Building up

Hair removal and correction Salon extensions ArtHair in Moscow


The method is recognized as the safest, since there are no harmful substances in keratin. And the impact of thermal forceps is negligible. If the procedure is performed by a professional, then the strands will look like natural.

How much hair is kept after this procedure depends on the experience of the specialist, the quality of keratin, the type of strands. When inexpensive materials are applied, the curls will delight about 1 - 2 months, after which a correction will be required. If you use quality tools, the result of the procedure is maintained for 3 months.

English technology

According to this method, hair extension is performed by a special gun that can heat the keratin gum. How much hair is kept on capsules depends on the lifestyle. Owners of such curls can not visit the baths, saunas, as well as use irons.

With poorly executed procedure, the result is stored for about a week, after which the curls will not look very neat. If everything is done correctly, the curls will please 3-4 months.

Spanish technology

The method is ideal for blondes and owners of light brown hair, since the attachment areas of the strands will not be visible. After the procedure, it is desirable to use traditional masks, balsams, shampoos. It is not forbidden to visit saunas and baths.

After how much to do the correction of hair extensions depends on the skill of the specialist. The result can last up to 6 months, but if the rules of care are followed. Nevertheless, it is recommended to make a slight correction in 3-4 months.

Tape building

The method allows for a short time to gain luxurious hair length. Fastening strands using adhesive tape, in which there are no harmful components. The technology is more suitable for those who have their curls thin and fragile.

How much hair is kept on this technology is determined by the type of its strands. In any case, the correction will have to be done every 2 months. The procedure can be carried out repeatedly.

Korean technology

Korean technology is great for hard and dark hair. It uses metal-ceramic beads, which are threaded through their own and artificial curls. The technology is suitable for very short hair.

How long you can walk with extended hair is determined by the type of strands. In some women, the roots grow back in 2 months, and in others, yes. 4. When a correction needs to be done, a hairdresser can determine.

Ultrasound enhancement

Modern technologies appear in the hairdressing industry. Now popular building with an ultrasound device that melts keratin to the required temperature. The advantage of the technology is that the hair after the procedure can be repainted, highlight, color.

How much hair is kept, depends on their condition. Usually the result is saved for 4 months, and then a complete correction is necessary. The procedure does not damage the curls.

Care Rules

To keep hair extensions for a long period, you need to properly care for them. It is enough to follow a few rules, and the curls will always be in order:

  • before bedtime the strands must be dried thoroughly, and then the braid should be braided,
  • during the capsular procedure with a visit to the bath or sauna, you should wear a special cap, while with other procedures it is better not to go to such places,
  • before swimming in the sea or pool, you should wear a swimming cap, but if your hair is wet, you should wash it,
  • you must regularly visit a specialist to perform the correction,
  • need to use masks, but carefully.

Washing recommendations

So that the result after the extension is preserved for a long time, you need to properly wash your hair. Although this procedure is no different from the usual one, there are still some nuances that can improve the condition of the locks:

  • before washing the hair is combed so that there is no tangling,
  • it is advisable to wash them in the shower, and not in the basin,
  • perform the procedure carefully so as not to damage the attachment points,
  • applied curls are washed with shampoo with a neutral pH level, moisturizing balms and gentle conditioners, but cosmetics for specific types of curls will not work,
  • It is advisable to entrust the choice of shampoo to the master who performed the procedure
  • shampoo is applied evenly so as not to confuse curls: gently wash off the foam with warm water,
  • wipe the curls should be a towel, but gently, so as not to damage, and comb them better dry,
  • Do not use chlorinated or salt water for washing.

Proper drying

Spongy curls spoil from wet combing and linen twisting. It is necessary to perform this procedure carefully. When the towel takes away some of the moisture, then the hair should naturally dry out.

Only in extreme cases can a hairdryer be used. But it should be borne in mind that the damaged extended curls will not be able to recover as well as their own. The hair dryer can be turned on only on the gentle mode, as well as to use thermal protective means.

Features combing

To start combing you need to bottom, clasping your hair. You should not do this from the roots, because the curls are damaged in this way. Perform the procedure must be carefully, gradually moving higher.

During the day you can comb 3 times. When buying a comb, you should not choose the one that has small balls on the teeth. But perfectly suitable brushes with soft and wide teeth. You can choose scallop. To comb in the mornings it was easier, you need to braid the braid for the night. If you follow these simple recommendations, long hair will look neat and fresh for a long time.

