
The most original hairstyles of football players


Football is a very dynamic sport. Football players love stylish haircuts that are able to maintain their appearance throughout the game, which lasts 90 minutes or more. Football players set the trend for haircuts, which are becoming popular due to the huge army of fans.

The most famous players who constantly go on the field with a new stylish hairstyle: Cristiano Ronaldo, Leonel Messi, Gareth Bale, David Beckham.

These football superstars are idols of style for their fans, who follow and try to imitate their idols. In this article, we will list the most stylish haircuts of football superstars who are the trendsetters in the world among guys.

Football player hairstyles in 2017.

Guys around the world are football fans and individual players. Most fans easily recognize their idols on the field thanks to their excellent playing technique, but the girls are known for football players, in most cases, because of their stylish hairstyles.

Famous football players spend time not only on training, but also on the formation of their corporate image, including through fashionable haircuts or tattoos.

This article provides examples of 15 haircuts of popular players who you will surely like. Go…

Gareth Bale

Stylish hairstyle with combed back and shaved temples from Gareth Bale, Real Madrid player.

David Louise

David Louise is the owner of hair with an interesting texture in the form of curls. If you have similar hair, you can make yourself the same interesting hairstyle.

Gerard Piquet

Gerard Piqué is not only an excellent central defender of Barcelona and the Spanish national team, but also the husband of the singer Shakira.

Olvier Giroud

Olvier Giroud, French footballer. Hair combed back with side parting look very stylish.

Marco Reus

Marco Reus with his interesting haircut looks good and interesting. The tips of the hair are highlighted by bleaching.

Javier Pastore

Javier Pastore and his swift with a shaved pattern on the side.

Gareth Bale

Another hairstyle from Gareth Bale. Shaved parting adds volume to the swift.

Marco royce

German footballer, the extreme attacking midfielder of the club "Borussia" (Dortmund) and the German national football team.

Nickname in the team "Woody" because of the cartoon character woodpecker Woody. Royce makes similar head movements.

German footballer, the extreme attacking midfielder of the club "Borussia" (Dortmund) and the German national football team.

Nickname in the team "Woody" because of the cartoon character woodpecker Woody. Royce makes similar head movements.

Cristiano Ronaldo

Brazilian footballer, striker of the Spanish club Barcelona and the national team of Brazil.

At the age of 19, Neymar became a father: his girlfriend, Caroline, who was 17 years old at the time of birth, gave birth to his son David Lukka.

Neymar is a deeply religious man. Is he.

Brazilian footballer, striker of the Spanish club Barcelona and the national team of Brazil.

At the age of 19, Neymar became a father: his girlfriend, Caroline, who was 17 years old at the time of birth, gave birth to his son David Lukka.

Neymar is a deeply religious man. He attends church at least once a week.

Mario Balotelli

A football player seeking to prove himself in everything: on the field, in his hair, in his utterances. Here are just a few quotes of this sharp-tongued football player:

“To play for Barcelona?” I do not play with girls "
“Silvio Berlusconi says that the most talented Italian player is Antonio Cassano.

A football player seeking to prove himself in everything: on the field, in his hair, in his utterances. Here are just a few quotes of this sharp-tongued football player:

“To play for Barcelona?” I do not play with girls "
“Silvio Berlusconi says that the most talented Italian player is Antonio Cassano. Or he is lying, or simply does not know about the existence of Balotelli. "
“Mourinho is the best trainer in the world, but he still needs to learn good manners in order to respect the rest.”
“When City fans are singing songs about me, I feel warm in my heart. Let them know that even if there is no smile on my face, it is inside of me. ”
“Why am I not celebrating goals? Because football is my job. The postman does not jump and does not clap his hands after each posted letter. ”
“Mancini says that sometimes he wants to hit me? Ha, he can't. I do Thai boxing. ”
"Wayne Rooney, of course, is good, but he is not the best football player in Manchester."
“Somehow the police searched me and found in my back pocket 5 thousand pounds. They wondered why I wear that kind of money in jeans. I answered them: “Because I am rich.”
“Why did I throw a dart at a youth player?” I was bored".
"I'm not a bad guy, I'm just shy."
"Why always Me?"
"Everyone who doesn't know me personally thinks I'm an idiot."
“I burned my house? First, it was not I who lit this firecracker, and second, only the toilet burned down. And the curtain.
“What if journalists go beyond?” They need to kill "

Features sports haircuts and hairstyles

Stylish hairstyle is the calling card of the stars of world football. The basis of the fashionable image can serve as an unusual hair color, bangs, and shaved pattern on the head. The appearance of the players is always carefully considered and evaluated by both well-wishers and skeptical critics.

