
Laser therapy: indications and contraindications for the procedure that should not be neglected


The first mention of lasers and their effect on the human body appeared in the 60s. Doctors and in our days did not come to a unanimous conclusion about the effectiveness of use, but one French doctor put the experience, took a skin biopsy with hair follicles, put them in a specific nutrient medium and irradiated them. The result was as follows: where the irradiation occurred in different doses, the most pronounced increase.

The first work on the use was published in 1992. Patients who underwent the course of therapy noted that the hair shaft became denser and the hair itself became more elastic. Since then, this trend has only been improved, and the number of satisfied patients has only increased.

Laser hair treatment is a method that is used as an adjunct to the main treatment. Is non-toxic, one of the newest methods, side effects have not been documented until today. Therapy can stop hair loss due to the effect of the beam. It has a rejuvenating effect, is able to restore the structure of the roots.

Important! Lasers with lower power were used more than 30 years ago so that wounds and burns healed faster and less painfully.


It is obvious that the proposed procedure can not fit all without exception. You should not expect a stunning effect if the hair fell out within 4 years or if the loss is caused by a specific disease. With the complete loss of hair, the dead follicles cannot be restored.

It is strictly forbidden to do treatment:

  • people with cancer,
  • with paralysis of the facial nerve,
  • during pregnancy
  • persons under the age of 12,
  • if there is a sunburn of the scalp or dermatitis,
  • with hemophilia.

Up to 12, the formation and development of the child's body is going on, any drugs during this period are prescribed carefully, and the laser can only harm!

Laser therapy is used to treat:

  1. Cosmetological problems. These include baldness of various types, for example, infectious, diffuse, etc., structural changes in hair (fragility, graying).
  2. Scalp Diseases (psoriasis, dermatitis, seborrhea, etc.).

Clinical treatment

For the procedure in the clinic during the procedure, the patient is under the device in the shape of a dome into which lasers are embedded. On the inside, 110 low-intensity lasers are mounted that are tuned to the hair and scalp treatments.

The procedure itself is painless. you can relax and even read something for 10-30 minutes. Lasers produce a pulsed, low-frequency light that has the ability to penetrate 8 mm under the scalp. The energy of the beam increases the blood circulation level, the level of oxygen and metabolism increases.

Updated blood flow can solve problems such as itching, dandruff, increased sebum secretion. About 80% of hair from the stage of rest go to the stage of active growth. In 50% of people, a significant increase is observed, and in 90% hair loss is normalized.

Home ways

The clinics use high-efficiency installations, the number of diodes in them is from 90 and above, but now you can often find laser combs that are intended for home use. There are disputes about what is better? It should be immediately noted that no such model will replace the treatment, but can be an excellent solution for prevention.

The market is filled with laser caps, various other equipment. Among the popular models:

  • Power Grow Comb. Laser comb, which includes a laser effect, infrared rays, soft vibration. Contains 14 LEDs of different frequencies. The average price is 850 rubles, the option is very budget, almost everyone can afford it.

  • Laser Hair RG-LB01. It is a vibrating massager, the manufacturer promises to increase the density of hair and stop hair loss. The device is much better than the previous one, but, unfortunately, it affected the cost. Cheaper than 15 thousand. P. find unlikely to succeed.


The results of the procedure can be manifested individually and depend on a variety of reasons, such as heredity, diseases, duration of hair loss. It is worth starting treatment as early as possible and not allowing the follicles to lose their vitality.

What can be obtained after treatment:

  • there will be an increase in local and general immunity,
  • relief of inflammatory processes,
  • normalization of the sebaceous and sweat glands,
  • scars resorption,
  • improved tissue nutrition.

After treatment, it is necessary to use paraben-free shampoos that do not destroy the hair structure.

Advantages and disadvantages

Analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, I would like to highlight the leading points.


  • Performance. Of course, this procedure will not be left indifferent, since even in severe cases, recovery is almost always possible.
  • Security. Everything takes place under the supervision of a specialist and without surgery.
  • Lack of addiction and side effects.
  • Sustainability of the result.

Of the minuses can be noted the high cost and the need for multiple sessions. The average cost of the procedure in the salon is 1000 rubles, and a high-quality home appliance will cost 15-20 thousand rubles. However, the principle of price and quality works, so the result justifies the money spent.

More minuses of the procedure were not found, as well as negative reviews about it.


After the expiration of the 6-month trial, it was noted that 75% of women had increased hair in the frontal part, more than 85% of men also increased the amount of hair in the same place. 96% of women in the parietal part.

If you approach the treatment of this problem wisely, listen to the doctors and follow the suggested recommendations, after a couple of months you can notice how the hair becomes more presentable, a small fluff appears (which indicates that the growth has resumed), and then complete update that cannot be ignored. The effect is achieved gradually, you need to be patient.

Useful videos

Can a laser stop hair loss? How effective are laser combs?

What is a laser procedure for hair growth. We test the Hair Beam helmet with massage function.

Indications for laser therapy

- conditions provoked on the basis of immunodeficiency, as well as after surgery,

- diseases of autoimmune nature,

- pancreatitis (acute and chronic),

- an ulcer of organs such as the stomach and duodenum

- skin diseases: psoriasis, dermatosis,

- viral hepatitis,

- various body poisoning,

- in gynecology will help solve the problem of adhesions, adnexitis,

- in dentistry it is also actively used to treat diseases of the oral cavity,

- treatment of adenoids in children,

- to increase the recovery functions of the body.

Also, laser therapy can be safely used to prevent most of the above diseases.

Please note that in cosmetology this therapy is also very relevant: it will help to cope with the problem of hair loss, aging skin, stretch marks, scars, as well as heal wounds in a short time.

What is laser hair removal

Remove hair from the face and body by the method of light irradiation. In order for the procedure to produce results, the hair must contain melanin, a coloring pigment. The amount of hair depends on its quantity. Melanin is of two fractions. Light, gray and red hair is not removed by laser, because they contain feomelanin, which does not absorb light, but reflects it. Dark shade of hair gives zumelanin. This compound absorbs the light wave and starts the thermolysis reaction. How it goes: the hair shaft heats up, then the heat is transferred down to the root, the follicle also heats up. Since the temperature is quite high, almost 70–80 ° C, the thermal reaction proceeds quickly, the vessels that brought the blood to the bulb become blocked, the nutrition stops, the hair atrophies and falls out.

