
Lice and nits: incubation period, treatment (re-treatment time)


Head lice - parasites are highly specialized not only by the nature of their food, but by the place of their existence. They can live only on the scalp of the head of a person and of his closest relatives - some species of monkeys. Accordingly, the life cycle and features of biology, including the incubation period of head lice, are largely adapted and depend on the lifestyle of the person himself.

It should immediately define the terms. Under the incubation period of any disease usually understand the period between infection with it and the first clinical manifestations. This definition is not suitable for infecting a person with head lice - parasites will start to bite a person immediately after infection, but due to their small number, the patient may not feel it or give importance to certain unpleasant feelings.

The incubation period for lice in biology is the time for the development of louse eggs. Considering the fact that louse eggs are called nits, for an entomologist the incubation period for lice and nits is essentially the same. Taking into account the fact that many readers regard lice as a disease, when describing the incubation period of lice, we will further consider it in the biological and, so to speak, in the popular sense.

Incubation period for lice: how quickly they begin to pester after infection

After infection, the first bites of lice occur already in the first hours after the parasites hit the human hairline - these insects cannot live without food for more than a few days. However, the bites of one or two individuals who managed to crawl on a healthy person are not particularly felt and often do not pay attention to themselves. Therefore, at this time it is too early to talk about any manifestations of pediculosis.

These symptoms of lice on the head begin to feel after three to four weeks. During this time, the nymphs of the first generation, who are already massively biting the human scalp, have time to grow out and grow up.

Under favorable conditions, after three weeks, the second generation of lice appears on the head, and thanks to a large number, they already cause severe itching and well-marked discomfort.

Pediculosis is a complex of symptoms characteristic of people with severe lice infestation. In medical practice, pediculosis is considered a disease and manifests itself in the form of dissimilar symptoms caused by the activity of lice: itching, abscesses, the appearance of spots and allergic rashes.

Thus, in this case, such an incubation period for lice can be considered to be equal to three weeks. It is during this period that all signs of lice appear on the head: nits, irritation, itching, and the possibility of infecting other people.

Depending on the human living conditions, the incubation period for the development of lice may vary. For example, in conditions of winter or northern latitudes, when a person’s head is constantly covered with a hat, and indoors is sufficiently heated, lice develop faster - sometimes in 16 days the full cycle of their reproduction takes place. In mid-latitudes, when the head of a person is often open, parasites usually develop longer.

Reproduction of lice: in detail about nits and nymphs

Head louse - an insect with an incomplete transformation. A larva hatches from its egg, resembling an adult, but much smaller and not capable of reproduction. It feeds on the same as adult insects feed on - with human blood - sheds three times and turns into an adult insect.

Do not confuse the concept of "nit" and "egg louse." Nit is the formation of a sticky substance from an egg and a cocoon that holds the structure on the hair. We can say that this is a kind of cocoon.

Such a larva, which is generally similar to an adult insect, is called a nymph. Stage nymph is also characteristic of other insects, - for example, for cockroaches, grasshoppers and bedbugs.

It is important that each stage of development in lice lasts a relatively short time, and therefore the lifetimes of these insects are small, and the reproduction rate is quite large. In parasitologists, it is customary to call an insect that has just emerged from an egg, a larva, and a molt of a larva already nymph.

Reproduction periods and incubation period for lice

Terms of development of lice at each stage are different:

  1. The maturation period of nits is 5 to 8 days, depending on the temperature. Optimum conditions for nits that ensure the minimum incubation period for nits is the average air humidity and temperature of about 31 ° C. At temperatures above 40 ° C and below 22 ° C, the development of eggs stops, and the larvae do not hatch.
  2. The larva of the first age develops from one day at a temperature of 30 ° С to ten days at a temperature of 10 ° С.
  3. The nymph of the first age develops 5 days.
  4. The nymph of the second age develops for eight days and turns into an adult - an adult insect.
  5. Adult insects begin to multiply after the first meal after molting. Usually, females and males mate for 1-2 days after the nymph is transformed into an adult insect, after which females lay 3-4 eggs every day.

How long the lice hatch from eggs is greatly affected by temperature. At 25-26 ° С, lice hatch in 7-8 days, and at 32-33 ° С - in 5-6 days.

How quickly the lice hatch does not depend on how often the head is washed or the hair gets wet.

On how many nits ripen, depends on the time of the total reproductive cycle of insects. The minimum development time from egg to egg is 16 days, the maximum can stretch up to two months.

Head lice have almost no hunger strike periods. They constantly live on the scalp, never leaving the human body. Therefore, such factors as the presence or absence of food, there is practically no in the life of these parasites.

The maximum lifespan of an adult head louse is 46 days. During this time, the female has time to lay up to 140 eggs.

And what about other species?

The incubation period for lice of other species differs little from that of a head louse.

So, in a body louse belonging to the same species, but adapted to life on clothing, nymphs hatch in 5-8 days. And the average time of development is 3-4 weeks - as in head lice.

Sometimes the expression “hatch nits” is used in principle is incorrect. Lice hatch nymphs, and the nits themselves are laid by the female. Therefore, instead of "nits hatch" should say "the larvae hatch from nits."

The incubation period of pubic lice is approximately 6 days, and the period of development of the larva is about 18 days. Their difference from head lice is that an adult pubic louse lives no more than 30 days, and one female can lay a maximum of 50 eggs.

In pubic lice, the larvae from nits do not hatch at temperatures below 22 ° C.

Methods of dealing with nits

Destroy and poison nits is quite possible and even necessary at any stage of their development. To do this, usually used special shampoos with effective insecticides - Pedilin, Parazidoz, Nittifor, Pedeks, Hygia. Previously, even kerosene was used against lice, but in terms of efficiency and ease of use, it is, of course, significantly inferior to modern shampoos.

