Hair Growth

Vitamins for hair growth for children


Take vitamins for hair growth is necessary in case of their loss. It is not possible to establish reliably whether there is any deficiency in the body, as laboratories do tests only for some of them. Therefore, we need to establish proper nutrition and take additional vitamin complexes.


  • active ingredient: retinol palmitate (vitamin A) alpha-tocopheryl acetate (vitamin E),
  • excipients: sunflower oil.

How does it work?

Vitamins Aevit for hair is a multivitamin preparation that contains medical doses of vitamins A and E. The complex effect of these vitamins helps restore skin elasticity, improve tissue regeneration, and eliminates epidermis peeling. The result of the use of Aevita inside becomes strengthening the roots and rapid hair growth.

How to use?

Take 1 tablet per day for a month. If necessary, repeat the course in 3-6 months.


This complex contains vitamins of group B and nicotinic acid. A sufficient amount of these vitamins in the body ensures hair growth and health.

How does it work?

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - provides hair follicles with nutrients and energy for growth. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) is important for the full implementation of fat, carbohydrate, protein exchanges. The lack of pyridoxine in the body leads to hair loss. Effective for the treatment of seborrhea.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - provides tissue respiration, regulates lipid and carbohydrate exchanges. Provides skin protection and builds up hair follicles.

Mode of application:

The complex begins to take 2-4 tablets 3 times a day after meals, drinking plenty of water. Duration of treatment for at least 3 weeks. Then there is a break in reception for 2-3 weeks and the course is repeated. The lasting effect of taking this drug is noticeable after 2-3 courses. Studies show that Pentovit, due to the presence of a sufficient amount of vitamin B12 in the complex, increases the hair growth rate to 4 cm per month.


Active substances: cystine, methionine, thiamine hydrochloride, calcium pantothenate, pyridoxine hydrochloride, Extractum millii flavi (millet extract), Faex medicinalis (medical yeast), para-aminobenzoic acid, Extractum Tritici germinis (wheat germ extract), zinc - 2 mg, copper, iron.

How does it work?

The active ingredients of this complex have a positive effect on the hair, scalp and nails.

Mode of application:

Appointed only to adults and adolescents over 12 years. Take 1 capsule with or before meals 3 times a day. If the hair loss is pronounced significantly, then increase the dosage to 2 capsules 3 times a day for 30 days, after switching to the reception in the usual dosage. The duration of therapy is usually 2-3 months.


Autolysate brewer's yeast, vitamin E, vitamin B1, B2, B5, selenium, calcium, zinc and iron

How does it work?

The drug compensates for the lack of vitamins and minerals contained in the drug Nagypol-1. Vitamin B2 - helps prevent dermatitis, eczema and dandruff, and also normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, preventing seborrhea and hair loss, vitamin B5 - helps in the treatment of dermatitis, contributes to the disappearance of skin rashes, dry peeling.

Mode of application:

Take orally, 10 minutes before meals, 1-3 times a day. The course is 1-8 weeks, after the break, the course is repeated.

Complit Shine


11 vitamins, 8 minerals, green tea extract, lipoic acid.

The combination of vitamin-like substances, minerals, vitamins and green tea extract improves the condition of hair, nail plates and skin.

The complex provides the following effects:

  • stimulation of the body’s own defenses
  • antioxidant effect
  • protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation,
  • enhance regenerative processes
  • ensuring skin tone, collagen synthesis,
  • weight loss,
  • improvement of metabolism
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system.

Mode of application:

Vitamin complex for hair and nails taken before meals for 1 tablet daily. The instruction recommends vitamin therapy for 1 month.



  • Thiamine mononitrate (Vit. B1).
  • Calcium Pantothenate (Vit. B5).
  • Cystine.
  • Para-aminobenzoic acid.
  • Keratin.
  • Yeast medical.

How does it work?

The composition of this complex drug contains many components that are beneficial to the health of hair, skin and nails.

Mode of application:

Pantovigar need to take 1 capsule three times a day.

The course of treatment usually ranges from 3 months to six months. It is also possible to extend the course of therapy, as well as its repetition as prescribed by the doctor.


1 tablet contains retinol acetate 5.68 mg (16,500 IU), thiamine chloride 5 mg, riboflavin 5 mg, calcium anttotenate 10 mg, pyridoxine hydrochloride 5 mg, nicotinamide 50 mg

How does it work?

Vitasharm improves the blood supply to the skin, restores its elasticity and elasticity, protects the skin from the damaging effects of UV radiation and the harmful effects of the environment.

Mode of application:

Vitasharm prescribed to adults inside after eating 1 tab. / Day. The course of treatment is 30 days, if necessary, you can assign a second course of treatment.


Beta-carotene, vitamins of group B, pantothenic acid, folic acid, biotin, nicotinamide, vitamin C, iron, zinc, para-aminobenzoic acid, magnesium, manganese, copper, iodine, silicon, burdock extract, echinacea extract.

How does it work?

The drug accelerates cell regeneration, improves microcirculation, increases hemoglobin levels, and contributes to the normalization of cellular metabolism. Vitamins help protect cells and tissues from the negative effects of free radicals, ultraviolet rays and other adverse factors.

Mode of application:

Take one capsule per day after meals.
Duration of treatment is 1 month. If necessary, after some time, the treatment is repeated.