First stage. Hair removal

Correction always begins with the removal of artificial curls. Hair removal after extension is a procedure, the technology and the duration of which depends on the method of extension and the number of tufts used. When correcting hairs that have been extended using capsular techniques, a remuver is applied to the attachment points of the native and overhead strands - a special solution that softens the capsules and allows the master to remove the extensions without risking injury to the client's native hair. With the help of special forceps, the capsules are broken, and the artificial strands are easily detached from natural hair. For the correction of tape extension, a special spray is used that is applied to the tapes: the glue instantly dissolves, as a result, the overhead strands are removed quickly and painlessly.

Second phase. Preparing native hair

After removing the hair extensions, you need to tidy up the native curls: comb them well with a special comb with fine thick teeth, free them from the remnants of the patch material, remove tangles, tangles, dropped hairs. If necessary, the ends of the hair are trimmed and the roots are tinted. Haircut will help to hide the transitions between natural and overhead strands, because after the correction, the latter, as a rule, become 2-3 cm shorter. This stage ends with a special degreasing shampoo with a deep cleaning effect. In the course of work, the master will determine whether it is possible to immediately re-build or if you need to wait a bit, take a break from other people's hair. It depends on how healthy the natural curls are. At the request of the client, a course of strengthening therapy for hair is conducted, as well as other procedures that help to restore their structure, return healthy shine and vitality to hair.

The third stage. Recapsulation

When capsular techniques build up after removing the old capsules, new ones are formed: the master first heats the keratin, then puts it on the previously prepared strand, and then forms a new fastener with special tongs. For the rest of the strands, the same is done. This procedure is called recapsulation or recapsulation. In fact, this is a replacement fixer. After it, you can move on to the final stage of correction - re-buildup of prepared strands. The same strands with timely correction and proper care for hair extensions can be used repeatedly and worn on average for about a year. Since it is no longer necessary to spend money on new curls, the correction costs the client approximately half the price. Only materials, services of the master and additional strands are paid for: sometimes during the correction it becomes necessary to add them, since during natural wear about 10% of the hairs are combed out for natural reasons.

Fourth stage. Rebuilding

After both your own hair and overhead strands are in order, you can proceed to the standard procedure of extension. With the help of new mounts, which the master installs on the removed strands (capsules, resin, glue - depending on the technique), they reconnect with the client's native hair. During the correction, the master performs triple work, so it takes several times more time than the initial procedure. It is much easier and faster to remove overhead strands with the French build-up, no special solutions and remouver are needed, as in other technologies. The wizard simply twists the pigtails and re-sews the false hair to them, and with the Japanese extension just unwinds the rings, pulls the donor strands higher and connects them with the native hair. When correcting hairs that have been extended according to the ribbon technique, the tapes do not break after removing the overhead strands; to re-build, you simply need to change the adhesive polymer.

How is the procedure of hair correction

In the Studio Lokon salon the correction is carried out in a gentle way, without damaging thermal and mechanical effects for the native hair. In addition, we use hypoallergenic drugs that do not cause unpleasant sensations, even for clients with sensitive scalp. The correction process consists of several successive stages:

  1. Removal of donor strands. The technology involves the use of a special solution that softens the adhesive at the attachment points - as a result, the strands are separated completely painlessly.
  2. Preparation of the client's own hair to re-build. Remnants of the adhesive composition are removed, the ends are aligned, the roots are tinted if necessary. If the hair is weakened, the master will recommend to give them a little rest, to heal and only after the restoration to repeat the build-up.
  3. Staging strands. The removed curls are returned to their former place, while it is not necessary to acquire new strands, the same material is used. If the hair color is changed or you want a larger volume, the master selects and fixes new or additional strands.

How often do you need to make a correction

The strands built up by the capsular method require correction once every 2-3 months. For tape extensions, the procedure should be performed more often - monthly. The periodicity also depends on the growth rate of the client’s own hair. Overhead strands need to be updated when your own hair regrowth by 1-2 cm.

Understand that it is time to sign up for a correction, you can on the following grounds:

  • uneven distribution of volume
  • microcapsules of the upper row can sometimes be seen.
  • strands may be confused among themselves.
  • difficult to comb hair in the root zone.