It is important that even after a haircut, it is necessary to wash the head with shampoo and hold it under a plastic bag, since the lice themselves can sit on the skin and around the hair follicles. And when using a shampoo that does not have the ability to kill eggs of lice - you need to re-wash their head again after 5-6 days.

And of course, always and everywhere it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene: do not wipe yourself with someone else's towel, do not use someone else's comb. It is known that head lice can survive in the water for two days, so even swimming in public places can be fraught.

Pediculosis, incubation period

Adult head louse

From the moment of the first meeting with lice and until the first symptoms appear, it can take 30 days, sometimes more. Therefore, one can imagine how many lice already run on the skin, remembering where and when an infection could have occurred.
The time of maturation of eggs and the transformation of the larvae into an adult sexually active creature depend on the type of louse (head, body or pubic), on the comfort of this insect, on air temperature and humidity. Personal hygiene of an already infected person does not affect the rate of reproduction of lice. The higher the temperature (from 30 degrees) and the greater the humidity, the faster the lice multiply. In the absence of contact with the body in the environment at a temperature above 40 degrees and below 20 degrees, further development does not occur. Outside the body, head lice live no more than 2 days, and the body temperature always coincides with the insect's “comfort zone”.

Under the phrase "incubation period" we understand the time from the moment of infection to the first symptoms.
There is still a biological understanding of this term. Then we are talking about the development of lice eggs, that is nits.
This is the time interval for which the conversion of lice from nits.

How pediculosis caused by lice is transmitted Pediculushumanuscapitis

Lice are insects that are "committed" only to humans. Therefore, you can only get from a patient with head lice. You should not listen to the legends that lice can live on pets for a while. They have their lice.

Can lice appear on nerves?

NO, lice "from the nerves" do not start.

Lice do not know how to jump and fly. Therefore, infection is possible only with close contact at a small distance, when it is possible to crawl. As they say head to head. By the way, lice have excellent dexterity when crawling.

If we talk about nits, they are still. But they can get to a healthy person from the patient through hygiene items and personal items (comb, hat, towel, pillow, etc.)

How are lice infected?

Places of infection may be different: school, kindergarten, camp, public transport, hotels, hospitals, hairdressers, trains and other popular places.
For infection, you need a suitable place (the options are listed above) and two people who have been in contact with each other for some time, one of whom has lice.

How can you get lice: you can only become infected through direct contact. Being in different corners of the same room with a sick pediculosis man, a healthy person will remain still healthy.

  • Children often award each other with head lice.
  • Pubic pediculosis can be acquired with frequent changes in sexual partners and promiscuous sexual relationships. In children, pubic louse may settle on the head and eyelashes. Pubic louse in children is usually a "criminal" sign - a symbol of the sexual use of the child.
  • The clothes louse most often settled in the homeless.

How fast do head lice breed?

In this issue there is nothing to console. Lice breed quickly enough, even rapidly. One louse per day lays an average of 5-10 eggs (nits), which, depending on the temperature and humidity, turn into ordinary lice in 3-4 weeks, also capable of laying eggs.
If lice are warm, light and comfortable, then the development cycle can be only 16 days. If the conditions of stay are not so comfortable, then the louse will develop 30 days.

How lice multiply on the head: as soon as the adult louse managed to move to the head untouched by its tribesmen, it does everything possible to provide the owner with a new lice population, the louse feeds and lays eggs (nits) in a full form.

Lice life cycle Pediculushumanuscapitis

Nit with cap and grub inside

From birth to deathPediculuscapitis There are 4 stages of development: egg (nits), larva, nymph, adult.

The egg from the oviduct is removed in a sticky lubricant, which forms the shell of the nits. Later, this lubricant in the form of a capsule hardens already on the hair, and firmly holds the nits in place. Capsule protects developing lice.

Very interesting is the release of the larvae from the egg. The shell of the nits is dense enough, and to overcome this shell, it must be pierced. This is what the lice larvae do, piercing one end of this cocoon with their jaws. Then she breathes and “lays” this air at the opposite end of the cocoon. When enough of it was “collected”, the capsule burst and the larva is pushed out and falls on the scalp, immediately starting to feed.

The louse's appetite is very good and they eat every 2-4 hours. In order to actively multiply they need strength. They do not have hunger strikes, as there is no problem of finding food. Food is always near.

When the larva came out of the shell nits - this is a nymph.

Empty shell nits

The nymph molts two more times to turn into an imago - a mature individual. Shedding is necessary because the cocoon in which the larva lives does not grow. A nymph needs protection from adverse environmental factors and medical shampoos. As the larva grows, it needs to change the protective “clothes”.

Mature lice can begin to mate only after the first bite. After two days, the female lays eggs, then laying eggs occurs every day, a maximum of 10 pieces.

The life of the lice is 32-45 days. During this time, the head louse has time to lay about 150 eggs, pubic - two times less, dressing - twice as much.

If you briefly describe the reproduction and development of lice in terms, it will look like this:

  • the incubation period is from 16 days to 30 days,
  • it takes a week to ripen the nits
  • the larva develops 1-2 days,
  • The nymph develops 5 days before the first molt (the nymph of the first age) and the nymph lasts until the second molt for 7-8 days (the nymph of the second age),
  • adult insect (imago) begins to mate in 1-2 days after transformation from a nymph. Sexually mature louse lays eggs every day.

We can say that on average, it takes 20-21 days for a louse to come out of the nits.

Now, when you know how lice become infected, how lice reproduce on the head, how many nits the adult lays per day and after what time the young hatch from nits, it will be clear why the workout must be repeated several times. There are many medications aimed at inhibiting the activity of insects or their destruction. All funds for lice can be divided into those that kill only living individuals, and those that also kill nits (pediculosis preparations - pediculocides with ovocidal activity).
Folk methods of combating pediculosis, there is no less. Read more about pharmaceutical preparations here, and about folk remedies against lice.

