
Long-term styling for short hair


Always volumetric hairstyle, of course, included in the wish list of every woman. Especially about the additional pomp of curls dream owners of thin hair. It is precisely to achieve such goals that the radical carving procedure is directed. Thanks to the gentle technology of curling, the curls acquire not only additional volume, but also allow you to do the styling in a matter of minutes. In addition, the procedure can be carried out independently without leaving home.

Radical carving is a type of gentle curling and is a long-term styling of curls of any type and length. It consists in creating additional volume at the roots by curling the strands on the curlers and subsequent processing with a special composition of soft impact.

In addition to the main goal - the creation of volume on thin and greasy hair, The procedure is used to correct the previously made perm, because as the growth progresses, the volume at the roots disappears and the effect becomes not so charming.

Note, A gentle curl is recommended for women with curly locks from nature - natural curls are usually raised at the roots the least and often require the creation of a volume by artificial means.

Price in the cabin and at home

The procedure for radical carving is quite common, so finding a master or a salon will not be difficult. The price in this case will depend on the length of the strands. On average, you will need to pay the following amount:

  • short length - 1200–1700 r,
  • average length - 2500–3500 r,
  • long strands - 3500–5000r.

With regard to the implementation of the procedure at home, here the issue price will not be much lower. You will need to buy a specialized drug in the household chemicals store or on the Internet. The price of carving kits varies from 2 thousand to 4 thousand rubles, depending on the manufacturer.

The advantage, in this case, will be the possibility of using the drug more than once. In addition, you can purchase a single bottle of smaller volume, the price of which is about 800-1000 rubles.


Despite the softness of the tools used for carving, The procedure has several contraindications:

  • pregnancy, lactation.
  • individual intolerance. For this reason, before proceeding with the procedure, the drug should be tested for an allergic reaction.
  • dandruff, seborrhea.
  • wounds, damage to the surface of the head.
  • antibiotics or hormonal drugs.
  • It is not recommended to perform the procedure if there are the following signs: brittle, damaged, weakened, sore curls with split ends, as well as dry hair type. In this case, the state of the strand structure may deteriorate significantly.
  • bleached, bleached hair.
  • heavy or long curls. In this case, the perm simply will not hold.

Important! The procedure should not be carried out immediately after dyeing, because at this moment the hair is characterized by increased brittleness. You will need to wait at least 2 weeks.

Stages of the procedure

To perform a carving at home, first of all, you need to choose a fixative composition. At the same time, it is best to stop attention on the composite product, since the main drug and fixative must be the same firm.

The following manufacturers are recommended:

When choosing a product, it is important to pay attention to the composition - the product should not contain ammonia and thioglycolate. In addition, the choice depends on the state of the strands themselves. So, Cutrin Curl is suitable for heavily bleached curls, and Goldwell Evolution for painted ones.

Next, you need to choose the appropriate curlers. In general, you can use any of their kinds for basal carving, but experts recommend choosing large cylinders. Hair curlers of this type will not only create a volume at the roots, but will also form light waves on the hair.

Before proceeding with the procedure, you should carefully read the instructions for use of the tool. It is also necessary to check the product for individual intolerance and clarify the presence of contraindications.

The home carving procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and a little wet towel. Rubbing and squeezing curls undesirable.
  2. Dry naturally. Hairdryer is not recommended.
  3. Take a separate strand and apply the main tool on the root zone so that the strand is completely saturated.
  4. To screw on the curler only the treated part.
  5. Perform a perm on the other strands.
  6. Cover the head with a plastic cap.
  7. To sustain the time specified in the instructions. This is usually no more than 15–20 minutes.
  8. Wash off with water without using shampoo or soap.
  9. Apply retainer.
  10. Hold for 15–20 minutes and remove the hair curlers.
  11. Apply another layer of lock to the curls.
  12. Wait the time specified in the manufacturer's instructions and rinse with water without using shampoo.
  13. Apply a nourishing balm or mask.
  14. Dry hair naturally.