Vitrum beauty


Beta-keratin, vitamin D3, vitamin E, group B vitamins, vitamin C, folic acid, biotin, nicotinamide, pantothenic acid, rutin, inosatol, choline, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, boron, extract horsetail.

How does it work?

Regular intake of the drug helps to improve the condition of nails, hair and skin, improves metabolism and elimination of toxins from the body. The components of the drug, in particular vitamins A, E and C, have antioxidant activity, which contributes to the protection of cells from the action of free radicals.

The vitamin complex enhances immunity, improves lipid metabolism and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Mode of application:

Adults appoint 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

Cosmetics Alphabet


  • “Calcium-D3 +” - Tablet No 1 (green):
  • Vitamins: D3 5 µg, Calcium Pantothenate 7.5 mg, Folic Acid 100 µg, B12 3 µg, Biotin (H) 75 µg, K1 60 µg,
  • Minerals: Chromium 50 mcg, Calcium 200 mg, Silicon 4 mg,
  • "Antioxidants + Bioflavonoids" - Tablet No 2 (yellow):
  • Vitamins: Beta-carotene 1 mg, E 10 mg, C 49 mg, B2 1.8 mg, Nicotinamide (PP) 20 mg, B6 3 mg,
  • Minerals: Magnesium 60 mg, Manganese 2 mg, Selenium 70 mcg, Iodine 150 mcg, Zinc 15 mg,
  • “Iron +” - Tablet No 3 (red):
  • Vitamins: B1 1.5 mg, C 21 mg, Folic acid 100 μg, A 0.8 mg,
  • Minerals: Iron 14 mg, Copper 1 mg.

Vitamin and mineral complex ALFAVIT Cosmetic created specifically for women. It consists of the components necessary for health and beauty: vitamins, minerals and plant extracts. Their beneficial effect has been proven by rigorous scientific research and experience in traditional medicine.

Dosage and administration:

Inside, while eating with food. 1 tab. each color, in any sequence (interval between doses 4-8 h). If the recommended admission schedule has been violated, you can resume it from any pill or take the missed pill along with the next one. Daily rate - 3 different pills - you can take at the same time.

Remember that each vitamin complex, like any medicine, has its own contraindications, which are indicated in the instructions. Therefore, before using them, consult your doctor!

Rating of popular drugs, composition and properties

The most popular vitamins for hair growth in a child:

  1. VitaMishki - there are several complexes of this drug, each of which can be used to improve the condition of hair. As part of the means of natural vegetable and fruit extracts, the content required for the baby the amount of biologically active components (vitamins A, D, E, C, B6, B9, B12, choline, inositol, pantothenic acid, biotin, magnesium, zinc, iodine). Without dyes and preservatives.
  2. Alphabet - the drug contains all the necessary components for the normalization of the condition and structure of hair. The composition of phosphorus, vitamins, folic acid, as well as minerals calcium and zinc.
  3. Supradin - contains a full range of nutrients to stabilize the processes of lengthening the curls and the overall healing of the body.
  4. Junior Neo - an excellent external source of nutrients - C, E, B1, AT2, AT3 (PP), In6, AT9, AT12, D3, beta-carotene and minerals - Mg, Zn, Fe, chromium, manganese and copper.

Selecting the optimal vitamin complex for the baby, you need to know which vitamins are responsible for what, that is, to know their properties:

  • And - helps to reduce the loss of strands. And also improves the structure and appearance of curls, skin of the head - eliminates dryness and brittleness, adds shine to hair, moisturizes the skin.
  • Groups B - contribute to the intensification of growth, prevent the strands from falling out, reduce skin oilyness, improve blood circulation and tissue trophism.
  • C - eliminates such problems as weakness, dullness, fragility, cross-section, loss.
  • E - strengthens the nutrition of hair follicles and stimulates all the natural processes that occur in these tissues.
  • H - stops hair loss and severe dryness of the skin.
  • PP - eliminates dandruff and excessive dry or oily hair.

Tip! Reception of vitamin-containing drugs should be combined with normalization of the diet and a decrease in the level of stress. It has been proven that those vitamins that a baby receives with food are better absorbed.

Method of application, duration and cost of treatment

Usually vitamins for growth are given to a child according to the following scheme:

  1. VitaMishki - 1 feed per day during meals (children up to 7 years old), 2 lozenges per day during meals (children aged 7-18 years). The course of therapy is 30 days, after a month the break can be repeated. The cost of 1 bottle of the drug (30 pastes) - 400 rubles / 160 UAH.
  2. Alphabet - tablets of different colors (1 tab. Of each color) should be taken consistently throughout the day with an interval of at least 4 hours. The drug should be taken during breakfast, lunch and dinner, drinking plenty of water. The course of treatment is 30 days, then a break of 14 days, after which the course of therapy can be repeated. The cost of 1 bottle (60 tab.) - 270 rubles / 110 UAH.
  3. Supradin - 1 effervescent tablet (for children from 12 years old) should be dissolved in a glass of water and drink liquid during meals. Marmalade lozenges should be consumed in 1 pc. per day (children from 3 to 7 years) or 2 pcs. per day (children from 7 to 14 years old) with meals. The duration of the course of therapy is individual, usually 30 days. The cost of 1 bottle of effervescent tablets (10 tab.) - 300 rubles / 120 UAH. The cost of 1 package of chewing lozenges (30 pcs.) - 450 rubles / 180 UAH.
  4. Junior Neo - use 1 chewable tablet 1 time per day (children 4 to 7 years) or 2 times a day (children 7 to 18 years) with meals. The course of therapy is 30-60 days. The cost of the drug (60 tab.) - 2000 rubles. / 800 UAH.

