
11 things not to do with dyed hair


Sometimes you want to change something in your life. Well, at least hair color. Why? Now it is easy to do. You just need to buy paint, invite a friend as a personal hairdresser, and in less than an hour, your hair will get the desired color. But not everything is so simple. Hair coloring is a delicate matter, and sometimes ends in very unpleasant surprises, for example, obtaining a very unexpected shade or a chemical burn of the scalp. To avoid such a fate, check out the basic nuances of home staining.

Rule 1. Remember chemistry

To preserve the brightness and color saturation, and the curls do not expose even more stress, avoid products containing ammonia, coal tar and lead acetate. Run away from them like the plague! If you do not know the alternative, talk to your colorist, who will select the caring products for you personally and your hair color.

Rule 2. We provoke amnesia.

And we forget about the usual shampoos and balms! Alas, the habitual and suitable for you before coloring means is now forbidden! Replace your shampoo and balsam with funds for dyed hair, so you will save curls from leaching of pigment. Try to choose the means of one brand, only this way you will provide your hair with complete care. And it is very important to select them based on the state of curls. After staining, they are often overdried, so buy a moisturizing line.

Rule 2. Oil oily, or how to save dyed hair

Oils firmly entered our lives, in which only cases we do not use them. Both from a hair loss, and for moistening, and for oil wrappings. It turns out that just because of its penetrating properties, oil contributes to the leaching of pigment, and therefore it becomes banned! Especially dangerous are all your favorite oils: castor, burdock and olive. Fortunately, you can use coconut, almond or jojoba oil, they have a lighter structure! But, do not get carried away with this more than once a week and do not keep oil on your head for more than fifteen minutes. By the way, it is also better to refuse deeply penetrating hair masks for famous brands if you want to keep the color.

Rule 3. Say no to alcohol

Calm, a glass of wine once a week you can afford! These are products for hair containing alcohol. It dries curls extremely, pulling moisture out of them. Believe me, the paint on this and so "worked." Alcohol hides under the word “alcohol” most often in light hair oils (remember point 2?), Skins and tonic.

Rule 4. Dyed hair protesting against hot water.

Yes, now it is just vital for you to wash your hair with warm, and preferably with cool water. Hot water washes away the pigment that is so important to you, so you will have to paint more often. So you just turn your curls in tow, deprive them of their brilliance and natural moisture.

Rule 5. Forget about the hair dryer and styler.

Well, or use them in extreme cases! The reason is the same - high temperatures contribute to leaching of the pigment. And it also dries hair, which already requires a special approach after dyeing. Your choice is natural drying, curlers and indelible straighteners. If you still can not do without a hair dryer or curling, process the hair with thermal protection products, and during the drying of the hair dryer, turn on the cold mode.

Disgusting things that each did

1. Wears the same bra, at least a week.

2. Wears the same bra about once every six weeks, because he is the only one who fits a certain blouse and never erases it.

3. Wears an old bra that no longer matches the size of the breast, but parting with this thing is very difficult.

4. Put the dirty bra in the laundry basket, and then takes it out again, after realizing that others are less comfortable.

Disgusting things that all girls do

10. Pulls out long hair stuck in the most unexpected parts of the body, including quite intimate ones.

11. Use special scissors. for trimming pubic hair.

12. Or use old scissors for this purpose, hoping no one will find out.

13. Accidentally hooking the skin, get a wound on it and get angry at such an oversight at itself.

The most disgusting things

14. Wears panties with a hole at the most piquant place just because there is no time to sew it, and throwing a thing is a pity.

15. Eats food fallen in the neck.

16. Uses your bra as a pocket, because everyone knows, pockets on pants or jeans are a pretty useless thing for a girl.

Terrible things

17. Stores something in a bra, then forgets about it. And he remembers only when he removes a bra for the night, and this is something that falls out of it.

18. Masterfully removes a bra without engaging the upper part of the body.

19. And does this almost every time when coming home from work.

20. Shaving legs only if they know that they will be visible.

The worst things

21. Shaves only that part of the leg, which will not be covered by clothes.

22. Shaving toes.

23. But it happensthat forgets to shave toes.

24. In secret rejoices that on hair removal legs the master, without asking, also removes the hair from the toes.

Things You Cannot Tell About

27. Squeezes and pushes the chest to the chin to see how she looked in a corset.

28. Flattens the chest and pushes it down to imagine how it will look in old age.

29. Plucks hairs growing around the nipple, as well as in the navel and below.

30. Squeezes acne, even if they are not ripe yet.

1. Coloring hair at home: beware that a new hair color will not spoil your appearance

Sometimes the change in the color of the girls ’hair is pushed by the desire to become like a famous actress or singer. We will not dispute the immaculate appearance of the stars, but it is worth noting that crowds of professional stylists work on their image. They initially determine what Beyonce or Madonna will look like in a new image. Therefore, you also need to think about whether you will go a new hair color. By the way, to facilitate the task, you can use the hairstyle selection program on the website

Rule 6. No permanent!

Perhaps you dreamed to completely change the image, dye your hair and do a perm? No no and one more time no! Otherwise, you will have to forget about healthy and beautiful hair. There must be a pause of at least two months between these procedures!