Attention! Do not wash your hair for several days after carving to consolidate the result.

Hair styling and care after the procedure

To maintain a longer lasting effect, Experts recommend to follow some rules of care after the procedure:

  • to limit drying by the hair dryer,
  • do not rub, do not twist the strands after washing, and gently wipe with a towel,
  • use a comb with occasional teeth for combing,
  • Introduce balsam and shampoo for permed hair,
  • use oil-free regenerating masks.

Council If it became necessary to dye, you will need to wait 2 weeks after the procedure and only then proceed to painting the strands.

As for the styling after carving, there are some nuances Compliance with which will avoid problems with hair:

  • not going to bed with a wet head - this will not only damage the structure of the treated curls, but also make it difficult to give a neat look in the morning,
  • when laying you should not use combs made of metal, but natural or plastic bristles will be most welcome,
  • permissible when using styling iron.

Advantages and disadvantages

As a procedure involving the chemical treatment of curls, carving has some advantages, relative to other similar options. So, Pluses perms:

  • sparing composition of the means used in the process,
  • natural appearance of the strands after the procedure,
  • volume of hair,
  • duration -the effect lasts about 2–2.5 months,
  • saving time - carving makes it possible to do without styling,
  • Hairstyles hold several times longer.

Despite the obvious merits, radical carving has disadvantages:

  • duration - the procedure lasts at least 2-3 hours,
  • the chemical composition of the fixing means has a characteristic and not always pleasant smell,
  • in some cases, hair loss occurs after the procedure.

It is not always possible to predict whether the perm will work on the curls of a particular woman. Hair may not be treated or dismissed ahead of time. Therefore, choosing a carving procedure, you should weigh the pros and cons.

Radical carving is suitable for women who want to give hair extra volume at the roots. In addition, the procedure will provide ease of subsequent styling, and the process can be easily carried out independently, without leaving home.

You can not make a choice: carving, perm or biowave? The following articles may be useful to you:

Useful videos

Perform a close-up perm with Ph7 from Revlon Professional.

Bottom volume for a long time.

What is long-term styling

Modern life dictates us a certain pace. Many girls feel the lack of time for daily hair styling. But the desire to be fashionable, beautiful and stylish remains always. Such a method of hairdressing as long-term styling can come to the rescue.

Its principle is similar to chemical perm, but safer for hair. To do this procedure at home is not worth it, it is desirable to contact specialized beauty salons.

What is the essence of the method? Liquid is applied to the hair, which weakens the disulfide bonds. They cause the natural strength of the hair. The principle of perm is also built on their rupture and subsequent recovery. Long-term styling affects only the upper hair scales, in contrast to the chemical hair, which affects the entire structure. After that, with the help of styling tools, the stylist forms the styling agreed with the client in advance. These can be light waves, curls or curls. This method allows you to raise the hair from the roots, structure the haircut. The whole procedure lasts no more than two hours. You can repeat it every three months, and lasts up to nine weeks.

Who is suitable and not suitable for long-term installation

Long-term styling is a more gentle, compared to chemical perm, procedure. A variety of such styling carving is a perm of large curls with the help of chemical composition, which is based on fruit acids. That is, it is one of the possible maximum harmless methods of curling. But still there are cases when you should not expose the hair to its effects:

  • during hormonal changes in women: menstruation, pregnancy, breastfeeding. It is assumed that the perm made during this period is less resistant,
  • It is not recommended to make carving for hair length shorter than 10 cm,
  • if the hair is thin, loose or damaged, it is preferable to refuse long-term styling, because the procedure can aggravate the situation. If the hair is healthy, then you should also pay special attention to caring for them after curling. Do not forget to use masks several times a week and use an air conditioner after each wash,
  • After dyeing the hair, you should not immediately do a long-term styling, and if the hair is dyed with henna, then carving is prohibited.

This styling is ideal for girls who have hair prone to fat. This will wash your hair much less frequently.