Tip! Do not prescribe vitamins for hair growth children themselves. To select the appropriate drug, determine the treatment regimen and dosage must be a therapist. Experiments of parents can lead to an excess of vitamins in the body of the baby - hypervitaminosis, which adversely affects the state of health.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy

Vitamins for hair growth in children is the most effective and safe solution to the problem. Other pharmacological and cosmetic preparations can cause irreparable harm to the baby’s body, the consequences of which can manifest themselves even in adolescence.

And taking vitamins not only contributes to the intensification of the growth of curls in babies. They normalize metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, contribute to overall recovery. All this, combined with a high degree of effectiveness of treatment, makes taking multivitamins a priority option for solving the problem with hair.

How to grow hair in children

Every child already has hair on his head at the time of birth: some have a rather lush head of hair, others have a barely noticeable fluff on the top of the head, and some have dark curls. This is not surprising - each organism is individual, and hair growth is laid at the genetic level.

You should absolutely not pay attention to the postpartum hair, because they roll out over time. The first phase of hair growth occurs at 2 years of age, therefore, there is no point in worrying about weak hair in a baby.

In the period from 1.5-2 years, hair can drastically change. For example, if your baby was blond with curls, then after some two or three months he can turn into a brown-haired man with straight hair.

Trichologists distinguish 3 phases of hair growth:

  1. Active growth. After several months of life, my hair begins to grow just lightning fast - by 1-2 cm every month.
  2. The deceleration phase. During this period, growth almost stops, and thin hairs begin to fall out. In their place, the hair follicle is ready to release the next ones, which will be much stronger than the previous ones.
  3. The period of formation. He comes in age from 2 to 7 years. Characterized by the fact that the curls are added in a length of 0.6 cm per month. It is at this moment that their condition directly depends on genetics and proper nutrition.

Some parents believe that after the child reaches the age of one, regardless of whether the girl is a boy or a boy, you need to shave the hair with a “zero”. We want to note that this is a complete mistake. This procedure will not affect the number of hair follicles laid at the genetic level. Going to this step, you can injure the more tender dermis of the scalp.

Do not be afraid of loss of several hairs in your kids. When a new hair, born in the follicle, is ready for its growth, the old one simply dies.

Note, It’s absolutely not worthwhile to count on the thick head of hair of your baby for people who have sparse hair in the family, because the volume of hair is hereditary.

Your baby is already 7–9 months old, and his hair has practically not grown from birth? Nursing mothers need to revise their diet and increase the fat content of the milk produced. Perhaps the baby develops ricketsAfter all, from a lack of “solar” vitamin, calcium and phosphorus are improperly absorbed by the body, which leads to impaired hair growth.

Causes of poor growth and loss

Among the reasons for poor hair growth doctors distinguish:

  • lack of vitamins
  • genetic predisposition
  • Nervous shocks and frequent disorders
  • diseases of the scalp (dandruff, versicolor, seborrheic dermatitis and others),
  • incorrect care (for example, the use of "adult" shampoos, drying hair with a hair dryer or by actively rubbing a terry towel).

Dandruff may be the cause of excessive hair loss at a young age., which is formed due to the malfunction of the sebaceous glands and the development of the fungus Pitirosporum, which lives on the skin. Since dandruff hairs at the roots, it prevents the normal access of oxygen to the hair follicles, which, in turn, affects the correct growth of hair.

Try to pick up shampoos for children that do not contain lauryl sulfate. To dry the curls of babies need a natural way. If you have a girl, it is better not to braid tight pigtails and not to use kapron gum to curl the curls, so you injure your hair and impede the normal blood flow of the dermis of the head. Learn more about choosing a shampoo for children, a review of the best, read on our website.

Hair loss in adolescents is usually associated with hormonal changes in their bodies. As soon as a boy or girl passes through puberty during a normal diet, the condition of the hair will necessarily improve.

What vitamins do babies need?

There is a whole list of vitamins that can improve the condition of the hair. Among them:

  • retinol, which feeds the hair follicles and improves the condition of the dermis of the scalp,
  • vitamin C, giving each hair elasticity, which minimizes its injury in the future,
  • Vitamin E, which perfectly smoothes the scales and makes curls shiny,
  • B vitamins, which include inosine, which creates a protective film that acts as a barrier to harmful factors from the environment (in addition, this useful substance comes into symbiosis with the hormones responsible for hair growth).

Attention! Before you buy vitamins to your children, it is advisable to consult a children's trichologist. After testing and visual inspection of curls, he will help determine the lack of specific vitamins that need to be replenished in the children's body.

You should always use the agent in the amount specified in the instructions for the drug. The fact is that each age requires a certain daily dose of vitamins, minerals and trace elements. And if you increase their number, hypervitaminosis can occur, which adversely affect the state of the body.

Be sure to pay attention to age and contraindications. As a rule, vitamin complexes are hypoallergenic, so the likelihood of any rash on the body or swelling is close to zero.