How technology works

By the time one session of hair removal can last up to 40 minutes - this is if you are epilating a wide area, legs, for example. For some reason, it is a rather common misconception that the epilation of any part of the body takes no longer than 15 minutes. Masters are forced to explain: to achieve the desired result, you need to enlighten each hair not once, but 2-3 times, and this takes time.

Depending on the photo type (skin and hair color), the parameters of the epilation are set and the doctor begins the procedure. During the treatment of the skin, the handle-handle feels burning and pricking. After the procedure, a protective gel is applied. Hair does not disappear immediately, it takes time.

The essence of the method

Laser radiation is a concentrated light beam of sufficiently high power. During short flashes aimed at the subcutaneous part of the hair, energy is absorbed by cells containing melanin. As a result, heat is released, which damages the bulbs, without affecting the surrounding tissue.


In addition to the pronounced efficiency, the laser has the necessary safety indicators. It acts strictly on the hair follicles with a penetration depth of not more than 3 mm. The risk of undesirable effects is minimized:

  • Burns.
  • Hair ingrowth
  • Enhanced growth.
  • Irritations.
  • Dryness

Outbreaks of laser radiation, although they have a thermal effect on the skin in the immediate vicinity of the hair follicle, do not affect the lymph nodes, blood vessels, and the reproductive organs.

Comfort and speed

Many say that the procedure is painful. However, the degree of discomfort is determined by the time of heat exposure. The pulse duration of up to 10 ms, which is generated by modern lasers, although it causes discomfort, but they are quite tolerant and are compared with pinching. In addition, many devices are already equipped with cooling systems that reduce thermal effects on fabrics.

Another undoubted advantage of laser hair removal, indirectly affecting its comfort is the speed of the procedure. Cleaning the area above the upper lip lasts only 3 minutes, the axillary hollows require 2 times more time, for the bikini area and shins it takes 20 and 30 minutes, respectively.

Laser hair removal is more comfortable than, for example, wax. It takes very little time, which also reduces the discomfort.


Along with clear advantages, the procedure has several disadvantages. The laser will not be able to remove too light or fluff hair, in which there is little melanin. The procedure will not have the effect and too dark or black people, because there will not be enough contrast to focus on the follicles. The radiation parameters and the type of laser should be selected taking into account the characteristics of the skin. Alexandrite laser, for example, covers 4 common photo types, so it fits most patients.

Laser hair removal can be carried out only by those who have no contraindications. It is better to reject the effects of light radiation in the following cases:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Acute infections (including herpes).
  • Open injuries (wounds, abrasions).
  • Dermatological pathology (psoriasis, eczema, etc.).
  • Malignant neoplasms.
  • Varicose veins

Laser hair removal is not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, with decompensated cardiac pathology, diabetes and mental illness. Of the contraindications to the procedure, it is also worth noting the presence of light and gray hair, fresh tan with a prescription of not more than 2 weeks. And after the procedure for the same period will have to eliminate or minimize insolation (exclude a visit to the solarium, use SPF 50 sunscreen).

Among the shortcomings can be noted the need to repeat the laser hair removal, ie, the exchange rate effect. However, many cosmetic procedures have similar features, because their effectiveness is determined by the regularity and number of sessions performed. The cost of hair removal by the laser method is also quite high, but given the high efficiency and the ability to completely remove hair, the price seems quite reasonable.

The disadvantages of laser hair removal are probably not so serious, but in some cases they can also force you to choose a different technique.

Many who decide to remove hair in a particular area want to know what a laser epilation has pros and cons. The main advantage of the procedure is its high efficiency with a sufficient level of comfort. And of the specific disadvantages worth noting dependence on the color of hair and skin. All these features will determine the choice of the optimal method of removing unwanted body hair.

The advantages of laser hair removal over other methods of hair removal

There are quite a few ways in which you can remove unwanted hair. For example, a huge popularity is currently gaining shugaring - body epilation with the help of sugar paste.

Choosing shugaring or laser hair removal, you need to understand that sugar hair removal is painful and short-lived. Literally in 2-3 weeks the hair will begin to grow back, and you will have to constantly repeat the procedure.

Unconditional advantages of laser hair removal - painless and lasting effect. You no longer need to constantly worry about unwanted hairs on your body and waste time on regular unpleasant procedures.

Types of lasers for hair removal

There are several types of lasers that are used in cosmetology centers. Their main difference is in the wavelength, on which the final result and the ability to get the desired effect depend.

  1. Diode laser. Wavelength - 810 nm. Universal view of the laser. Apply it on any type of skin not only to remove unwanted hair, but also to soften hard hair (treatment of hirsutism).
  2. Alexandrite laser. The wavelength is 755 nm. Use on light and red hair, as well as used when working with sensitive skin. By the way, tattoo is removed with just such a laser.
  3. Neodymium laser. A wavelength of 1063 nm, infrared light is present in the laser beam. Ideal for epilating dark hair, especially on dark skin. In addition, this laser is used to remove scars and acne.
  4. Ruby laser. The wavelength is 694 nm. With its help, remove dark hair on the skin of light tones. It is also used to get rid of excessive pigmentation, as well as to remove tattoos applied with saturated color inks.

Can there be side effects and complications

Pondering whether to do laser hair removal, both women and men are concerned about the likelihood of side effects at the end of the procedure. Such a factor after the application of the laser method of hair removal and the truth is the place to be. However, if you follow certain rules, complications are quite easy to avoid. Consider the possible options and reasons for their manifestation.

The appearance of hyperemia on the skin. This can happen if the patient has a tendency to allergic reactions. This unpleasant manifestation will disappear in a few days.

Bruises and swelling. If a patient has recently sunbathed intensively (under the natural sun or in a tanning bed), then swelling or bruising can manifest itself on the treated area of ​​the body.