How to care for hair after long-term styling

After the procedure is not recommended for two days wets hair. Then you can wash your hair as usual. Do not use a hair dryer, the hair should dry naturally. It is advisable to use shampoo for curly hair, it will help keep styling longer. It is necessary to use masks at least once a week. In the first weeks it is desirable more often. One should not forget about head massages with the use of warm oil: olive, castor oil. This will strengthen damaged hair. Touch the curls with your hands less, do not brush them with brushes with metal teeth.

Long-term styling reviews

Difficult to find unambiguous reviews of this procedure. Girls do not always correctly assess the initial state of their hair and make long-term styling on weakened hair, which leads to even more damage to their structure. But if the hair is healthy or prone to fat, then long-term styling will give a basal volume, will allow you not to wash your hair longer, and the curls will not deteriorate in wet weather.

What is carving

Hair carving is translated from English as a long-term styling. This method of gentle treatment of the hair with chemical compounds, it has a more delicate effect on the strands and does not damage them as much as a chemical winding. This is possible due to the composition, enveloping the hair, and not penetrating deep into them.

The effect of the carving procedure lasts from 1 to 6 months. After the specified time, the curls begin to fall off or simply grow back. You can do this procedure again after 3-4 months.

The cost of the procedure depends on the length of the hair and on the manufacturer of the chemical composition. The price is affected and where you do the styling, in the cabin or at home. On average, it ranges from 1000 for short hair (haircuts such as a bean or bob) and up to 5,500 rubles for long hair.

What hair procedure is shown

Best of all, carving is suitable for owners of thin and sparse hair, who would like to add volume and extra rigidity to their hairstyle. But the procedure is not always suitable for owners of heavy thick manes, as the curls often fall off under their own weight.

Too dry and hard strands are better not to expose the perm, as they will become even drier. But fatty ones, on the contrary, will perfectly fit.

Carving, "chemistry" and biowave: how do they differ?

All these technologies help to create long-term styling, however, they have a number of differences:

  • Hair carving, in contrast to chemistry, provides the most gentle effect on hair, because the composition does not penetrate deep into the hair.
  • Biowave is a grooming procedure (the composition includes a biological protein resembling a human one), while others cannot be so called.
  • After the carving procedure, the curls are kept on the hair less than after the bio-and chemical waving.


Disadvantages and advantages of carving

What bonuses you get:

  • It is a sparing procedure.
  • During the craving procedure, the curl is more natural and natural, while “chemistry” implies tight curls.
  • Curls keep on usual hair from one and a half to three months. If you do carving on dyed hair, the effect can last even up to six months.
  • You can get different types of styling: with large curls, medium or small curls.
  • Any hairstyles last much longer (for example, styling with large curlers or ironing).

Before you decide on a perm, weigh all the pros and cons, so you do not give up on the result. Keep in mind that this technology has several disadvantages:

  • If you need pronounced curls, it is better to resort to biowave.
  • The chemical composition applied to the hair has a characteristic smell. It persists for some time and is especially noticeable after washing the head.
  • Hair can split.
  • Some women have increased hair loss.
  • It is impossible to say exactly how the curls will behave after the end of the carving action: will they be unraveled or will they simply grow.
  • After carving, you still have to use styling tools and give your hair the desired shape.

Features of the method

Carving is considered to be a kind of perm produced by stacking chemical compositions that are safe for the strands, which not only do not cause harm, but also have a healing property, which ultimately gives beautiful shiny curls.

The peculiarity of this type of long-term styling on haircuts with short strands is the use of standard curlers. Given the desired size and shape of the future curl, they can be:

  • Spirals. Strands after the procedure take the form of small curls, thereby significantly increasing the root volume of the entire haircut.
  • Large. They are designed to create volume at the roots, large “Hollywood” curls, or to give the hair a slight careless waviness.
  • Boomerangs. Thanks to such curlers, it is possible to achieve several forms of curls of different levels of curling in one laying at once.

