
Can I wash my hair every day?


Experts recommend washing your hair no more than once every three days. And many would be happy to listen to their advice, but what to do if the curls in a day turn into unpresentable icicles that cannot be hidden even by braiding the tail or the braid. If the condition of your head gives you a lot of trouble, you feel unattractive, which deprives you of self-confidence, you better resort to washing your head every day.

It is widely believed that frequent washing leads to dandruff, but this is not the case. Daily use of shampoo can cause dry skin, because of what it begins to peel off. Fallen scales really resemble dandruff. Your task is to prevent the scalp from drying out and not to enhance the activity of the sebaceous glands with regular water procedures.

How to wash your hair every day

For daily washing, you should choose a shampoo that will act non-aggressively and not harm the hair. Such tools are labeled "for frequent use." Shampoo should be designed for your hair type. For frequent use, you can buy a natural remedy, and to get rid of existing problems (for example, dandruff), it is better to buy a healing shampoo that does not require frequent use. Do not save and do not buy funds of unknown companies, it is better to pay a little more and buy a shampoo that really takes care of your hair.

Before you go to the bathroom, comb your hair for a few minutes. Firstly, in this way you will facilitate the procedure of their cleansing, and secondly, cause a rush of blood to the scalp.

Do not wash your hair with hot water. It should be warm, but not higher than forty degrees. A higher temperature will increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. It is also possible to use prepared in advance settled and even mineral water. Always rinse your hair thoroughly, washing out the shampoo remnants so that the curls stay fresh and look good longer.

Use masks and balms to protect the skin and hair from drying out. If you have thick and greasy hair, choose products that do not contain silicone.

After the shower, blot the hair with a towel and let it dry. Combing and blow-drying wet hair is not recommended. If you wash your hair before you go to work, and you do not have much time to put yourself in order, so that you can not do without a hair dryer, use thermal protection. Apply the product to the hair before drying and do not set the maximum temperature on the hair dryer. This will help your hair stay healthy and intact.

Why does hair quickly get dirty?

This natural lubricant protects the hair structure from draining, the negative effects of external conditions gives elasticity. Causes of excess sebum secretion are as follows:

Violations of metabolic processes in the body,
Hormonal disbalance,
Lack of vitamins
Bad habits,
Excessive intake of caffeine, use in unlimited quantities of sweet, fatty and spicy foods.

In addition to the above reasons, the body reacts in a similar way to the excessively aggressive effects of detergents, care products and hair styling devices. The more often you wash your hair, the more actively your hair gets greasy. Daily washing of hair contributes to the fact that their ends begin to peel (split), external shine is lost, and fragility increases. The accompanying factor accompanying these phenomena is dandruff.

Daily hair wash: is it worth doing

Washing hair should be done only as it is contaminated. It is known that the rod consists of the smallest scales, which from the influence of harmful factors (they, unfortunately, do not put it anywhere) begin to flake off. As a result, you get bad combing, brittle and dull curls. Daily use of alkaline drugs leads to depletion of the hair shaft.

Of course, there is no clear regulation regarding hair washing, as well as the only true solution to the question: is it possible to wash your hair every day? Most women are used to washing their hair every day from an early age and have beautiful lush hair.

In order not to harm your curls, it is worth washing them when you feel they have become greasy.

This approach determines the frequency of washing in accordance with the needs of each woman. For example, if your work is associated with constant exposure to dust, dirt, you sweat a lot, of course, your hair must be thoroughly rinsed daily. If all day you are in fairly comfortable conditions, then this procedure becomes optional.

Dermatologists do not unanimously recommend frequent washing of the head. Hair is fiber. If we compare it with the woolen fiber that we are used to, then the same rule works: the more often it is subjected to washing, the worse it will look every time. If everyday hygiene procedures are necessary, then properly chosen care products will help reduce their harm.

Harmful factors with frequent washing

Most women do not think at all whether it is harmful to wash their hair every day, although in most cases this approach will cause more trouble than good.

Why you can not wash your hair with high frequency? Alkaline base of shampoo is designed to remove the natural hair grease, which is needed to give them elasticity and shine. Frequent washing leads to brittleness, dryness, irritation of the scalp. In addition to the chemical component of the detergent, the condition of the hair is adversely affected by hard running water. Stylists recommend: to keep the hair shape better when creating hair styles and styling, then at least one day before going to the hairdresser's head should not be washed.

Hot water, as well as exposure to hot air from a hair dryer, can disrupt the structure of the hair and cuticles, which leads to fragility and loss. The brightness of the colored curls at an accelerated rate loses its intensity with frequent washing.

