For men

10 ideas for male haircuts boxing - hairstyle schemes


Men's haircut boxing, belonging to the category of ultrashort, is a sports hairstyle. It remains in demand by the strong half of humanity for almost a century. Its undying popularity is also shown by the fact that it is chosen by many European and American celebrities. Since the “boxing” hairstyle is undemanding in styling, grooming, and for a long time does not lose its shape, it is for this that it is highly valued by the male sex. Among the stars, her fans at different periods of life were and continue to be Jesse Metcalfe, Brad Pitt, Zac Efron, Colin Farrell, David Beckham, Justin Timberlake.

Read how to make a male haircut Canadian.

Characteristic hairstyles: features and advantages

A simple, neat, boxing hairstyle, due to its convenience, versatility and low cost, is a practical, comfortable solution for every day. It is preferred by men who value their time. It assumes a hair length of up to 2 cm in the crown region, up to 0.3 cm or even shaved - at the temples and the back of the head. This ratio of lengths is achieved with the help of a special electric hair clipper using nozzles of various diameters. The peculiarity of such a boxing style lies in the simplicity of its installation and the use of a minimum of styling tools. How is the modern variation of hairstyle based on the "box", you can find out by watching the video.

Types of Boxing Haircuts

Another classic hairstyle, “halfbox”, is no less popular with modern men. "Boks "and" halfboxes "have certain differences. The difference in length. Halfbox has areas of elongated hair at the top of the head. Edging border passes through the occipital region or slightly below and complemented by shaved almost under zero temples. This makes it possible to comb your hair or put it in different ways. The photos below show the halfbox options.

Who should choose "boxing"

Haircut for “boxing” is a fairly open version of the hairstyle, but it will suit any man leading an active lifestyle, regardless of the shape of his head, hair structure, facial features. With a similar haircut, a man at any age will look younger, more brutal. Leaving open the facial features and the shape of the head, this hairstyle can advantageously present all the advantages of a male appearance - masculinity and hidden sexuality. Due to the simplicity of care, it will also suit the owners of the following types of hair:

Male hair under the "boxing" is not recommended only for very thin or feminine men. It emphasizes their thinness and fragility, and also reveals scars, bumps or other defects on the head. In addition, ultra-short sports haircut looks more stylish on straight hair. chestnut, blond, red, and light shades.

Model Description

Men's haircut under the box is considered ultrashort, as the length is minimal, and the temples and the back of the head are shaved. The line of edging, in contrast to the half-box, passes above the back of the head, and the hair on the top of the head cannot exceed 2-3 cm.

She is confused with a halfbox where the strands are longer.

Boxing is changing, acquiring unique outlines. Find out what additions and variations will be popular in 2017.

  1. Classic. An elegant option will choose the gentlemen. Select side parting. Stylists propose to trim the line of parting for clarity.
  2. Undercot A variation of boxing with long hair at the top and shaved temples. It looks stylish, creative, original and can be supplemented by pictures on the back of the head. The photo will help to make a trend image.
  3. With a shaven pattern on the back of his head. Fashion dictates the rules and the pattern on the back of the head is a necessary attribute of style and beauty. The photo proves the fact.
  4. Tennis. A popular option with a smooth transition from short to long strands. One wrong move, a slightly sharper transition - tennis will turn into half-boxes. Haircut entrust professional.


Men's haircut box differs relatively short hair length - about 3-4 centimeters. It is noteworthy that their length increases from the neck and temples to temechku. Despite the relatively simple technique of execution, the hairstyle looks stylish, original.

She is very popular not only among ordinary people, but also among actors, celebrities. For example, Brad Pitt known to everyone is a real fan of this hairstyle.

Who is suitable?

Open hairstyles are not worth wearing chubby men, because they tend to greatly aggravate the situation. Also, you should avoid similar experiments to owners of problematic ears. It is better for them to choose the average length of hair to hide this lack.