Carving with large curls

Advantages and disadvantages of this type of curling

Like other types of hairdressing, carving carried out on short strands has its positive and negative sides. The advantages of this method of laying include the following:

  • On short strands, the final result is much more spectacular and lasts much longer.
  • On average, this procedure requires no more than 1-1.5 hours.
  • Does not require any additional packing manipulation. You just need to shake the hair and curls slightly tweaked hands.
  • At the end of the effect, the hair is restored and take its natural form without the use of additional funds.

However, when deciding on a short hair to carry out a carving procedure, you should also take into account unpleasant moments that may arise. These include:

  • The desired effect certainly will not work on the hair, whose length is less than 20 centimeters. Indeed, besides the fact that such strands simply do not screw on curlers, it is worth noting that after the procedure, they also jump by 1-2 centimeters. Therefore, instead of a beautiful styling you get something absurd.
  • Despite the fact that carving is considered a popular method of styling, carried out on short hair, all the same, there are also negative reviews, as well as photo-proof that the strands after look a little worse than before.

Different curls

  • Due to the use of expensive products of natural origin during carving, the cost of such styling is also quite high.

Carving with curls at the ends

How is the carving procedure

Such a perm can be done both at home alone and in salon conditions. However, looking at the photo before and after the procedure, you can see that the salon effect looks much more beautiful, more natural and neater. To achieve it, the hairdresser conducts the following manipulations:

  1. Special application of special fixing means.
  2. Wrap small strands on curlers.
  3. Drying with hair dryer.
  4. Washing of the fixing composition with the use of professional care products.

Carving in progress

Types of short-strand carving

Depending on the chemical composition used, the size and shape of the curlers, this method of curling can be divided into the following types:

  • Classic option. It is considered the most popular, both among adult women and very young people. Its essence is that several types of curlers are used at the same time, which are distributed on the basis of zoning schemes. Such carving is easy, as with its help air curls are obtained, as close as possible to natural ones.
  • Vertical. It is the least demanded, since in this case spirals are used and on too short haircuts, instead of fashionable curls, the effect of “dandelion” is obtained.
  • Local. On hair with short strands, this type of carving is carried out using large diameter curlers, which are superimposed on the root zone to obtain additional volume. The main advantage is that only part of the hair is exposed to styling products.

And what to do with bangs?

Bangs in 2018 is the main fashion component of the haircut, especially short, with which you can visually hide the possible flaws of the face. Therefore, thinking about this method of curling as a carving, it is very important to think over how this haircut element should look like.

Masters recommend owners of short hair not to carry out a carving procedure for straight bangs with an even cut. As for the elongated and asymmetrical shapes of the bangs, in this case they are a constituent element of the entire image, therefore they must be necessarily curled.

Carving for short hair with curled bangs

Carving is a breakthrough in the field of hairdressing, which makes life easier for the beautiful half of society, as it allows you to look spectacular and well-groomed without wasting time on styling. We hope that we were able to help you deal with this issue, and the selection of photos given in our article will inspire you to replace the boring straight strands in favor of voluminous and playful curls.

Advantages of radical chemistry

Bottom volume procedure is an excellent substitute for everyday styling. The effect of such a procedure lasts for six months and has a number of advantages:

Radical hair volume: photo before and after

  • the appearance of sebum decreases, so that the hated greasy luster disappears,
  • due to the drying effect, the number of shampooing procedures is reduced,
  • resistance to heat treatment and moisture increases,
  • shorter hair styling time
  • an increase in the volume of hair itself, with which the hairstyle always looks stylish,
  • even wearing a hat, the hairstyle itself does not deteriorate, you only have to comb your hair and you will have the finished styling.

Bust up on hair

Radical chemistry is recommended for girls who have thin hair and even the use of corrugation does not always give the desired effect. In order not to torture your hair with everyday life patterns with a hairdryer or corrugation, which will soon ruin your hair, such a procedure would be an excellent option.

The girls, who have beautiful curls by nature, also use the procedure of root chemistry, because most often it is at the roots that the strands are less curled and need to create additional volume.