Most drugs are NOT EFFECTIVE against nits and therefore, it is necessary to re-treat the head. Facilities, destroy nitscontain a substance MALATHION. In the presence of any chronic diseases, as well as in the treatment of children under two years of age, it is better to consult a physician for the proper selection of medication.

Now, when you know how lice get infected, how lice reproduce on the head, how many nits an adult lays per day, and after what time the young hatch from nits, it will be clear why the treatment should be repeated several times.

Important! Repeat the treatment NADO one week after the primary procedure. In some cases, this is done 2-3 times.

The interval of 7 days is necessary for fixing the effect.If after the first treatment some nits manage to survive, the larvae that have hatched in a week can “start” the process from the very beginning.

In order not to meet pediculosis without saying goodbye, a week after the first treatment procedure, it is necessary to repeat the “session” of treatment of the head with the chosen remedy. How to handle household items is written in the memo for the prevention of pediculosis in children.

Causes, symptoms and incubation period of the disease

Pediculosis can be infected by contact with a sick person. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in public places, for example, in schools and kindergartens, or in baths and saunas. The main cause of this disease is considered to be non-compliance with personal hygiene. If a healthy person uses a comb, barrettes for hair, headgear of a patient, then the probability of contracting pediculosis is very high.

Experts have found quite unusual factors that contribute to the development of this disease. For example, head lice show a great interest in people who are regularly under severe stress and often survive. During such periods, the blood begins to pulse intensely, so the sweat glands become more active, which attracts blood-sucking parasites. With intimate intimacy with a person who has pediculosis, you can get 2 types of lice at once: pubic and headaches, so it is not recommended to have a sexually abusive relationship.

  • severe itching
  • ulceration at the site of scratching the skin,
  • presence of rash, boils,
  • peeling of the scalp,
  • increased greasiness of hair due to secretion of lice.

One louse-female lays from 3 to 7 eggs per day.

On examination of the skin, it is possible to detect head lice having a gray color. They are located at the roots of the hair. To date, there is a fairly effective way to recognize nits. For this purpose, special electric combs and Wood's lamps are used, which allow the larvae to be easily detected.

After the onset of symptoms, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment for pediculosis. If pediculosis is detected, the incubation period for lice is up to 3 weeks with nits on the scalp. The development process of nits to adult individuals takes 21 days. The clothes louse develops within 2 weeks, if the temperature of the clothes is not less than 25 °, if it is more than 30 °, then the incubation period lasts 7-10 days. Pubic louse overcomes the period of 5-10 days. In this case, the nits do not hatch if the temperature is below 22 °.

The most common places for nits are the temples, the neck, the back of the head, and the area around the ears. Pubic lice spread in the bikini area, eyebrows and eyelashes, causing discomfort in a person.

The incubation period of pediculosis during infection of the scalp can last up to 1 month, after which the patient manifests the first symptoms of the disease, most often characterized by itching.

Pediculosis treatment

First of all, you must follow several rules of personal hygiene:

  • body wash regularly
  • change bed linen every 7 days, underwear every day,
  • comb your hair every day
  • clean the room regularly,
  • if necessary, wash clothes and clean personal hygiene items,
  • It is strictly forbidden to use other people's things.
  • avoid contact with people with head lice.

After the discovery of nits, general disinfection should be carried out. All towels, bedding and clothing should be heat treated. It is not recommended to leave the house for several days. If nits were found in a child, for some time he should not go to school or kindergarten.

The most common way to get rid of pubic lice is to use sulfuric ointment or ointment, which contains benzyl benzoate. They need to be applied to the affected skin. If the parasites are on the eyebrows and eyelashes, then you must carefully remove them with tweezers.

If a clothes louse is found, all patient's clothes and bed linen should be treated with a special solution, it is necessary to wash things in hot water, and after drying, treat with hot steam iron. Drying clothes is recommended in direct sunlight. It is recommended to hang out the washed clothes outside at a temperature below 0 °. If this is not possible, then you can put the laundry in the freezer.

To get rid of nits on the head, you must use natural or chemical means that can be purchased at any pharmacy.

To wash your hair should pick up special medical shampoos. The most common are Veda, which includes phenotrin, which kills nits, Hygia and Bios, which are based on permethrin, and Nit fry, containing essential oils.

Sprays can be used to treat pubic and head lice. They are quite convenient to use, you can take them on the road. Popular are Lavinal, Para-Plus, Pedikulen Ultra based on aniseed oil.

Instead of shampoo, you can use special solutions or lotions. The most common brands are Medifox and Pedex, the main component of which is permethrin.

For the treatment of bed linen and clothing of the patient is recommended to use aerosols. It is strictly forbidden to apply them to the skin, as they contain a high concentration of toxic substances. The most famous are aerosols A-nap and Bed Bug Terminator.

Unpopular, but no less effective are creams. They mainly have a detrimental effect on pubic lice. The best known brands are Nittifor and Knicks, which contain permethrin.

Recommendations for the use of pharmaceuticals for lice

First of all, you must follow the instructions. It is necessary to use only 1 drug, so as not to cause allergic reactions in the patient due to the high content of toxic substances. It is enough to put the acquired means only 1 time. If the affected areas are subjected to repeated drug treatment, the risk of intoxication is high.

The room where there is a person infected with head lice should be regularly aired.

Before beginning treatment of the scalp, a bandage should be put on the patient to avoid getting the drug on the face and eyes.

It is forbidden to use conventional shampoos or balms without first applying a therapeutic agent, since after their use a thin film is formed on the skin that prevents the penetration of drugs on the upper layer of the skin.