This model is ideal for men with an oval or rectangular face shape. In this case, the hairstyle will make the image more manly, complete. If there are no scars on the scalp and damage - you can safely plan a trip to the hairdresser.

Haircut boxing is often confused with a half-box, which became popular in the nineties. She, as a classic version, is very common among celebrities. As an example, you can take a football player Cristiano Ronaldo.

Despite numerous similarities, these are different hairstyles that are cut with different techniques. What is the difference between a semi-box and a classic haircut?

  • Hair length ranges from 5 (temples and neck) to 8 centimeters (temechko).
  • Halfbox looks young, but at the same time suitable for older men.

As a halfbox, it is ideal for men with sharp features, as well as a square or oval face shape. Avoid it should be holders of sharp expressive cheekbones.

Hairstyles extremely unpretentious. Due to the small length of the hair, the holder of haircuts boxing and half-boxes can wash your hair less often. This will greatly facilitate the life of men with oily hair. Laying do not necessarily, but if there is such a need, then the faithful helpers will be such styling tools such as wax or foam.

All that is needed is to apply a fixing agent on the hair, and then give the desired shape to the strands with the help of hands and a comb. Depending on the styling, boxing and semi-boxes may look strictly or carelessly.

Differences between haircut box and halfbox

When making a haircut in a half-box, the master cuts shortly only the lower part of the head, along the back of the head, and hair remains on the top, 2-3 cm long and more. This distinctive feature makes it possible to experiment with a hairstyle, to model and style hair based on the oval of the face. The peculiarity of the technology for creating such a hairstyle lies in two lines of edging. The first passes on the border of hair growth, and the second is located on the upper edge of the hair at the back of the head and temples. If you lift it a little higher, you get an elegant men's haircut box.

Haircut Boxing - this is short-cropped hair, as well as neatly shaved temples and the back of the head. The difference between the two haircuts described above is the length of the hair located in the parietal and temporal areas. Classic boxing is suitable for a business male image. Polubox is not so strict, looks great on straight hair and curls.

Cutting technology for boxing with scissors - scheme

Short and neatly laid hair for a man is not only attractive from an aesthetic point of view, but also very comfortable. Hairstyle does not require frequent shampooing, serious care. Technique of cutting is very simple, which allows you to maintain its shape independently. To create a boxing hairstyle you will need the following tools:

  • Hairdressing and scissors.
  • Hairbrush.
  • Razor.
  • The machine.

Boxing is a versatile option that suits almost all members of the stronger sex, regardless of the shape of the face and hair color. Hairstyle perfectly with any style, always looks neat. This is an ideal haircut for those who are tired of daily washing and styling. Below is a detailed step-by-step instruction on creating this stylish hairstyle:

  1. Using straight scissors, mark the border of the transition of hair from long to short. In the presence of sunken temples, draw a line of edging just below. For convex temples, it is recommended to place the border slightly higher. If a man has a bulging back of the head, the transition line is better to hold under it.
  2. Hair, located before the transition, short cut with a typewriter.
  3. Having finished cutting the entire head, proceed to the upper parietal zone, cutting off strand by strand step by step, as shown in the second photo.
  4. Next, you need to profile the hair to smooth out a sharp border crossing border. To do this, use thinning scissors or a razor with a special nozzle. Men with dark thick hair will go more wide strip shading. The owner of blond curls better to make this strip a little thinner.
  5. Using a razor, treat the line that borders the face. The serrated cut will look spectacular.
  6. Remove defects in the form of loose hairs with scissors' tips.

To give the image of masculinity and elegance, it is not necessary to seek the help of specialists. One more indisputable advantage of this haircut is the ease of execution. Having the skills to use a hair clipper, a hairstyle is easy to do on your own at home. To do this, prepare the following tools:

  • Straight scissors.
  • Typewriter.
  • Nozzles for typewriter from 1 to 4 cm.