On average, the correction takes 2-3 hours, but a luxurious head of hair will be a worthy reward for patience.

The advantages of the salon "Studio Lock"

Timely care and correction will help to prolong the period of wearing the donor curls (up to one year!), As well as preserve the health and naturalness of your own strands. The advantages of our salon:

  • apply gentle techniques that do not harm your own hair,
  • we increase only Slavic hair,
  • we have a large selection of curls in structure, color and length (from 30 to 85 cm),
  • use products of own production, you do not overpay to intermediaries,
  • Experienced technicians work with you, for whom building is the main specialization.

When to go to the master for the correction of hair extension: price for quality

Understand that it is time to go to the master, you can on the following grounds:

  • Hair industry a few centimeters.
  • Some strands have moved out, attached tapes or capsules are at different levels.
  • The hairstyle has lost its finished appearance, the volume is distributed unevenly on the head.

The correction procedure consists of several simple steps:

  1. First, remove the strands on the head. To remove them, use a special remover or spray, depending on the type of capacity.
  2. Then prepare the client's own hair. They need to be carefully combed, cleaned of residues of glue, remove hairs that have fallen during the time of wearing the curls. If there is a need, tint the roots and adjust the haircut.
  3. When the curls are prepared, the already used strands are re-fastened on the head, using fresh adhesive. If the client has straight strands, then only Slavic hair is used for building up and subsequent correction of the extension hair. Unlike Asian, they are less prone to the formation of waves and easier to lay. Such strands are ideal for girls of Slavic type of appearance.

Correction cost

The cost of correction of the accrued strands in our salon is from 6000 to 9980 rubles, which is half of the average price of an extension. Materials included in the cost of services. Sometimes it is necessary to replace or add new curls, because in 2-3 months after building up about 10% of hair is combed out. The master will give you a more accurate price during the consultation.

Beautiful hair will give you confidence. Do not delay the procedure of correction for a long time, so that the hair does not lose its naturalness. You can sign up for a master or get a preliminary consultation of a specialist by phone: +7 (495) 971-26-36. Call!

Proper care and washing of artificial strands by means of capsules

It does not matter whether the curls were enlarged by the capsular method or fastened with ribbons, the care will be the same in both cases.

The first thing to do after an additional volume has appeared on your head is to purchase special products for the care of the increased curls.

Shampoos, nourishing creams and sprays will provide them with softness, ease of styling, eliminate electrification and allow for a long time to serve their mistress.

It is better to give preference to the products that are sold in professional stores, or consult the builder and take advantage of his advice.

When caring for locks try not to wash them too often. The procedure for washing the hair is better to hold in an upright position, without dropping his head down.

In order for the attachment of the strands to be better preserved and a new hair correction is not required, it is desirable to dilute the shampoo with water and use soft, neutral products.

Do not wash under too hot water and carefully rub your head. Handle the strands with care. Caring agents should not fall on the attachment points.

You can not apply to the extended strands of products for dry scalp and use hot air for drying, it is better to give preference to natural drying.

Hair styling and coloring

It is better to carry out coloring of artificially acquired strands in the cabin, or using outside help, as the procedure requires special care: in no case should the coloring composition be placed on the attachment sites of the curls.

The most correct decision will be to choose the desired hair color before the procedure or when the next hair correction after the extension will occur. This option will allow to avoid staining of already extended strands, which will adversely affect their condition, because the hair is deprived of the ability to feed off the body and suffer from such procedures much more than their own.

You can purchase strands of the appropriate shade and dye your own hair before extensions, so that they are indistinguishable from pasted ones.

You can style your hair in the same way as your own. It is only necessary to acquire sparing means for creating hairstyles and remember that hot streams of air or red-hot forceps should not touch the joints of the strand with their own curls.

African (sewing on tresses)


  1. The master separates the sewn tress and unravels the pigtails from the native hair.
  2. Further, the curls are well combed, washed out and new braids are woven on them.
  3. New tresses are sewn to the finished weaving.

Duration - from 1 to 2 hours.


In this technique, the master weaves the existing pigtails closer to the roots. The duration of the procedure is about 2 hours. Read more about Brazilian hair extensions on our website.

In this case, the master, using tongs, expands the existing ring and simply pushes the accumulated strands closer to the roots. This procedure is also classified as a correction of hair extensions on the capsules.