This is due to the fact that the skin and so very recently received a significant dose of ultraviolet radiation, and another strong stream of light causes damage to it. That is why experts recommend to refrain from sunbathing before laser epilation.

Laser hair removal helped many women and men to become more self-confident, to get rid of the constant problem with annoying unwanted hairs and, importantly, saved time.

The main thing is not to be lazy to find a good cosmetic center and a professional, qualified cosmetologist. Pre-better to spend some time reading the reviews on the Internet, ask around with friends. This will save you from side effects and help you get a quality result.

Review of laser hair removal, as well as expert answers to various questions about laser hair removal, see the video.

Procedure mechanism

Laser therapy is based on the principle of photo-biotherapy, that is, the absorption of laser radiation cells. During the procedure, stimulation of metabolism and protein synthesis occurs.

Laser hair therapy in the clinic is carried out using an apparatus with built-in low-intensity lasers. Their power is tuned to the treatment of hair and scalp. The pulses penetrate into the skin by 8 mm. The energy of the beam improves blood circulation, increases the saturation of cells with oxygen, which contributes to an increase in metabolism.

Increased blood flow helps to get rid of several problems: itching, dandruff, increased sebum secretion. As a result of treatment, up to 80% of hair from the resting stage passes to the stage of active growth. In half of the cases there is an intensive growth, and in 90% there is a cessation of hair loss.

Therapy can be carried out at home after consulting a therapist or trichologist. For this purpose, use laser combs.

However, they are more often used as a prophylactic agent. Combs provide a light vibrating head massage and, with regular use, make the hair thicker and healthier. The time of exposure to the scalp at each point should be at least 4-5 seconds. To make hair grow faster, experts advise combing it against the growth line. This will increase the effect on the follicles.

What gives laser therapy for hair

A large number of lasers, which are used in cosmetology, affect skin components that absorb light. The main components are: melanin, hemoglobin and water.

Lasers are high and low power. High power lasers are very effective in treating many diseases, so they are used to eliminate follicles and eliminate unwanted hair, treatment of blood vessels and reduce wrinkles. High-power lasers, however, can burn and cut through fabric, and also emit a high level of heat.

Lasers of small power do not produce heat and are used in the treatment of injured tissue, and not for its further destruction. They are used as therapy against hair loss: the chromophore absorbs laser beams, which subsequently stimulate hair growth in the balding area due to blood circulation and oxygen flow, which stimulates the follicles at the cellular level, so the hair begins to grow faster and with increased density.

A number of doctors are convinced that the effect depends on the photochemical reaction during the cooperation of laser beams with the hair follicle. This reaction modifies the internal processing of cells and gives a signal for subsequent hair growth. Part of the hairs, which has already acquired a thin diameter, responds to therapy, but all the bald areas still do not disappear completely.

Types of laser hair removal and lasers

There are two groups of laser hair removal: contact and non-contact - depending on the type of nozzle. Non-contact epilation is effective for dark hair and fair skin. The laser wavelength is such that it acts on the melanin of the hair itself, and on the melanin of the skin; therefore, such epilation cannot be done by tanned and naturally dark people. In summer, this procedure is completely contraindicated due to possible burns and pigmentation.

Contact epilation with a diode laser does not have such effects. The laser wavelength is higher, and it only affects the hair pigment. The procedure is universal, suitable for dark, and for light hair and any skin color type. It will not cause negative consequences, even if it is carried out in the summer. Preparing for contact hair removal and growing hair is not necessary - the masters say that hair removal can be performed on smoothly shaved skin.

In alexandrite, ruby ​​and part diode lasers, contactless nozzle is used. Modern diode and neodymium lasers use a contact nozzle: it comes into direct contact with the patient's skin during epilation. In general, contactless nozzles are outdated models of devices.

Hair removal lasers differ in two main characteristics: power and wavelength. The traditional and partly outdated classification includes:

    Ruby laser with a wavelength of 694 nm. It generates light pulses with a duration of 3 ms, produces 1 flash per second. Power - up to 40–60 J / cm ². This equipment works in the technique of non-contact epilation, therefore there are limitations in its use - it is suitable only for dark hair and fair skin (Fitzpatrick’s grades I and II). Today, technology is recognized as obsolete and little used.

In modern cosmetology, the heating of the skin can be neutralized with special nozzles (QOOL epilation), which makes it possible to refuse the use of anesthetics before the procedure.

Now they work in beauty salons on other, improved equipment:

  • AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology). Translated as "advanced fluorescent technology." The wavelength of light is from 755 to 1200 nm, that is completely safe for the skin. The nozzles use a special system of uniform distribution of radiation, so that the beam is not "peak", but rectangular. In a single highlight, several tufts of hair are irradiated, so the total exposure time of the lamp is less and the risk of burns is minimal. Discomfort from the procedure reduces the built-in cooling system. The technology has not yet received wide distribution in Russia, sometimes it is confused with diode laser hair removal.
  • IPLASER (1S Pro laser system). It works on a discharge lamp, like IPL, ELOS, SHR photosystems, but it has a narrow spectrum of light, like a laser. The light wavelength is from 755 to 1064 nm. The radiation is supplied in the mode of three pulses in one flash, which reduces the painfulness of the procedure. Acts on melanin of both hair and skin of any phototype, according to VI inclusive.

Portable diode lasers are recommended for home use. But they have low power, the beam penetrates shallowly, and their effect is short-lived.

Preparing for laser hair removal

Carefully consider the choice of salon, read the reviews on the work of the master, to which you go. Visit selected salons in person, women with experience are advised to look for places where they work on diode lasers. Sign up for a consultation with a dermatologist, cosmetologist and endocrinologist, it makes sense to visit a gynecologist if you are taking hormonal preparations. Discuss the possibility of laser hair removal with specialists, find out if you have any contraindications. The intensity of hair growth and the recovery rate of the bulbs depends on hormonal levels. If something is wrong, the hair will grow back in 3-4 months, and you can give money for the course as for a car - in Moscow, of course. This is from the words of a girl who has undergone 10 procedures, and without result.