Haircut involves the minimum length of hair due to which they are not confused and always look neat. Opening the face, stylish and elegant hairstyle favorably emphasizes the features, makes the image attractive and sexy. Below is a detailed description that reveals the secrets of self-creation of a universal male hairstyle:

  1. Having installed the nozzle with a large length, cut off all the hair from the temples line, moving from the beginning of their growth to the border of the temporal region.
  2. Install the nozzle with the minimum length, cut the lower part of the head.
  3. Hair, located in the middle of the parietal zone, as well as in the occipital regions, cut through the fingers: alternately separating each strand and holding it between the fingers.
  4. Border transition slightly profile.
  5. Shave neat edging temples.
  6. Use scissors to adjust the length of the bangs. If you decide to leave it long, do not forget to thin out the strands.

Short hair boxing for boys

Children's hairstyle is fashionable innovations, but always reserves a number of requirements, the main place among which is practicality. Long hair tangles all the time, requires frequent washing, constantly falling on the forehead, preventing the child from leading an active lifestyle. Boyish hairstyle should be neat, easy to care for. Short haircut is the best option for a young gentleman.

Hairstyle for a boy on the technology of execution is no different from the haircut of an adult man. This is a versatile option, perfect for any age. Haircut favorably emphasizes facial features, is a sign of a truly masculine style. Unpretentious care, it does not require regular and frequent visits to the stylist. The versatile shape makes it suitable for any occasion.

Video tutorials on the implementation of the haircut

To better understand the technology of working with hair, you should carefully examine the video description, revealing all the nuances. In the video presented, stylist Alexander Baidalenko demonstrates the whole process of creating men's boxing hairstyles by the example of his mastery. Visual instruction will help not only to make men's styling elegant, but also to achieve the effect of salon haircuts.

The image of a successful and confident person consists of a large number of small details. Neat styling on short hair is a sign of masculinity, excellent taste and self-respect.

Haircut history

It is not for nothing that haircut boxing has such a speaking name, since, according to historical information, it was the men of the same name sport who wore this hairstyle. They became the ancestors of the haircut box, the length of the hair which does not exceed 3-4 cm. It is this length that allowed men to train, to participate in fights without any discomfort.

Haircut boxing then seemed to men only on the condition of sports style in clothes and the presence of a courageous appearance with rough features. Today, men's haircut under the box more often flashes on television, it is Brad Pitt, Justin Timberlake, singer Eminem and actor idol of the current youth Tom Hardy. In everyday life, boxing is carried out by active and purposeful men engaged in various activities.

What is the difference between boxing and haircuts?

In general, men's boxer hairstyles can be of different lengths and styles, but most often we are talking about two variations - boxing and halfboxing. Boxing haircut is shorter and, accordingly, it looks much more accurate and restrained than a half-box. For boxing, a stylist or hairdresser makes the edging somewhat higher than the back of the head, the hair at the top is left 3 cm long, and the back of the head is opened to the maximum.

A halfboxing haircut also implies a fringing, but somewhat lower than in the case of boxing. In addition, the wizard creates a smoother and more layered transition between the lengths. Hair at the crown can be left of any length, which gives a man more room to choose between styling and hairstyle. Boxing looks rude and bold, it is preferred by strong charismatic men.

Face shape and haircut

Since haircut boxing implies a sharp transition of lengths of hair and the shortest possible length, respectively, boxing is more suitable for men with large and coarse facial features, manly and brutal appearance. But in general, stylists are advised to try on this image to all men, regardless of the shape of the face, skull, age and hair color. Boxing is absolutely unpretentious to care universal haircut without age restrictions. Perfectly looks boxing on blond hair, which is not so bright translucent scalp.

At the same time, boxing does not always look good on owners of curly hair, especially if the top of the hair is longer than 3 cm. The peculiarity of the haircut lies in its neat appearance, which is not always the case with curly curls. A short haircut will not hide the imperfections of the appearance, such as scars on the head or dandruff, as well as visible asymmetry in facial features. The haircut does not require special care and styling and is suitable for men with hard and naughty hair.