The first want to try on the hair on yourself, the latter are looking for any flaws in style and technique.

When choosing a hairstyle for an athlete, it is important that it meets the following criteria:

Many well-known football players are trying to comply with the current fashion trends. But some talented and bright athletes allow themselves to completely ignore the existing trends. They boldly experiment with their appearance, not listening to the opinions of fastidious image makers and stylists.

Welcoming the players entering the field, football fans can see a wide variety of haircuts and hairstyles. When choosing a hairstyle, famous footballers can afford any liberties: cut their hair, grow a bun or tail, shave an unusual pattern on their hair, braid African braids. Many fans of an athlete from among the fans with great enthusiasm will follow the example of his idol. This is how the emergence of fashion trends for men's hairstyles.

What are the coolest football haircuts?

All popular football haircuts can easily be reduced to any particular model, on the basis of which they are performed.

The following are the most common hairstyle models for football players:

  • boxing,
  • halfbox,
  • undercard,
  • Canadian,
  • Iroquois,
  • male bunch.

Classic Men's Boxing

Haircut boxing has been known for many years, but still enjoys incredible success with the male half of the population. This is largely due to the fact that it is completely unpretentious to care. So that the appearance of the hair was in perfect order, it is enough just to wave the comb several times in the morning.

In this embodiment, the hairstyle is shortly shaved off the temples and the back of the head, and the crown of the hair remains elongated. It is suitable for men with any type of face and hair color. The hairstyle harmoniously looks both with a sports form, and with a business suit.

Many athletes choose the classic box for its convenience and minimal time spent laying. This hairstyle for a long time wore a famous English midfielder David Beckham, the outstanding Portuguese striker Cristiano Ronaldo, captain of the national team of Brazil Neymar da Silva.

Stylish and solid halfbox

Most people of young age prefer this particular hairstyle. In appearance, a halfbox represents the maximum length of hair at the top of the head and the minimum at the sides. Stylists around the world recommend boxing for men with a round or square face type. For men with a triangular face shape, such a haircut will not work.

For many years the existence of this hairstyle masters managed to gain a lot of experience in its implementation. Therefore, you can cut your hair for a half-box in each barbershop. This model is preferred by German footballer Marco Reus, Portuguese midfielder Miguel Veloso and others.

Brave and cheeky underrc

The haircut is characterized by maximum long hair at the crown, an open forehead, short temples, parting trimmed. This version of the hair combines well with a bristle, mustache or beard. This haircut is hard to miss.

Stylists recommend it to young and dynamic young people, on the head of a mature man, such a hairstyle is inappropriate. Do not advise such a haircut and the owners of too thick, wavy and unruly hair. Anderkat requires a certain styling, but on unruly hair it is not easy to make it.

Argentine striker Paulo Dybala is among the most famous football stars. Bosnian and Belgian midfielder Tino Sushich, London Arsenal striker and French national team player Olivier Giroux, Belgian midfielder Steven Defour, successful Argentine forward Sergio Aguero, Welsh striker Gareth Bale wear their hair as well.

Undercut haircut

This is the most current haircut in 2015, which returned to us from the 60s of the last century. Many football players often prefer this form, because it is courageous, yet neat and beautiful.

A key element of the hair is a sharp transition, emphasizing the determination, strength and originality of its owner. A real man, able to make decisions, showing strength of character and responsibility, is the main message of this haircut. Some hairstyles of football players are not universal, that is, they are not suitable for everyone. Speaking about the form of underwriting, it is worth noting that it is not very appropriate for curly hair. This haircut requires a straight and obedient, not tight hair. If you still decide on such a hairstyle, be prepared for daily styling using styling products, including hairspray. This hairstyle favors David Beckham, Neymar.