At the consultation, the master talks about how to prepare for the procedure, whether you need to grow hair in the epilation zone or not. 2-3 mm length is usually needed for alexandrite laser, with diode and neodymium work on smooth skin. In any case, if you are used to removing hair with a root (wax, sugar, electric epilator), it is recommended to replace your depilation method with shaving for 3-4 weeks so that at least the hair roots will grow. The laser beam acts on melanin, and if there is no hair in the bulb, the procedure loses its meaning.

The recommendation not to sunbathe and not to attend a tanning salon a week before the session and a week after it is still relevant: it is better to refrain so that later no pigment spots form. 3 days before visiting the salon, discard the scrub and peeling for the part of the body that you will epilate.

If you are going to remove facial hair, a month before the procedure you can not do chemical peeling and any laser procedures.

Skin care after laser hair removal

As a precaution, it is better to refrain from physical exertion and visits to the bath for three days after the procedure, do not take a hot bath. Try not to let the sun hit the skin in the area of ​​epilation, before going outside, use sunscreen with an SPF 50 or higher and do not visit the tanning bed for 7–10 days after each treatment. Soothing skin irritation will help soften the body cream.

In the intervals between treatments, the only possible way to remove hair is to shave, shugaring and waxing should be abandoned so that laser hair removal sessions will give results. It is possible to accelerate the loss of atrophied hairs by regularly rubbing the skin with a hard washcloth and scrubbing. Only you can begin to do this no sooner than 3 days after epilation.

Popular questions about laser hair removal

  • Laser hair removal - how much is enough?
    The laser does not remove hair for life. At best, he can remove them for about 1–2 years without repeating the course of procedures - and this is not a fact, since the hormonal background, color and amount of hair are different for everyone.
  • Laser hair removal how many sessions do you need?
    5–6 procedures are enough to understand whether laser hair removal works for you or not. A long course of treatment - 10–12 procedures - is justified only if the hair is thick, falls out in sections, and you see baldness. If the hair grows in place of the fallen out and the whole picture does not change, then either the master does something wrong, or you have problems with the hormonal background.
  • Does hair grow after laser hair removal?
    Hair grows back, but it is weak, thin and soft. That is, if hard and dark hair grew earlier, a year or two after the completed epilation course, soft, pushy and much rarer hairs may appear.
  • Can I do laser hair removal during menstruation?
    Yes, it is possible, but it is undesirable because the pain threshold is lowered, and the procedure can cause discomfort.
  • Can I shave after laser hair removal?
    Not only possible, but necessary. Shaving is the only possible way to remove hair in between treatments.
  • How many years can I do laser hair removal?
    Cosmetologists recommend hair removal not earlier than 18 years.
  • How much hair falls after laser hair removal?
    After each laser hair removal session, the hair begins to fall out after about 2 weeks, and another week they fall out. 3-4 weeks after the procedure, new hair will grow out of the “sleeping” bulbs.
  • Why after laser hair removal can not sunbathe?
    Exposure of UV rays to the treated skin can cause the appearance of age spots.
  • What should be the length of hair for laser hair removal?
    2-3 mm is enough. But if the master is working on a diode laser, you can come with shaved skin, as long as the hair roots are in place. Specific recommendations on the preparation are given by the doctor at the preliminary consultation.
  • Is laser hair removal suitable for blond hair?
    Yes, now light, red and gray hair can be removed with a diode or neodymium laser, as well as with AFT, IPLASER equipment. It is necessary to clarify in the cabin, with what equipment they work.
  • How often can I do laser hair removal?
    The first 5-6 sessions are done with a break of 3-4 weeks, as hair grows. The master usually makes an individual schedule of visits.
  • Can I do laser hair removal in the summer?
    Contact laser hair removal (on a diode laser) can be done at any time of the year, but it is better to close the skin from the sun or at least protect it with an SPF filter.
  • Does laser hair removal hurt?
    Always there are unpleasant sensations of burning, stinging. The pain is simply felt stronger or weaker depending on the characteristics of the organism. The absence of any sensations indicates a low power during the procedure and, most likely, there will be no result or the opposite - the low power laser stimulates hair growth.
  • Should I do laser hair removal?
    On this issue, it is worth consulting with specialists - cosmetologist, dermatologist, gynecologist, endocrinologist. Doctors will conduct a survey and give you a conclusion.

Laser hair removal is not intended for complete hair removal. Her task: to reduce hair, if it goes beyond the normal. That is, it is used as a treatment, and not for the sake of beauty!

Dr. Melnichenko:

My girlfriend did laser hair removal and was inspired by the result of the procedure, begging me to go and remove the hair on the bikini line. I have never addressed beauty salons before, and the thought that they would burn body hair with a laser did not fit my head, I was not used to such procedures, and therefore I was afraid of pain. We came to the clinic, where they explained to me in detail that before the procedure, it was possible to apply anesthetic ointment and plus cooling during the procedure. After that, I calmed down a bit and after a few days I went to the first session. I did not experience pain, but the effect is simply shocked! My hair was removed with a diode laser, and they fell out literally in a week. Part of the hair remained, but the new ones did not grow. It is summer, heat, and now I do not have to shave my hair in those areas where there was usually irritation. Plus, there is no rash and pricking hair, like after a razor.

Stanislav, 28 years old

As you can see, the hairs are rather dark and frequent, stiff from constant shaving, there is also a slight irritation, which I always have after a razor. And here the result is already after 3 laser hair removal procedures ... armpit hairs have thinned and become thinner. Now they are not growing everywhere, but somehow separate patches.