What products are present

If you have noticed a deterioration in your baby’s hair: excessive loss, dryness and tingling, brittleness, an ugly dull “mouse” color or loss of natural luster, Be sure to balance the diet.

Most likely, the hair bulb just lacks the necessary vitamins and trace elements, which leads to such "negative" changes in the structure of the hair.

The fact is that along with food through our gastrointestinal tract enter nutrients that support the work of the cells of the body, as well as being absorbed into the blood, reach the hair follicle.

We recommend to get acquainted with the food for hair growth on our website.

Want to shine beauty? Then simply ensure that each bulb is properly supplied.

For this purpose, consume foods rich in:

  • Vitamin B2, which is found in the liver, dairy products, various leafy salads, eggs, currants,
  • pantheon, contained mainly in chicken, green vegetables, egg yolk,
  • B3, B8, B10 (B vitamins are part of cereals, beef, various nuts and legumes),
  • B6 or pyridxin (rich in buckwheat, oatmeal, grapefruit, raisins, various types of nuts, cantaloupe, melon and soy),
  • B9 or folic acid (this product is found in cottage cheese, hard cheese and yeast)
  • Retinol, which you can find in poultry liver and cows, sea buckthorn, dairy products, carrots and other yellow vegetables,
  • ascorbic acid (you need to eat citrus fruits, currants, drink rosehip tea, eat cabbage and paprika),
  • vitamin E, a high content of which is found in seeds, spinach, nuts, dried apricots.

Reviews of the most effective

When you make a selection of vitamins for your beloved children, then turn the drug intake into a real children's game. To do this, it is best to buy vitamins in the form of colorful lozenges, funny teddy bears, chewing candies. The fact is that babies will not be interested in drinking ordinary pills, and many of them have a poorly developed swallowing reflex with a focus on large capsules.

Among the most popular means to improve the condition of hair in children are:

  • "Vita Bears". It is a pleasure to eat these funny marmalade pastils. You can purchase a vitamin complex of a different action vector: improving memory, beneficial for eyesight, stabilizing digestion or heart function. Although the manufacturer does not produce a specific product for hair growth, in any of the above complexes contain vitamins necessary for hair growth and their strengthening. You can take the age of 3 years. You can buy vitaminshki for 430 rubles (30 lozenges).

  • "Alphabet". This drug is a universal action aimed at improving health and strengthening the immune system. It contains phosphorus, zinc, folic acid and calcium, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. The alphabet can be taken from 1 year (a sparing complex). It is hypoallergenic. The price of the medicinal drug starts at 230 rubles, depending on the purpose of the vitamin complex.

  • Supradin Kids. According to users and physicians, the claimed children's hair vitamins really lead to an improvement in the head of hair of babies. They are designed to meet the age needs of children. The preparation contains choline, omega-3-acids, B6, B12, C. They are consumed during meals. Children aged 5 to 11 years old are recommended to take 1 tablet per day, while older children need 2 tablets to replenish the required amount of vitamins. The cost of vitamins is 620 rubles.

  • "Junior Neo +". These vitamins are suitable for children from 3 years. The composition of the drug is selected in such a way that it perfectly strengthens the immune system, as well as a beneficial effect on the structure of the hair. Junior is rich in vitamins of group B, beta-carotene, vitamin C and E. It refers to the dietary supplement and is consumed with food. The cost of the drug rolls over - 1920 rubles. The tool is manufactured by the French company Arkopharma, has numerous certificates of quality and is recommended by the Ministry of Health. The product is completely natural, therefore 98% absorbed by the body. Practical has no contraindications and does not contain piece dyes and additives.

  • Multi-Tabs. These general-purpose vitamins are available in the form of syrup (for children from birth), tablets and chewable pastilles. The price of the drug varies between 400-650 rubles. During the reception is not recommended to use other multivitamin complexes, otherwise overdose is possible.

  • "Pikovit." A fairly popular multivitamin remedy that is relatively inexpensive. You can buy a package of 30 tablets for only 180 rubles. It can be sold as a syrup for the youngest children. Produced in Slovenia. Contains folic acid, riboflavin, nicotinamide, vitamin A, B, C and calcium phosphate. Shown with unbalanced nutrition.

  • Vitrum. The manufacturer produces a whole line of vitamins that are aimed at teenagers, young children and schoolchildren. The drug is made in pill form. It has all the necessary minerals, trace elements and vitamins. You should take pills every time after meals. At the age of 7 to 11 years old, you need to take 1 tablet per day. Vitrum cost is 540 rubles.

As you can see, manufacturers do not focus their attention on the vitamins of the directional vector of action. In any fortifying multivitamin formulations, the components necessary for hair growth are always present.

An important point! Fulminant results in improving the condition of the hair should not wait. You need to understand that hair follicles take time to rehabilitate and release better and stronger hair. Therefore, you can see real changes after 1-3 months.

As a prophylaxis, cosmetologists recommend:

  • to establish a proper and balanced diet, in the intervals between the main approaches of eating it is necessary to eat fruits and drink kefir,
  • protect from the negative influence of the environment (stay in a headdress in the sun, wear a hat in the winter),
  • wash your hair with special shampoos for children or adolescents on a natural basis (it is advisable to carry out the procedure no more than twice a week),
  • do not blow-dry hair, do not use styling products, ironing and curling,
  • try to monitor the health of the child, to ensure that the teenager does not have bad habits,
  • in case of frequent nervous disorders, seek help from a competent specialist - a psychotherapist or a neurologist.