During the incubation period and during the treatment of the disease it is not recommended to use a hairdryer for drying hair.

The use of folk remedies

A very popular remedy for eliminating nits and lice is vinegar. It is necessary to take vinegar 9%, dilute with water in the same proportions and apply on hair, then put a plastic cap on the head and leave for some time. To speed up the effect to vinegar, you can add salt and medical alcohol, but this mixture is strictly prohibited to use those who have ulcers and sores on the head.

It is recommended to use tar soap for washing hair. It contains alkali, which negatively affects lice. At the same time, natural tar has a beneficial effect on the scalp.

Mayonnaise can be used to treat pediculosis. Dense fatty texture limits access to oxygen, so the lice die. Instead of mayonnaise, you can take Vaseline, it acts on the same principle.

Hydrogen peroxide is also effective in the fight against parasites. It can burn both lice and nits.

One of the useful plants for the prevention of pediculosis is ledum. It is necessary to grind its leaves and add to them lard in proportions of 1: 4, then apply the mixture on the scalp and evenly distribute through the hair. It is worth remembering that the tool does not relieve lice, but only deters insects. In addition, decoction of various medicinal plants: mint, geranium, rosemary, etc. has a beneficial effect on hair. Garlic and onion have antibacterial properties.

Effective for eliminating nits is tea tree oil. To prepare a therapeutic solution, you need to take a glass of heated water, add 5 drops of oil to it and apply it on your hair. Keep no more than 40 minutes, then rinse with shampoo. You can add 15 drops of oil to the shampoo and apply it constantly while washing your hair.

How to treat pediculosis in women during pregnancy, children and asthmatics

Most medical products contain toxic substances, so they are not recommended for the treatment of pediculosis in women during pregnancy and while nursing. The same applies to people with asthma and children. They are advised to use only a mechanical treatment method. To do this, you must purchase a special comb. If the child is less than 4 years old, he can be shaved bald. Asthmatics, it is desirable to use drugs that contain natural ingredients. For example, creams and ointments based on the less toxic substance Dimethicone are widely known.

A known way to get rid of lice is the Shepherd method. Its essence lies in combing lice by a unique method. This way you can use both in the clinic and at home.

For the highest efficiency to treatment should be approached in a complex. It is necessary to conduct an inspection of all family members where a patient with lice was found. You should also begin treatment of the disease at the time to avoid serious consequences.

Features pediculosis

What is the danger of this disease? An insect bite is usually not particularly dangerous, but getting into the wounds from the bite of their feces brings a lot of trouble. Complications of pediculosis:

  • The possibility of an allergic reaction.
  • Bite sites - the wounds quickly become infected, and pustules appear on this site.
  • Not passing itching affects sleep and the psyche of man.
  • The occurrence of typhus or relapsing fever (in rare cases).

Nits are found in eggs, which are hard shell. This shell and serves them as a refuge, which has the ability to very firmly attached to the hair. Nits have a very small size, they can just be confused with dandruff. The difference is that dandruff and dead particles on the scalp are easily removed, but the egg nits are not. Adult insects - lice - mostly live on the skin, and the nits cling tightly to the hair until they hatch.

The development of parasites

The incubation period of lice lasts more than a week. When the female reaches puberty, she begins to multiply, laying eggs. On the day she can lay off about 10 nits. Louse clings to the hair and lays through the anus nits, which comes out in a special sticky mucus, which helps her to easily catch in the right place. Nit in contact with the hair tightly attached to it, enveloping. At the moment, a special cover is also being formed, when opened, the insect is born.

Nitra develops within 7-8 days. During the day it turns into a larva, after which it matures in 5-6 days to a nymph of the first age. Then, after 3 days, she becomes a nymph of the second age, then turns into an adult. Accordingly, after infection with lice, the incubation period will be an average of at least one week.

The exact interval will depend on the humidity and ambient temperature. The ideal temperature for the rapid development of the parasite is 30 degrees. That is why this disease is often found in the summer. When the temperature is less than 22 degrees or more than 44 degrees, the development of these pests stops.

What does the parasite look like

Many are looking for a photo of lice in the hair during the incubation period, trying to identify or disprove lice. The head louse differs from other blood-sicking insects, and also has the features in the cunning device. In length, it is no more than 3-4 mm, looks like a small wingless beetle. Initially, all insects are bright, but they change color to black solely due to the blood they drink. Lice live mainly around the hair roots or directly on the skin. A louse does not live for more than 46 days, but during this time it is able to lay a lot of eggs, which makes lice so serious, difficult to eliminate, a problem.

A type of bloodsucking parasite in humans

The incubation period for lice and nits will depend on their type. Temperature and humidity will still affect the ripening period. There are 3 types of parasites:

  1. Head lice, its rate of formation of nits varies in different limits, depending on the temperature conditions of its habitat. They usually fix the cocoon at the very base of the victim's hair, where the larvae mature. Under optimal conditions, the incubation period can be up to 30 days.
  2. Pubic louse has the ability to hibernate for several months if there is no power supply. The incubation period of this species reaches a week.
  3. A body louse breeds given also depends on the ambient temperature of the environment. The incubation period in adverse conditions for it can be delayed up to 2 months. A person at this time does not bother.

If we consider the incubation period of lice after infection as a time period of their activity (from the infection itself to the next generation), it is 2 weeks.

Causes of parasites

Pediculosis can be infected by close contact with a patient with this disease. Insect parasites are most common in large groups, especially in preschool institutions. The risk of lice infestation is increased when using other people's personal hygiene items (combs, bedding, towels, hats).

Infection of adults occurs from children or from visiting a public place in which it is impossible to avoid tight contact (bath, public transport, sauna, hospital, etc.) These pests feed exclusively on human blood. Body lice live on things, appear due to lack of personal hygiene and contact with already infected things.