Shaving began every 3-4 days. Each time, the laser power was made stronger, but I was getting used to it and didn’t suffer much. All this is tolerable, all the more so as 60 outbreaks were made on the whole armpit. IMPORTANT! If it is hard for you to hold back the pain and during the procedure you want to yell and swear, then you need to tell the master about this so that he will slow down the power of the laser device. Otherwise there is a risk to remain with burns. At the 4-5 procedure, hair began to appear exactly the same as it was before laser hair removal. In procedure 5, I had a new master and he did 120 flashes for each armpit. And you know, I terribly regretted that initially I did not go to him. In this case, the result would still be even steeper and faster. After the fifth procedure I became very sick and I did not have the opportunity to go for the procedure. As a result, up to 6 times I have not matured. Do you know why? Because this is how my armpits looked like after I missed one session. Everything became one to one, as it was before all these procedures! Yes, I know that it is better to go on such hair removal longer, but the bottom line is that you will constantly have to go on laser hair removal, even a break for more than a month returned my armpits to the same degree of hairiness.What time interval should be done between procedures? It is recommended to do laser hair removal once a month. How to remove hair during breaks between laser hair removal procedures? Only a razor! No shugaring, wax, etc., etc., as the laser should capture a maximum of a lot of hair, and they should be short.

Useful tips on laser hair removal from blogger Tanya Rybakova - video

There are many different ways of hair removal, laser - only one of them, and my advice - do not pursue fashion and craze procedure. Read, think and consult with doctors before giving money for an expensive epilation session or expensive equipment. There are too many people on the market who earn a lot of money on your beauty. And they do not always earn in good faith: they will, but they do not promise results. Take care of your health, and finances, too.

Who needs hair therapy and for what signs

Until now, people are wondering if this type of treatment is suitable for everyone and what indications are needed for this:

  1. Men and women who have been diagnosed with “androgenetic alopecia” or who have hereditary alopecia. Laser treatment in these cases is very effective with growth preparations.
  2. Laser therapy is not very effective in the formation of bald patches, therefore, is more effective for the treatment of female diffuse hair loss.
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that irradiation does not lead to a permanent result, therefore the patient should continue therapy so that the hairs continue to increase in volume.

Benefits and Cautions of Laser Hair Therapy

The main benefits of laser therapy are the following performance indicators:

  • an increase in blood flow to the scalp by 54% after the first session,
  • follicle stimulation
  • stop progressive hair loss (about 85% of patients),
  • increase the strength and elasticity of hairs,
  • rehabilitation after hair transplantation to a human being - as an aid to transplanted hairs in the healing process,
  • ensuring the desired dosage - rays penetrate measuredly into all areas of the scalp.

Contraindications to this procedure are: cancer, facial nerve paralysis, hemophilia, dermatitis, sunburn of the scalp, pregnancy and age up to 12 years.

Every person who decided on laser therapy must be aware that this procedure is completely safe and painless. The procedure is carried out throughout the year, with the course starting with three sessions per week, and later reduced to one session per month.

Possible results

The results of radiation therapy depend on many factors - genetics, the period of hair loss and whether this loss is a result of the disease. Undoubtedly, the effect would be better if, in addition to therapy, to additionally take medications that contain Minoxidil. When shampooing you should use shampoos that do not contain sodium sulfate.

The use of products that lead to weight loss, also recommended by doctors as part of the treatment. In addition, laser therapy should be carried out systematically, otherwise there is no need to wait for a positive result.

Of course, there are no guarantees that laser treatment will completely eliminate all problems, but there is still a positive outcome of events when using laser devices at home:

  • no change (slowing hair loss and growth not found),
  • slowing down or completely stopping hair loss (without growth),
  • hair restoration (hair loss stops, they become denser),
  • significant growth of hairs (stop loss and the acquisition of density).

In order to get an excellent result after laser therapy, it is recommended for people who have hair falling out for three years or less, since every year the sleeping follicles are harder to absorb rays. In addition, this treatment is not used in completely bald areas of the scalp, because it is not able to revive the dead follicles. In addition, laser irradiation will not be able to help cure hair loss, if it is at least somehow associated with existing diseases.

Depending on how quickly the person starts the treatment, how soon the body reacts and how well the patient follows the personal treatment plan, the result of the treatment will be visible.

About six weeks should elapse before hair loss begins to decrease or slow down dramatically. After eight to ten weeks, thin hairs sprout, and existing ones begin to grow and thicken more actively. After six months, there is a significant improvement and filling of the refined areas. After eight to twelve months, the patient's hair becomes strong and well-fed, and the scalp is no longer visible through the hairline.

Instruments for laser hair therapy

At this time, with the advent of a laser comb (HairMax LaserComb), this kind of treatment has become more accessible, but it is quite an expensive device that costs 550 u. e.

This comb has been approved since January 2007; it is a compact version of a large laser. With its help, laser treatment can be carried out at home. This device has teeth, with the help of which the rays penetrate the hair roots and stimulate their growth.

Also there is a device called Revage 670, it belongs to the class of laser diodes, was approved for use in cosmetology. It consists of 30 diodes, which are wrapped around 180 ° around the head, thereby increasing the connection of the laser beams with the follicles. The device is more effective at the end of therapy.

However, it is believed that the existing hair can prevent the effective impact of the laser beam on the entire area of ​​the head. Revage 670 can be productive with female hair loss, where there are diffuse thinning.

Laser treatment can be safely used with other drugs (Propecia and Rogaine), but there are no contraindications that could interfere with hair transplantation.

Despite the fact that the use of laser hair therapy was approved for a long time, its long-term lasting effect has not been established.

What is the effectiveness of laser hair treatment?

The effectiveness of the procedure is based on the principle of photo-biotherapy. This principle is to stimulate protein synthesis and enhance cellular metabolism due to the absorption of laser light by cells.

For trichological treatment, the device generates pure low-intensity light of a wave of the same length, the absorption of which provides:

  • follicular cell growth
  • blood flow to the scalp,
  • the acceleration of the production of nutrients by the follicles,
  • activation of enzyme metabolism,
  • acceleration of biochemical reactions inside the cells,
  • launch of natural regeneration processes at the cellular level,
  • restoring the integrity of damaged tissues
  • reduction of inflammatory processes
  • increasing the level of protection from the effects of negative external factors.

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How is laser hair therapy performed?