Thus, if your offspring has problems with hair growth, he needs to immediately adjust his diet, because it is the lack of vitamins that is the most common factor leading to this problem.

Also trichologists recommend drinking a course of vitamins that fill the missing nutrients in the child's body. But be careful with the dosage, because exceeding the established standard for children of a particular age can lead to hypervitaminization, which, in turn, adversely affects the state of the whole organism.

An excellent alternative to expensive children's hair care products are natural oils. Learn about the intricacies of their application from the following articles:

Vitamins for hair of which company to choose

Many cosmetic companies and pharmaceutical companies produce vitamin complexes that are useful not only for hair. They are also able to restore the beauty of the nails and skin. Eminent European brands offer their products at a high price, Russian drugs (often with the same composition) cost much less.

Our compatriots recognized the products of the following manufacturers as the most popular and effective means:

1. “Vertex” (brand Aleran)

3. Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

4. Vitabiotics Ltd

6. "Homemade recipes"

8. OJSC “Marbiopharm”

The products of these manufacturers have collected the largest number of positive reviews on the Web, however, when choosing, you will have to take into account the doctor’s recommendations so that self-treatment does not harm.

The best vitamins for hair in pills

The most convenient and familiar dosage form for patients are tablets. Most often, this multivitamin is a cocktail that solves several problems at the same time (and not only with hair). A small blister or a jar with capsules fits easily into a woman’s purse, and that’s a plus. A disadvantage of this form is that before absorption of the active ingredients, the tablet passes through the gastrointestinal tract, the acidic environment of which can destroy most of the vitamins.

Complex V-Min "Alerana"

The supplement contains vitamins and minerals that affect the bulbs from the inside, stimulating the active growth of dormant hairs. The drug effectively eliminates dandruff, normalizes fat, strengthens curls and heals them along the entire length. With it, you can stop hair loss caused by an imbalance of the sex hormone androgen, but the application must be coordinated with the doctor. But to solve the problems associated with stress, avitaminosis or pregnancy, this supplement is unlikely to.


  • The complex is very effective in hair loss,
  • After the course returns the curls shine,
  • Ease of use (night and day pills),
  • Natural composition
  • At the same time strengthens the nails,
  • Gives the effect of healing the whole body.


  • Not the cheapest vitamins,
  • Epilation will have to do more often.

Take the drug should be two capsules per day: after breakfast and dinner for a month. For convenience, the dragees are colored in different colors: red “morning”, and white - night.

The best vitamins for hair in ampoules

These are extremely effective topical products that need to be applied directly to the hair. These vitamins begin to work immediately, soaking into the bulbs and scalp. Therefore, the treatment here is not so long, and the desired effect is already visible after the first few applications. The contents of the ampoules can be added to regular shampoo or hair masks, turning the hygienic procedure into a healing one. Nevertheless, a specialist consultation is also needed here.

Dikson Polipant complex

The tool is declared by the manufacturer as a luxury product for professional treatment and hair care. It has a unique composition of extracts of animal placenta, proteins, antioxidants, plant extracts, vitamins and minerals. The drug tones the scalp, improves blood flow to the bulbs. Its biologically active components struggle with baldness and resume the growth of new hair. In one pack 12 ampoules of 10 mg.


  • The effect is noticeable after a couple of weeks,
  • Conveniently applied with a pipette.
  • Can be used to strengthen eyelashes,
  • Visibly accelerates hair growth, making it thicker and stronger,
  • Does not weigh strands
  • Good for dandruff
  • Does not require rinsing
  • Nice smell.


Complete with ampoules is a special pipette, with which the contents are applied to the scalp. The procedure should be carried out daily for one and a half months. If necessary, the course can be repeated, having sustained a monthly break.

Repairing complex "Homemade recipes"

In addition to the complex of vitamins, this includes vegetable oils of olives and almond nuts, as well as silk proteins. Means effectively restores the painted and damaged hair, doing them elastic, brilliant and strong. The scalp is less fat, and the curls look "alive" and soft. In the package of 8 ampoules.


  • The positive effect is noticeable after the first application,
  • Absolutely natural composition,
  • Restores hair, makes it soft and silky,
  • Pleasant aroma,
  • More than affordable price.


  • Fatty means is not easy to wash off.

The medicine is applied to the skin and roots with massage movements for half an hour and then washed off. The complex should be applied several times a week for one and a half months. After that, you can take a break.

The best vitamins for hair in solutions

In addition to regenerating hair products in ampoules, vitamins in small bubbles are sold in pharmacies. They are more economical and affordable, but the concentration of nutrients is lower here. Such solutions can be used to strengthen the hair (adding the right amount to a shampoo or a mask), and to improve the condition of the skin, enriching the caring creams. Such drugs are usually quite inexpensive and you can easily buy them at any pharmacy.

Alerana Hair Serum

A popular herbal medicine awakens dormant bulbs, stimulates rapid hair growth and stops their loss. The vitamin complex is derived from an extract of olive leaves and nettle extracts, contains highly effective minerals and essential oils that nourish and strengthen the structure of the strands.