Disadvantages of radical chemistry

As with any other procedure, perm at the roots, in addition to its advantages, also has its drawbacks. In addition to the fact that the procedure is not the cheapest, prices range from 2 to 6 thousand on average, it also has several important conditions:

  • It is not recommended to perform the radical perm procedure for people who have problems with the scalp (dandruff, peeling, dryness, sores),
  • if the strands were lightened,
  • weak hair that has a tendency to fall out,
  • You should not carry out the procedure for girls who often dye their hair, as any means for dyeing, weaken the hair,
  • You should also abandon this procedure immediately after dyeing the hair,
  • you can not hold the curl at the roots in the event that the hair has long been under the influence of sunlight. Before the procedure is to restore and moisten the strands.

What does hair look like after basal chemistry?

Radical chemistry can not be carried out with:

  • pregnancy and lactation,
  • the presence of skin diseases
  • changes in blood pressure,
  • taking medicines and hormonal drugs,
  • allergic reaction to the drug,
  • elevated body temperature
  • monthly

Therefore, you should abandon staining with henna, if you are going to hold this procedure. Well, if you have already stained with henna, then it is better to wait until it is washed off, so as not to spoil the desired result.

Hair care after the procedure

In the photo before and after the basal chemistry for the volume of hair on short hair, you can see that the hair has become more shiny and acquired a healthy appearance, but this procedure can cause dry hair. To avoid this, you should carefully approach the choice of hair care products after the perm.

How to perform the procedure

Tips for hair care after basal chemistry:

  1. Choosing shampoos you need to pay attention to the composition, they should not be silicone and sodium lauryl sulfate.
  2. In order to keep the strands always moist, it is necessary to make masks twice a week to restore the hair structure.
  3. Wash your head with warm water and as it gets dirty, i.e. once or maximum twice a week.
  4. After shampooing, rinse it with herbs, such as adding chamomile or sage.
  5. When entering the hot sun, you need to use a special spray, which includes filters that do not allow UV rays to pass through.
  6. Use special balms for curly hair.

Hair Styling

For girls with short hair, basal chemistry for the volume is an ideal option to create a stunning image and after it is done to create beautiful styling you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. For hair styling with basal chemistry, you should abandon the round comb. To shape the hair fit a regular wooden hairbrush.
  2. You should not comb the hair at the roots, it can be gently combed.
  3. For additional volume, you need to tilt your head and beat your fingers with your fingers.
  4. For a while, it is worth refusing a hair dryer, let the hair dry naturally, this will reduce dryness in the first weeks.

Radical chemistry on the hair

Many do the curling at the roots at home, but it is better to trust the professionals and the choice of the master plays a significant role here. With an incorrectly executed technology of root perm, it is possible to spoil the structure of the hair, exposing it to improper processing.

Curling hair at the roots

Visual confirmation of the basal chemistry for the volume of hair are photos before and after the procedure on short hair. Hair with this volume makes the image more attractive and expressive.

Bottom volume has more pluses than minuses and therefore it is gaining more and more popularity. Radical chemistry is the right decision to create a lush and airy volume. If you still suffer from the creation of volume every day, then curling the hair at the roots is the surest solution to your problem.

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Curling carving technique - what is it

To create light, relaxed curls apply a technique called carving. It is carried out under the action of benign drugs and resembles a classic perm, but without harming the health of the hair. As a result, you get a live hairstyle with curls filled with energy and radiance. Visually increases the amount of hair, and elastic curls guarantee a well-groomed appearance of healthy hair.

The session is held according to the scheme, designed for the usual curling using curlers. For short hair choose devices of the following types:

Allow to visually increase the volume of the curls due to the spiral curls. Give long-term results.

Devices for additional basal volume. Also used to create waves.

Serve to create fancy shapes of different levels of curling.

The time during which the hairstyle pleases a woman varies and depends on the state of hair and care for her. Professionally executed work guarantees the preservation of curls up to 8 weeks.

Repeated procedure is allowed after three months. Because, despite the safety of drugs for carving, they affect the structure of the hair. A break between sessions will help avoid fragility, excessive dryness, or other problems with hair.