Other popular haircuts for short hair:

Advantages and disadvantages of cutting "boxing"

The dignity of a haircut box is primarily expressed in the manifestation in the man's appearance of his brutality and masculinity. It allows you to open your face as much as possible, showing perfect outlines and lines. The minimum length of the haircut will not waste time on grooming procedures and styling, the hair will not need to be modeled and corrected with a comb.

The disadvantages of haircuts include the fact that it does not suit men with wavy and curly curls. Haircut will not hide the deficiencies of the scalp, and in the presence of pronounced asymmetry in the face will only emphasize these flaws. In order for the box to look neat and spectacular, the haircut needs to be regularly adjusted, cutting off the length of hair that has regrowed with a machine with different nozzles.

Is it possible to perform at home?

Another significant plus haircut box is that it can be done independently at home without the skills and abilities, if you have a machine with nozzles.Standard nozzle should be 1 cm, then cut done in the following way:

  1. First, determine the boundaries between the long and short haircut area, it should be just above the head. If a man has a sunken shape of his temples, the border is lowered just below the temples, and with a convex shape - above them.
  2. With a nozzle of a 1 cm machine, the hair is cut at the back of the head and temples.
  3. Now you need to arrange the parietal zone of the head. Next on the machine set the nozzle of the desired length (3-5 cm), then evenly cut the area of ​​the crown.
  4. If a man does not like the sharpness of the transitions, on the border, you can walk thinning scissors.
  5. Bang at the end of the cut the same length as the top of the head or shorten, as the man wishes.

Thus, it becomes clear that the haircut box is quite easy to make out at home using only a clipper with different levels and nozzles. By the same principle, the haircut is adjusted as the hair grows.

Features and care

Haircut box has several features and distinctive features - short hair at the crown of 3 to 5 cm, as well as shortened temples and neck up to 1 cm long. Moreover, the transition between two lengths of haircut should be as pronounced as possible, which gives the hairstyle brutality and a certain aggressiveness.

In the care of a haircut is simple, the main requirement - it must be neat and restrained. It is enough to wash hair with shampoo as far as dirt is concerned, no styling is required. Since the length of hair does not exceed 3-5 cm, they do not require combing, parting and the use of additional cosmetics.

Photo Gallery

To find out how men’s boxing hairstyles are different in boxing style, just look at them on the photos of famous men who wore this haircut.

A men's haircut for boxing will always emphasize his strength, charisma, courageous features and strong-willed character in the man’s appearance. Haircut is easy to perform at home with the help of a single machine, it is not demanding for care and styling. Most often, boxing is worn by business men who, by virtue of their professional employment, do not have time to take care of hair and styling hairstyles. Ideal for boxing fair-haired men with the correct shape of the head and pronounced facial features.

Something about the history of haircuts boxing

By the name of the haircut, it is quite possible to guess that it was this style that was once especially popular with athletes, in particular, with boxers. And this is not surprising - this is the best option in terms of convenience and practicality, comparable only with a complete shave of the head. Daily heavy physical exertion does not involve spending time on hair care and styling, so boxing is ideal for athletes. This haircut keeps a neat look even during grueling workouts and intense competition. Does not require the use of additional funds for styling. A trimmed man under the box will always look neat and fit without extra effort and constant styling. The only thing that is needed here is to cut your hair regularly and refresh it in time.

What does this look like?

Imagine a sporty and fit man leading an active lifestyle. Submitted? Most likely, it will be trimmed just for boxing, or for halfboxing. Boxing is an ultrashort, clear and neat haircut, in which hair is removed to a minimum from the sides and from the back of the head. By the way, the line of the neck is what distinguishes such boxing and box cut haircuts. In the first case, the hairline ends slightly above the occiput, and in the half-box version, the edging runs along the back of the head or slightly below, while the hair at the top of the hairstyle may be slightly longer. Therefore, boxing is sharper, shorter, clearer, more graphical, although both of these hairstyles are very similar, and are performed on the same principle and in the same technique.

How is haircut boxed?