Pubic louse lives in the pubis and underarms, the transmission path - sexual. In rare cases, this species can cling to it through contact with an infected bed. It is not easy to fight with parasites of this kind, therefore this issue should be approached with all responsibility.

How fast parasites multiply

The incubation period for lice in a person passes relatively quickly. An adult insect lays at least 5, maximum 10 eggs per day. In turn, new adults emerge within 2–4 weeks.

The incubation period for lice is the period from the moment they become infected until the onset of symptoms in humans. If we consider the biological interpretation of this phrase, then this is the time during which the nit will turn into an adult insect. On the timing of development of pediculosis affect lifestyle and living conditions. Thus, it was revealed that in winter time in the northern regions, where a person is forced to wear a warm hat almost all the time, lice develop much faster. These parasites outside the human body do not live longer than 48 hours, they die when they enter their unusual habitat and remain without food for a long time.

Treatment methods

With any parasites is very difficult to fight, given the development of their immunity in insecticides, as well as their vitality. Therefore, treatment should be with a scrupulous and very responsible approach.After the lice incubation period has passed, the person will begin to feel the first symptoms of the disease. It is advisable to immediately consult a dermatologist.

Given the scrupulousness of the disease, not all go to the doctor, trying to cope on their own. How to competently carry out procedures for getting rid of lice and nits? It is better to start treatment with the purchase of special tools that can destroy not only adult pests - lice, but also their larvae. It is important to know that not all means are able to completely destroy nits, so the treatment procedure will need to be carried out again after two weeks.

After treatment of the infected head, it is necessary to comb the already dead or temporarily paralyzed lice, as well as nits. Combing should be done with a special comb, on which the frequent teeth are located, for which the parasites will cling.

In order to make it easier to get rid of the nits attached to the hair, it is necessary to make a special solution (water and 9% vinegar). After washing this composition of hair and head, the adhesive liquid of nits will wash off, it will be easier to comb them. The comb must be used with the teeth as tight as possible (in some drugs for lice, it comes in a set). To improve the effect after all the procedures, you can once again apply a balm on the hair, comb through the hair again.

It is recommended to perform the combing procedure using a magnifying glass in order not to miss a single parasite. It is better to do it one at a time, and then wash the scallop under running water and wipe it with a napkin to avoid reinfection. After combing it is better not to be lazy and re-use the means from parasites.

How to get rid of lice and nits during the incubation period? Suppose a situation in a preschool institution someone had pediculosis. Firstly, the diagnosis must be confirmed by a doctor, and only then proceed to treatment.

Kerosene treatment

As soon as the diagnosis is confirmed, it is necessary to immediately begin the fight against parasites. In practice, there are a large number of methods of folk treatment of this disease. They are in no way inferior to the drug.

Treatment with kerosene is leading in popularity in the fight against pediculosis. Kerosene is diluted with any kind of vegetable oil in proportions of 1:10. Then put this tool on the hair, put on top of the package, leave for 1 hour. After that, a person should take a hot shower, rinse everything off with an ordinary shampoo and use a thick comb to comb the hair well. This method is considered the most effective, but the minus is that the head still has a rather unpleasant smell. Kerosene helps to get rid of the disease in one procedure, but its use is contraindicated in children up to three years old and pregnant.

Treatment with a solution of vinegar and salt

Another good method of dealing with parasites is a solution of vinegar and salt. First you need to thoroughly wash and dry the hair. Next, gauze is taken and soaked in a prepared fresh solution of salt and wine vinegar in a ratio of 1: 5. Gauze is necessary to wind the hair for 1-3 days, periodically as it dries, changing the gauze to a new one. These gadgets will help get rid of the disease. But for the complete deliverance of pediculosis, it is necessary to repeat this procedure for several days.

Medicinal herbs in the fight against disease

Among the medicinal herbs from lice will help mint, devyasila, burdock. The leaves of these plants are crushed and poured boiling water, then insist about an hour. Broth scares lice and nits, but immediately get rid of them is unlikely to succeed. This remedy is well suited for preventive measures when, for example, parents have grounds for suspicion of an incubation period for lice in a child. Similar reasons can be the identification of head lice in kindergarten, school, with friends with whom the child has been in contact.

Prevention of pediculosis with essential oils

How to get rid of lice and nits in the incubation period, what other measures can be taken? Also as a preventive measure, they use essential oils of oregano, geranium, sage, which are added to shampoo or hair balm. These insects do not tolerate strong odors, dying from them. This method is good not only for its effectiveness in preventing pediculosis, but also for its cheapness and, importantly, for its safety.

What is the incubation period for nits and how long does it last?

The incubation period is considered to be the time interval that lasts from the moment of infection of the person, until the manifestation of the expressed symptoms of the disease.

Thus, the incubation period for head lice - This is the moment when it gets on a person's hair, before the onset of such symptoms as: severe itching of the scalp, small rash, the presence of live nits.

Biting several lice does not cause a person significant discomfort. But with the growth of the parasite population, the symptoms intensify. Adult louse per day lays 4-6 nits, on average, one insect lives 30-40 days, due to its fertility, only 2-3 weeks later, the population of parasites increases greatly.

When several generations of lice live on a person’s head, lice is diagnosed unmistakably. Moreover, this diagnosis can be made independently at home after examining the scalp and hair of a person.

The incubation period of the nits is the moment of attachment of the louse's egg (nits) to the human hair and before the larva leaves the cocoon. The period of maturation of the insect lasts, on average, from 5 to 7 days.

How much time do eggs ripen?

The speed of development depends on the environment, namely temperature and humidity.

Favorable conditions for the rapid maturation of the larvae - the temperature of the air plus 30 degrees at medium or high humidity. In such conditions, the young individual is ready to leave its cocoon in 5-7 days.