The duration of the session is usually about twenty minutes. During this time, the client is conveniently located in the chair, placing his head under a special device in the shape of a dome, in which about a hundred diodes are embedded. The device generates pulsed low-frequency light that penetrates under the scalp to a depth of no more than 8 mm. This leads to the fact that up to 70% of hair passes from the resting phase to the growth stage.

The duration of the course may vary depending on the clinical picture, as well as on the desired result. As a rule, it is recommended to undergo at least one procedure per week for 3-6 months (later, supporting sessions are possible to consolidate the achieved effect, or to repeat the course prescribed by trichologist).

Laser treatment at the IHC clinic
Laser therapy session

In this case, the initial positive results will be noticeable after 8 weeks. The optimal schedule of sessions, taking into account the indications and combination with other methods, will be made by the specialist during the preliminary reception.

Why does hair need laser therapy?

Healthy hair condition depends on a variety of circumstances. The hair is adversely affected by the environment, repeated staining. This all destroys the structure of the follicles. Daily abundant hair loss can lead to the development of diseases such as baldness. If expensive shampoos do not cope with such a serious problem, then you need to turn to radical methods. One of these methods is laser therapy.

Laser hair therapy, procedure description

Laser therapy of the scalp is a revolution in the fight for beautiful and healthy hair.

On the human head is about 130 thousand hairs. In addition, more than 100 thousand bulbs are in a state of "sleep." Sparse hairs can be brought out of sleep mode and grown.

The treatment occurs with the use of cold lasers to enhance growth and reduce hair loss. This procedure occurs without the intervention of surgeons. The basis of laser therapy is the principle of photo-biotherapy, which is the absorption of cells by laser light. When this occurs, stimulation of cell metabolism and protein synthesis occurs.

The effect of laser light on hair growth has not yet been studied. Most likely, this is due to increased energy production. Laser light is formed into a red diode. Due to the fact that the red laser beam has a low absorbent index, laser treatment becomes a safe way to treat hair loss.

plazmolifting for hair loss

Low-power lasers were used 30 years ago in order to speed up the process of tightening wounds and burns. The principle of laser operation is the following: laser radiation affects the chromosomes of the skin and hair, thereby boosting the process of cell division and growth.

Laser treatment result

The result of laser therapy appears step by step. To achieve the best result, you must complete all courses of the session. The duration of one session is an average of 25-30 minutes. Improvements will be noticeable after eight weeks, but enhanced hair growth will begin after 5 months. This type of therapy has such advantages: hair after laser therapy becomes beautiful, silky and healthy, the strength and softness of the hair increases, the process of hair loss stops in 80% of patients, the light energy is equally distributed to all areas of the scalp.

Laser therapy is used in such cases: with psoriasis, atopic dermatitis.

There are some nuances that do not allow to achieve the desired result.

The history of low-intensity laser therapy

The effects of monochromatic and focused radiation on the human body began to be studied from the first days of the appearance of the laser itself - in the sixties of the last century. Doctors still have not come to unanimity regarding the effects of a low-intensity laser on the body, however, some efficacy has been observed in reducing pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and other bone-joint apparatus pathologies.

The first studies conducted in the field of laser therapy were aimed at studying the effect of low-intensity laser radiation on blood. Experiments have shown that the green spectrum (with a wavelength of 532 nm and a power of 1 mW) promotes the binding of hemoglobin with oxygen in erythrocytes, but the ruby ​​spectrum with a wavelength of 694nm does not produce this effect. Thus, it was concluded that when choosing an effective response to the cells and tissues of the body, the wavelength matters.

Why does hair need a laser

Readers are probably familiar with such a trend in cosmetology as laser hair removal, that is, hair removal using laser radiation. But studies have shown that certain parameters of the radiation wave can not only inhibit hair growth, but also activate it. Therefore, laser therapy for hair was effective in the treatment of androgenic alopecia, thinness and fragility of the hair shaft, in the fight against gray hair.

But before laser therapy began to be put into practice, various medical institutions in different countries carried out relevant studies. So, in the French city of Lyon, Dr. Yves Crassis organized research on the effect of laser doses on hair growth. He did a skin biopsy with hair follicles in 58 volunteers. The resulting bulbs placed in a nutrient medium, and every day irradiated with an infrared laser for 4 minutes for 10 days. Measurements performed every 3–4 days showed that where the irradiation was carried out with different doses of radiation, a more pronounced hair growth was observed.

Patients who have undergone a course of LT, noticed that the hair began to grow better, acquired additional luster, elasticity. The hair shaft became denser, thicker, which ensures the density of the strands.

Indications and Contraindications

In our country, laser therapy in the field of trichology is still a novelty. But, as the results of treatment show, this therapeutic method has good prospects. In addition to hair loss, laser treatment is used for folliculitis, seborrhea, infectious and fungal lesions of the hair.

Laser therapy is recommended for men suffering from androgenic alopecia, women with thin and brittle hair in the absence of the following contraindications:

  • Oncological diseases. Laser therapy can be especially dangerous with appropriate treatment, such as radiation and chemotherapy, which is known to lead to hair loss. The coat is usually gradually restored after the completion of treatment courses,
  • Facial paralysis,
  • Dermatitis. Irradiation can activate the inflammatory process,
  • Sunburn skin
  • Pregnancy
  • Children under 12 years old.

In the period of up to 12 years is the development and formation of the child's body. At this age, even drugs are prescribed selectively and with caution. And laser intervention is even more likely to harm a child.

Revage 670

A device is installed over the patient's head, which resembles a hair dryer for drying hair from the barber shops of the 70-80s. Only instead of warm air, it incorporates 30 diodes rotating around the head, emitting rays of low intensity. This is Revage 670.

The energy of the laser beam affects the active follicles, and awakens the sleepers. Laser therapy is carried out in combination with drugs. The procedure is completely painless and without discomfort.

The device is intended for physiotherapy cabinets, the procedure is appointed by the trichologist therapist for patients with thinned and weakened hair, partial hair loss, and is performed for 6–8 weeks 2 times a week.

