid with a comb, which can be painted in any color.

The contrast of the length of individual strands attracts attention. Long bangs on the background of short hair or striking asymmetry will suit those who are one hundred percent convinced of their own beauty. Coloring a long strand in a bright color adds an effect.

Hairstyles with shaved temples look stylish and bold. Patterns on the temples - the peak of extreme.

Wearing comfort

    • Short hairstyles are ideal for active, self-confident women who do not like it when their hair touches their faces and flows over their shoulders.

    • This style is suitable for going "both to the feast and to the world": beautifully arranged short hair looks great in any situation.

  • The hair does not need to be constantly corrected: it is enough to put them once in the morning and you can forget about them. This is especially appreciated by the modern, always busy woman, who has no time for a long time and a chore to style her hair. This is not necessary: ​​the ideal appearance is achieved by small efforts.


    • The merits of short haircuts are so convincing that more and more women choose this particular style. Practicality stands out among the advantages:

    • Short hair can be easily and quickly laid so that the hair turned out to be voluminous and flawless.

  • This style is not afraid of hats in the winter, because it is enough to hold several times with a comb or even ruffle them with your fingers, as the hair immediately takes an optimal position.

Styling products

Selection of short hair - it is only the mood of its owner. Due to the wide range of tools, short hair can be ruffled, combed or smoothed.

The choice of styling products depends on the characteristics of the hair.

Saturated, suitable for thin, weakened hair that not only adds volume, but also improves the condition of the hair.

The mousses applied during the styling make the hair heavier, so they do not sneak in the wind and retain their shape all day.

If the hair is already strong enough and heavy, they can be laid using modeling wax or cream. There should not be zealous, otherwise the hair will be made of stone.

The final touch is hairspray.

How to make your own styling

For short hair styling begins immediately after shampooing, during blow-drying. To do this, apply mousse or foam on the roots, and then direct hot air from the dryer to the locks, lifting them with your fingers.

To make the hair look voluminous, you should dry your hair with your head down.

If the hair is curled, but the hairstyle provides smoothness, each strand needs to be smoothed, having applied a special serum on them, and then having worked with an iron.

Light curls are achieved with hair wax. First you need to put it on your hands, evenly spread over all the palms, and then hold them through the hair. If at the same time give the strands the desired position, his hair will be “remembered”.

Various accessories will make a hairstyle unique. Hairpins, invisible, bandages, bandanas! With their help, you can change your image every day.

Pamela anderson

The world loved this famous actress not only for the elegant bust, but also for the wavy flowing curls. Therefore, in October, when these very curls disappeared, the world reeled. The actress herself just as easily got used to her new image, like her fans, and compared herself with a cotton swab. But now Pamela is already accustomed and very happy.

Charlize Theron

The beautiful actress has repeatedly changed her appearance dramatically for the sake of filming movies. So in 2012, she became a short-haired brunette for the Mad Max 4 picture. After completing the shooting, Charlize returned her usual platinum shade, but she is not going to return the length of her hair yet.

Victoria Beckham

For many years, Victoria embodies fashion, style and ... short hair. She infinitely changes hair color and styling, but rarely grows hair below shoulders. Among the many photos of her hairstyles, only a few depict long hair.

The actress who played Ameli, became a symbol of France and ... again, short haircuts. According to her, it is with short hair she is comfortable, because they do not require long styling.

Deepika Padukone

Known for her love of experimentation, she could not pass by scissors. Her short haircut caused delight of fans.

More options for short female hairstyles you can see in the video below:

Fashion for short hair extends not only to women. Men are even more loyal fans of this style, because they appreciate the convenience that give short hair.

The classic version of the male short hairstyle - clear, regular lines of edging and feathering at the temples. Bangs - the center of hair, her accent. Boys grow bangs, adult men prefer the option shorter.

Self-confident men who want to loudly declare themselves choose hairstyles with short-cropped or shaved hair at the back of the head and temples, while the hair at the top is long enough.

Ultrashort haircut looks extreme and courageous. It does not need to be laid, so it is very convenient.

The little girl does not always behave like a princess. She grows the same tomboy and a bully, as her peers, boys. Therefore, long hair, styling and pigtails are not always comfortable. And then the parents decide to take their crumbs to the salon so that they can do something convenient, practical and beautiful.

Universal and winning option - baby caret. This hairstyle looks great on straight and curly hair. Their length allows, if necessary, to make the tail or fix the hair with an elegant bandage.

As for the boys, they can also be cut so that they look stylish. The “ladder” option is popular when the bangs are slightly longer than the rest of the strands. Bangs can be laid, and it will be fun to bristle.