Air temperature plus 10 degrees is critical for the development of the larvae. In such conditions, all development processes stop and can be at rest for up to two months.

If after this time, the air temperature will increase to plus 20 degrees and above, the development of the larva will resume.

At air temperature plus 40 degrees and 0 degrees all the larvae die. But their cocoons (nits) remain on human hair until the sticky substance gradually loses its properties. Empty nits pose no threat to humans and visually resemble dandruff.

Stage of head lice development

Starting from the moment of birth, and ending with the day of death, the head louse goes through 4 stages of development:

  1. nit or egg. Under favorable conditions, the larva inside the nits develops from 5 to 7 days, with unfavorable conditions much longer from 14 to 60 days.
  2. Larva. When the larva leaves the cocoon, it visually resembles an adult, but at the same time has a smaller size (adult - 4 mm, larva - 1 mm) and underdeveloped genitals.

From the moment they leave the nits until the larvae turn into a first-order nymph, they pass one day.

  • Nymph first and second order. The first-order nymph develops very quickly, in just 5 days it reaches a size of 3mm and after molting it turns into a second-order nymph.
  • Mature individual (imango stage). The period of maturation, that is, the transition from a second-order nymph to a full-fledged adult, lasts 7-8 days. The young insect reaches the size of 4-5mm.

    After the first bite, the insect is ready to mate. Upon completion of sexual intercourse, the louse begins to lay eggs on the second day.

    The order of maturation of the parasite is observed by the number of changes in the shell. Louse in its natural structure does not grow evenly, while the body increases, the protective shell remains the same size.

    Therefore, it becomes small and cramped, the louse sheds it (molting takes place), and a new one grows in its place.

    So in his entire life, the insect sheds three times.

    Before puberty, there is a triple change of the protective shell:

    • first time. The transformation of the larvae in the first order nymph.
    • Second time. Transformation of a first order nymph into a second order nymph.
    • Third time. The transformation of the nymph of the second order into an adult.

    Is it possible to see how the larva hatches with the naked eye?

    A newborn or just-hatched louse has a very small size, just 1mm. To find it with the naked eye is very difficult. It is under the power of people with exceptionally sharp eyesight.

    You can feel the presence of a newborn louse by the characteristic itching of the scalp. Immediately after the release, the insect proceeds to good nutrition, that is, bites through the scalp to get to human blood.

    When a louse bite secretes a secret that prevents blood clotting, which causes an allergic reaction in the form of severe itching.

    In the treatment of pediculosis, it is very important to treat the head with a pharmaceutical tool or a folk method, at least twice with a break of 5-7 days.

    This is done in order to destroy not only adults, but also young offspring.

    After all, neither drugs, nor folk methods are not able to fully destroy the eggs (nits) lice.

    If, after the treatment of the head, it survives and at least one nit continues to develop, then after three or four weeks the outbreak of lice will repeat.

    Incubation period, time frame and how many of the nits appear lice?

    After how much time out of the nits lice appear? The incubation period for nits in a person takes longer than the period of development of adults, and is approximately 7 days. Nits are eggs (head lice eggs hatch out later), which are laid by lice. They look like small grains of a light, almost white color.

    At one time, an adult creature can set aside 4 -5 parasites.. Lice attach cocoons closer to the hair roots using a sticky composition. This fact makes treatment difficult, because it is extremely difficult to choose all the nits. Read more about the treatment of nits with vinegar at home, read our article. And if you have long hair, use our combing instructions.

    Minimum and maximum hatching

    As you already understood, the incubation period is the time of development from the egg to the larva that emerged from it. On average, it lasts from 5 to 8 days. The rate of egg development is strongly influenced by temperature..

    The smallest incubation period will be at an average humidity of about 30 degrees. If the temperature is higher or lower than this, the development time of the egg increases. At a temperature of more than 40 and less than 22 degrees, the eggs die, and the larvae will not be born.

    After how many days do the lice hatch from nits?

    How many days does the nit ripen? The incubation period of the parasite from egg to adult body is from 16 to 30 days. The rate of development and when nits hatch, as mentioned above, are affected by temperature. From the moment of birth to the end of life, your development involves 4 stages of development:

    • egg,
    • larva,
    • first and second order nymph
    • mature individual

    Stages of development from the larva to the adult creature:

    • mature larvae develop in one day and turn into a first-order nymph at an ambient temperature of +30 degrees. The lower the air temperature, the longer the incubation period of the offspring will last. For example, at +10 degrees transformation can last up to 10 days. Nymphs of the first order are similar to full-fledged adult representatives, differ only in their small size, and also in the underdevelopment of the genitals,
    • First-order nymphs molt in 5 days and turn into second-order representatives,
    • maturation of the nymph of the second order occurs in 8 days. At this stage, the louse turns into an adult organism capable of fertilization (the imago stage).

    On our website you can learn more about the types of lice and how to get rid of their eggs.
    Lice rapidly multiply. After how many days from nits do lice appear? In a month after hitting the first individual, the lice colony will be numerous, which will bring a lot of discomfort to the person infected. Mating of a newly-made individual can occur only after the first bite of a louse. Two days after this, the parasite will set aside the first batch of nits.

    After the birth of larvae bites occur already in the first few hours. The larvae, as well as all subsequent stages of transformation to an adult being, feed on human blood every 3-4 hours. Long without food they do not sit. Firstly, because the power source is always nearby, and secondly, they can live only a few days without food.

    Now you know after how many days the lice are removed from the nits, then we will consider the question of what a hatched louse looks like.

    What does it look like?

    Mature in size reaches 3 mmwhile the newborn is about 1 mm (about the size of a needle eye). A newly hatched larva will be noticed by people with exceptionally good eyesight.