Classic boxing and boxing

This type of haircuts is very relevant the last few years, besides this form is considered a classic, and therefore many men to face. She characterizes her owner as strong, brutal and purposeful. The convenience of this form is that it always lies well, does not require careful styling, the hair does not stick out in different directions. Football hairstyles based on the classics are not as common, but boxing and half-boxes are an exception. In these haircuts, it is customary to leave the upper part of the hair long, and the back of the head and temples are cut short. If desired, the length of the parietal zone can vary, besides it can be laid in different ways. For example, tousle and fix with varnish, forming a mohawk or performing careless styling with toffee wax, highlighting individual strands. Such forms are preferred by many famous players, for example, David Beckham wore it for a long time, as well as Neymar.

Unusual and cool hairstyles of football players

A number of players prefer very extravagant haircuts and coloring. For example, the most recognizable player in professional football is Mario Balotelli. He is not afraid to experiment with his appearance, and his hairstyles are always the subject of heated discussion. He either wears a disheveled mohawk, or shaves intricate patterns in the middle of his head, shaves his head, paints his hair in some intricate and unusual tone.

French football player Paul Pogba prefers interesting and non-standard hairstyles. For many years, he remained faithful to the mohawa, shaved and painted white or yellow.

Daring and creative men will like Arturo Vidal's hairstyle. He decorates his head with various Iroquois, combining them with fully shaved side zones. However, analyzing the best hairstyles of football players, and deciding in favor of what hairstyle to make a choice, do not forget about the overall style. After all, the secret to the success of many haircuts is that they harmonize perfectly with the whole image. Therefore, the choice of a non-standard hairstyle should be approached very responsibly.

Lionel Messi Hairstyle

Unlike other star athletes, he doesn’t change his style so often, and his haircut almost doesn’t cause any agitated discussions. The famous football player can most often be seen with a classic haircut and good styling. Messi style can be described as sporty, practical and simple. Since in 2015 fashionable hairstyles in the style of minimalism, haircut football player is the best fit to the new trend. After all, an active lifestyle does not allow you to sit in salons for hours, spend a lot of time on long-term care and styling.

The secret of the attractiveness of his hair in a good style. For this, it is very important to use high-quality products with strong or extra-strong fixation. Lay bangs up or to the side, like Messi, it is best with matte wax. It does not leave a greasy shine, and the hairstyle looks as natural as possible. Then you need to sprinkle with varnish, fixing the styling. The hairstyles of football players in this style do not take much time and do not require much effort to maintain the desired effect.

Neymar de Silva haircut

Considering stylish hairstyles, one can not forget this football player, because he wears the most stylish and creative forms. Neymar began his experiments with a hairstyle in his early years. In his service record, he noted bald baldness, all kinds of Iroquois, dreadlocks and creative disorder. However, the canons of style are the same for everyone, and Neymar came to the classic halfbox, experimenting in every possible way with such a strict form.

His most recent haircut, made in 2015, has become very popular and has fallen in love with the whole world - this is a recumbent mohawk. A distinctive feature of this form is that it does not fit upright, against the growth of hair. Rather, it is directed to the face. And the football player experimenting in every way, growing whiskey, stabbing them and shaving out unusual patterns.

Haircut bun

This is another trendy haircut and a great ally for men involved in sports. Such hairstyles for men, including football players, are becoming more common. This year, a high beam, combined with the effect of smooth hair. This haircut forms a certain style, appropriate in a business setting, and in sports, everyday. Some players combine this hairstyle with shaved temples or nape. It looks very stylish and sophisticated.

Shaved haircut

This form is incredibly popular among football players. Many of them prefer to shave only one temple, complementing it with creative shaved patterns and bright colors. This hairstyle has a large variety of options and is able to strongly emphasize the individuality of its owner. In addition, it is well adjusts facial features. She has no flaws.