Alerina needs to be used daily for 4 months, although visible changes will appear in a couple of weeks.The natural composition of the complex is safe and does not give side effects, so that it can be applied even to future and lactating mothers.


  • Hair stops falling out, it becomes thicker and stronger, grows faster,
  • The drug regulates the production of subcutaneous fat,
  • Do not rinse after application.
  • A convenient form in the form of a spray makes it easy to apply the drug,
  • Safe, completely natural composition,
  • Unobtrusive herbal smell,
  • Large volume (100 ml).


  • High price,
  • Unsustainable - quickly consumed.

Some customers noted increased hair loss at the beginning of the course of treatment with Aleranna. This is due to the fact that strands are beginning to be actively updated, new bulbs are waking up, and non-viable rods fall out.

Alpha-Tocopherol Acetate from Lekhim

In fact, this is an ordinary vitamin E in an ampoule or a small pharmacy vial. But it is one of the important elements for the preservation of strength and beauty of hair. The oil solution has antioxidant properties, rejuvenates and strengthens curls from root to tip, making the strands shiny and elastic. And tocopherol improves blood flow under the scalp, so that the bulbs get more oxygen and nutrients.

The wound-healing effect of the drug soothes the inflamed skin, relieves itching and dandruff. Vitamin can be taken both inside and rubbed into the scalp or added to masks and shampoos.


  • The effect is noticeable after just a few sessions,
  • Can and should be taken by pregnant and lactating mothers, children, the elderly,
  • Completely natural medicine,
  • Has a beneficial effect on the scalp,
  • Prevents early graying,
  • There is a pipette for easy application,
  • Very cheap drug.


  • Bold - requires flushing.

The maximum result helps to achieve complex therapy, where tocopherol acts in tandem with retinol (vitamin A).

What vitamins stimulate the growth of strands

Before proceeding to the choice of a particular drug, it is recommended to get acquainted with what vitamins are needed for hair growth. Each complex has a unique composition with a different amount of active ingredients.

3 products that have a positive effect on hair (video):

How to choose

Among the huge variety of vitamins for strengthening and hair growth is very difficult to obtain a suitable, effective and safe drug that will not cause an allergic reaction. It is better to stop the choice on the positive means of well-known manufacturers.

It is not always worthwhile to focus on the high cost of foreign manufacturers, since the majority of domestic products are highly efficient due to their rich, balanced composition.

Select the best vitamins for hair growth will help reviews of ordinary users on the Internet (on forums, personal blogs, etc.), as well as consultation trichologists, cosmetologists, allergists.

Alerana Vitamin and mineral complex, tab. 570mg n60 (day-night formula)

This dietary supplement is produced by the pharmaceutical company Vertex (Russia). The basis of the means 18 active ingredients (vitamins C, E, group B, D3, selenium, zinc, iron, etc.). The package contains 2 drugs: "Day" and "Night." The action of the first is aimed at nourishing the hair shaft and follicle with useful substances necessary for normal growth. The second - to prevent hair loss, strengthen hair follicles. Price: 610 p.

  • inexpensive,
  • double action
  • rich composition
  • no harmful chemicals
  • positive effect on the state of the nail plate, skin and the work of internal organs.
  • before using it is recommended to consult with a specialist,
  • These vitamins for hair growth are hard to find at the pharmacy.

Perfectil, caps. n30

Perfectil hair - this dietary supplement is produced by Vitabiotiks (UK). The composition of 28 active ingredients, 3 of which (inositol, horsetail extract, marine collagen) have the most pronounced effect: stop hair loss, stimulate their growth, improve the structure. Price Perfectil hair: 570 p.

  • has dermatoprotective, wound healing, antioxidant properties,
  • accelerates cell division and hair growth,
  • these hair growth vitamins are easy to find in pharmacy chains,
  • normalizes metabolism at the cellular level,
  • improves the functioning of small blood vessels.
  • high price,
  • in order for strands to grow faster, long-term use is required (at least a month), the course is recommended to be repeated several times a year.

Buy Mertz Antige Age Special Drage No. 60

This dietary supplement is issued in the form of a dragee. Manufacturer: Merz Pharma, Germany. Effective with a deficiency of vitamins, which in insufficient quantities come from food. Protects strands from mechanical and thermal effects. Increases blood flow around the hair follicle. What vitamins and trace elements contribute to hair growth: E, A, C, B groups, sulfur-containing amino acids, zinc, etc. Price: approximately 750 p.

  • stimulation and protection of hair follicles from deformation and damage,
  • thickening of the hair structure, prevention of thinning,
  • decrease in local fallout
  • restoration of damaged areas
  • protection of attachment zones,
  • accelerating the growth of curls.
  • allergic reactions are possible.

Revalid-Teva, caps. n30

These vitamins, which have a positive effect on curls, are produced by TEVA Pharmaceuticals Industries, Israel. Pharmaceutical preparation. It refers to drugs for systemic use in order to improve the condition of damaged strands, accelerate their growth, eliminate dandruff, itching, seborrhea, hair loss, increased oily skin, and other problems of the scalp. Ingredients: cystine, methionine, calcium pantothenate, yeast, etc. Price: 650 p.

  • have a wide range of pharmacological action,
  • promote the biosynthesis of connective tissue, keratin,
  • accelerate the development, regeneration and growth of hair, nails.
  • need to drink for 2-3 months.