1. You do not have to be constantly happy.

Sometimes you wake up and you feel that there is no point in getting out of bed. Sometimes luck is just not on your side: you didn’t write the test well, but the same guy who makes your heart beat faster chose not you, but a more blond girl with a dazzling smile. And sometimes everything goes like clockwork - you write a test for 5+, and that guy's heart beats with the same speed as yours just by looking at you. But even on good days, you might not want to get out of bed. Even good days can be “bad.”

You should know that sometimes you may experience strange depression, which has nothing to justify and the cause of which cannot be traced. You need to know what makes you feel miserable and depressed. It's all about depression and anxiety. You are not a freak. And you are definitely not alone. Know that people love you and care about you, even if you don’t notice it now.

Know that everything will work out. And then worsen. And then everything will get better again. Know that every day is unique. But the most important thing you need to know is that you deserve every single day.

2. Do not expect that in the end you will get the same color as on the package

The picture on the package with paint does not always correspond to the final result of staining. Here plays the role of the base hair color, their structure, the state of health of the hair and even the day of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, immediately prepare for possible surprises. And better, do a test test on one of the inner strands. If the resulting color suits you, you can safely paint all the hair.

3. Leave hope to turn from a blonde to a brunette and vice versa after one coloring

If you have brightened your hair for a long time and suddenly decided to become a burning brunette, after the first coloring you will not get it for sure. In the best case, the result will resemble unsuccessful highlighting, and in the worst - spotty wet asphalt. With the reincarnation of a brunette in a blonde, things are even worse. After the procedure, your hair can get a bright red color, which is very difficult to paint over.

At home, it is really good to repaint only 2-3 tones from the original shade. Therefore, if you decide to drastically change the hair color, contact a professional or get ready to hide the hair under a headdress for several months.

4. Hair coloring at home: test for an allergic reaction

This is necessary to avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of a rash, puffiness or anaphylactic shock. Especially if you use the dye for the first time, because it may contain elements to which your body will react inadequately. The test is very easy: you just need to put a little paint on the inside of the elbow, behind the ear or on the neck and wait a few minutes. If no unusual reactions follow, you can continue coloring.

6. After dyeing, refrain from washing the hair for a couple of days.

In order for the dye pigment to be fixed on the hair, it takes about 48 hours. If you wash your hair with shampoo earlier than 2 days after dyeing, the paint will not last long and in 1-2 weeks the color of the hair will become less saturated and dull. Another nuance. If you want the dye to last longer, give up dandruff shampoo in favor of shampoo for dyed hair.

7. Hair coloring: do not overdo the paint more than the time specified in the instructions

Instructions for use are put in a paint box for a reason. If you take the initiative and hold the paint on the hair is not 30 minutes, but an hour and a half, you can pretty much harm the health of the hair. Moreover, the hair color will not become more saturated, since the dye acts only for a certain period of time, and after that it only harms the hair.

9. Do not forget that hair dye is very poorly washed and reluctant to wash

Before painting, protect your work area: put a floor, a table, and other objects around with newspapers or polyethylene. Clothes also need to be hidden under a safe shelter so as not to stain it with paint. The parts of the skin that most often fall under the “distribution” when dyeing the hair (forehead, ears, back of the neck), it is better to smear it with fat cream in advance.

11. Apply dye evenly to hair.

If you do not want to turn into a spotty little animal, apply paint evenly, combing each treated strand. Begin coloring from a nape. On this part of the head, the skin has a lower temperature and therefore the hair here needs more time to dye. If you have long hair, do not refuse assistance. After all, evenly handle the rear strands independently is not an easy task.

Well, everything, now you are ready to experiment with your hair. Good luck! And don't let the result disappoint you.

Rule 7. Say no to natural dyes.

After you have ruined (God forbid!) Hair with paint, it seems very tempting to switch to natural dyes. But henna, basma and other similar agents in combination with chemical pigment can give a completely unexpected result. Therefore, if the usual coloring you disappointed, wait until the hair grows before the "hit" in the natural. By the way, the same applies to hair masks based on henna or basma!

Rule 8. Dyed hair vs hairbrush

This rule is necessary not only to hack on the nose, but also to carve on the stone. By the way, it concerns not only dyed hair, just in your case it is especially important not to neglect this moment. So never brush your wet hair! Use a comb with wide teeth, and start combing from the tips, gradually moving upwards. After dyeing, the hair becomes more porous, which means that it is easiest to damage them by unwise and rough combing.

Rule 10. The sun ruins dyed hair

How nice to soak up the sun, but the heavenly body can make any hair lighter, not to mention dyed. The market is now a lot of tools that protect curls from ultraviolet radiation. We strongly recommend to acquire at least a couple, and it is better to get a nice hat or a hat!

Rule 11. Say no to homegrown recipes

Nowadays, hair washing with soda has become very popular, yes, it may be a good alternative to shampoo, but, believe me, you can forget about the pigment. After the first use of "natural" means, you will notice how the curls have acquired a dull yellowish color. Well, if you are afraid of harm to industrial products, use less aggressive Ayurvedic or sulfate-free shampoos.