Compact X5 Hair Laser

Another device for physiotherapy rooms and beauty salons is the X5 Hair Laser, a compact laser therapy device. This device is used not only in the offices of laser therapy. It can be purchased by anyone who prescribed laser procedures. This is a small device with a diameter of about 6 cm. It has 15 laser diodes built into it. The patient can perform the procedure at home, sitting comfortably on the couch, and watching your favorite TV shows, or reading a book. The device has an LCD display showing the time of the procedure and the level of power supply.The device is recommended to be used 3 times a week for 8-15 minutes. The cost of such a device reaches 15-17 thousand rubles.

HairMax LaserComb - laser comb and massager in one device

HairMax LaserComb - a device that represents a comb that emits laser beams of a given intensity. The HairMax LaserComb laser comb has been recognized by the FDA as an effective and safe means. The device is equipped with separate removable combs, which allows you to choose the most suitable comb for the patient's hair density.

The laser comb looks and looks like a massage hair brush, laser diodes are placed on the tips of the scallops. Thus, in the process of combing the scalp is massaged and the radiation is applied to the hair roots. During the procedure, blood circulation is improved, and as a result, the skin nutrition in the hair area. As a result, hair loss slows down, “dormant” follicles awaken, so that the hair thickens and becomes healthy.

When applying laser equipment yourself, avoid falling into the eyes. Do not use the irradiating device near the mirror, because the reflection of the beam of radiation is also not safe for the retina.

Therapy with well-chosen low-intensity laser radiation often helps men in the fight against androgenic alopecia. A quantum comb is used in the physiotherapy rooms of the trichological departments, but it can be applied with no less success at home. It is important only before using the device to carefully read the instructions and consult a doctor.

Such a device is not cheap - 30-50 thousand rubles. You can, of course, buy a cheaper Chinese equivalent, but such an acquisition will not give any guarantee of the effectiveness and safety of the device. Beauty, as is known, requires sacrifice, and first of all material.

Laser comb from the French manufacturer Gezatone combines laser radiation with vibratory massage, and thereby greatly increases the effectiveness of the procedure. This company produces not only laser-emitting products, but also a variety of facial and body care products. The cost of the instruments of this European company is lower than that of the Americans.

Blondes can withstand twice the intensity of laser radiation than brunettes. Before using the laser at home, consult a trichologist on the number of procedures and parameters of the radiation wave. Exceeding the intensity of the radiation, you can get the opposite effect.

Reviews of hair laser therapy

On the recommendation of the doctor bought a laser comb. Who expects instant results from her will be very disappointed. There were moments when I wanted to quit everything, but on the advice of the same doctor I had patience. After 2 months, he noticed that his hair began to fall out less, and a month later, he discovered the appearance of the first hairs on his bald head. Now I see that the money was well spent.

In the beauty salon I was told that the most effective laser hairbrush is Hairmax. The same device was recommended to me by the trichologist. Only in the fourth month I noticed the first results on hair restoration.

I bought a Hairmax comb. The manufacturer promised no side effects, but I feel deceived, because after each procedure the scalp is very itchy. I haven’t noticed any positive results yet.

There may be a lot of reasons for hair loss or their pathogenic condition. Here and hormonal disorders, and stress, and inflammatory processes. Therefore, the first thing to do is to cure the root cause of the disease, and only then solve the problem directly with the hair. Laser therapy is most effective when the hair falls out due to impaired blood circulation of the scalp. Concentrated beams of rays restore blood circulation in the body and oxygenation.

How does the laser work?

  • How does the laser work?
  • The history of low-intensity laser therapy
  • Types of lasers
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Procedure technique
  • Homemade laser treatments
  • Popular devices for hair laser therapy
  • Cost in salons and clinics
  • Reviews
  • Video: Laser in the treatment of hair loss
  • Poll

Such a phenomenon as laser hair removal in the modern world is familiar to everyone, probably, this is a method of removing hair on a human body, when under the influence of laser beams hair growth slows down and unwanted hair begins to fall.

But medicine does not stand still, scientists have found that laser beams can not only inhibit hair growth, and vice versa activate it. Laser therapy is a new trend in the treatment of androgenic alopecia, helps to restore thin and brittle hair, and this method of treatment is able to halt the process of the appearance of gray hair.

The procedure was tested by various medical institutions around the world, and patients who have experienced this method on themselves, noted that the quality of their hair improved markedly, they became silky, shiny, their hair became thicker, thicker and noticeably increased in height.

Procedure technique

During therapy, the patient is under the device in the form of a dome, inside of which, lasers are located. Effective treatment of the scalp and hair is provided by 110 low-intensity lasers mounted on the inside of the device.

Therapy takes place in comfort and is absolutely painless, for 20-30 minutes, you can take a nap or look through a magazine. The pulsed light created by a laser can penetrate the scalp to a depth of 8 mm. Saturating the skin with oxygen and increasing the level of metabolism, laser energy heals the skin and restores hair.

Increased blood circulation, as a rule, becomes a solution to such problems as itching, dandruff, and also normalizes the sebaceous glands, and therefore helps prevent the most negative consequence of these ailments - baldness. Due to the action of the laser, about 75% of the hair goes into a stage of active growth.

As a result, more than 50% of patients begin to noticeably grow hair, and 90% stop hair loss. Also, during the procedure, the quality of hair changes significantly, it becomes thicker, ceases to stratify, begins to shine. With a regular repetition of the procedure, the result will not take long, patients say that the effect is already visible at 8-9 weeks of therapy.

The need for laser therapy is determined after consulting a doctor, you may be asked to take tests and undergo a primary examination.

The advantages of this type of hair removal

There are pros and cons of laser hair removal. They need to familiarize each girl who plans to decide on such a procedure. Among the advantages are the following:

  1. Painlessness Eliminate excess hair in the bikini area can be painless, because during the procedure a person does not feel pain. The laser quickly eliminates excess hair without discomfort.
  2. Security. The procedure is safe. It does not damage the skin, as the laser acts as gently as possible.
  3. Efficiency. The procedure for hair removal in the bikini area and not only is effective and efficient. Due to this, it is possible to quickly and permanently forget about unwanted vegetation. Thanks to what a woman can feel comfortable and confident. It is also possible to visit the beach and the pool, without worrying about the fact that the bikini area looks unattractive.
  4. Removing flaws. In addition to the hairs on the skin of the bikini area, excess pigmentation is removed, which has previously spoiled the beauty. Now it is possible to restore the attractiveness of any area on the body with unwanted vegetation. Then a woman can feel more comfortable.

