Work with hair

Hair shielding procedure - 1 process that will leave incredible results


Hair is the wealth of a girl bestowed on her by nature. Unfortunately, there are many factors that negatively affect their appearance and structure.

A new procedure in cosmetology - screening will help protect yourself from this. It is able to protect hair from wind, sun and cold. A set of natural ingredients that are part of the drug, nourish the hair to the roots.

What is hair shielding and how many times to do to save the effect?

Hair shielding is one of the most popular and effective procedures of the present time. Its main task is to achieve full restoration of curls. To obtain a visual effect, it is enough to hold one session.

Treatment is carried out with the help of a fortified preparation that is able to penetrate deep into the bulb.

The screening tool consists of:

The duration of the procedure, how much it can hold, directly depends on the type, structure and degree of damage to the hair. On average, this indicator can be in the range of one to two weeks.

The peculiarity of the procedure is that the shielding has cumulative properties. The more frequent the procedure, the more time it will protect the hair. But do not abuse it. On average, it is necessary to apply the product every two or three weeks. If done more often, the curls can become heavy, and the effect of greasy hair appears on the surface.

The main types of procedure:

These two types are almost identical, the only difference is that there are coloring components in color. They are harmless, but not resistant. This paint quickly washed out with hair.

The difference between lamination and shielding

Quite often in beauty salons in order to revitalize, the hair suggests carrying out a lamination or screening procedure. Many who say that this is the same thing. In fact, services differ among themselves.

The product used for lamination acts exclusively on the surface of the hair. It envelops the curl shell into an airtight film, and shielding cures them from the middle. These two procedures “relate well” to each other, so they can be done both individually and together.

In order for the result of the procedure to please for a long time, it is necessary to use shampoo in which no exfoliating effect is provided for washing the head, and also make sure that alcohol is not included in the composition.

Advantages and disadvantages of the procedure: the pros and cons

Not every procedure to restore the structure of the hair is able to show instant results. This does not apply to shielding. After the first procedure, the hair becomes smooth and healthy.

Key benefits and advantages:

  • Thin hair gain volume. They stop pushing and combing without any problems.
  • Means completely restores dry, fragile and lifeless hair. All this is due to the trace elements that are part of the drug.
  • Colorless shielding gives curls a natural shade and shine. They become well-groomed and alive.
  • Color shielding is carried out by a preparation that does not contain ammonia.
  • As a result of the procedure, the curls become obedient and do not require styling, even after shampooing and drying with a hair dryer.
  • It protects the hair bulb from exposure to the external environment.

Like other drugs, screening has its drawbacks and minuses, namely:

  • has a small cumulative effect
  • The first screening procedure lasts until the first shampooing, but even after it, the hair looks much healthier.

For a full recovery, you need to spend from five to ten sessions.

Hair shielding procedure - 1 process that will leave incredible results

The desire of women to improve their beauty leads to resort to various methods and actions. Hair is a woman's pride, and from their appearance it is possible to understand how they care for them, so they use various kinds of procedures, including hair shielding.

The shielding procedure will make your hair shiny

Hair shielding is a new procedure, in which the hair becomes beautiful, shiny, as if with a mirror overflow. Many modern stars use this method of improving strands in order to always be at their best, because their appearance is their fame and earnings.

The difference between shielding and lamination

Both processes are designed to improve the appearance of hair, contributing to the beauty and radiance, but there is a difference between them. Lamination of hair shielding is different in that:

  • Lamination improves only the cosmetic condition, but shielding is not only a procedure for caring for the strands, but also for health purposes,

  • Lamination is done with the help of a single cosmetic, and during shielding a conditioner is used, the main tool and fixer, the procedure consists of 3 steps.


There are contraindications for screening:

  1. With baldness. Nutritional properties make the strands thick, fill the void, therefore, the strands will become heavier and the loss will be more intense.
  2. During an injury on the head. The infection can get into a cut or wound, it is better to postpone the process.
  3. Any diseases of the scalp.
  4. When oily type of hair. This is because the state of the strands will only get worse due to excessive sebum secretion.
  5. Allergic reaction to the components of the funds.

Indications for use, including for damaged hair

  • Dry strands, split ends.
  • Women after perm, because the condition has worsened, and the hair has been burned.
  • Naughty strands that are difficult to comb and lay.

  • Before the resort in hot weather, and constant exposure to the sun.
  • After laying a hairdryer, curling irons and irons.
  • After coloring the hair with harmful coloring agents.

Strand shielding in the cabin

Regarding the time of the process, we say that it is long and takes a lot of time compared to lamination.

  • At the first stage, the application of a special conditioner, which cleans the strands, levels them and prepares them for the existing means,
  • Next is the matter of life-giving oils, which include wax and silicone, extracts of the plant extract. The oils penetrate into the structure of the hairs, saturate them with a useful substance, and fill the void, the result is even and thick strands,
  • The third stage is a fixing tool that will increase the lines of action of the oils, make the strands beautiful, will give them the desired shape and shine.

Tip: if you have weak and thin hair, split ends and just a dull lifeless color of the strands, use the hair shielding procedure, which lasts up to 2 months, and nourishes the structure from the inside, allows you to breathe and recover hair.

Types of shielding in the cabin

  1. Color. So they reinforce not only the structure of the strands, but also give them some shade. It is not at all harmful, and even useful. There is no ammonia in the procedure kit, formaldehyde and other harmful components are also absent.
  2. Colorless. Such a process implies only an improvement in hairline without changing its color.

Price with Estelle

The set includes three bottles that are used in stages (steps are described above). The cost of a set varies from 1,800 to 2,500 rubles, and the price of hair shielding itself.
from 3000 to 5000 rubles, depending on the damage to the hair.

Means q3 therapy Estel Description

  1. Moisturizing and leveling oil (blue bottle).
  2. Firming oil with a restorative effect (orange bottle).
  3. Oil for shine and shine (purple bottle).

Tip: you can purchase such a kit in professional stores or via the Internet. Recommendations and instructions for use are on the packaging, so making it at home is not at all difficult.