Is it true that curls become fatty faster if you wash them daily? Dermatologists believe that the habit of washing your head often provokes a worsening of the problem of hair greasiness: regular contact with hot air and water makes the sebaceous glands more active, so the roots become fatter and the ends dry and brittle.

How often should I wash my hair?

To understand whether you can wash your hair every day, you must first determine what type they are. It does not take a lot of time: after watching the condition of the hair for several days, you will be able to determine their tendency to dryness or oiliness. External factors affect the condition of the locks: nutrition, heredity, the condition of the scalp, internal organs, even being on a certain day and the menstrual cycle can affect their appearance. Scientists trichologists distinguish four types of hair:

Knowing your type, you will formulate the right products and a washing scheme for your care.

Greasy or normal curls should be washed when contaminated. A moisturizing conditioner is used to protect it from drying out. Cosmetics must match the type of hair. For oily curls should be looked after every other day, if they lose their freshness, you can use dry shampoos.

To care for dry, damaged hair should be treated with greater care and caution. For washing it is better to use only sparing and emollients. At the end of hygiene procedures, it is imperative to apply a nourishing mask or conditioner Damaged hair needs intensive repair procedures that can be performed several times a week. Owners of this type of hair can not wash my hair every day, a sufficient number of water procedures - 1-2 times a week.

How to get rid of the effects of frequent washing

To keep the curls beautiful and healthy, you need to use high-quality care products. However, there are some folk tricks that can not only reduce the negative effects of frequent washing, but also give the hair a chic look:

  • you can wash your head with softened water, pre-boiling it or adding lemon juice (vinegar),
  • before hygiene procedures to be carefully combed,
  • do not use hot or cold water,
  • wash well from shampoo, balm.

Many people think that washing the head is the usual procedure of applying and washing off the shampoo. In fact, this procedure also has its own tricks. Lather hair should be fingertips, gently massaging and cleansing the skin. It is strictly forbidden to scratch the skin with nails, it not only damages it, but also can provoke inflammatory processes. To avoid having to wash the curls due to excessive fat, apply a balm only on the tips. Proper drying is crucial - dry your hair as naturally as possible.

A great alternative to frequent washing can be dry shampoo or home remedies, which can in a few minutes return the freshness and shine to your curls.

From improvised tools suitable starch or rye flour. Just put a little powder in the curls and frequent comb to remove the remnants.

So you can confidently say that the frequency of washing hair is a purely individual matter. Frequent washing will cause harm only if the hygiene products are not properly selected and used. Doctors trichologists are convinced that washing hair has an extremely useful effect, as it removes hair from fat, dirt and dead cells. However, this is normal only if quality care products are used.

How to teach your head to properly wash your hair?

What to do to those who have overdone it? Try to accustom hair to optimal washing, and such advice will help you with it.

Tip 1. Gradually increase the intervals between washing the head. Not very fresh strands are collected in a ponytail or a bundle, covered with a cap or kerchief.

Tip 2. Less touch the hair with your hands and do not bind it several times.

Tip 3. We minimize the number of foams, gels, varnishes, mousses and other beauty products.

Tip 4. Thoroughly rinse shampoo and balsam with the strands, otherwise by the evening they will have a greasy appearance.

Tip 5. Lather hair twice, using the shampoo that is perfect for your type.

Also, we recommend making homemade shampoo in 5 minutes.

Tip 6. Use for washing only soft water - filtered, distilled, boiled with a small amount of soda.

Tip 7. Watch the temperature. Water should be cool, because under the influence of hot glands begin to work more actively.

If the situation has not changed, consult a doctor. Perhaps the reason for the rapid contamination of the strands lies in a disease, getting rid of which you can wash your hair much less often.

See also video tips:

When can I wash my hair every day?

# If you do something that causes sweating. For example, on training days, take not just a shower, but be sure to wash your hair.

# In summer, on days with high temperatures, you can also wash your hair with shampoo daily.

# After hair styling, when your hair has been covered with a lot of styling products.

If you are faced with the need for daily use of shampoo, use it less than the usual dose. Lather gently only part of the hair at the head, not spreading the foam over the entire length of the hair. Well, if some part needs to be washed every day, this is exactly the root zone.

In order not to harm the frequent washing, select the appropriate shampoo.

Best of all, if it is a light remedy, not loaded with any additional properties, and will be intended for general care. With daily washing, discard greasy hair products. Alternatively, try shampoos for colored hair, they act gently and superficially. Some people prefer to use baby shampoo because it makes hair silky and consists of natural ingredients.

Dry shampoo can save you from having to wash greasy hair roots every morning. He, of course, does not clean the hair, but will help to absorb some of the greasy residue from the surface of the hair and give it a more well-groomed appearance. Use dry shampoo on the second day after shampooing.