Is the carving technique suitable for short hair?

The gentle, lightweight perm procedure is beneficial for the woman. It is simplicity in daily care, styling, as well as individuality in the image. If you want a change, then choose a carving for short hair. Before and after the procedure, positive changes in appearance are traced - the hairstyle became more voluminous, the energy of movement was added.

However, hairdressers warn that it is prohibited to perm on sparse, brittle, overly damaged hair. With these problems, strands are shown thorough nutrition and restorative spa treatments.

Every woman who has a short haircut knows that, apart from staining, no changes should be expected. However, carving helps to expand the range of hairstyles for short hair, it guarantees freshness to the image. Soft, elastic curls that live their lives, chained the views of others and young.

What hairstyles for short hair to use carving?

In order not to mislead women, hairdressers offer a clear distinction between hairstyles, which is suitable carving procedure. To popular haircuts, which looks like a perm, include:

Carving will help refresh a strict hairstyle. If necessary, changing the parting will add romance or seriousness, experiment.

Haircut with asymmetrical ends and light curls in length looks impressive and extraordinary.

Such a hairstyle is chosen by young, dynamic girls who are ready to conquer the world. Carving "will fall" on asymmetrical strands as well as possible, adding personality.

  • Short haircuts with thick bangs.

When processing the length, leave the bangs not curled, this will help preserve the image, but add extravagance to it.

Carving Features

Sometimes carving is called “biowave”. This is not entirely true. The quality of the curls, they certainly are similar. The difference in the composition of the curling drug. The chemical composition of the preparation for carving does not contain glycolic acid, so carving is such a gentle procedure.

Very nice carving looks short or medium length hair. Depending on the desired size and elasticity of the future curls, select the size of the bobbins for curling. At first, the received curls will look pretty tight, but during the first week they are slightly “relaxed” and look more natural, as it was originally intended.

Carving is not recommended for dry hair, because any perm - including long-term styling - dries hair. For the same reason, carving is ideal for oily hair. On thick thick hair carving can "not take." Before the procedure, it is desirable to test the strand for susceptibility to the drug.

Salon services

Such a procedure as carving for hair should not be done independently. At least for the first time. Today, there are a wide variety of products for "home" curls. This, of course, is very convenient and profitable, but if you do a long-term styling for the first time, do not experiment at home. In general, hair carving is an expensive service, requiring considerable experience and about 2 hours of time. First, a retainer is applied to the hair, then the hair is wound on bobbins and dried for a certain time. Then the bobbins are removed, the hair is washed from the composition, finally dried and laid.

The most important thing when choosing a salon is to find an experienced master. Remember that the result of carving is living, soft, obedient curls!

Hair care after carving

The most pleasant thing after the procedure is that now you need just a couple of minutes for the styling and a little spray for the curly hair. However, this does not mean that it will be possible to completely abandon hair care. Although long-term styling and minimal effect on the hair, they still need to be restored. It is advisable to wash your hair with natural shampoo, twice a week to make nourishing masks. Otherwise, the hair will become dry and brittle, and the entire effect of carving will be minimized.

It is best to style your hair with a foam or mousse for curly hair. Apply the foam on wet hair, slightly remember their fingers and dry with a hairdryer. Can be used for laying the nozzle-diffuser. Get soft romantic curls.

Disadvantages of hair carving

1. Carving is a sparing chemical effect on the structure of the hair, not suitable for brittle, split, very dry hair. Avoid carving on heavily bleached and newly dyed hair.

2. The result of a gentle perm will not last long, and in 2-3 months will come to "no", but it will take a long time to restore hair after chemical exposure.

3. There is a risk to get to an unscrupulous master, after which you will have to intensively restore the hair or completely trim it.

Indications and contraindications for the procedure

Procedures with the use of formulations to change the structure of the hair are carefully checked for reactions from the human body. During inspections reveal contraindications, as well as indications for conducting sessions. Carving is offered to women with:

  • the presence of disobedient strands in need of design,
  • the problem of oily hair (the procedure dries the hair, which reduces the frequency of washing the head),
  • hard hair that is difficult to style
  • thirst for change in appearance.