The technology of haircut boxing is relatively simple to perform. Such a haircut is done with the help of ordinary straight scissors, a razor and a clipper. Scissors for filing are also used as auxiliary tools.

To begin with, the master combs his hair, marks the border of the transition from slightly longer to short hair - marks the border line. The line of edging can be a little lower or slightly higher, it all depends on the structure of the head, the temple line, the shape of the face, in the end, the cutting scheme also depends on the wishes of the client. When the border line is marked, it is possible to cut off all hair below this line, using the machine, as short as possible.

Then, as a rule, the master goes to the design of the line of the neck and the temporal part. This part of the hairstyle is designed in such a way that the strands closest to the edging are of minimal length. That is the shortest. This smoothes the border line, making a smooth transition from the ultra-short bottom to the top, a little longer. The parietal zone is also cut in such a way that the transition from one strand to another is as smooth and invisible as possible. The final smoothing of the transition is carried out with a razor or with special thinning scissors. The hair line in the face, as a rule, the master handles a razor. After the haircut is finished, you can correct individual strands or loose hair, carry out the final shading with a razor - that's all, the boxing is ready.

On the client’s special request, the master can also leave a small oblique bang around to the middle of the forehead, but still a classic box is a hairstyle of very short hair that does not provide for a distinct bang. Therefore, those who want to certainly close the forehead, it is better to choose a different type of haircut, in which the bangs will look more organic.

The cutting technique of boxing is such that, if desired, it can be done by a non-professional, because this is the most popular haircut for, so to speak, home-made. But, of course, the result may differ slightly from what a professional hairdresser can offer. Anyone can, in principle, trim hair and give it the desired shape, but masterfully perform all the transitions, make the lines smooth and clear the entire structure of the haircut, perhaps only a professional can. And the result here may be completely different.

Haircut under the box can be performed at home, but the ideal form such haircut can give only a real master.

Who is haircut boxing for?

It is widely believed that classic boxing suits absolutely everyone. This is so and not so. This haircut is not for everyone, but for the absolute majority - that's for sure. This haircut will be appropriate for men of any age, character, build and occupation. It is suitable for almost any shape of the face, is complementary to any structure of the skull and makes the man’s appearance more expressive, the face more open, and the whole look more toned and collected.

But there are some cases in which boxing is not the best choice. For example, too curly hair. The owner of hard curly hair is not easy to have to keep the haircut box - it will quickly lose its shape. It is also worth remembering that boxing emphasizes any features - both strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, if the goal is to hide something or divert attention from something, then boxing, of course, will be contraindicated, and it is best to opt for other, more complex options.

In other words, haircut boxing is one of the most attractive and versatile options for men's haircuts. Not sure how to cut your hair? Choose a box, and in 99.9% of cases it will be the right decision. Well, if you still can not choose, you can always seek advice from a master who will help evaluate the hairline, their structure, and face shape, and help you find the ideal type of haircut that is most suitable for you.

Underkat variation

Men's haircut and its variation of undercard are popular and look perfect on owners of oval-shaped faces with light or chestnut strands. Round, square or triangular face - do not rush to say "no" to your hair.

With the correct shape of the head, the absence of scars, moles and defects of the skull, you can choose the box for men, becoming the standard of style.

DIY creation

Easy installation allows you to perform it easily yourself at home. For creation, equip yourself with a typewriter, simple scissors and thinning scissors. Check out the execution technology.

  1. Wash thoroughly and dry your head.
  2. Choose the longest nozzle 3-4 cm, cut all the strands on the head in the direction of hair growth.
  3. Scissors mark the line of edging: it passes above the temporal region and the neck.
  4. Change the typewriter to the minimum length - 0.3-0.5 cm, shave off the hair below the edging line.
  5. Trim near ears.
  6. Shorten or cut the bangs.
  7. Profile the transition line.

You can get acquainted with how professionals work when creating hairstyles in video tutorials for beginners.

