
Hot and seductive chocolate hair color


What hair color do you prefer? The choice of all kinds of colors and tonics is huge. How not to get lost and not take the wrong step, which will lead to a ridiculous result?

It is known that with the help of hair color you can significantly change your appearance. What can color? First of all, it is an opportunity to refresh skin tone, hide undesirable gray hair, as well as age, mood elevation and much more! Great, isn't it?

"Chocolate" - hair color is attractive to so many. How to achieve this deep eye-catching shade? Take seriously the choice of paint. It is no secret that every girl seeks to create her own unique image with the help of her hair. And she is only on hand that "dark chocolate" hair color is often represented in many different shades. Variety pleases even the most demanding women. For example, "cold chocolate" hair color and many, many others - you have to figure out what specifically to give preference. Your choice will determine whether you will look bright, attractive and sexy, or vice versa, depressing and depressing. Make no mistake in your choice - and for this, use useful tips.

When choosing a “chocolate” hair color, remember that practically each of us has its own skin tone, which is basically the determining factor in which paint to choose. Get stylish and beautiful and find your chocolate shade. Hair color will sparkle with new colors!

It should be remembered that there are two basic types according to which the skin is “classified”: cold tones and warm ones. Is it possible to independently figure out what type your skin belongs to? Of course, the best solution would be to seek help from a specialist, however, you yourself will also be able to cope with the task. To do this, conduct a test. Apply a piece of cloth to the face first with a peach shade and then hot pink. Take a look at the effect. If you come peach shade - it means that your skin belongs to a warm shade. If pink - respectively, cold. Very simple!

Competent selection of hair color should be made according to skin tone. If you are naturally a dark-skinned woman, “chocolate” - hair color is exactly what you need! Highlight your unique beauty with the right shade. Get even brighter and more expressive. It is not recommended to try unnecessarily light colors, for example, ashy, it will look unnatural. Give preference to more golden colors, a nut or copper shade.

If you have red hair, remember that you should not get carried away with too fast bleaching hair. On the contrary, get a hair dye that will be a little darker than the tone that you dream of in the end result - it is then that you will be able to achieve what you expect from the dye. Remember the quality of the paint itself, you should not save on your own beauty.

If you do not want to achieve a red shade of hair, choose a cool chocolate color tone. Naturalness and natural beauty is what awaits you as a result of staining. In addition, for women with a warm skin tone, this shade will greatly shade the beauty of the face!
If the tone of your skin is rather cold - then choose silver-brown tones. It will look especially impressive and stylish.

Do not try to experiment especially with black paint. This can lead to undesirable results - visually aging the face and give a general mood of dullness.

In a word, having decided once to change your appearance, do not be afraid to apply a little imagination and creativity, but be sure to consider such important factors as skin tone and its combination with a touch of color. Remain the most beautiful and expressive. Cheer up with a new hairstyle or hair color!

Proper makeup selection

For chocolate brown hair there are the same rules for applying makeup as for brunettes. Dark hair color helps to hide problematic skin. If you have light eyebrows - they must be painted in black or dark brown. Mascara is best to choose brown or black. Do not use blue or eggplant color. Brunettes should not use a large amount of cosmetics, as the expressive features and hair color have clear shades that attract special attention.

Perfect makeup rules

Skin tone should be perfect. To obtain this effect, you can use concealer, especially for those women who have circles under the eyes. Blush in make-up should be quite a bit, so that the face does not seem too pale. Eyebrows and eyelashes should be emphasized. The hair on the head, eyebrows and eyelashes should be the same color. Therefore it is necessary to arm yourself with eyeliner, black or brown pencil and ink. All components of your makeup should be of high quality and flawless.

Bright lips. In combination with a chocolate shade of hair, bright lips can create a double effect. Your appearance will be very expressive, if you do not like to attract attention to yourself, you can take advantage of the bright glitter that will create a natural effect of flicker.

Chocolate shade on the color type of appearance

Chocolate hair color is both cold and warm. So it will suit girls of all color types, provided that the desired shade matches. For example, a cold shade with gray or black shine is more winter. It refreshes the winter, replacing the sometimes rejuvenated black color.

How to determine the winter color type? Winter, like spring, is checked in two colors: green and beige. Only, unlike spring, they categorically do not go to her. Make it pale and expressionless. Like the fall, she goes bright, for example, red lipstick. This is the only color type, which is well suited for coal-black and snow-white colors in clothing.

Other color types can also experiment with color. Only owners of bright eyes, eyebrows, eyelashes will need to constantly do bright makeup so that the face does not look too pale.

Is it easy to turn a chocolate color?

Despite the seeming simplicity of coloring, the color of the desired shade is not always obtained. If the native color is dark, then the dye may simply not be visible on the hair. Unless, will appear claret or brown outflow.