    After the appearance of offspring into the world, the nits from which they hatched will remain in their hair for a long time. An empty cocoon becomes more like dandruff. It is very difficult to get rid of it with a comb.

    When you have read the information after how much lice are nits, at the first symptoms of infection with lice, you should immediately begin to fight them. Every day the parasites are becoming more and more, so the risk of infecting someone from the inner circle increases many times.

    The concept of the incubation period

    The general concept of the incubation period suggests the duration of the disease. The segment is calculated from the moment of infection, ending with the appearance of early signs of disease. Given the specifics of pediculosis, it is difficult to speak about the standard of obvious clinical manifestations.

    “Enjoying” the moment of infection, the louse immediately begins a parasitic “activity”. Insect bites slightly painful. Lice carrier rarely pays attention to them. In the process of cutting through the parasites inject a special enzyme into the blood. The substance has allergenic properties, causing a palpable itching. At first, the unpleasant manifestations are insignificant, given the small number of parasites in the hair.

    As insects multiply, the number of bites increases. Slight scratching turns into intense scratching. Appear:

    • redness
    • swelling
    • pustules,
    • skin damage.

    Such symptoms are alarming, suggest the idea of ​​infection with lice. How to understand that you have lice, symptoms and signs of the disease, you will find on our website.

    Attention! From the point of view of the disease, pediculosis is understood not as a single detection of insects, but as a complex of signs accompanying infection. In fact, the disease occurs when the parasites are actively settled territory.

    Based on the foregoing, the incubation period for lice in humans is the length necessary for the emergence of a new generation of adults. Initially, the carrier of parasites rarely attaches importance to a few unpleasant sensations.


    Delaying the onset of symptoms depends on the type of lice, environmental conditions. Similar factors affect the rate of development of nits. Head, body lice go the way of development from an egg to an adult insect in about 20 days (favorable conditions are imperative). In the pubic type, the process proceeds somewhat faster: approximately 18 days.

    The incubation period of lice (the appearance of noticeable symptoms) strongly depends on the conditions characteristic of the development of the offspring of insects. Lack of food is rare for head lice. It is characteristic, mainly, for a wardrobe type (change of linen by the carrier is necessary). For this reason, the slowdown of development, death occurs rarely.

    The length of the incubation period strongly depends on the thermal picture of the environment. The colder around, the longer the development of nits, nymph (hatched larva). Strong heat, scorching sun, frost - the conditions for the death of insects. At what temperature lice and nits die, read on our website.

    The optimal environment for individuals of any stage of development is + 30 ° C. Conditions on the street are not always indicative. In the north, the infected person is able to wear a hat on the street, be in a hot, heated area, creating ideal conditions for the development of parasites.

    Stages of development of parasites and the appearance of symptoms of lice

    The incubation period of the disease depends on how long the lice hatch from nits. The maturation period of the larvae varies within 5–8 days. Terms at which nymphs appear from nits are directly dependent on the ambient temperature. Ideal conditions peculiar to the minimum incubation period: medium humidity air with a temperature of + 30 ° C. In strong heat (more than + 40 ° C), at a moderate, low temperature (less than + 22 ° C) the development of nits stops.

    The appearance of the larvae will mark the intensification of the symptoms of the disease. A hungry nymph emerges from the cocoon and begins to feed heavily. The number of bites increases, itching repeatedly increases. The larva leaving the cocoon is less demanding on air temperature. It successfully develops at + 10 ° С. Although the temperature of + 30 ° C remains optimal for life. The average period of development of the primary nymph is 5 days (1–10, depending on air temperature).

    After the first molt comes the next stage of development - the secondary nymph. This period lasts about 8 days. The process also requires enhanced nutrition. The insect is growing, the need for food is increasing. Skin itching in the carrier increases, it is possible the formation of allergic reactions, scratching.

    After molting the nymph of the second circle, an adult individual (imago) appears, capable of breeding. Mature lice 1–2 days after transformation from a nymph mate. Females produce 3-4 nits daily. For a full cycle of life (about 45 days), lice leave up to 140 eggs.

    Note, the speed of development, the viability of individuals of any stage of development does not depend on the frequency of washing hair. Nits are resistant to many insecticides that have a detrimental effect on adults.

    The incubation period for lice and nits is quite long. Associating the appearance of the first symptoms with the moment of real infection can be difficult. For the timely detection of pediculosis is required to focus on unusual, unexpectedly itching, other characteristic manifestations.

    Infection prevention

    To prevent infection you need to remember where lice come from. Awareness of modes of transmission will help to maintain vigilance at the proper level. For the early detection of the disease is helpful attention to the symptoms.

    Concerned should be predisposed at risk. Any unexpected contact with a stranger is a signal of suspicion. Especially if the appearance of the individual does not inspire confidence. Overly close human relationships with outsiders are dangerous.

    Regular presence in the crowded mass of people (public transport, public events, sports) is a reason for control, prevention. Parents should inspect their children more often. Most attention is paid to offspring, leading an active lifestyle.

    In addition to the contact method of infection, there is a substantive method. Lice are transmitted through the use of other people's things. This applies to household items, hygiene products, clothing, jewelry (bedding, towels, hairpins, hairbrushes). It is necessary to refuse to borrow extraneous things, to teach this to children.

    In case of visiting public baths, swimming pools, swimming in open tanks with standing water, it is recommended to monitor the condition of the skin and hair. A wet environment maintains vitality to lice without food for up to 2 days, pubic appearance - longer.

    In all of the above situations, it is recommended to closely monitor the possible appearance of parasites.. Should be alerted to previously unusual manifestations:

    • itch
    • hair stickiness
    • peeling skin
    • allergic reactions
    • dots, spots, blisters on the skin,
    • unexpected occurrence of "dandruff" (nits).

    Any suspicion is a reason to consult a doctor, to conduct preventive treatment. Especially, it concerns cases of contact with obviously ill people.