Positive and negative sides

Estel hair shielding has such positive qualities:

  • The density, health and beauty of the strands,
  • The presence of a protective film that preserves the radiance of the curls, and provides full protection from the sun's rays,
  • Dryness, brittleness and split ends will remain in the past for a long time.
  • Malleability and grooming, easy to stack and comb,
  • The presence of natural ingredients
  • The ability to change the color or shade
  • Pleasant smell of hair.

Among the negative sides:

  • Expensive,
  • The hair is too electrified
  • Holds up to 50-60 days,
  • Can not be used for fatty strands,

Tip: comparing all the pros and cons, the decision to take only you should do the procedure, or better to abandon it.

Screening frequency: photo before and after

Estel shielding kits come with a different composition of components that hold the effect for more than a month, unlike other similar cosmetics that are washed away after 14 days. It is a quality product that will provide long-lasting durability, but its price will be higher than its counterparts.

The average frequency of screening is 1-1.5 months, if you carry out the process as often as it should be, the result will incredibly please you.

How to do the procedure at home

If you decide to improve your hair aesthetically, and improve your health, you don’t have to go to a salon, and pay money, screen your hair at home on your own, or with the help of your sister, mother or friend.

Tip: before you buy a set and start working, it is better to visit a trichologist, who with the help of special equipment will assess the condition of the scalp, hair and their structure, and will tell you exactly whether to carry out the process or better postpone it for later.

Actions during work:

  • Wash your hair and head with shampoos, dry up to half with a towel.
  • Apply conditioner to the wet strands, or the product that comes with the kit, cover the entire length with it.

  • Now take the second bottle with and put it all over your hair. To work with it, use protective gloves made of rubber or cellophane, and a massage comb with many bristles. The pigments that are in the composition, the means eats into the skin, and are not removed for a long time, so the gloves will be the way.

  • Read in the instructions how much your hair type needs to be with the product, for all this is different. Rinse with warm water and dry with a hair dryer or in a natural way.
  • At the last stage, apply the fixing mixture to the completely dried strands, and walk on them with a hot rectifier.

Important! Make the procedure at home, if you can not go to the salon, you save a significant amount of money, and the liquid in the bottle is enough for several times.

Famous Brands

The most popular and popular screening kits are brands:

  • Estelle Kew 3 Therapies,
  • Paul Mitchell.

Estelle's sets have 2 types of products, one of them is made for blond girls called Que 3 Blonde. Thanks to purple pigments, curls become light and without unwanted yellowness. Another type is used by fair-haired and dark-haired women of the beautiful half of humanity.

Estelle products cares for the hair, cures the dry type and makes it healthy. The price will be pleasantly pleased 1800-2100 rubles.

The Paul Mitchel kits offer a huge selection of color tools from Shine Clea, the dyeing and shielding process consists of the same steps as above. The price of such sets varies from 5500 to 7500 rubles.

Screening results

On the Internet pages, you must have highlighted a lot of photos showing the final result of the screening - the effect is amazing!

Immediately you can see how from a thin and weakened strands with a dull color turned out healthy, shining and shiny curls. They eat from the inside, so instead of lifeless, you see fully alive and moisturized, bright and stunning hair - the dream of every woman.

The screening procedure can be carried out at home, only you should carefully read the instructions.

It is not difficult to make a thick and lush hair with a beautiful shine and gloss, you need to purchase the necessary set that suits you, read the instructions for use, and make it yourself or with the help of a loved one, and the result will not keep you waiting!

Hair shielding what is it

If you are tired of looking for recipes for effective hair masks that bring your hair to life, then it’s time to take drastic measures. Have you heard of hair shielding? Doing this procedure, you get the effect, like Hollywood stars. Women around the world provide shields to their strands through shielding. This procedure is done by both professional masters in the salon, and ordinary girls at home. Learn about the intricacies of proper shielding.

Pros and cons of shielding hair

What is shielding? This is a medical procedure that, thanks to the active ingredients of the substance used, penetrates the damaged cuticles. Many people call it shining, from the English word “shine”, because after shielding the hair shines. Do not confuse the procedure with lamination, which uses a substance that forms a film around the cuticles and along the entire length of the strands. Advantages of shielding:

  • The procedure provides nutrition from the inside at the cellular level, and does not give the usual cosmetic effect.
  • You heal dry, brittle hair. After shielding, the problem of split ends will not bother you.
  • The natural components of the substance used in shielding are similar to those used in phytolamination.
  • Ammonia-free composition.
  • Due to the internal shielding effect, the hair becomes 1.5 times larger.
  • Hair easily combed, not confused, fit well.
  • Due to the external effects of shining, a protective film protects hair from aggressive factors such as sun, dust, mechanical and chemical damage.
  • Using shielding it is easy to color the strands.
  • Useful components accumulate in the hair cells, so with each new screening procedure, the effect lasts longer.
  • Nice smell.

Escaping has its drawbacks, so make sure before the procedure that you are satisfied with this effect:

  • Hair is electrified after each wash with shampoo, so you will need to use an antistatic balm.
  • After a single screening procedure, the effect will not last long. It is necessary to undergo a course of therapy to achieve the desired result.
  • If your hair has a healthy, shiny look, then externally you will not notice changes after the screening procedure.
  • It is undesirable to affect fatty bulbs and cuticles.
  • Hair is not made soft, but on the contrary, it becomes hard and heavy.

Technique of the procedure in the cabin

Before the procedure in the salon, you will be clearly answered the question of how hair shielding is done, and then they will tell you about the benefits. Signing up for shining, you get a three-phase treatment consisting of: moisturizing and smoothing the cuticles, regenerating and strengthening the damaged structure, laying on top of the strands of a protective film that provides shine. Here are the steps after which screening will become your favorite procedure:

  • The hair is washed with shampoo, wait a bit until it becomes wet, not wet (this time must pass without using a hair dryer).
  • Drugs are applied to the strands (a total of three, but each salon has its own policy).
  • Expect some time for the hair cuticles to absorb the preparations, after that the product is washed off.
  • Wait until the strands dry themselves without the help of a hairdryer. Then - blends are applied for hair shielding with or without a color effect.
  • After half an hour, the strands are dried with klymazon or sushiuar (professional salons should have such equipment available). In other cases, a hot air blower is used, the streams of which need to be directed along the entire length of the hair.
  • Applied balm, which fixes the procedure done. It is not necessary to wash it off, only to dry the hair again.
  • Look in the mirror - voila! Glitter strands irresistible. You are given advice on washing your hair - wait a couple of days for the nutrients to be well absorbed.