Summing up, we can say that only a few situations require daily use of hair detergent. If you do this daily practice, it is likely to bring down the normal work of the sebaceous glands and worsen the hair condition.

Is it harmful to wash your hair every day?

Opinions of people in this matter are radically opposite. Some believe that this is necessary, others are sure that it is harmful. We will understand this issue with the help of trichologists (hair specialists). So, is washing your head daily bad or useful?

Healthy hair can maintain natural cleanliness for several days. Therefore, any hair too often can not be washed. The more often you do this, the faster they get fat and get dirty. The optimal mode of washing hair - once every three days. If the curls are dry and brittle, they should be washed once every 5-6 days. Excessive use of hair care products has a particularly negative effect on dry hair.

However, women and men with oily hair suffer from them much more. You have to regularly take care of your head: treat dandruff, select special preparations and much more.

Their environment is aggressive for any type of hair because they aggressively affect the glands of the epidermis of the head. The best option in a similar situation - means for any hair.

The case with the combined type of hair is more complicated. How to maintain a neat look curls, if the hair roots get fat, and the tips dry up? For this, experts have developed a number of rules:

Use detergents that do not contain aggressive ingredients,
Use natural oils and masks for curls, rubbing them into the tips of the minutes for 15-20 before bathing,
After shampooing, use hair conditioner, but if possible, do not rub it into the tips.

As a moisturizing oil for the tips of the hair curls in general, you can use the following:

Shea butter (shea),
Chamomile extract,
Jojoba and others

If you have ever seen what your hair looks like after visiting a beauty salon, you know what true shine and beauty of curls mean. However, even acquiring this miracle cure, you will ruin the whole effect by daily washing your hair. The task of each professional care product is instant cleansing and momentary effect. In their composition, they contain a large number of aggressive substances. Therefore, with regular long-term use of these shampoos look and feel the hair will not be better, but only worse than before. In addition, the problems after that will be difficult to fix.

How often do I need to wash my hair

Regular shampooing is a must. The secretion of the sebaceous glands strengthens and protects the hair. However, excess sebum in combination with environmental dust, as well as styling agents are not only an environment for the development of bacteria, but also contribute to the formation of dandruff. You can not neglect the washing of the head, if the hair looks dirty and untidy. Regular hygiene makes hair strong, healthy and shiny. In addition, clean hair - this is an excellent base for creating hairstyles and hair styling.

Regarding the regularity of the procedure, the only advice is to wash your hair as it gets dirty. On average - 1 time in 3 days. However, the approach to this procedure is individual and depends on the characteristics of the scalp type:

  • with oily skin - in one day,
  • when dry - 1-2 times a week
  • in the presence of dandruff or regular use of foams, mousses and other styling products - daily.

Hair fall out - can I wash my hair every day?

This question you can ask only the doctor. The causes of hair loss can be many. But you need to be wary at the very moment when you noticed the first strands that fell on the comb. They can signal not only violations of metabolic processes in the scalp, but also other health problems. Self-medication can only aggravate the situation. One advice - go to the doctor-trichologist. He will conduct a survey, diagnose and write out special hair loss medications that are specific to your situation.

Is it harmful to wash your hair every day - the opinion of the trichologist

Trichologist is a hair health specialist. These doctors know all about diseases of the scalp and hair, as well as about proper care for them. That is why, first of all, we will tell you what trichologists think about daily washing.

Most doctors of this specialization believe that it depends on gender. The average man even needs to wash his hair every day. Since the male body produces more testosterone, and, as a result, more subcutaneous fat. It is recommended to use specially designed for men means, for example, ALERANA ® shampoo daily care.

But the representatives of the weaker sex is enough to carry out the washing procedure three times a week. Unless, of course, there are any abnormalities in the health of the scalp and hair that require an individual approach.

As for the washing process itself, dispelling one of the well-established myths, trichologists advise you to wash your hair with shampoo, selected in accordance with the type of scalp, not hair. So, in the case when a person whose scalp is oily, but the hair itself (especially at the ends) is dry, uses a mild shampoo, it comes in fundamentally wrong. With such a wash, it is impossible to wash away the excess greasy secret, and the systematic malnutrition of the scalp can disrupt the balance of the microbial flora. It, in turn, provokes the development of dandruff and can cause hair loss.

What to do if the head gets dirty often

If you are faced with the fact that fresh, washed in the morning hair in the evening polluted, then do not be afraid to resort to daily shampooing. The accumulation of excess secretion and dirt will lead to weakening of the hair, their fragility and loss. Follow the rules:

  1. Choose a shampoo that is suitable for use every day.
  2. Minimize the amount of styling products.
  3. Rinse hair after washing with cool water.
  4. Use hair balsam and a mask 1-2 times a week.