By contraindications include:

  • the period of pregnancy or lactation,
  • heavy, long curls,
  • frequent allergic reactions
  • damaged hair requiring restoration,
  • recent change or update of the color of the hair.

Carving for short hair - photo before and after curling

Photos before and after curling short hair in the style of carving will help assess the skills of hairdressers and the type of hairstyle:

Looking through the work, pay attention to the type of curls, the length of the strands and the type of hair. Consider the shape of the face, so as not to be mistaken, choose a model that looks like you and show the master for a visual example.

Carving for short hair - reviews of clients

Hair carving is gaining popularity and has already earned the attention of women. Girls who are desperate, not knowing how to perfect a short haircut, thank the hairdressers for expanding their horizons:

Vladislava, 35 years old

After the birth of the second daughter, there was no time left for herself, but I wanted to look good. It pushed me to a short haircut in the style of a car. However, the difficulties did not cease to haunt me, slightly curly hair demanded daily, careful styling. I couldn’t afford it, I turned to the hairdresser, who offered a carving or a soft curl, which is designed to shape the hairstyle for the next 3 months. I agreed. The master picked up the spiral curler, the procedure took 40 minutes. The hair has become so lively, light, I felt like a young, careless student. Now my hair in the morning does not cause difficulties, but uplifting. A month later, I repeat the procedure, I think for the near future, this is my new love.

Inna, 18 years old

Unsuccessful love pushed me to a radical change in appearance - I cut the braids and decided to do the perm. Hairdresser recommended starting with carving. It does not spoil the hair, while helping to get elastic curls. And if you do not like it, after 3 months the hair will return to its original state. I decided to try it, I look curly, and then we'll see. The result was surprised, I did not know myself so before! Merry curls changed the image, making it softer. They are easy to clean. After washing he blotted with a towel and after 10 minutes the hairstyle was ready, in the morning he shook his head and ran. I think that I repeat, besides the procedure is safe.

Lyudmila, 29 years old

Previously, did not let go long hair, because it is not practical. But it was time for change, I wanted to change my hairstyle, and the image as a whole. First of all, I painted myself, adding highlights to the strands through shatush-style lighting. While I was sitting with paint on my hair, looking through magazines, I came across a photo of a girl like me with light curls on her head. The idea was born to get hold of a similar hairstyle. The master reported that the technique is called carving or soft perm, it should be done a couple of weeks after dyeing. I counted the days, and when it was time, I rushed to the hairdresser. Carving done in an hour, I was 100% satisfied. I look like a Hollywood movie star - fresh, young with a voluminous hairstyle. It is a pity that it lasts only 3 months, but the price is affordable, so it will not hit the family budget.

Radical hair volume: salon procedures

Perhaps we will begin with new salon procedures that promise long-term chic basal hair volume for a relatively low price.

One of the procedures that promises to give volume to hair is called the buzzword Boost Up. What does Boost Up look like?

Boost up - this is a close-up perm hair. In different salons for this procedure using different compositions, some are sparing, others are not very. Advertising this new technology to create a core volume of hair promises that the hair will remain healthy, and the effect will last at least three, or even six months. Reviews on various sites claim that the root volume of the bustap lasts a really long time. But here there are some nuances. If you have long dense, heavy hair, then the effect from the basal volume will be less noticeable, but if you do Boost Up on short hair, then the effect will be obvious. If you have ever done a biowave or carving, then you can well imagine what is at stake and for how long the volume will be held by you.

Radical hair volume, photo technology Boost UP (Bustap)

Boost Up is essentially the same carving, only the root zone. The lower strands curl, so the waves will either be barely noticeable, or they will not be visible at all. Over time, the hair will grow back, and curls are likely to straighten, so you will not see a sharp transition. Although it all depends on the composition used! Some reviews suggest otherwise. If the composition is cheap, poor quality or master has exceeded the time of the procedure, then the curls will not straighten. The girls write that as the hair grows, the volume “slides” down and you have to do the procedure again, or cut your hair shortly. At home, trying to create a basal volume of hair using chemistry I do not advise. Very likely to spoil the hair. In the salon, the procedure costs from 4000 rubles. But it should be done about once every half a year. So hair will be more whole.