How to make the procedure at home

What is the difference between the process of screening the house and the procedure in the salon? The answer is simple - cost. Some people think that you should only turn to professionals for questions about hair care, but when you are armed with high-quality preparations and common sense, why not try it yourself? When purchasing a shielding kit, follow the instructions for use.

  1. The shielding procedure begins with cleansing the hair. To do this, use shampoo, which should be included.
  2. Allow hair to dry. Do not use a hair dryer, and instead, gently soak the excess moisture with a towel.
  3. Apply to the line of the forehead of children or fatty cream, and then proceed to the hair. So you avoid staining the skin.
  4. Following the description in the instructions of the drug, hold the main means necessary time for slightly damp hair.
  5. Next - shampooing, blow-drying, fixing the result.
  6. Tip: do not replace the drugs home remedies.

What is

Hair shielding is one of the most effective procedures aimed at restoring and curing damaged hair from the inside.

A distinctive feature of it from other similar ones is that the nutrients contained in the means penetrate literally into each hair, filling it from the inside. In addition, a thinnest protective silicone film is formed over the entire surface, which returns the lost shine to damaged hair, protects it from the effects of such aggressive external factors as the sun, wind, rain, and also performs the function constant thermal protection when laying.

For comparison, a more sensational procedure - lamination, gives curls only that very protective film, but does not penetrate into their structure and does not cure it from the inside. Quite often masters advise combine these two procedures, to obtain a more pronounced and long-term effect, since the duration of the screening lasts about one and a half months on not too damaged hair and about two weeks on severely injured.

Editorial Board

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, special attention should be paid to shampoos that you use.

A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands are substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the hair, the hair becomes brittle, lose elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer.

We advise you to abandon the use of funds in which these substances are located. Recently, experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems.

We recommend to visit the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Types of procedure

Screening is of two types - transparent and color. Under color shielding implies the procedure of dyeing paired with a regenerating session, so that the paint causes minimal damage to the strands and does not damage their structure.

This procedure is recommended only in the cabin under the supervision of a competent master.

But transparent shielding is quite possible to perform. at home using a set of tools from the brand Estel. At the moment, there are two types of kit from this brand available: for damaged and bleached hair. Each Estel Q3 package contains three products for the screening procedure, which is enough for more than one time even for very long hair, as it has a cumulative effect. Amino acids and proteins contained in them fill the curls from the insidethis is the main difference from the famous lamination.

Each bottle has a numbering on how to apply the tool and its function, so that hair shielding with Estel preparations can be safely carried out at home.

1 – two phaseair conditioning with natural oils and silicones in the composition, which is applied to fresh, wet hair. It deeply moisturizes the hair, gives it smoothness and helps in combing.

2 – indelible oil with silicones, for deep filling and filling the damaged structure. Apply to the driest part that needs the most restoration.

3 – spray oilwhich covers the hair with a protective layer and protects against the effects of external irritants and cold or hot temperatures.

Stages of conducting at home

During the procedure at home, you can choose any shampoo, as the funds are applied to clean hair. In the beauty salon, you will certainly be offered the shampoo of the same Estel brand, the use of which will only contribute to the best result from the procedure.

The funds are applied one after the other with a break of no more than five minutes in the following order:

  1. Wash your hair and dry your hair with a towel. Identify the most damaged areas and spray the number 1 tool on them.
  2. After a few minutes, apply Estel oil before warming it up a little in your hands. Pay special attention again to the most damaged areas.
  3. After the oil is sufficiently absorbed, apply the number 3 product to the hair and spread it well on the curls with a comb with occasional teeth.

At the end of the application, the curls are straightened with the help of an ironing tool in order to consolidate the effect and “solder” the cut hairs.

You shouldn’t be too afraid to harm your hair, because Estel’s applied products gave the hair all the necessary protection from the hot temperature of the straightener with the help of nutrients and silicones. After completing the straightening procedure, you should again spray oil, but in a smaller amount.

What is hair shielding?

The result of the procedure is the coating of the strands with a kind of protective film (screen), hence the name. Many take it for lamination, but it is not. Lamination is a shallow procedure; shielding results in a deeper penetration of active chemical substances into the hair structure. The appearance of the hair after shielding looks healthier, fresher, acquires a glossy shine and becomes thicker.

Problems that can be fixed with Estelle's shielding:

  1. split ends of strands,
  2. dryness and brittleness
  3. damage after staining,
  4. thin and emaciated curls.

It is not recommended to resort to the procedure in the presence of excessive clogging of the hair. If there are indications for use, you can purchase the Estel Therapy shielding kit and start therapy.

The result of the procedure is a voluminous and attractive hairstyle. The volume is achieved by thickening hairs. An oily spray will add an extraordinary shine to the curls. Among other things, the external factors are not afraid of hair. The task of Estelle is to protect and restore hair, and everything else is nice bonuses.

Hair shielding - photo before and after

The advantage of this procedure is the ability to hold it on the natural hair color, keeping it, and together with coloring if you want to change the image. The manufacturer's stated terms of the effectiveness of the procedure up to 3 weeks. But this is due to the individual characteristics of the hair and the degree of damage. With each flush, the enveloping film will wash off and become thinner. In the case of dyeing, the color of the strands will become dimmer. After some time, the procedure must be repeated, but it will only positively affect the quality of the hair. Escaping has a cumulative effect, with each subsequent procedure, the state of the hair will be improved. The long-term effect is directly dependent on the original quality of the strands. In order to ensure the quality and result of the procedure, you can see the photos before and after.

Estelle buy hair shielding kit

You can buy a set of Estel tools for shielding online or in a specialized store. Estelle hair shielding, the price of a quality drug may vary from 1200 to 1600 rubles. You should not look for cheaper products, as the elements in the composition of the active substance can cause allergic irritations. Many would agree the price is not so low, but why risk the health and quality of curls.

Having on hand a set of Estel Therapy procedure can be carried out independently at home. Cosmetic company Estelle provided it and released a set of products for home use. This kit includes:

  • shampoo for deep cleaning,
  • hair balsam
  • film stabilizer,
  • fixer,
  • instruction,
  • gloves.