    Myths are not born from scratch. There is a view of the appearance of lice on the background of stress. Overexcitation itself does not refer to the appearance of insects. But nervous condition with increased sweating, improved blood flow as an excellent bait for parasites. Details on whether lice can appear on the nerves of the soil, read our website.

    Information about the incubation period of lice, nits is useful to many. Periodic clash with the causes of head lice is inevitable. In time to recognize the symptoms, to know after what time they are possible, early treatment is important for effective deliverance from the parasites.

    How can you get lice?

    Lice, as a rule, appear from another person, and nits are born already in the period of activity on the hair. Infection can occur in the following places:

    • hostels,
    • children's camps and kindergartens,
    • apartments,
    • schools,
    • crowded places.

    The appearance of adult parasites in humans depends on numerous factors, among which are the following:

    1. Stress and nerve strain - lice show a special interest in people in these conditions. This is due to the fact that the blood of irritated, nervous, anxious people pulsates much more than the calm ones, and the sweat glands begin to release more substances, which is the bait for the parasites.
    2. Sexual contact with a person who is a carrier of lice. In this case, you can pick up both head lice and pubic.
    3. Using other people's hairbrushes and headdresses, to which the larvae, eggs of adult individuals have stuck.
    4. Use of towels and bedding belonging to another person.
    5. Clothes on which lice live.

    Lice are transmitted by close contact with the carrier of the parasite, when insects crawl from an infected head to a healthy one. This can happen when people sleep together in the same bed, or during contact games. Also, infection occurs through hygiene items, personal belongings and objects of use, clothing (hoods, hats, scarves), bed linen, while swimming in a pond - natural or artificial.

    Lice are not able to jump from an infected person to a healthy one, so they are transmitted only through close contact. But the time during which the infection occurs is only a few seconds.

    Knowing how the infection occurs, you can avoid louse damage. To do this, you need to use individual items of personal hygiene, everyday life, do not take water procedures in places where there is a large gathering of people, especially where the homeless swam, do not come close to people who have signs of pediculosis.

    Incubation period lice and nits

    Once the infection has occurred, the incubation period for the lice begins, which may depend on various factors and circumstances. When the louse lays eggs, nymphs appear after a certain time. They differ from adult individuals in that they are smaller, especially at the first stage of development. Gradually the nymph increases in size and, feeding on blood, begins to grow.

    Lice do not live long, but during this time have time to lay a large number of eggs. The incubation period for lice and nits has its own characteristics and runs the following development time:

    1. The period during which lice appear from the eggs, i.e. ripening time of nits is 5 to 8 days. To do this, there must be appropriate conditions - a sufficiently high air temperature (more than + 30ºС), humidity. If the temperature in the room or on the street exceeds the mark of + 40ºС, then the lice begin to die, as well as after -22ºС.
    2. Larvae develop within one day at a temperature of + 30ºС or 10 days, when the temperature drops to + 10ºС.
    3. After this, nymphs emerge from nits, the period of development of which at the first stage (first shedding) is 5 days.
    4. The second molt lasts 8 days, when the nymph becomes an imago, then a third molt occurs, with the result that the nymph becomes a louse.

    The imago is able to lay its own larvae as soon as it has eaten for the first time. When mating occurs, the female begins to lay eggs the very next day. An adult individual lives for about 46 days, and during this time almost 140 new lice can appear from one female. But this can only happen at a certain temperature.

    For how long does a nit become an adult? It takes about 18-23 days, during which the complete formation of lice occurs. And she starts to bite, disturbing the person at night.

    The time frame of infection may vary, depending on the season, method of infection. In particular, in the winter time the incubation period is significantly reduced and is about 16 days. In warm climates, the incubation time may increase.

    The above stages of the incubation period are characteristic of both head lice and pubic and wardrobe. The only difference is if a person often washes clothes and changes bed linen. In this case, the approximate time of the development of nits to an adult individual increases and may be about 50-60 days.

    The period of the first signs of infection

    The fact that an infection can occur, a person is not able to feel immediately. This is primarily due to the fact that the exact place is not known, the time of infection. The duration of the incubation period determines the period of activity of the lice. Typically, parasites bite after 7-14 days, when the first individuals that already feed on human blood begin to appear from the deposited larvae. As soon as the first symptoms of infection appear, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment.

    At the first signs - a brief itching and scratching - a person may not pay special attention. Therefore, parasites get a chance to develop their activity. After a month, both the child and the adult begin to feel the appearance of insects. Then the lice bite the skin to help the larvae, and if treatment for lice does not begin in time, the parasites begin to postpone the second generation of offspring.

    This process is accompanied by the fact that the person is constantly experiencing serious discomfort. After a month of development of the disease in an infected person, full-fledged symptoms of pediculosis can be observed, among which there are the following signs:

    1. Temporary itching, worse at night.
    2. Irritation on the skin.
    3. Nits in the hair.
    4. Pustular inflammation.

    So the patient becomes a potential source of infection for all others.

    How to get rid of lice?

    Knowing the source of infection, you can determine how to get rid of parasites. Make it much easier in the early stages of the development of nits and lice. Than less insects in the head, the faster you can get rid of lice. When the activity reaches a peak and the lice becomes abundant, the therapy becomes more complicated.

    Adults can develop immunity to poisons and drugs. In order to detect lice in time, it is necessary to regularly conduct preventive examinations. They must be performed periodically - several times a week. It is enough to do this 2-3 times a week to detect the larvae.

    For children, the term can be increased, especially for small ones. The same applies to people working in kindergartens, schools, medical and social institutions. Inspections should be very thorough, without haste, you need to carefully inspect all the strands, skin, hair roots.


    Watch the video: Lice-Mayo Clinic (July 2024).