Modern hairstyles of famous football players are very diverse and do not have clear canons of performance. In order to get the form, like your favorite athlete, it is enough to show the photo to an experienced master who will soberly assess whether such a haircut will go to you, and in which case he will offer additional options.

The implementation of hairstyles football players

Very often, it is athletes who set the basic trends and fashion for certain hairstyles.They do not spare money for the services of stylists, hairdressers, and at home they have a lot of care and styling products.

The most beautiful hairstyles of football players are able to express the individuality and excellent taste of the owner. However, before embodying a bold idea of ​​changing the image in life, a man must understand that a whole army of image-makers is working on a star football player. The average young man can be helped by a trip to the hairdresser, where the following questions should be discussed with a specialist:

  • face shape
  • hair structure
  • possible correction of hairstyle in the future,
  • simplicity or complexity of daily styling.

After all, fashionable hairstyles of football players can look stunning only before the first shampooing. After that, a man may face problems, because he simply does not know exactly how to put his hair and bring his haircut to its original appearance.

Choosing a shocking hairstyle, like football players, you need to assess how appropriate it will be in everyday life. Indeed, in many offices there is a dress code, and the authorities do not always appreciate such changes in the appearance of their employees. Therefore, you should carefully read the various variations of hairstyles of football players, take into account all the nuances and only then choose the right one.

Like Ronaldo

The huge popularity of football players makes them show high results not only in the game, but also in life. They always look after themselves and constantly maintain their image. In the list of the most stylish athletes, the leading places are firmly occupied by football player Cristiano Ronaldo. Thanks to his fashionable haircut, the Portuguese athlete even on the field does not cease to be a stylish and elegant man.

It was Cristiano Ronaldo who was not once recognized as the best footballer in the world, for which many men are equal to him, and women are considered hot, handsome. This is not surprising, since his appearance inspires many girls around the world, and the excellent physical training makes the guys imitate him.

For several years, Ronaldo has been walking with the same haircut, but there are no doubts that experts work on it every day. The famous footballer chose a hairstyle with a shaggy crown and shaved temples and the back of his head. And the hairstyle is modeled every day with the help of various styling products: hair can be smoothly laid or vice versa - it casually sticks out in different directions, like a mohawk.

In addition to Ronaldo, this hairstyle for themselves was chosen by such players as Olivier Giroud and Sergio Aguero. Hairstyles of famous football players were popular in 2016, but in 2017 they do not give up their positions. Until now, they are in great demand among young guys.

The best mohawks of modern football

Mohawk - this is the haircut, which many players have remained faithful for many years. Choosing for yourself a similar hairstyle, you need to understand that the length and width of the iroquois varies in accordance with personal preferences. Sometimes, it can be more like a classic. A great example of this is the hairstyles of such players as Santos Najmara, Serey Die, Paul Pogb and Arturo Vidal.

Representatives of creative professions can safely try out on themselves similar hairstyles of football players. But people of more serious professions better to refrain from such fundamental changes in appearance.

Neat and elegant sports canadian

Many successful men like the combination of masculinity, accuracy and practicality in the Canadian hairstyle. The advantage of the sports option haircuts is that it does not interfere at all during strenuous workouts and does not cause worries in everyday life. Therefore, it is often chosen by athletes around the world, including football players.

The hairstyle is done by craftsmen with the help of scissors and a machine with different size nozzles. Before starting haircuts, it is necessary to determine which side will be parted. Further, the crown is cut with scissors, and the machine is used to form a smooth transition from short to long strands. Edging is done with a machine or scissors. The bangs and hair from the top of the head are combed to the side or up.

Stylists recommend this universal hairstyle to men of any age and with any type of hair. Outstanding Argentine striker Lionel Messi, Dutch midfielder Stein Shars, and English midfielder Steven Gerrard prefer Canadian players.

Scandalous and creative Mohawk

Mohawk is not included in the number so-called sports haircuts. The emergence of this hairstyle originates from the warlike tribes of Indians living in the United States and Canada. They formed their Iroquois before the battle with the help of a viscous substance derived from wood resin. After that, they dyed their hair in a bright color. So they tried to frighten their opponent, to demonstrate aggression, strength and readiness to fight. For the Indians, the mohawk was not just a hairstyle, but a symbol of courage and fearlessness.