The main task of Estel THERAPY cosmetics is the restoration of depleted hair from the inside.

Components and their impact on the state of hair:

Proper care after the procedure

In order for the hair to retain its original appearance for a long time, it is necessary to take proper care of it:

  • Means for washing the head should have a minimum amount of alkali.
  • Several times a week you should feed the curls with masks from natural ingredients: from gelatin or prepared in vegetable oil.

And also you should not wash your hair for two days after the procedure. In addition, after each wash, it is necessary to use balms made from natural ingredients.

With regard to staining, then after screwing it is necessary to wait with him, as the chemicals that are part of the paint, can react with the means used.

Stages of screening in the cabin and at home

This type of procedure can be carried out both in the salon and at home. The main thing is to follow all the rules while working.

Stages in the cabin:

  • Thorough shampooing is done using shampoo. After that, you need to wait for some time so that the hair dries in a natural way;
  • Gradually three kinds of substance are applied to the curls. In this state, you need to stay until complete absorption of funds.
  • After the hair is completely absorbed, the head is washed off with warm, running water without the use of soap.
  • After complete drying, a second type of preparation is applied, which has a colored effect. Then you need to wait 30 minutes so that the product is absorbed.
  • At the end of the allotted time, the head will need to be dried with a stream of warm air. Klimazon, a musuar and, in rare cases, a hair dryer are used for this. The main task of this stage is to keep the curls evenly. An effective result can be achieved if you use the first two devices.
  • The end of the procedure is carried out by applying a special liquid, which should be dried.

Re-treatment of hair should be recommended by a hairdresser.

The sequence of holding at home:

  • Wash your hair with a suitable shampoo and wait a while for them to dry.
  • Next, apply a two-phase balsam and aged on the surface according to the instructions.
  • Then apply the remaining two drugs in turn, as indicated on the package.
  • After that, it is necessary to dry the hair evenly with a hair dryer, as long as the air is not hot.
  • After complete drying, the curls are ready for the hairstyle.

If you follow the sequence of steps and rules for applying the product, you can independently achieve a high result from the procedure.

This video presents a step-by-step screening procedure, where you can see the difference between what kind of hair was and which became.

Quality kits and shielding tools

Every day on the market of cosmetology all new manufacturers of hair restoration products appear.

This set of drugs strengthens and moisturizes damaged hair. Funds are able to fully restore the alkaline balance. The drug perfectly protects the curls from exposure to ultraviolet radiation and chemicals for styling. Estel Q3 should be used by those who wish to protect them from the effects of paints, restore the structure after frequent straightening, get rid of split ends.

One of the popular shielding tools. With this kit it is easy to achieve the desired result. The kit has all the necessary tools to make your hair look appropriate.

  • Paul Mitchell.

The most famous brand that is particularly popular among professionals. The special formula of the products allows you to quickly and efficiently degrease hair and, moreover, is suitable for different types of hair.

User Reviews

I learned about hair screening a few months ago from my neighbor. After a few weeks, I decided to do this procedure. I went to the same salon as my friend. The whole process lasted about two hours. The result just won me over. I could not believe that I have such hair. The first few hours could not see enough of the mirror. They really became similar to those that are drawn in magazines.

Ekaterina Brutskaya, 27 years old.

Has carried out procedure a few days ago. The result is, of course, fascinating. The hair is even and docile. Now you do not need to do hair, they are so beautiful. One downside is the price. If you do it once, then it's normal, but 10 sessions is expensive.

Anastasia Voroshilova, 25 years old.

The screening procedure was advised to me by a hairdresser, who made me highlight on my dark hair. I came to a specialist in about a month. The full process of healing hair took more than an hour. When she came home, her parents were delighted. The hair really became shiny and non-fluffy. I really liked it and now I am preparing for the next trip to the hairdresser.

Olga Korneeva, 31 years old.

Escaping is what helps to make hair beautiful and healthy from the first time. With its proper holding the hair will long please its brilliance and obedience.

No matter how you do styling, harmful and naughty hairs strive to get out of it. What to do? The beauty industry of hair does not stand still, and now there are many means ...

Healthy and shiny hair - a real decoration for any woman. But sometimes even the most careful care does not always help to achieve the desired effect. Laminating will come to the rescue ....

What is it and what will be the effect?

Screening is the restoration and sealing of the hair shaft with a special ultra-thin protective film. The hair retains moisture inside, the scales are smoothed, and the hair gets the same mirror shine as in a shampoo commercial.

After the procedure, the hair becomes more healthy and luxuriant., even if by nature they are quite liquid.

Screening is a fundamentally new and safe method of hair restoration, which has no analogues, thanks to which hair shines with health. Abroad, the screening procedure is called shining (shining) which means “shine” in Russian.

We offer to watch a video on what hair shielding is:

What is the effect of shielding hair?

One of the newest but successful salon services that have gained popularity is hair shielding. Customer reviews this procedure is positive. Many celebrate the transformation for the better. What is especially pleasant, this manipulation gives not only a cosmetic, but also a tangible therapeutic effect.

In the course of shielding, the active substances of special agents affect the hair structure. The procedure has a nourishing, moisturizing and firming effect. In addition, after screening, the hair is able to withstand the negative effects of the environment, including withstand the effects of hot styling. The hair covered with a protective film will delight its owner with a luxurious glossy shine, healthy appearance, additional volume, softness and silkiness. Particularly pleasant is the fact that the composition of the funds for the procedure includes the most valuable natural ingredients, which are characterized by good bioavailability for hair and minimal adverse effects.

Features of funds for the procedure

The most popular in domestic beauty salons for the implementation of the shielding use two lines of tools:

  • Q3 Blond and Q3 Therapy, presented by the company Estel Professional (Belarus).
  • Paul Mitchell (USA).

The essence of the action of both rulers is the same - the creation of a special tread film on the hair structure, as a result of which the hair is enriched with nutrients and the normal level of moisture is restored. The effect is especially noticeable on heavily damaged hair. Due to the special components of the shielding rulers, the penetration of the active components takes place at the very core of the structure. The outer layer of the cuticle is sealed. Thus, the effect is maximum: recovery - from the inside, luxurious shine - from the outside. Hair shielding, reviews of which make it possible to realistically assess the quality of the procedure, quickly gained popularity among beauty salon clients.