But owners of blond hair can get the desired color from the first time. In any case, cold shades must be maintained tint balms. Unnecessary reddish ebb to clean them. And do not forget that chocolate hair color looks great only on shiny and well-moisturized hair.

Chocolate Coloring Secrets

Ideal chocolate color when dyeing hair is quite difficult to achieve. How to dye hair in chocolate color without much effort? Expected results can be obtained on light-brown hair.

If the girl was originally a brunette, then as a result of the chocolate color is possible only after pre-lightening the strands in a natural way. This is necessary for minimal damage to the hair structure. If the curls were previously painted in a different color, then the risk of getting a completely unexpected shade of hair in the end is possible.

If the girl is the owner of light curls, it is important to monitor the moment of growth of the roots. Such ladies will often have to dye their hair, and this can quickly hurt them.

Holders of darker hair to obtain the desired shade should resort to frequent brightening of the natural hair color, which also affects their healthy appearance.

Traditional recipes for chocolate

For those representatives of the beautiful half of the population who are trying to limit the use of products with a complex chemical structure, there are a number of recipes for their own preparation of tools that can give the hair a long-awaited chocolate tone.

  • When using such a tool in the end should get a chocolate color with chestnut shimmer. To do this, you need to have 1 packet of henna and pre-grind 3 tablespoons of natural coffee. It is very simple to prepare the paint, for this you need to pour boiling water over the coffee and boil for several minutes, then cool the resulting broth to about 50 degrees. After that add henna and stir thoroughly. Apply the mixture to the hair, wrap them with a plastic bag and hold for about 2 hours. Henna chocolate hair color will have the most interesting shade in the end.
  • The preparation of the next hair dye also does not take much time and effort. It is necessary to purchase basma and henna for 1 sachet, dilute it all in hot water and apply on hair for 2 hours. You can repeat the painting in a week, if you get a shade less saturated expected.

The subtleties of makeup for hair chocolate

To dye hair in chocolate color, to give them the desired shade, to create a healthy, dazzling look is not enough to complete the long-awaited image. Incompletely made makeup can spoil the impression of even the most beautiful hair, so you need to know a few tricks of applying makeup for owners of chocolate-colored hair.

    It is very important to pay attention to the color of the eyebrows, if they are lighter than the shade of the hair, it is important to give them the appropriate color and darken them a little.

Choosing chocolate shades

Before you begin to dye your hair, you need to take into account some of the nuances associated with the features of hair color chocolate shades. The best result, the most conveying tone of the selected color, gives the paint applied to blond or brown hair. Already dyed or discolored strands can have an unpredictable effect. Therefore, to achieve the best result, it is recommended to contact a professional hairdressers, specialists in painting.

Chocolate tones

The photo shows chocolate-colored hair that every girl can easily find the right shade:

  • The color of chocolate with milk. Chocolate-colored hair has a large palette. One of the most relevant and popular is milk chocolate, which is very much to the face of white-skinned blondes with brown, blue or green eyes.
  • Chocolate brown hair color will help the young lady to become brighter and more attractive. If stained properly, it looks natural, in harmony with any skin color.
  • Caramel chocolate is a more red tone that suits the owners of tanned skin and dark eyes.
  • Light chocolate hair color is suitable for pale-skinned blue-eyed women.
  • Chocolate brown-haired - this is a bold girl with a dull tan and perky freckles.
  • Light brown chocolate will emphasize the brown eyes of docile calm women.
  • Almost dark chocolate is considered the darkest, more saturated shade. But he makes curls dark-skinned with brown eyes bright and beautiful.
  • Bitter chocolate - this shade is the darkest. He is chosen brown-eyed swarthy ladies, bright bold appearance. But, it is worth considering that makeup should be quite catchy and bright.

Chocolate hair coloring

Many women know that dyeing their hair chocolate is not at all difficult.

For a beautiful and truly pure shade, you must follow some simple rules:

  • To get the desired color of chocolate, it is reasonable to pre-discolor hair or make it light brown,
  • The cardinal change of image, that is, staining in a completely contrasting color, should be done gradually,
  • Immediately before painting, it is worth testing on a small curl,
  • No need to overdo the paint on the hair - this can lead to a darker shade,
  • If you dye bright curls in dark chocolate hair color, you must periodically tint the roots. Growing up, they look unaesthetic and striking.

Having the opportunity, it is better to carry out the dyeing process in a professional beauty salon, so as not to put hair at risk. There are cases of repainting hair at home in the home when a completely different ridiculous color is obtained.

That is why it is recommended to do preliminary testing of the paint on a small strip of hair. So you can notice the time at which the desired selected tone is obtained. Only then you can completely calmly dye the entire bulk of the hair.