Dry shampoo - out?

In recent years, dry shampoos are very popular. This product contains absorbents that absorb sebum, making hair clean. Dry shampoo is a way out for short trips or if the hair has just begun to get dirty. He will help hold out a couple of days before washing your hair. This shampoo does not replace the usual washing of the head, as the scalp requires regular cleansing to avoid clogging of sebaceous glands.

Modern dry shampoos are created using the latest advances in cosmetology. They contain natural absorbents - talc, flour and caring ingredients. This tool is suitable for owners of any hair color. Use dry shampoo should be on the hair roots, and not the entire length. This method will help get rid of subcutaneous fat, but will not cleanse hair from hairspray and other styling.

A few tips on how to train your hair to the correct mode of washing

Teaching and telling how and how many times a week you wash your hair is endless. But what to do with the fait accompli? Below we give advice from experts for those who have accustomed their hair to daily washing:

Start washing your hair every other day. It is clear that from your decision they will not cease to “ask for” the procedures on a daily basis, but gradually you will accustom the curls to the fact that you will begin to wash them once every three days.

Weaned to constantly correct hair. This only contributes to the rapid contamination of curls,
Limit the number of special hair care products - varnishes, gels, foams and mousses,
After using shampoos and balms, rinse the hair with special care,
Shampoo should be used twice, thoroughly soaping and rinsing after each use,
For rinsing hair, you can use separated or boiled water, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage, burdock roots, etc.,
Water temperature when washing hair should be slightly warmer than body temperature.

For those who suffer from excessive fat strands, you can advise the rinse from the broth nettle or birch buds. In addition, use lemon peel lotion, which instead of hairspray spray on them after washing.

For moisturizing and hair care try to use folk remedies for hair that will help you restore their natural beauty and shine.

Is it harmful for girls to wash their heads every day? Stylists are responsible

Many stylists do not see anything wrong in that people with oily hair will wash them daily.

They do not consider greasy hair and daily washing a problem. The danger, in their opinion, lies in the dryness and fragility of hair. And otherwise - it is advised to wash your hair daily, washing it well after using cosmetics.

Harm of daily shampooing

If hair becomes dirty quickly, it must be washed. But daily washing of a head has also minuses, therefore do not abuse procedure without need:

  • with frequent washing of the head, the sebaceous glands secrete more secretion. This is due to the fact that with every wash of the head, the sebum is washed off, but this protection is necessary for the hair and scalp.
  • if the hair is colored, with daily washing it will quickly lose color.
  • Incorrectly chosen shampoo with frequent use can damage your hair.
  • Using shampoo every day can be very expensive.

It is useful to wash your hair every day - you can talk a lot about this issue. However, the decision depends only on individual needs.

Stop washing your hair every day, although there is a need for it - not the best idea. Consider all the recommendations, and your hair will be beautiful and healthy.

Can I wash my hair every day or not? And if so, how exactly

What opinion to trust more - decide for yourself. If the condition of the scalp allows you to wash it every other day, then use the advice of a doctor. If not, calmly wash it daily.

But do not forget that people who have a dry scalp, prone to inflammation, from frequent washing should be abandoned. It will lead to deterioration of the skin and can cause seborrhea. You can not wash your hair every day, and those who have dry hair. After all, the fat produced by the subcutaneous glands is designed to perform a protective function for the hair. Daily washing wash the layer of fat from the hair, making them defenseless against external influences.

Girls, ideally, should train themselves to wash their hair no more than three times a week. The following simple tips will help you:

  1. If you decide to abandon the daily wash, train your hair to this gradually. Start doing it every other day, collecting not too clean strands in your hairstyle or covering the intricately tied kerchiefs.
  2. Use mousses, foams and gels as little as possible.
  3. In the process of washing, wash your head twice and thoroughly rinse the applied cosmetics.
  4. Try to use only soft water. Tap - it is better to defend, boil or filter.
  5. Always wash your hair with barely warm water. Hot - the enemy of beautiful curls.
  6. Be sure to rinse your hair after each wash with a decoction of tansy or nettle. This will significantly reduce the fat content of the scalp.

Observing these simple recommendations, after a few weeks you will notice that your hair has become much less dirty, and they do not need to be washed daily.

If this does not happen, then you should think about visiting the trichologist. Perhaps the problem of scalp oiliness is deep, and help is needed to solve it.


Watch the video: Youre Washing Your Hair Too Much! (June 2024).