The difference between the two lines is that with the overall effect of the Paul Mitchell products have a coloring effect on the hair. The palette is provided in 32 colors for every taste. The stylist will help you find the right shade based on the client's color type. At the base of the paint there is no ammonia, the pigment has a soft coloring effect. Due to the parallel screening procedure, the resulting color will be brighter, richer and last longer.

Who shows screening?

Since the procedure of shielding hair has a therapeutic effect, there are clear indications for its implementation.

It is best suited to solve the following problems:

  • Hair with obvious damage: thin, dry, brittle, with split ends.
  • Frequent use of hot styling: hair dryer, tongs, ironing.
  • Consequences of exposure to chemical components: curling, permanent straightening, aggressive staining.
  • Problematic hair: dull, dehydrated, faded.
  • Hair, often exposed to aggressive external factors: active sun, frost, wind, exposure to salty sea water.

Shielding can not only solve many hair problems, but also protect them from the adverse effects of the environment.

Are there any contraindications?

Hair shielding, reviews of which are positive and enthusiastic, motivates thousands of women to take advantage of this procedure, and has its own contraindications. Experts do not advise to resort to this manipulation, if there is at least one of these signs:

  • Hair loss, especially due to alopecia. After shielding, the hair becomes heavier, which may intensify their loss with the current tendency.
  • Long, heavy and thick hair. This procedure will give additional weight and can bring discomfort to the owner. In this case, the shielding of hair reviews is not so flattering, since the effect is not very noticeable. Experts recommend that with thick and long hair use another salon procedure - glazing, in which the effect of shine without weighting is provided.
  • Oily hair and scalp. When conducting shielding, this effect can only intensify.
  • The presence of any diseases of the scalp.
  • Tendency to allergies or individual intolerance to the components of the drugs.
  • The presence of injuries or damaged surfaces on the scalp.

In the presence of these signs of the screening procedure, it is better to refrain or use another salon service after consulting a doctor and a stylist.

Advantages of the shielding procedure

The popularity of this salon manipulation is due to the fact that it has a lot of positive aspects. Unlike similar lamination or aluminization procedures, which have only a visual cosmetic effect, screening is considered to be a curative procedure. The composition of the funds include natural ingredients that do not have aggressive effects and are suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Escaping damaged hair looks especially impressive. Even after the first procedure, additional volume appears, the curls become healthy and well-groomed, showy shine, elasticity, softness, split ends disappear. Hair is easy to comb and easily styled. Many clients of the salons remain delighted after the first session and intend to definitely support the effect of the procedure. Particularly contrasting look photos on the topic "Escaping hair: before and after" it is on lifeless, weakened hair. Such an obvious difference is the best advertisement for this salon procedure.

An additional bonus may be a combination of shielding with a change in hair color. Coloring is carried out according to a gentle, ammonia-free technology, which is provided by the manufacturers of the line for the procedure. As a result, the hair is absolutely not damaged, but on the contrary, saturated with nutrients. After such a combined manipulation, the color looks the most advantageous and bright and pleases its owner over a longer period of time.

After screening, the hair acquires a protective film. You can safely go on vacation to the sea and not worry about their hair. The screen also protects against daily hot styling, saving hair structure.

It should be noted that the popular hair shielding “Estel” has a cumulative effect - the specialist will recommend to repeat this procedure at least five times or more, depending on the type of hair and the degree of damage. The interval between sessions is 1-2 weeks.

Disadvantages of the procedure

Despite all the obvious advantages of screening, customers also highlight a few drawbacks. After the procedure, the hair has a tendency to electrify. To eliminate this effect, it is necessary to use a balm after washing with shampoo. Some ladies say that hair has become tougher, weighted and acquired the appearance of icicles. Perhaps this is due to the fact that funds during the procedure was taken excessive amount. There is also a short-term effect from the procedure, especially from the first one. For a fairly stable result, at least five screening sessions are required.

Salon hair shielding procedure

The most popular and popular at the present time is hair shielding "Estel". It is implemented by the Q3 Blond and Q3 Therapy product line. Both series deserve attention, as they take into account the specifics of the hair.

The Q3 Blond series is designed specifically for blondes. The composition includes natural vegetable oils macadamia, argan and camellia, which provide nutrition, restoration and hair care. The feature of Q3 Blond is that it incorporates a special purple pigment that gives blond hair a noble color and neutralizes yellowness.

The Q3 Therapy series is designed to restore damaged hair. In addition to argan and macadamia oils, the products of this line contain valuable grape seed oil, which unequally restores hair structure, as well as siloxane. This substance is an analogue of silicone, it gives additional volume of hair.

Shielding sequence

The hair shielding kit of both series consists of three products. All of them are included in the process in a timely manner.

To begin with, the master makes a deep cleansing of the scalp and hair with the help of a special professional shampoo. This will help to clean the hair structure from dirt, chemical components of styling products and balms. Hair is slightly dried with a towel.

Next, the vial number 1 is used, which contains a two-phase conditioner Q3 Blond or Q3 Therapy. It is recommended to shake and spray on slightly damp hair along the entire length, avoiding contact with the roots. The conditioner moisturizes, restores the level of acidity of the hair, smoothes the structure of the cuticle, and also neutralizes yellowness.

Then comes the turn of the funds at number 2, which is Q3 Blond oil or Q3 Therapy oil. Depending on the degree of damage, you need a volume obtained from one to three presses on the dispenser of the bottle. This volume should be evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair, stepping 2 cm from the roots. Next, you need to comb the hair with a comb with rare teeth. This tool nourishes the hair, restores and seals their structure.

The next step is to use the product number 3, which is referred to as Q3 Luxury gloss oil. It should be applied after 10-15 minutes after the previous procedure. After applying the oil, the hair must be carefully combed. The hair as a result receives a protective screen from negative external influences. In addition, it is worth noting the incredible mirror shine, brightness of color, silky hair. Do not abuse the oil in order to avoid unnecessarily weighting the hair.

Hair shielding Q3 completes the hot styling procedure, which peculiarly fixes the effectiveness of all products.

How long will the screening effect last?