The patterns on the temples will be very popular with the boys, only you need to remember that not all schools allow such liberties.

So, short haircuts are loved by both women, men and children. Indeed, in this style combined beauty and convenience.

Asymmetrical haircut

Due to the asymmetrical haircut, you can not only draw attention to yourself, but also solve a fairly frequent problem - lack of volume fine hair.Shorten the top and lengthen the bottom strands, followed by dyeing in bright, unusual colors - and an extreme masterpiece on the hair is ready! It remains to complement the image of bright makeup and clothes in an informal style.

Editorial Board

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use.

A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer.

We advise you to abandon the use of funds that contain these substances. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems.

We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Not only representatives of the same kind of well-known subcultures turn to emo haircut. Her individuality and originality won the interest of stylists around the world. The main element of emo - long bangscombined with strands unevenly cut.

The hairstyle is usually accompanied with black staining, but adding colored feathers will help to diversify the image.

Iroquois, painted in unusual colors, have long been popular with representatives of such trends as punks and goths. The comb of raised hair from the neck to the forehead can be of various shapes and is located as you wish. As for the other zones, they shortly cut or shave their heads off.

If you are going to wear this hairstyle all the time, please note that it is not easy to care for: a mohawk will need careful styling every morning.

Feel bolder, stronger, add energy to help short hairstyle hedgehog, which in fact, according to psychologists, changes opinion of themselves and adds confidence. The hedgehog does not require special styling and is easy to clean, but you need to remember that such a haircut requires perfect shape head and neck, as the maximum opens them. Bleached and toned strands will drastically change the look.

Shaved temples haircuts

This haircut looks favorably on long hair and is among the most popular. Attractively, this model will look on brunettes, brown-haired women, women with soft features and a rounded shape of the face. Shaved shaved areas are present only in the temporal lobes, hair in other parts of the head can be of any length.

You can diversify your hairstyle in several ways: use different types of coloring (highlighting, coloring), make afro-braids or lengthen the fringe. Also, large jewels will perfectly suit this image. And yet, this haircut can be easily hidden by making a symmetrical parting.

Cutting out drawings

For the exclusive decoration of short haircuts often offer artistic hair cutimitating tattoo (hair tattoo). In other words, it is a tattoo on the scalp. We should not say that such a haircut will not get lost in the crowd of ordinary hairstyles and this choice is not suitable for most. It is believed that the intricately shaved bald zones are a real alternative for people suffering from baldness. Deciding on such a bold step will be able to show their own creativity, because this model, after all, is an art form.

Choosing an extreme type of haircut, think over to details and wardrobe, and makeup, and accessories. The choice of this type of hairstyle should match your lifestyle and style of clothing. Be sure to consult with a stylist. If you are not sure whether you want to wear a mohawk or a long bang the next day, you can create extreme masterpieces on occasion, using hair mascara and styling products.

In the case of a decision in favor of cardinal image changes on an ongoing basis, try to make a balanced choice, and then the daily portion of attention from those around you is provided!

On the presented video you can learn how to create extreme hairstyles.

Short hair length - causing “hairstyle”

In the opinion of girls, who cut their hair very short or almost bald, this gives them the appearance of a strong, independent and goal-oriented person. Psychologists confirm this fact, adding that this hair will give strength in a difficult period of life and will allow to understand yourself. At the same time, as the hair gradually grows, the haircut gradually changes, giving the woman a chance to change her appearance several times.

Bald head on a woman is the height of expression

It is worth considering that extremely short women's haircuts leave faces open and pay attention to the man as a whole. Therefore, it is recommended to make them to owners of attractive neck and head shape, moreover, slim and self-confident. Advantages of the option - saving time on packing and shampoo.

For a short “hedgehog” it is recommended to bleach and tint hair in turn. This version of the haircut for a woman looks better than a fully shaved head, but also requires confidence and a slim figure and perfect shape. It is not recommended to do it:

Haircut must match the look

Emo Style: Extreme Female Haircut

To extreme women's haircuts include the style of "emo". It is created on the basis of asymmetrical hair with the addition of bright colors on the tips of the hair or over the entire head - but not necessarily. The main element of the classic haircut in the style of emo - uneven strands and the presence of oblique and long bangs. Sometimes hair covers part of the face and lips.

There are also short variants of the emo-style, where torn edges and spectacular hairs are important. And an additional detail is an increase in the volume in the upper part of the hairstyle, for which the hair is whipped and fixed with strong fixation mousse.

Emo is a very defiant style, more suitable for young people.


Watch the video: Which haircut is best for you 14 Fabulous haircuts for women (July 2024).