Non-rated funds

We also compiled a list of vitamins for hair growth, not included in the rating. Such drugs have conflicting reviews, their effect on strands is not well understood, or the drugs have less active ingredients that have a positive effect on the growth of curls. These include:

Also on sale you can find vitamins from China, Poland, Turkey, Spain.

Ways and rules of application

The method of application depends on the form of release of the vitamin complex. There are drugs for oral administration (drops, capsules, tablets, tea, etc.), as well as for external use (oils, shampoos, balms, etc.). Which vitamins to take: inside for hair growth or use outwardly it is better to consult with the trichologist. In case of predisposition to allergic reactions, additionally consult an allergist-immunologist. Dosage and duration of use to comply with the instructions of the drug.

If the hair is prone to hair loss, grow slowly, noticeably dull, its structure is broken (cross section, brittleness, increased rigidity), vitamin complexes help to solve the problem. In our TOP, we have compiled a list of the best drugs, so that you can choose the best option for yourself, given its features, advantages and disadvantages.

And what do you think, what vitamins are useful for the growth and condition of the hair? Share your opinion in the comments.

Genetic predisposition

The number and size of hair follicles is laid genetically, that is, is inherited from the parents. This happens long before the baby is born, at about 15-16 weeks of pregnancy.

Medium and small bulbs promote the growth of thin hair, so the curls in this case are rare.

General health

The baby's shag is an indicator of his overall health.

During the period of illness and medication locks become dull, brittle and weak.

Abundant hair loss may indicate fungal diseases (ringworm), rickets, or mechanical damage to the hair follicles (tight hairstyles).

Proper nutrition

A varied diet of the child enriches the body with all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. All organs and hair follicles with proper nutrition work normally.

With poor nutrition, the whole body suffers a shortage of essential trace elements and works intermittently, which is reflected in the state of the locks.

Age up to 2 years

Children can be born with a little fluff or completely bald, and both are the norm. In the period of 3-4 months there is a change of hair.

From six months to two years, the color and volume of hair can change dramatically. So the fair-haired peanut with curls, becomes by two years a brown-haired man with completely straight strands.

Age from 2 to 10 years

The volume of the child's hair varies periodically, according to the main phases of hair growth.

  1. Phase of active growth. During this period, hair grows on average from 0.6 mm to 1.5 cm per month (depending on heredity).
  2. The phase of calm. The growth of strands slows down, the bulb seems to hibernate.

After awakening, certain processes take place in it, thanks to which new strong hair is prepared for growth.

  • Phase withering. When a new hair is ready for the first phase (active growth), the old one simply dies and falls out.
  • If none of the closest relatives have a thick head of hair, then you should not expect it to appear in a child. The main factor affecting the color and volume of hair is genetic inheritance.

    Next, we will talk in more detail about vitamins for hair growth in a child, which experts advise.

    Retinol acetate from Marbiopharm

    Another “vitamin of beauty” - A. With a lack of this substance in the body, the hair begins to fall, and the nails exfoliate. Retinol also starts the process of formation of its own keratin, from which the hair is built, and also has a beneficial effect on the sebaceous glands, normalizing their work.

    The drug can be taken orally and added to cosmetic masks. However, it should be used strictly according to the instructions, not exceeding the dosage, otherwise it is easy to get a strong irritation on the skin.


    • Completely restores hair, nails and skin,
    • Gives a noticeable effect of strengthening and recovery,
    • Accelerates hair growth
    • Inexpensive and affordable drug.


    • May cause an allergic reaction.

    What vitamins for hair to buy

    1. When hormonal disruptions in the body, caused hair loss and dandruff will help vitamin complex "Aleran."

    2. If the curls are badly damaged (for example, by perm) or hair loss has become rampant, Pantovigar can cope with the problem.

    3. If you live in a big city, where your hair is constantly exposed to the harmful effects of the environment, she (and at the same time nails) health will return multivitamin complex "Revalid."

    4. To strengthen the curls and improve the scalp affected by psoriasis or dermatitis, Perfectil should be drunk away.

    5. For quick restoration of hair and eyelashes you will need "heavy artillery" - Polipant in ampoules.

    6. To return strands of power and beauty after dyeing or aggressive discoloration will help inexpensive vitamin complex from the brand "Homemade recipes."

    7. Absolutely harmless serum Alerana is suitable for all those who are contraindicated powerful drugs: pregnant women and nursing moms.

    8. If there is no money for expensive complexes, the most ordinary “beauty vitamins” - A and E (sold in pharmacies) - will give protection and health to your hair.

    Features of hair growth in children

    Someone is born with chic curls, and someone with a barely noticeable down on the head. This is not surprising, each has its own genetics.

    There are physiological periods of hair growth in children and they continue to adolescence.

    Children's (from 2 to 7 years) hair growth cycle is divided into 3 periods.

    The first - active growth phasewhen its speed is 1-2 cm per month.

    Then it is time to slow the growth and changes in the bulb.

    At this time, the hair becomes thinner and falls out after a couple of weeks, and in its place a new strong hair is ready to grow.

    Average hair growth rate in children from 2 to 7 years old is 0.6 cm per month. It depends on the genetic predisposition, the quality of nutrition and the general condition of the child’s body.