Ideal color will turn out on natural (earlier not exposed to coloring) hair.

Chocolate hair care

Any woman wants to constantly look well-groomed and beautiful. The cosmetics market offers a huge selection of companies and a collection of paints in various price categories.

Deciding on staining, you need to know that you have to regularly monitor the hair. After all, regrown roots and burnt hair color gradually give an untidy look to the head.

To avoid these problems, you need to use a special series for dark hair care: shampoos, balms and masks.

Many women of fashion prefer to adhere to folk remedies, which are used by more than one generation. To do this, use a decoction of onion peel, tea and coffee infusion, basma, henna and much more. These natural dyes will not only help to maintain a vivid shade, but also make the hair more healthy.

In order to preserve the bright shine of dyed hair as long as possible, it is necessary to regularly use shampoos, which are specially designed for these shades and conditioners for balsams.

It is better to avoid long stay in direct sunlight and try to wear hats. Ultraviolet negatively affects the dark shades and the overall health of the hair.

Professional stylists argue that to achieve the perfect tone of chocolate hair can only be properly selected shade to the individual characteristics of the woman's appearance, that is, the color of the eyes, skin and facial contours.

But you need to know that dark shades make a woman a little older than her age, so after 40 years you need to be wary of choosing a chocolate palette!

Girls with a healthy well-groomed hair will definitely not be ignored!

bitter chocolate

Only professional hair colors with shades of chocolate can convey the intensity of color. Cheap paint and folk remedies are not able to do this. Paint with a hint of bitter chocolate looks especially advantageous on women with dark, tanned skin, owners of green or brown eyes. The created image assumes a bright make-up with expressively underlined lips, and also eyebrows and eyelashes in tone of the painted locks. This is an image of a strong sensual nature, with a memorable appearance and deep intelligence.

Milk chocolate

Blue-eyed blonde with fair skin, who decided to change the image of the "blond beast" to the style of "languid brown-haired" will suit the most common hair color this season among northern women - milk chocolate.

Gentle, cozy image is well remembered and creates a pleasant impression at first sight. Especially chocolate milky shades of paint are popular among young people.

Lip gloss and brown shadows will give perfection to the image of the sincere lovely girl, self-assured.

Chocolate Caramel

The original combination of red and chocolate shades can put new accents in appearance, create an image of a passionate, caring woman who prefers to spend time with her family. Shades of paint will play brighter if they are emphasized with the help of lighter strands. To do this, henna is ideal, giving a natural, as well as chocolate caramel, shade. This combination looks perfect on natural brunettes who have decided to update their appearance. Brown eyes and dark skin will give new image completeness and perfection.

Light chocolate

Beautiful strands with hints of light chocolate, close to the beige, almost cream tonality, perfectly combined with wheat and light curls. Girls with northern skin type can safely use this color without fear that it will not suit them. Among the girls of northern European countries and those with a Slavic type of appearance, light chocolate is the most popular. He perfectly emphasizes their individuality, strength of mind and purposefulness, while maintaining the gentle femininity of their nature.

Dark chocolate

Saturated beautiful chocolate shade of hair with warm brown tints looks wonderful in contrast to the light skin type of the face. However, possessing a certain universality, he also favorably emphasizes the attractiveness of swarthy beauties. This paint is ideally suited for experiments with appearance, as it suits almost everyone. The bright image, which is born due to the warm color, looks good with makeup, which implies brightly painted eyes and light lip gloss. This style is ideal for both business meetings and evening promenade.

Fire chocolate

The challenging appearance created by this striking hue of chocolate color creates the image of a femme fatale, with irony and humor relating to life.

Red ebb looks interesting on a dark general background and complements the image of a mysterious, possessing a certain secret woman.

Enhanced effect can be achieved by dyeing individual strands of henna for hair with hints of chocolate color, which is available in most cosmetic stores or in the catalogs of well-known manufacturers of hair dye.

The mood and well-being of a woman, in many respects, depends on how she perceives herself from the outside.

A new hairstyle, clothes, jewelry, accessories and gifts are able to raise and maintain a good mood. And psychologists believe that happy, good-looking people can positively influence others.

Having painted their hair in one of the suggested shades of chocolate color, women begin to feel more confident and better. This is due to endorphins - "hormones of joy", which are produced from fresh impressions, a sense of self-importance. And also, their release, according to scientists, occurs when a person eats chocolate.

Fashionable pleasant hair color, on a subconscious level, associating with this sweetness, causes the synthesis of the hormone of happiness in the human body. Therefore, having such an attractive hair color, many girls feel more confident and more even in communication, they easily find a mate for themselves.

By adding some chocolate to your life, you will make the world a little better, and people are kinder!


Watch the video: How to: Warm Brown Hair with Caramel Highlights! (July 2024).