Later in the last quarter of the 20th century, the Mohawk received a second birth due to the popularity among informal groups of young people, especially among the punks and ready. They fixed their hairstyle no longer with the resin of the tree, but with various improvised means. Usually in the course were beer or sweet water.

After a while, well-known football players began to choose this hairstyle for themselves. For athletes, the choice of iroquois is not considered an indicator of belonging to a subculture or adherence to some informal judgments. For them, this is an effective way to express themselves and emphasize their individual style.

Stylists do not recommend this haircut use gentlemen from the business community. At the same time for talented and bright athletes outrageous mohawk is quite acceptable. Examples of this include the Ghanaian striker Asamoah Gyan, French central midfielder of Guinean origin Paul Pogba, Italian striker Mario Balotelli, Chilean midfielder Arturo Vidal, Portuguese midfielder Raul Meireles, Ivorian defensive midfielder Série Dieu, Japanese defender Azuli Meireles, Ivorian defensive midfielder Série Dieu, Japanese defender Kazuliuki, Azouriu, Japan’s defender Azure, half-time defender, Syrian Dieu, Japan’s midfielder Raúl Meireles, Ivorian midfielder Seoul Dieu, Japanese quarterback Raul Meireles and many others.

Men's trend bundle

Initially, male samurai and people working in cafes and restaurants wore a male bun. And this was not done for aesthetic reasons. A knot of hair was used solely as an element of practicality, to remove long strands from the face.

Now, the male beam on the head of famous athletes is part of their style. And the fashionable men's bunch is appropriate in a sports setting, as well as in business and everyday. Some athletes combine this hairstyle with clipped temples or nape. This option looks sophisticated and stylish.

The Real Madrid and Wales team player Gareth Bale, Algerian striker Nabil Hylas, can boast the bundle.

How to choose a sporty image

Famous football stars free to choose any haircut. Thus, they set up fashion trends to follow for fans and just fans.

Such hairstyles include: boxing and halfboxing, Canadian, underrun, beam and Iroquois. Of course, this list does not include all types of sports hairstyles, but only the most popular ones. In addition, each man can modify the recommended standard for his personality.

Trendy haircuts are not suitable for everyone. Selection of a specific option Hairstyles should be made taking into account the shape of the face, the structure of the skull, the quality and density of the hair.

In addition to this, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of clothing and lifestyle. All these moments require a man seeking to copy the image of his idol, careful attention to the choice of his style.

Length options

Fashionable haircut - the calling card of football stars. The basis of a stylish image can be bangs, and a shaven pattern on the back of the head, and even an unusual hair color.

Journalists often make the ratings of the most non-trivial haircuts of sports stars. Here, for example, a video showing the most stylish hairstyles of football players.

Cool and funny male images with shaved temples

Sometimes football hairstyles - this is the only thing that adorns the game team. Here many athletes simply have no equal. They look on the field as if they had just left the barber's chair.

  1. Mario Balotelli hairstyles cause a lively response among football fans and in people far from sports. In addition to the beloved Mohawk, from time to time he decorates his head with fancy patterns, necessarily adding bright, expressive colors.
  2. Djibril Cisse is not far behind. He allows stylists to create real works of hairdressing on their heads that look amazing in combination with a painted beard.
  3. Argentinean Rodrigo Palacio hairstyle can be called rather unusual. After all, over the past years he has been cherishing and nourishing a thin “mouse” tail, carefully shaving off the rest of the hair. If the purpose of this hairstyle is to distract the enemy, then this can be done very successfully.
  4. Paul Pogba is not always different leadership game, but his hairstyle ahead of the wildest imagination.
  5. The footballer and his stylists draw inspiration from everything from nature to cartoons.

Stylish and strong

The most prominent representatives who demonstrate fashionable haircuts are considered to be Cristiano Ronaldo and David Beckham. Recently, both preferred the trend direction - undercut, the main features of which are:

  • clean-shaven temporal and nape areas
  • elongated strands in the parietal region,
  • instead of parting - shaved strip.