Also worth noting are the disadvantages of laser hair removal:

  • High price. The procedure is expensive. Because of what not every woman can afford her. The high price of the procedure fully determines the effect, because with the help of laser hair removal you can forget about extra hair forever. Due to this, any area on the body, including the bikini area, will become beautiful and attractive.
  • Many sessions. The process of removing excess hair takes place in several stages. It will be necessary to do about 6-8 procedures. Despite this, the effect will please any woman who forgets about excess hair and can feel comfortable, free, and most importantly - confidently.
  • It has contraindications. Usually the procedure can be carried out by everyone. However, despite this, there are certain contraindications. These include skin diseases, infections, and oncology. During the procedure, laser radiation will degrade its overall condition.

Please note that there are pros and cons to laser bikini hair removal. Therefore, before it is carried out, it is necessary to consult with a dermatologist, who will determine whether you have any contraindications.

There are different types of laser hair removal, the pros and cons, which we discussed above. More details about the procedure can be obtained from the master before carrying it out.

Alexandrite epilation: description

This species has become a true replacement for the standard ruby ​​laser. But it differs in that it has a frequency of 1-5 Hz. As a result, the hair can be removed quickly and permanently. This look is suitable for those who have dark hair in the bikini zone. After all, so the chance to remove them forever doubles. Then a woman can feel free and confident.

Laser diode hair removal: description of the procedure and advantages

This type differs in that the frequency of the pulses will be from 1-10 Hz. Also, the wavelength will be about 800-900 nm. The main advantage of this type will be that you can remove blonde hair, and the effect persists for a long time. But to remove gray hair will be problematic, because for this laser radiation does not penetrate under the skin.

Elos epilation - what is this procedure?

This variety is effective due to the fact that it affects not only light, but also electricity with normal and safe voltage. The essence of this type is that the hairs are heated under the influence of current. Then, using a laser frequency, the follicle is removed under the skin. And this is done quickly and efficiently.

Cool epilation: what is the procedure?

This kind of epilation is effective and better due to the fact that exposure to cold occurs here. It completely from the inside of the skin destroys the hair in the bikini area. The disadvantage of laser hair removal is that it takes a long time. But it is cold that helps to relieve a person from skin irritation and pain.

What type of hair removal is best?

To understand which version will be the best and most effective, you need to consider the pros and cons of laser hair removal. Then it will become clear which species will be the most suitable. Mostly recommend diode type of hair removal. Since it has such a number of advantages as:

  • The pulse frequency of the laser is 1-10 Hz, thereby eliminating hair of any length, color and thickness.
  • The wavelength will be about 900 nm. So you can remove hair quickly and anywhere on the body, including in the bikini area.
  • The look is safe and does not irritate the skin, so you can get rid of hair quickly and painlessly.

You need to consult with the master, who will explain in detail what the disadvantages of a laser bikini hair removal. Please note that this type of hair removal is suitable if there are no diseases of the blood and endocrine system.

What are the contraindications to the procedure?

Perform the procedure is not allowed to all. For girls who want to get rid of undesirable vegetation in this way, you first need to know the pros and cons of laser hair removal. Contraindications for the procedure are:

  1. Oncological diseases and malignant tumors in the body. As with such ailments, laser hair removal can hurt.
  2. Infectious diseases of the reproductive system (syphilis, thrush, AIDS, and so on). As a result, it is possible to provoke the progression of the disease and worsen the general state of health.
  3. Endocrine diseases and metabolic disorders (diabetes, vitamin deficiency and so on).
  4. Pregnancy and lactation. Laser radiation can adversely affect the health of the mother and the future baby.
  5. Skin diseases (dermatitis, seborrhea, herpes, versicolor, and so on) and hypersensitivity. Laser hair removal can lead to the progression of the disease, the appearance of additional problems with the condition of the skin.

It is worth considering that the disadvantages of laser hair removal are significant. And before you spend it, you need to carefully read them. If there are contraindications, and at this moment to make a laser hair removal, it is possible to worsen the state of health. Also, the procedure can trigger the progression of infections of the reproductive system. Therefore, do not joke with your health. If you can not do such hair removal, then do not need, so as not to harm.

How to care for a bikini area after the procedure?

In order for the effect to last for a long time, you need to properly care for the bikini area, namely:

  1. The first time is not to attend a tanning bed and refrain from sunbathing, as this can lead to various skin problems.
  2. If skin irritation and other strange rashes, you should use moisturizing ointments and creams that will help improve the overall condition of the epidermis. For example, it may be Bepanten, Lifeguard, and Panthenol.
  3. Do not visit the pool, beach and sauna for several days to protect themselves from infection and irritation of the skin after the hair removal procedure.

The first effects and complications after the procedure

Let's take a look at some of the effects of laser hair removal. May occur:

  • perifollicular edema of the treated area,
  • pain,
  • erythema (redness) of the skin.

There are also more serious consequences of the procedure. These include:

  • folliculitis,
  • herpes infections in the acute stage,
  • burns
  • Acneform eruptions
  • conjunctivitis,
  • allergic reactions
  • photophobia.

Reviews of girls who have already tested such procedure as laser hair removal

We have already figured out what are the pros and cons of laser hair removal. Reviews, many ladies on the procedure leave good. Since most women like the procedure. Although some write in reviews about the disadvantages of laser hair removal.

Some say that they spent thousands of rubles, while the vegetation remained on the body. Although many still have a positive opinion about this procedure. The girls say that they were able, finally, to get rid of unwanted vegetation in the bikini zone, on the lips, under the arms and on the legs.


Watch the video: Maggot Therapy for Wounds - Wound Medicine Medcentris (June 2024).