Suitable types

Boxing is suitable for all types of hair, thick strands will become more obedient, thin ones will become more noticeable, care will be simplified for greasy curls.

The exception is curly eddies, in the ultrashort version they will look ridiculous. The photo shows what hair hairstyle looks better.

Unpretentious care styling box versatility at ultrashort length does not allow for different styling, but the strands will not interfere at work. Stylish look at the gala evening.

Saving time like men. The photo will help you to style your hair.

Age category

Haircut fit any age and gender does not matter. For boys, haircut boxing will be practical, because you do not need to wash it all the time, your hair is laid practical. The photo proves this fact.

Adult men and young men with a male hairstyle look stylish, practical and fashionable. Strands do not climb on the forehead, distracting from the work, small children do not pull curls and hair does not interfere with the production. Photo allows you to not doubt it.

Hairstyle boxing for girls is practical and convenient, especially if the intensive schedule of work, training and business decisions.

Make your choice, thanks to practicality: haircut is convenient for any work, on vacation, people of different ages, sex and professions.

To whom it is suitable

One of the criteria for choosing a hairstyle is the type of hair. So, the boxing hairstyle is recommended for men with oily hair. A shaved nape of short hair will free a man from frequent washing. Hard hair, difficult to style is also a reason to pay attention to this particular haircut, preferably in its classic version. Men with curly hair choose a haircut box is not recommended.

Hair color is also important. So, light shades for such a haircut are not very relevant, but the hair color in the range from light chestnut to black is preferable.

Perfect for all those who prefer to lead a very active life: athletes milestone categories. In this case, sweat during workouts will not spoil the hair. The best option for those who have in a set of overalls are hats with the condition of their mandatory wearing. Among them are the builders, doctors, cooks, machine operators, etc. They after the removal of clothing will not be crumpled hairstyles.

In favor of the choice of haircuts boxing speak factors such as the profession associated with being outdoors, regular trips, long-distance flights, frequent visits to the pool or swimming in sea water.

Features selected hair

  • from the sides and back of the head the length of the hair does not exceed 2 cm. The length may be less - it depends on the choice of the man himself. True, there are options and longer hair. But consider this below.
  • in the parietal region of the head, the hair is a couple of centimeters longer,
  • allowed small bangs up to 4 cm,
  • to the men remain open the front, neck of the head. Open ears. The bangs do not cover the forehead,
  • can be performed with almost any texture of hair and color,
  • hairstyle almost does not lose its shape, despite the different circumstances
  • versatile - boxing goes well with sportswear and casual wear. Do not spoil the male look and office three,

From the above written, we can draw the following conclusion - boxing will not go out of style. So, the choice of hair just will not disturb you for a very long time.
This is what concerns the benefits. But there are a few negative points:

  • if there are problems with the scalp, it is best to decide in advance. Otherwise, after the haircut, they will be visible to everyone
  • The same goes for big scars on your head,

  • hairstyle exposes the shape of the skull, not hiding anything. Therefore, if you are not completely satisfied with them. It is best to refuse boxing.

Boxing hairstyle: performance technique on the male head

If we talk about the simplest version of the haircut cutting box - this is a shortened version, then it is quite affordable for a haircut at home with the help of an ordinary typewriter.

To cut the house in a shortened version, you need to prepare the following set of tools:

  1. Fine-toothed comb
  2. The mirror is medium in size.
  3. Machine and nozzles in 1-4cm.
  4. Apron and cape.
  5. Scissors, gum for money.

Ladder on medium hair: the stages of creation and methods of styling

More examples of beautiful children's hairstyles for girls, see here.

Hair for cutting should be prepared: rinse and dry thoroughly. It is better not to use gels and varnishes, sprinkling with water is also not recommended.