This variation is universal and allows you to modify the styling. Ronaldo's hair looks amazing. Combed to the side with wet hair, they give the appearance of special masculinity and elegance.

Beckham's hairstyle has a more elongated parietal area. And he prefers to comb the hair back, creating volume and airiness.

No less famous footballer Marco Royce tried on a dynamic image on himself. Unlike Beckham and Ronaldo, who changed haircuts several times during a football career, Royce from the very beginning saw a lot of advantages of this model.

Speaking of the undercard, it should be noted that this variation is not suitable for everyone. Ideal for straight and soft head of hair. Holders of curly hair on nature, with a rigid structure will have to spend a lot of time on styling.

Bold and bold

Not all players are modest, some tend to shock the public with their outrageous haircuts.
Mario Balotelli showed a complete collection of Iroquois, shaved patterns and crazy colors.

Iroquois occupied a solid place in the life of football players. They have long ceased to be an attribute of non-formals, and modern performance has many modifications. This is a comfortable, fashionable and bold model, which is chosen by confident men.

Arturo Vidal shows his interpretation of the comb on his head, edging it with shaved stripes.

The Neymar hairstyle is a little out of the general trend, but it is impossible not to mention it. To stand out from the total mass of players, he chose a wide long comb, the ends of which are painted in a light tone.

Paul Pogba has repeatedly surprised viewers with his unusual and bold decisions in the use of hair dye.

Portuguese footballer Luis Nani distinguished himself by originality when he shaved his number in the center of the star.

Athletic restraint

Lionel Messi pays little attention to fashion trends, mostly standing out for his skill. Restraint is inherent in his hair, on the field and outside the game, he looks elegant and courageous.

Haircuts based on classic football players are rare, but some people choose Canadian and half boxing. They are practical, do not require time-consuming installation, while they look quite decent.

The main distinguishing features of the Canadian from the demi-box are:

  • smoothness of the line of transition from the side sections to the crown,
  • in the parietal zone strands are much longer.

Dreadlocks, long hair, smoothly shaved head, creative coloring and much more demonstrate the stars of world football.

For many in 2015, the most relevant solution is minimalism. Long strands, tangled braids faded into the background, giving way to ultra-short sports haircuts.

Summarizing, we can distinguish several popular options that came to taste the stars of world football:

Football players are public people who will always be discussed not only their game, but also their appearance. The status obliges to stand out, some manage to create unique unique bows, which later become an example to follow, others surprise with outrageous images.

David Beckham said: “Hairstyle is an important part of the game. After all, how I look depends on the popularity of football as a whole. ”

Apparently, many athletes are guided by this statement, trying to shape the football culture through their appearance.

Long hair and headbands

Although it can be assumed that long hair can interfere with the game and good results, many football players do not cease to prove the opposite. Moreover, they also insist that it is the long hair that makes the pain in case of injuries not so strong and helps to score a head. Vivid examples were Marouane Fellaini and Edison Cavani.

Some players have more original preferences than just long curls. For example, the curly hair of football player from Cameroon Benoit Assou-Ekotto and Mexico’s goalkeeper Guillermo Ochoa always “hold” various dressings.

So, dreadlocks, long hair and sports headbands can also be attributed to stylish hairstyles, like those of football players.

Epatage in trend

Football players are those star men who fully have the opportunity to demonstrate audacity, hardness of their character and outrageous. Vivid examples of such behavior are Italian national team player Mario Balotelli and French football player Djibril Cisse.

It is they and many other athletes who love to shock the public, showing bright and outrageous hairstyles. For them, multicolored stripes and numbers corresponding to their number are quite familiar.

Whether cool hairstyles of football players of a similar plan are appropriate in everyday life is up to you. You just need to understand that with such a hairstyle you will need to appear not only in a bar with friends, but also at work.

Funny experiments with hair

Sometimes it also happens that hairstyles may be the only thing that adorns the football team. And in this case, many athletes equal simply can not be found. On the field, they look bright and always stand out among the crowd.