2. Determine the saturation of the color of your natural hair.

Imagine that the level of color saturation can be divided into 12 gradations, the first of which will correspond to the tar-black, and the rest will gradually lighten up to twelve. It may take a long time before you see the natural color of your hair again, you may even forget how it looked. As a rule, in people older than 16 years old, the natural hair color is not lighter than 7 steps from our gradation.

3. Get ready for what you have to make changes in the procedure of shampooing

As a rule, dyes containing more ammonium or other bleaching ingredients are used to lighten hair. You, most likely, will notice that the structure of your hair after painting will change, which means you will need a much smaller amount of shampoo and more balm. We recommend that you choose a mild, sulphate-free shampoo and a regenerating mask for your hair.

4. Contact a hairdresser who specializes in hair lightening.

Look at those around you and find those whose hair color you like. Go to this person and ask him which hairdresser he serves. Do not be afraid to ask the same question to people whose hair color you do not like, then you will know where you should not go. If your hairdresser gets a rubber cap and a crochet hook before painting, then go to another hairdresser.

5. Decide on the desired shade.

The color "blond" has a large range of shades. You should know that shades are divided into cold and warm, and also understand what color can suit your skin tone. Bring photos with blond hair that you like (as well as those that you don’t like) and show them to your hairdresser. Only these photos should be realistic, they should not be black and white, and remember that the hair color may look different depending on the illumination of the space around.

6. Be prepared for the fact that you have to change your makeup.

Hair frame your face, so changing the hair color to a lighter one will result in the need to change the lipstick you are using to a different shade.Immediately after going to the hairdresser, go to the cosmetics shop and get recommendations on the make-up of a person who has never seen you before.

7. You must find out if you need highlighting, brightening, or brightening with painting

If your hair color corresponds to the seventh level or higher, then the highlighting procedure may be enough for you. If your hair is darker, then you may need lightening, you can also come up with a base breaker, which brightens the base hair color by one tone. If your hair color corresponds to the fifth level and below, then you may need to lighten followed by painting. You need to get acquainted with these procedures in order to decide on time with all subsequent meetings with the hairdresser.

10. Determine for yourself why you want to become a blonde.

You may have heard that life in blondes is more colorful or you are tired of your hair color, you may have seen how your husband looked at the luxurious blonde with interest ... In any case, let your new look please you! After all, a change of color is the easiest way to radically change yourself, without resorting to the help of a plastic surgeon.

2. Your body is beautiful

Your body is beautiful because it is unique and it is yours. Your proportions will never be as you would like - you will never be high enough, or low, or thin.

But your body is beautiful because it is the body that was given to you. And this body you must learn to love, and you will love it. This is the body that will win in sporting events and swim in the Pacific Ocean. This is a body that will allow you to laugh to stomach cramps over a good joke and dance to your favorite song. You can be unhappy with your body for hours, days, or even months, or you can begin to understand how lucky you are that you have this particular body of yours.

A body that you may hate now, but someday you will love it.

3. You can never figure everything out

You can never look at your life and understand that you are doing everything right for sure. You will ask yourself whether I live in that place, and whether I work at that work and if I spend my free time with those people.

There will be ups and downs in your life. And you will think that you are old enough, and you are still in a complete misunderstanding of what is happening with your life.

But this is all perfectly normal.

And it's normal to take one day to think and hope that you do everything right.

4. You are not obliged to communicate with people who are unpleasant to you.

Sometimes such people correspond to all parameters of popularity, and those who do not fit these parameters sit alone during the lunch break. It is normal to sit alone. And it is normally different from others. It is better to have two good faithful friends than to gather people around you as copies of your collection.

It's normal to do things that you like, even if these things are not so cool. It is normal to dress differently and dye your hair blue. It's normal to listen to a band that nobody listens to except you. I assure you that almost everyone who was popular in school did not retain their popularity in the future.

I promise you that at the end of the film, eccentrics always win.

5. Be polite to your parents.

I know that your parents now seem to you the biggest problem. And I know that Mom really should knock before entering your room. And believe me, I understand how terrible it is that she threw out your favorite disc. But be polite to your parents, because they are all that you have.

Be polite to them because now you may not fully understand what sacrifices they are making for you. Be polite, because when you grow up, you will understand that it’s not so easy to provide yourself with a roof over your head and food on the table. Be polite because they deserve it.

6. Wounds in your heart tighten.

You must break your heart for once in your life and it will be very painful for you. You will fall in love so much that every cell of your body will be filled with love, and then it will hurt you unbearably. It is so unbearable that with each exhalation you will feel the pain seeping from the wounds of your heart.

But you will remember only the good moments and forget about the bad ones. Your selective memory will only remember kisses under bright evening lanterns, and it will completely erase the memories of the quarrels.

And one day you will forget about the wounds in your heart for a few minutes, then maybe for an hour. And then for the whole day. And for the whole week.

And when you still remember your wounds, I promise you that they will no longer disturb you so much.


Watch the video: 15 Hair Hacks And Hairstyles Every Girl Should Know! (July 2024).