Radical volume of hair for long hair photo before and after

It is recommended to make a similar perm for basal hair volume for girls and women with thin hair. But to completely do without styling will not work. Hair at the roots strongly push, they have to pull a little ironing. But the bustap does not greatly affect the quality of the main mass of hair. But the hair at the roots, of course, will require more thorough care after bustap. You will need to use moisturizers. By the way, you will not be able to wash your hair after the procedure every day. Oh happiness! After all, after the bustup, the basal volume of hair is kept quite well, and the hair does not become greasy for a long time.

Radical volume of hair for long and medium hair, photo before and after

Radical volume of hair for long hair photo before and after

Radical volume of hair for long hair photo before and after

Reviews: what they write about Boost Up

But not everything is so rosy with basal chemistry for the volume of hair, as it seems. The procedure is still expensive and the result that was not originally intended is not always obtained, and it will be difficult to correct the situation with the unsuccessful wave. Moreover, Boost Up takes a lot of time, because the procedure is quite long and pleasant enough in it. There is one more nuance in the creation of basal volume with the help of bustap. Despite the fact that the advertisement promises that all sparing means, the hair will have to be restored by no less expensive cosmetics than Boost Up itself. But still the most frequent negative headline of reviews on this procedure sounds like this: “Two months of joy, the rest is a nightmare!”. Most girls complain that the hair is badly damaged and not straightened.

Bottom volume of hair photo after the procedure Boost UP (Bustap). Reviews

Summarize: the result from bustap usually impressive. Not hair, but a dream! But over time, it breaks into a harsh reality. Still, if you read the reviews, you can find more minuses than some positive points. The first months, the basal volume of hair pleases, and then you are very disappointed in this procedure.

Buffant - an alternative to Boost Up

Buffant differs from bustap by curling hair at the roots. It is nicer and faster, because hairpins are not used, also there will be no wrinkles on your hair, the root bend will look more natural. For more information about the basal volume of hair called Buffant, see the video.

Vlissing also allows you to achieve a chic basal hair volume, but in a slightly different way. More precisely, the composition for the curling is different and the curlers are not used. That is why your hair will not show wrinkles. Bottom volume of hair is done using a comb (combing the hair in a special way) and the subsequent processing of the chemical root zone by means. The procedure does less harm to the hair than the bustap and it is much more pleasant. Especially it concerns aroma, used cosmetics. And it takes almost half the time. For more information about the basal volume of hair on the technology of gliding, see the video.

These are the three most fashionable and popular salon treatments now, with which you can achieve a “wow” effect and an unprecedented basal hair volume. How to give hair volume at home, read on. There are some very simple and straightforward ways.

Corrugation to create volume

Recently, another very simple way of creating a voluminous hairstyle, which lasts for two or three days, has become popular.

How to make the root volume of hair on their own, now it will become clear. Buy yourself a hair straightener or a hair iron for basal volume. To get a fluffy hairstyle, iron the shirring, but not all of the hair, but only the basal areas (like a bustap). Styling products can not be used, because such a volume will last several days. Head do not have to wash. There is one drawback of this technology styling. A little will be seen corrugation, but in general it does not spoil the hairstyle.

Create a basal hair volume by corrugating hair at the roots, photo

The article lists the most popular ways to create the effect of thick and voluminous hair. Which one to choose: salon technology or try your hand at home, you decide.

Perhaps you know some other ways to create the effect of the root volume of the hair. Share them in the comments. Also read about the salon news hair dyeing: Booking of hair and balayazh.


Watch the video: Amazing Natural Hairstyles for Black Women - Short, Medium & Long Natural Hair Ideas 2018 (July 2024).