Rodrigo Palacio hairstyle looks unusual due to a thin “mouse” tail, which he has not shaved off for several years. Thanks to this haircut, you can easily distract the enemy on the field.

Not so long ago, Ivan Perisic, one of the main Croatian players, distinguished himself. He entered the field with brightly colored hair. Original "checkered" on the head corresponded to the player's red and white form.

Footballer Ratinho looked no less original, and during the Brazil Cup, he came out with a haircut in the shape of a soccer ball.

If you like the hairstyles of football players and something like that you want to do on your head, then first of all you need to compare the future haircut with your image and see if it suits you. You need to choose the haircut that will match the appearance and decorate the man.

Short haircuts

From the point of view of athletes, short haircuts are comfortable and versatile.However, stylists and hairdressers are sure of the opposite: caring for short hair is an order of magnitude more difficult than long hair. Why? Model hairstyles of football players require much attention: constant styling, regular length trimming, tinting of growing roots - yes, stylish men can also dye their hair or highlight individual strands.

And what hairstyles are popular with masters of sports? It all depends on taste and personal preferences. So, special love enjoy haircuts With a bang, because with its help you can change the image in two accounts. A few strokes of the stylist’s hands, a couple of drops of styling means - and that “fatal macho” turned into “his boyfriend”, flashing a white-toothed smile.

Editorial Board

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Fashionable haircuts for athletes

As the tabloids indicate, the most famous athletes choose short hair and shaved patterns. This combination looks very fresh and extremely fashionable.

There are many variations of shaved patterns, but in favor of traditional smooth patterns and as a contrast - broken straight lines. Lightening of individual strands or even full coloring of hair fits very well into such an image.

Some athletes successfully manage to combine several trends in hairstyle. For example, long hair at the top of the head is successfully combined with shaved patterns on the temples. Every year this option is becoming more popular, and more and more football stars are resorting to a similar mix.

Classic and Modern

What hairstyles of football players can be called the most popular? Who do the fans want to emulate? What haircuts should every master working with football fans know? Below is a list of the most famous hairstyles, both classic and modern.

The most popular and sexy variation of "football" hairstyle. Its classic version is often diluted with shaved temples and patterns. Some athletes even shave the numbers they play as a team. His preference for it gave Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the sexiest and brutal stars of world football.

A very unusual option - the combination of long strands at the crown and short, a few millimeters, temples becomes the key to an unusual and extremely memorable bow.

Mohawk - universal hairstyle. You can adjust it using the length of the strands and hair color. It is easy to “get out” of such a hair in pigtails, dreadlocks, or remove the length of hair in general.

Neymar is considered the main admirer and practically the ideologist of the Iroquois. During his career in world football, he demonstrated a variety of both stylistic and color variations, but remained faithful to just such a variant of a haircut.

As can be seen in the photo, such a haircut can be both aggressively defiant, and stressed-brutal - the whole secret in styling. The highlight ends of the strands add some zest, completing the image.

Well, see how to make a haircut "a la Neymar", you can in this video.

One of the most stylish and elegant options for haircuts. The contrast of short-cropped temples and long enough hair at the crown creates a brutal and courageous image. No wonder such a haircut is one of the most popular in beauty salons. In addition, the undercard is also very convenient, because it can always be changed by playing with the length of the hair. Tired of such a haircut? Half an hour in the stylist's chair and you have a trendy halfbox or even a categorical “hedgehog”. Well, if you add color to your haircut, you can safely change the image. For several years, David Beckham, the sexiest man in England, has been considered the main fan of underdercats.

Another andercats lover, however, in a slightly more aggressive form, Marco Royce, seeks to highlight the color difference in hair length. The upper, longer strands, and so fairly light from nature, Royce "highlights" in a natural blond.

See how you can make a haircut like a famous football player.

For a football player, hairstyle is not only a convenience. Being able to combine universality, fashion and sexuality in a haircut is the pinnacle of the stylist's skill.


Watch the video: The 40 Ugliest Funny And Cool Hairstyles In Football History (July 2024).