The result obtained lasts 1-3 weeks, depending on the initial state of the hair. Experts prescribe the number of procedures that will need to be repeated 5-10 times with a time interval of 1-2 weeks. This is the cumulative screening effect, which will last longer with each subsequent session. The next course of this salon procedure masters recommend repeating no earlier than six months later.

Salon Procedure Cost

This type of salon care, many consider it quite affordable. Hair shielding, the price of which depends on the length of the hair and the location of the salon, will cost from 250 to 1500 rubles per session. Many women who have experienced this procedure are impressed with the result. And believe that the price is quite adequate effect.

Is it possible to do shielding at home?

Hair shielding at home is quite affordable for every woman. Sets similar to those used by masters in the salons are commercially available. However, it is worth buying them in company stores in order to avoid falsification. Detailed step-by-step instructions for carrying out the manipulations accompany each set and make it possible to easily screen hair at home. The whole process does not take much time, and the result will please with its visual effect.

Homemade hair shielding, the price of which consists only of the cost of a set, will cost 1300-1500 rubles. The volume of the bottles should be enough for several courses, especially if the hair is not long. Many women believe that the skillfully conducted home screening procedure is not inferior in salon efficiency and saves money and time.


Science does not stand still, new developments of scientists in cosmetology amaze imagination. Modern skin and body care products are so effective and affordable that any woman can become irresistible. The main thing - do not spare the time, effort and money for a loved one. The result will turn to a woman admiring glances and compliments of men. Be beautiful and irresistible!

Hair shielding: how does it work?

In essence, shielding is a unique procedure for healing hair, the technique of which is in many respects similar to lamination and glazing. However, unlike the latter, the screening gives not only a cosmetic effect in the form of smooth, shiny curls, but also contributes to their intensive recovery at the cellular level. The nutrition of the internal structure of the hair is provided by special caring components contained in shielding preparations. Along with this, the surface of the hair shafts protects a dense layer of transparent glossy film of healing oils. Enveloped by an invisible film, the hair becomes thicker, due to which the hairstyle acquires additional volume. The duration of the preservation of the effect depends on the structure of the hair and varies within 2-3 weeks.

Pros and cons of the procedure:

Knowledge of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular cosmetic procedure makes it possible to make the most objective decision about the need to use it. So, let's talk about the pros and cons of hair shielding:


  • gives hair a noticeable amount,
  • gives the hair incredible brilliance, smoothness and silkiness,
  • covers up to 35% gray hair,
  • fills hair rods with nutrients
  • protects hair from the effects of negative external factors, chemical and mechanical damage,
  • provides hydration split ends,
  • prolongs the durability of the painting,
  • facilitates the process of hair styling
  • the procedure is not related to exposure of ammonia and other aggressive substances to the hair,
  • there is a cumulative effect.


  • the acquisition of hair a little stiffness,
  • short duration effect
  • not cheap cost of the procedure.

Professional hair shielding

Since shielding is a relatively new technology for the treatment of damaged curls, not all beauty salons have managed to include it in the list of their services. If you have a chance to undergo the procedure from a professional master, be prepared for the fact that you will be offered 2 screening options - colorless and color. And in fact, and in another case, you can count on shining glossy curls. The only difference between the technologies - the final shade of hair. Colorless shielding retains the original pigment, therefore it is recommended to owners of unpainted and bleached hair. Color technology is suitable for girls who want to change or enhance the existing shade, but at the same time eliminate the impact on the hair of ammonia, hydrogen peroxide and other alkaline compounds. So that you have an idea of ​​how the salon hair shielding procedure takes place, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with its main stages:

  1. To begin with, the hair is washed and slightly dried with a towel.
  2. After they apply a complex of drugs (often use 3 products) and wait a little time until the active substances fill the hair structure from the inside.
  3. This is followed by the processing of the hair color or colorless shielding composition.
  4. After half an hour the hair is dried with hot air. It promotes the fastest penetration of useful substances.
  5. The screening procedure is completed by covering the curls with a special balm that “seals” the previously applied preparations inside the hair. After the head a little more dry hair dryer.

The effect of shiny and smooth hair will be visible immediately after the procedure.

Which means of shielding is better to choose

When choosing a tool for shining, pay attention to its cost. Excessively cheap goods indicate a fake, so expect a positive result from them is not worth it. Professional tools, known on the world level, have passed the international certification and won many awards. These are shielding kits from Kemon, Q3 Therapy Estel, Paul Mitchell. The difference between them is not how much the effect lasts, but in composite components. Check out more details.

Hair screening at home: a step by step description of the technique

If you want to save money, you can perform a hair shielding procedure at home. To do this, you will need a special set of screening tools, which can be purchased in specialized stores. Take into account that the success of the home procedure depends not only on the correctness of the technique, but also on the quality of the materials used. Such shielding manufacturers as Estel, Q3 Therapy, Redken and Paul Mitchell have won a good reputation. Technique performance should not cause you much difficulty.

Step 1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo, then distribute the two-phase balsam over the entire length of the hair.

Step 2. Lightly dry your hair with a hairdryer or, even better, in a natural way. As a result, the hair should remain slightly moist.

Step 3. Apply shielding agent to hair and soak it according to the time specified in the instruction.

Step 4. After the allotted time, rinse the hair thoroughly under strong water pressure.

Step 5. Dry your head using a hair dryer in the mode of hot blowing.

Step 6. Cover the curls with a fixative composition, trying not to miss a single hair.

Step 7. Complete the healing session by re-drying the hair with a hairdryer.

This is the result that the hair shielding procedure promises.

Features for blondirovannyh and damaged strands

Damaged and bleached hair needs extra protection and deep moisture. therefore It is very important to pay attention to the chemical composition of the shielding means. - the more natural oils and components, the better the curls will look after the procedure.

So, at the manufacturer Estel you can find shielding kits designed specifically for blonde and damaged hair - Q3 Blond and Q3 Therapy.

In their composition you can find macadamia oil, camellia and argan, which give hair shine, neutralize yellowness and protect from the negative effects of light and temperature.

Difference from lamination

Many people mistakenly believe that shielding is the same as lamination.. Of course, in some ways these procedures are similar - in the first case, in the second case, a protective film is formed on the hair shaft, after which the hair looks smoother and shinier.