  1. Cut the hair over the entire head with a 4 cm nozzle.
  2. Using scissors to make a haircut dividing the line of the short part of the hair from the one that will be slightly longer. For convenience and to obtain a flat dividing line or border, it can be marked with a rubber band for money. The line of edging should pass over the temporal part of the head, and if the temples are somewhat sunken, you can pull it down a little lower. With the correct shape of the head, the edge must run smoothly along the edge of the occiput; if the occipital part is strongly protruding, the line of edging should be drawn under it.
  3. Replace the nozzle on the machine with a shorter length; it is better to first take 2 cm and cut off the edge line. With thick hair, the line of edging should be re-cut with a typewriter, changing the nozzle to a shorter length or making it with scissors.
  4. The hairline should be leveled with a razor, remove excess hairs from the temporal part and neck.
  5. The final stage - work with bangs. Scissors to cut the bangs to the desired length, venture it a little thin. In this case, it is better to use thinning shears.

The length of the hairstyle is regulated by the nozzles of the machine, if desired, the lower part of the head can be cut to zero, and the upper part, on the contrary, can be made longer. It is better not to experiment with bangs at home, its length is recommended to set aside until the middle of the forehead or slightly higher than the eyebrows. In addition, the classic boxing presence of bangs does not provide.

Boxing haircuts

Conventionally, the options for cutting hair box can be divided into four groups:

  • shortened
  • with a medium length top haircut,
  • elongated at the top,
  • combined option.

A shorter haircut box is a men's classic haircut that we used to see in athletes. In this case, the temporal-occipital regions are sheared below 1 cm. or even under the "zero", and the upper part of the head is not more than 2 cm. For an example of hair, see the photo.

Men's hairstyle of medium length is a more modest version of a haircut, it is preferred by seasoned business people. In this case, the length of hair on the top of the head is from 3 to 5 cm, in the temporal and occipital regions 2.5 cm.

Boxing with the elongated upper part is a creative, stylish options for haircuts. In this case, the hair of the upper part of the length can reach 10 cm in length, and the temporal-occipital regions - 1-2 cm.

On the basis of the three main options, combined haircut models are created:

  • with a shortened version of the top and almost clean-shaven temporal areas and trimmed to 0.5 cm in the occipital part, or also shaved,
  • combinations with shaved nape and temples, but with an elongated upper part,
  • also among the combined options, you can also select models with bangs or without it, also options are possible with elongated bangs or classic - up to the middle of the forehead.

In conclusion, it is advisable to consider a number of principles for choosing the option of cutting boxing. So, besides the general selection criteria, such as the shape of the face, the type of hair, it is important to take into account such a criterion as comfort. Any haircut should fit the external image and internal sensations. Also read how to put hair to a man.

Being a business man, most of the time conducting at official events, having office clothes in the wardrobe, one should pay attention to stylish model haircuts. They will more harmoniously fit into a business style, and its owner will feel more confident.

Another disadvantage of almost all haircuts boxing options is that it is very difficult to find points for it. This is explained by the fact that it is designed for a sporty style, and therefore the accessories must be sporty.

In more detail the technique of performing the haircut box is shown in the video below.


Thus, without special need to create a box on the head is not recommended. If sports play an important role in the life of a man, then the choice should be made in favor of cutting boxing for hair of medium length. The sporty character of the haircut in this case is not too pronounced, which makes it universal.

Haircut boxing

Representatives of the stronger sex, as a rule, are conservatives. Therefore, naturalness and simplicity - the main points in the male hairstyle. It is a men's haircut box is a classic for any type of short hair. Haircut under the box is universal and that suits men with any hair structure. But it should be noted that such a haircut is undesirable if a man has defects on the scalp, because this is a fairly short haircut. It is not recommended to do a haircut box and owners curly hair.

Haircut Boxing Description

You can cut the box yourself, using a machine with a nozzle of 1-4 cm. Using a machine, you cut the hair at the top of the head, from the temples and above. The machine with the smaller attachment removes the hair below this line. Bangs, thinning with scissors, you can leave until the middle of the forehead, but more often it is removed.


Watch the video: I Let My Hair Grow For 16 Months. .HERE'S WHAT HAPPENED! (July 2024).