Work lasts 2.5-4 hours.

Care Tips

In order not to resort to updating the extended head of hair ahead of time, there are rules that prolong its life:

  • do not go to bed with a wet head and do not comb the wet strands,
  • Do not leave detergents (including shampoo) for a long time on the curls. Otherwise, non-native hair may slip as a result of softening of keratin or gum during capsular extension. Washed and immediately washed away
  • wipe your hair gently, from top to bottom, avoiding sudden movements,
  • Well comb your hair 1-2 times a day to prevent the formation of mats.

In any case, the correction of hair after extension is inevitable. The main thing is that it should be conducted by an experienced master, who will tell you how often you need to resort to it and how to properly care for your hair after the procedure.

Answers to frequently asked questions about hair extensions, you can find in the following articles:

  1. Is hair extensions allowed for short hair, the minimum length for this?
  2. Is it harmful to increase hair, how to choose a safe way?
  3. Can pregnant women grow hair?
  4. How to care for hair extensions?
  5. What method of hair extensions to choose men?
  6. What are the methods for curly hair extensions?

How often do you need to perform correction

The need for correction of hair extensions occurs 2–4 months after the procedure and depends on:

  • on the growth rate of your own hair,
  • from the structure of the native hair shaft,
  • from the correct care of extended hair.

For each woman, the rate of growth of length of hair varies greatly. If the growth is slow and the natural loss is not very large, the correction is made after 4 months, when the distance between the capsules and the roots exceeds 4 cm.

Since scratching is performed below the level of the capsules after the buildup, sloppy tangling may form above them. For wavy and thin hair rods prone to brittleness, tangling at the roots occurs much faster and correction is desirable after 2 months.

Also, as hair grows at the roots, it noticeably decreases, the hairstyle loses its well-groomed appearance. Fallen hairs aggravate the situation, which cannot be combed out, as they are artificially bonded with keratin.

If you do not follow the rules of washing, combing and creating hairstyles, whole stacked loops can fall off.

What is the correction of hair extensions

The hair correction after the extension takes more time than the original procedure and consists of several stages:

  1. Removal of the increased strands.
  2. Recapsulation.
  3. Washing head.
  4. Re-build.

If the build-up was carried out on keratin capsules, special alcohol-based formulations — remuvers — are used to dissolve them. Keratin is destroyed by alcohol and hot tongs. Increased locking gently. Scales of keratin and fallen hairs are combed with a small comb.

The donor strands are put in order before reuse: they cut off the attachment point of the original capsule and form a new one. It is also recommended to trim the tips to remove the puncture and give a well-groomed look. After the correction of hair extensions, the hairstyle becomes shorter by a couple of centimeters.

Since a certain part of the donor hair is lost or deteriorated, it will be necessary to purchase some new strands.

Recapsulation is performed manually using special tongs, and its quality depends on the professionalism of the master. The most natural look to the hairstyle is micro-wrinkling, when the formed capsule has a very small size and accommodates a minimum of hairs.

After removal, the client's hair is thoroughly washed, removing the remnants of keratin, natural fat compartments and ordinary dirt.

On peeled and dried hair perform re-Italian extension.

Correction of hair extensions may take three times longer than the original procedure.

Masters of our salon do not recommend to do hot building more than 5 times in a row. To avoid problems with your own hair, hair should be given rest for up to six months. This time is enough for their full recovery.

How much is the correction of hair extensions

The price of the correction is significantly lower than the original build. It includes the cost of the wizard and additional strands that need to be purchased. On average, hair loss is 10% of their original volume.

Correction of hair after extension should be performed only by a qualified master. This ensures no damage to native hair, maximum safety of the removed strands and high-quality processing of donor hair before reuse. High professionalism and wide experience of our masters allows to carry out the procedure relatively quickly and without unpleasant sensations.

Our address: Moscow, metro station Semenovskaya.

If you are more comfortable with home service, you can arrange to call the master by calling 8 916 019 01 07. Correction after capsular building at home will not yield to the salon procedure, since our employee will bring all the necessary things with him.

Hair after hair extensions at home are corrected at salon prices, surcharge for the call and travel expenses are not charged.

Useful videos

Correction of capsular and tape hair extensions.

Master class on the correction of hair extensions.


Watch the video: 3 Steps to Remove Flyaway Hair FAST in Photoshop (July 2024).