When laminating, the film is more dense and airtight - the hair looks better, but the water balance is disturbed and the structure of the hair is destroyed.

What are the kits for the procedure?

Kemon - products from the famous Italian manufacturer of hair care cosmetics. Favorably differs from competitors by the fact that there are no allergenic components and artificial colors in the brand’s products. Due to the special composition of the drug can not only strengthen the hair shafts, but also tame the naughty curly hair.

The kit includes a smoothing cream, a neutralizer, a complex with ceramides to restore the structure and a fixative.

The cost of a set varies from 2.5 to 3 thousand rubles.

Paul Mitchell

Paul Mitchell is an American brand that produces sets for both classic and color shielding.. The composition of the funds includes many nutritional components of natural origin, such as wheat proteins, soy protein, chamomile extract and yarrow. The set consists of four means - a cleansing shampoo, a moisturizing mask, a means for shielding and a fixer that prevents tangling.

The price of a screening kit ranges from 5,000 to 7,000 rubles (if you buy each product separately).

The Russian brand, which managed to win the trust of consumers through budget and high-quality cosmetics for hair. In the line for screening can be found set designed for natural and bleached blonde Q3 BLOND, as well as a set for heavily damaged hair Q3 THERAPY.

The average price for a set of funds varies from 2000 to 2500 p.

We offer you to watch a video about the hair shielding procedure using Estelle:

The procedure in the cabin and at home

How trivial it might sound, but salon screening differs from home only in cost.

The effect will be the same if you follow this simple instruction.:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo - ideally, it should be a shampoo from a set or from the same brand marked "for deep cleaning".
  2. Apply the first drug to your hair - most often it is a preparing balm, but each brand may have different procedures.
  3. Apply shielding to your hair - try to distribute the drug evenly, stretching it from root to tip. If the shielding is colored, treat the hairline, ears and neck with a greasy cream so as not to stain the skin. Hold the time specified in the instructions.
  4. Wash off with water. Excess funds remaining on the hair, can make them visually dirty and untidy, so water should be enough.
  5. Dry your hair - let it dry naturally, to a semi-moist state.
  6. Apply a retainer and maintain the time specified in the instructions, then rinse with water.
  7. Hair dryer hot.

Do not attempt to replace any of the stages with air conditioners or masks from the mass market.. At best, this will nullify the entire screening effect, at worst, it will cause an unpredictable chemical reaction.

After the procedure, do not wash your head for 2 days, this will allow the product to be absorbed and it is better to close the hair scales.

We offer to watch a video on how to properly carry out the procedure for shielding hair:

Before and after pictures

In the photo below you can see how the hair looks before and after screening.


In order for the result of the screening for a long time pleased you with luxurious brilliance and care, follow the following recommendations:

  1. Refrain from washing your head for the first 2 days after the procedure.
  2. Do not use shampoos that contain alkali.
  3. In order to not electrified hair, use special balms and sprays.
  4. Dye your hair before shielding, not after. Otherwise, you will reduce the effect of the procedure to nothing.

Kemon Kit

If you want to find out if your hair is straightened from shielding, then using Kemon kit, you will achieve this effect. It includes a smoothing cream, a neutralizer, a restoring complex Keratin Plus, a cream conditioner, fixing all the action. The Kemon kit is used in both hot and cold procedures. He is well established among the masters of hairdressers.

Q3 Therapy Estel

Estel's product line offers separate sets for blondes and dark-haired girls (Q3 Blond and Q3 Therapy). They have a two-phase conditioner, two oils, which include extracts of argan, macadamia, camellia, siloxane (an analogue of silicone). First, a cleansing shampoo is applied, then an oil for shielding, and at the end the procedure is fixed, the hair becomes shiny. Do not forget the hot styling! If you decide to buy, then the Estel hair shielding kit will be priced at about 2000 rubles.

How often can hair shielding be done

The frequency of screening procedures depends on the initial condition of the hair. If they were in a deplorable situation, then again the master should be contacted within the first 1-2 weeks. Each time, the procedure will be further postponed due to the accumulation effect in the strands. If you are engaged in shining at home, go through the minimum course - 5 treatments for strands. If it seems to you that this is not enough, extend the course to 10 sessions. How long does the shielding effect last? Depends on your hair composition, but the repeated course is carried out in 6-10 months.

The approximate cost of the procedure in the salon

The price of shielding depends on the professionalism of the master, the selected set, the length of the hair. The approximate cost of the procedure in the cabin when using funds from Paul Mitchell: a short length - 1700-3000 rubles., The average - 2900-4000 rubles., Long - 3500-5000 rubles. The prices are not too affordable, but for a stunning effect, it is worth trying! The procedure of shining when applying Q3 Blond and Q3 Therapy from ESTEL Professional: short length - 250-800 rubles., Average - 400-1000 rubles., Long - 700-1500 rubles. Cheap, but only because the country of origin is Russia.

Video: what is better shielding or lamination hair

If you can not decide what your hair needs - in lamination or shielding, watch the video below. Hair stylist will explain in a clear language, what is the difference between these procedures and why they should be done. One small piece of advice: if there is a summer season ahead, then lamination should be done to the sea, and if you don’t have time to rest, proceed to scaling. Why? The answer is in the video.

Screening from Estel - my opinion + photo of the result. Beautiful, well-groomed hair.

In my review, first of all I will talk about shieldinghow about a home procedure that you can do with set from Estel.

In general, such a procedure is offered for a long time in many hairdressing salons, its cost is from 500 rubles and more. Having tried once make her in the cabinI liked the result, but not enough to attend for the sake of this salon. Therefore, I decided to order shielding kit.

I have to say that in the free sale, you are unlikely to manage to find this set, I ordered through a familiar hairdresser. The cost of the set is approximately 1000 rubles.

I have a set for blonde hair Q3BLONDE and it looks like this:

It is sold in a beautiful box, but it is very large, so I got rid of it, the kit includes instructions for use in different languages, including in Russian.

In the set: a two-phase conditioner, oil for blondirovanny hair, and oil shine for all types of hair (it smells very nice).

The procedure is very simple. First you need to wash your hair, preferably with estel shampoo, but I wash different, for example, I used Dove shampoo for this procedure.