    On our site you can get acquainted with a huge number of recipes for homemade hair growth masks: with nicotinic acid, from coffee grounds, with vodka or brandy, with mustard and honey, with aloe, with gelatin, with ginger, from henna, from bread, with kefir, with cinnamon, egg and onion.

    What foods contain the right vitamins?

    • B2 (riboflavin) - dairy products, liver, leafy salads, eggs, broccoli, black currants,
    • B3, B8, B10 - beef, liver, nuts, potatoes, peas, egg yolk, whole grain bread,
    • AT 9 - cottage cheese, cheese, nutritional yeast,
    • B5 (pantheon) - chicken, egg yolk, cauliflower, green vegetables,
    • AT 6 - buckwheat, oatmeal, milk, babany, potatoes, walnuts, soybeans, unpolished rice, inositol, beef liver, grapefruit, raisins, cantaloupe,
    • WITH - citrus, wild rose, black currant, white cabbage, red and net, kiwi, sea buckthorn, Bulgarian pepper,
    • A (retinol) - fish, beef, chicken and pork liver, butter, cheese, dairy products, cottage cheese, carrots, sea buckthorn,
    • E - seeds, paprika, almonds and pine nuts, dried apricots, spinach.

    As a complementary food before the year begin to give the child fish dishes.

    It is a source of phosphorus that promotes the absorption of calcium in the body.

    Calcium is involved in the formation of hair.

    The cause of poor hair growth can be lack of vitamin D, which can be replenished by frequent walks in the fresh air, especially in sunny weather.

    Other causes of poor growth

    Scalp disease may be the cause of poor growth and weakness of children's hair. Before taking treatment, be sure to contact the children's trichologist. Only a doctor can prescribe adequate treatment., because it is likely to be medical.

    The state of the nervous system of the child may also affect the quality of his hair. If the child is restless, hyperactive, capricious, he may need treatment by a pediatric neurologist. After the course of treatment, normal hair growth will be restored.

    Wrong care for baby hair. It is not recommended to use for children, especially very young, “adult” shampoo. After shampooing, do not intensively wipe the hair with a towel, and even more dry with a hair dryer.

    It should be a little wet them with a towel and leave to dry naturally.

    In girls, the cause of weakening hair can be tight braided pigtails. Not only does it disrupt the microcirculation of blood, because of the nylon bows or elastics, the hair will split and just be pulled out with them.

    Did you know that with some procedures you can speed up the growth of strands, such as mesotherapy and head massage. Also very important to properly comb.

    Synthetic vitamins for hair growth for a child

    It is clear that even a balanced diet is not always able to provide the child with essential vitamins and trace elements.

    For this case, complex preparations have been developed, which include the vitamins A, B, C and E already mentioned by us, which restore and improve the quality and growth of hair.

    Special complexes are allowed to receive only adults and children from 12 years.

    Marmalade pastilles in the form of funny figures of bears shown to children from 3 years. The manufacturer has developed various complexes for immunity, memory and attention, healthy teeth, digestion and vision.

    Any of them contains vitamins that improve the growth and condition of the hair.

    This vitamin complex is not narrowly targeted, but contains everything you need - active components of the alphabet - phosphorus, folic acid, zinc and calcium - affect, in particular, to improve hair growth and strengthen their structure.

    it one of the most successful complexes for children, as it is designed to meet the age needs of the child’s body. It does not have excess trace elements, the quantitative content corresponds to the age of the children for whom it is intended.

    Its spectrum is quite wide and each type is strengthened by the very vitamin that is needed, for example, to improve brain activity, growth, the nervous system, etc.

    Useful materials

    Read our other articles on hair regrowth:

    • Tips on how to grow curls after a square or another short haircut, return the natural color after staining, speed up growth after chemotherapy.
    • Lunar calendar haircuts and how often do you need to cut your hair while growing?
    • The main reasons why strands grow poorly, what hormones are responsible for their growth and what foods affect good growth?
    • How to quickly grow hair in a year or even a month?
    • Means that can help you grow: effective serums for hair growth, in particular the Andrea brand, Estelle and Alerana products, pameric water and various lotions, shampoo and oil of the Horse Power brand, as well as other growth shampoos, in particular, activator shampoo Gold silk.
    • For opponents of traditional means we can offer folk: mummy, various herbs, tips on using mustard and apple cider vinegar, as well as recipes for making homemade shampoo.
    • Vitamins are very important for the health of the hair: read the review of the best pharmacy complexes, in particular the drugs Aevit and Pentovit. Learn about the features of the use of vitamins of group B, in particular B6 and B12.
    • Learn about the various preparations for enhancing growth in ampoules and tablets.
    • Did you know that means in the form of sprays have a beneficial effect on the growth of curls? We offer you a review of effective sprays, as well as instructions for cooking at home.

    Indications and Contraindications

    An indication of the use of vitamins is lack of certain substances in the child’s body. This can only be determined by the doctor if there are symptoms.

    Contraindication may be intolerance to individual components of the drug. Therefore, parents should carefully review the composition of the vitamin complex, before giving it to the child.

    If there were no relatives with rich hair in your family, then you should not expect this from children. Love them as they are. The main thing is that they are healthy and happy.


    Watch the video: Should Children Take Vitamins. What Age Do Babies Need Vitamins. Best Childrens Baby Vitamins (July 2024).