After washing and squeezing the hair with a towel, we apply alternately three stages of products. Between stages i dry my hair with hot air, in order to funds absorbed better.

After that, we style the hair and apply again the 3rd stage - oil-gloss and it turns out this beauty:

I have been using this tool for about 6 months, with a periodicity of 2 times a month, especially I did not notice the recoverybut instant effect is very coolhair look after the salon, so most often the screening procedure, I spend before any event.

This is how my hair usually looks before the procedure:

Yes, after the procedure, the hair is shiny, soft, smell good (from the oil-shine), but they not restoredas promised by the manufacturer. For this, I put 4 stars.

I don’t recommend to go to the salon on such procedures, it’s not worth the money, because the effect lasts until 1 wash. About the cumulative effect - I can also say, after half a year of procedures - magic was not detected.

In spite of this, I am very pleased with this set, since the price corresponds to the effect, 1000 rubles, and the set-up will last very long. Unfortunately means end unequally. Therefore, then you have to pick it all one by one, which, by the way, also works well.

And lastly a few tips:

  • comb your hair after applying 1 phase - conditioner, with him it will turn out easy and simple,
  • Phase 2 oil can be applied quite a shame, but from the middle of the hair, oil is absorbed well,
  • and with the 3rd phase oil-shine - it is better not to prejudice, otherwise the hair will become oily, and get the effect of greasy hair.

Thank you all for your attention

Salon procedure. Houses more profitable!

Not so long ago, after the main procedure in the hair salon, I was given a “bonus” - hair shielding, I liked the effect and liked it and I decided to purchase this kit for home use and care. And did not regret

I ordered a set in the online store. The price compares favorably with others. But without a trick, it came quickly, what is needed, of good quality. It looks very status

What is a screening kit? It is a restorative complex for hair of 3 products: protecting regenerating conditioner, oil and shine oil.

The procedure is based on the unique properties of argan oil, as well as macadamia and grape seed oils, providing deeper nutrition, restoration and protection and filling them with vitality and energy.

I unfortunately did not find a detailed description of the compositions, so I am content with the description, consistency and the final result

Tool №1 Conditioner for badly damaged hair

The texture is light, oily, the spray angle is very good, you need only a few taps.

Effect: even with this tool alone, it is felt that the hair is protected from drying out, the tips do not push. Only this air conditioner was taken to rest. With the protection of hair, he coped brilliantly.

Means №2 Oil for damaged hair

The consistency is denser than the previous one, which is more bulky, but it does not weigh down the hair.

Means No. 3 Oil gloss for all types of hair

The consistency is light, pleasant, hair in a light cloud of beauty and security

All is applied to clean, wrung hair from excess moisture, in the sequence 1,2,3.

The composition perfectly protects, deeply nourishes, gives shine, in the home, at the price of an online store set enough sooooo long. You can not use expensive status shampoo-care, with this set a full care provided. And the hair is easier to style. Try it yourself

Favorite salon procedure!

Today I want to tell you about the hair shielding procedure.

About the screening learned from my hairdresser and decided to try.

Now I will tell about the procedure in the salon:

2. Trim the ends of the hair (for better effect, but not everyone does this).

2. Self shielding (applying all sorts of oils and sprays).

For the best effect, you need to do 3 procedures and then do as needed.

About my hair:

fatty at the roots, dry at the ends, straight, not fluffed.

Here is a photo of my hair before the procedure:

Immediately after the procedure, the hair appears more voluminous and smooth.

Immediately after the procedure, I did not have time to photograph the hair, but there is a photo a week after the procedure.

Many people write that after the 2nd wash the effect disappears, but in my case the screening has been holding for 3 weeks and almost did not wash off. Perhaps it depends on the quality of the hair, I have it very thick and strong. Soon I will go to the 2nd procedure.

So I advise you to at least try, and if you don’t like it, you won’t lose much.

Thanks for attention:)

Estel's shielding is good home care. It justifies its price. Photo after 5 treatments

Dear girls, Good day to all! Finally, my pens came to write a review about hair shielding from Estelle. I, as recommended by the professionals, made 5 procedures and now I can share with you conclusions, show the photo after each application.

I started the treatment of my hair from the thermo-parantine recovery, but I did not notice the effect from which, but gave a rather large amount for it in the salon. Therefore, I decided to buy a screening kit for home use and save money. He cost me in 2000r, although finding this set on a free market turned out to be hard, but as you know, the one who searches will always find it. It is spent extremely economically, according to my calculations for half a year at least it will definitely be enough, if done once a week.

The set is on sale in a nice box, with the detailed instruction for use. The composition has 3 bubbles, that is, 3 screening steps. Consider them in more detail:

  1. Two-phase air conditioning. Moisturizes, levels, restores pH. Apply to clean, slightly dried hair. The hair after it is easy to comb, light and crumbly.
  2. Oil for damaged hair. Compacts, strengthens, strengthens the structure. In fact, the oil is very well absorbed, does not weigh down and does not grease the hair. Moisturizes and glue as it were split ends. Apply immediately after the first phase only on the length, without affecting the roots. Just enough a couple drops of money for the whole head of hair.
  3. Oil shine. Envelops, protects, increases light reflection. Sprayed over the entire length of the hair, after which they acquire shine. But honestly, I like this phase least of all, since it is very difficult to evenly spray this tool. As a result, it is fat and slightly weights, it feels like the effect of dirty hair. But with the function of creating brilliance copes with a bang!

Further, the hair is dried in the usual way. In my case, naturally without using a hair dryer. As a result, the entire screening procedure takes about 10 minutes. All bubbles have a delicious smell and can be used separately from each other.

And now I provide a photo after each screening procedure.

After the first Second procedure Third Fourth On the fourth photo, as you can see, you can see a lot of broken ends along the entire length of the hair, which was an unfortunate result after polishing the hair in the salon. But I'm struggling with this)

And finally, the last photo after the fifth screening procedure

The effect of accumulation seems to me still there, but minimal. This set is more suitable as a home remedy for permanent use. In sum, with the right care, masks and love for your hair, I think it will give a wonderful result. Especially important for those who grow the length.

Thank you for your precious time! Be beautiful!


Watch the video: Keratin Hair Treatment Step by Step. hybiz (July 2024).